978 resultados para COOL STARS


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It is well known that magnetic activity in late-type stars increases with increasing rotation rate. Using inversion techniques akin to medical imaging, the rotationally broadened profiles from such stars can be used to reconstruct `Doppler images' of the distribution of cool, dark starspots on their stellar surfaces. Interacting binaries, however, contain some of the most rapidly rotating late-type stars known and thus provide important tests of stellar dynamo models. Furthermore, magnetic activity is thought to play a key role in their evolution, behaviour and accretion dynamics. Despite this, we know comparatively little about the magnetic activity and its influence on such binaries. In this review we summarise the concepts behind indirect imaging of these systems, and present movies of the starspot distributions on the cool stars in some interacting binaries. We conclude with a look at the future opportunities that such studies may provide.


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Stellar activity, such as starspots, can induce radial velocity (RV) variations that can mask or even mimic the RV signature of orbiting exoplanets. For this reason RV exoplanet surveys have been unsuccessful when searching for planets around young, active stars and are therefore failing to explore an important regime which can help to reveal how planets form and migrate. This paper describes a new technique to remove spot signatures from the stellar line-profiles of moderately rotating, active stars (v sin i ranging from 10 to 50 km s(-1)). By doing so it allows planetary RV signals to be uncovered. We used simulated models of a G5V type star with differing dark spots on its surface along with archive data of the known active star HD 49933 to validate our method. The results showed that starspots could be effectively cleaned from the line-profiles so that the stellar RV jitter was reduced by more than 80 per cent. Applying this procedure to the same models and HD 49933 data, but with fake planets injected, enabled the effective removal of starspots so that Jupiter mass planets on short orbital periods were successfully recovered. These results show that this approach can be useful in the search for hot-Jupiter planets that orbit around young, active stars with a v sin i of similar to 10-50 km/s.


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Recent atomic physics calculations for Si II are employed within the CLOUDY modelling code to analyse Hubble Space Telescope (HST) STIS ultraviolet spectra of three cool stars, β Geminorum, α Centauri A and B, as well as previously published HST/GHRS observations of α Tau, plus solar quiet Sun data from the High Resolution Telescope and Spectrograph. Discrepancies found previously between theory and observation for line intensity ratios involving the 3s23p 2PJ-3s3p2 4PJ' intercombination multiplet of Si II at ~ 2335 Å are significantly reduced, as are those for ratios containing the 3s23p 2PJ-3s3p2 2DJ ~ transitions at ~1816 Å. This is primarily due to the effect of the new Si II transition probabilities. However, these atomic data are not only very different from previous calculations, but also show large disagreements with measurements, specifically those of Calamai et al. for the intercombination lines. New measurements of transition probabilities for Si II are hence urgently required to confirm (or otherwise) the accuracy of the recently calculated values. If the new calculations are confirmed, then a long-standing discrepancy between theory and observation will have finally been resolved. However, if the older measurements are found to be correct, then the agreement between theory and observation is simply a coincidence and the existing discrepancies remain.


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Context. Chromospheric activity produces both photometric and spectroscopic variations that can be mistaken as planets. Large spots crossing the stellar disc can produce planet-like periodic variations in the light curve of a star. These spots clearly affect the spectral line profiles, and their perturbations alter the line centroids creating a radial velocity jitter that might “contaminate” the variations induced by a planet. Precise chromospheric activity measurements are needed to estimate the activity-induced noise that should be expected for a given star. Aims. We obtain precise chromospheric activity measurements and projected rotational velocities for nearby (d ≤ 25 pc) cool (spectral types F to K) stars, to estimate their expected activity-related jitter. As a complementary objective, we attempt to obtain relationships between fluxes in different activity indicator lines, that permit a transformation of traditional activity indicators, i.e., Ca II H & K lines, to others that hold noteworthy advantages. Methods. We used high resolution (~50 000) echelle optical spectra. Standard data reduction was performed using the IRAF ECHELLE package. To determine the chromospheric emission of the stars in the sample, we used the spectral subtraction technique. We measured the equivalent widths of the chromospheric emission lines in the subtracted spectrum and transformed them into fluxes by applying empirical equivalent width and flux relationships. Rotational velocities were determined using the cross-correlation technique. To infer activity-related radial velocity (RV) jitter, we used empirical relationships between this jitter and the R’_HK index. Results. We measured chromospheric activity, as given by different indicators throughout the optical spectra, and projected rotational velocities for 371 nearby cool stars. We have built empirical relationships among the most important chromospheric emission lines. Finally, we used the measured chromospheric activity to estimate the expected RV jitter for the active stars in the sample.


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We present the most recent results of our ongoing long-term high resolution spectroscopic study of nearby (d ≤ 25 pc) FGK stars which aim is to characterize the local properties of the Galaxy, in particular the star-formation history. A through analysis has been carried out for 253 cool stars in the solar neighborhood. This includes radial and rotational velocities determinations, chromospheric activity levels inference, kinematic analysis, and age estimates. This study does not only shed new light on the issue of stellar formation history but also contributes to any present or future mission aiming to detect extra-solar planets. Exo-planets are likely to be found orbiting around nearby cool stars and their detection and characterization is highly dependent on the precise determination of fundamental stellar parameters such as age, activity levels. Therefore, our study is of paramount importance to ensure the success of any such mission.


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As part of a long term effort to understand pre-main sequence Li burning, we have obtained high resolution spectroscopic observations of 14 late type stars (G0-M1) in the young open cluster IC 4665. Most of the stars have Hα filled-in and Li I absorption, as expected for their young age. From the equivalent widths of Hα emission excess (obtained using the spectral subtraction technique) and the the Li i λ6708 feature, we have derived Hα emission fluxes and photospheric Li abundances. The mean Li abundance of IC 4665 solar-type stars is log N(Li) = 3.1; the same as in other young clusters (α Per, Pleiades) and T Tauri stars. Our results support the conclusions from previous works that PMS Li depletion is very small for masses ∼ 1 M_⨀ . Among the IC 4665 late-G and early K-type stars, there is a spread in Li abundances of about one order of magnitude. The Li-poor IC 4665 members have low Hα excess and vsini≤10. Hence, the Li-activity-rotation connection which has been clearly established in the Pleiades also seems to hold in IC 4665. One M-type IC 4665 star that we have observed does not show Li, implying a very efficient Li depletion as observed in α Per stars of the same spectral type. The level of chromospheric activity and Li depletion among the low-mass stars of IC 4665 is similar to that in the Pleiades. In fact, we note that the Li abundance distributions in several young clusters (α Per, Pleiades, IC 2391, IC 4665) and in post T Tauri stars are strikingly similar. This result suggests that Hα emission and Li abundance not well correlated with age for low-mass stars between 20 and 100 Myr old. We argue that a finer age indicator, the ''LL-clock'', would be the luminosity at which the transition between efficient Li depletion and preservation takes place for fully convective objects. The LL-clock could allow in the near future to derive the relative ages of young open clusters, and clarify the study of PMS evolution of cool stars.


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Emission line fluxes from cool stars are widely used to establish an apparent emission measure distribution, EmdApp(Te), between temperatures characteristic of the low transition region and the low corona. The true emission measure distribution, EmdTrue(Te), is determined by the energy balance and geometry adopted and, with a numerical model, can be used to predict EmdApp(Te), to guide further modelling. The scaling laws that exist between coronal parameters arise from the dimensions of the terms in the energy balance equation. Here, analytical approximations to numerical solutions for EmdTrue(Te) are presented, which show how the constants in the coronal scaling laws are determined. The apparent emission measure distributions show a minimum value at some T0 and a maximum at the mean coronal temperature Tc (although in some stars, emission from active regions can contribute). It is shown that, for the energy balance and geometry adopted, the analytical values of the emission measure and electron pressure at T0 and Tc depend on only three parameters: the stellar surface gravity and the values of T0 and Tc. The results are tested against full numerical solutions for e Eri (K2 V) and are applied to Procyon (a CMi, F5 IV/V). The analytical approximations can be used to restrict the required range of full numerical solutions, to check the assumed geometry and to show where the adopted energy balance may not be appropriate. © 2011 The Authors Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society © 2011 RAS.


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Roche tomography is a powerful tool for imaging the surfaces of stars. We have applied it to two contrasting systems, a normal dwarf nova, RU Peg, and the peculiar intermediate polar AE Aqr. Despite these differences, the Roche tomograms of the cool stars in the two systems are remarkably similar. We compare them with tomograms of two other stars, and discuss the differences and similarities. The rotation speed may be critical in determining the surface appearance, and it is strongly recommended that a Roche tomogram be obtained for the bright CV SS Cygni, which would be the fastest-rotating secondary to be studied. In addition, V426 Oph should be re-observed.


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Context: Mg VIII emission lines are observed in a range of astronomical objects such as the Sun, other cool stars and in the coronal line region of Seyfert galaxies. Under coronal conditions Mg VIII emits strongly in the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) and soft X-ray spectral regions which makes it an ideal ion for plasma diagnostics.

Aims. Two theoretical atomic models, consisting of 125 fine structure levels, are developed for the Mg VIII ion. The 125 levels arise from the 2s(2)2p, 2s(2)p2, 2p(3), 2s(2)3s, 2s(2)3p, 2s(2)3d, 2s2p3s, 2s2p3p, 2s2p3d, 2p(2)3s, 2p(2)3p and 2p(2)3d configurations. Electron impact excitation collision strengths and radiative transition probabilities are calculated for both Mg VIII models, compared with existing data, and the best model selected to generate a set of theoretical emission line intensities. The EUV lines, covering 312-790 angstrom, are compared with existing solar spectra (SERTS-89 and SUMER), while the soft X-ray transitions (69-97 angstrom) are examined for potential density diagnostic line ratios and also compared with the limited available solar and stellar observational data.

Methods. The R-matrix codes Breit-Pauli RMATRXI and RMATRXII are utilised, along with the PSTGF code, to calculate the collision strengths for two Mg VIII models. Collision strengths are averaged over a Maxwellian distribution to produce the corresponding effective collision strengths for use in astrophysical applications. Transition probabilities are also calculated using the CIV3 atomic structure code. The best data are then incorporated into the modelling code CLOUDY and line intensities generated for a range of electron temperatures and densities appropriate to solar and stellar coronal plasmas.

Results. The present effective collision strengths are compared with two previous calculations. Good levels of agreement are found with the most recent, but there are large differences with the other for forbidden transitions. The resulting line intensities compare favourably with the observed values from the SERTS-89 and SUMER spectra. Theoretical soft X-ray emission lines are presented and several density diagnostic line ratios examined, which are in reasonable agreement with the limited observational data available.


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To obtain cm/s precision, stellar surface magneto-convection must be disentangled from observed radial velocities (RVs). In order to understand and remove the convective signature, we create Sun-as-a-star model observations based on a 3D magnetohydrodynamic solar simulation. From these Sun-as-a-star model observations, we find several line characteristics are correlated with the induced RV shifts. The aim of this campaign is to feed directly into future high precision RV studies, such as the search for habitable, rocky worlds, with forthcoming spectrographs such as ESPRESSO.


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We report the sky-projected orbital obliquity (spin–orbit angle) of WASP-84 b, a 0.69MJup planet in an 8.52 day orbit around a G9V/K0V star, to be λ = −0.3 ± 1.7°. We obtain a true obliquity of ψ = 17.3 ± 7.7° from a measurement of the inclination of the stellar spin axis with respect to the sky plane. Due to the young age and the weak tidal forcing of the system, we suggest that the orbit of WASP-84b is unlikely to have both realigned and circularized from the misaligned and/or eccentric orbit likely to have arisen from high-eccentricity migration. Therefore we conclude that the planet probably migrated via interaction with the protoplanetary disk. This would make it the first “hot Jupiter” (P d < 10 ) to have been shown to have migrated via this pathway. Further, we argue that the distribution of obliquities for planets orbiting cool stars (Teff < 6250 K) suggests that high-eccentricity migration is an important pathway for the formation of short-orbit, giant planets.


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The activity levels of stars are influenced by several stellar properties, such as stellar rotation, spectral type, and the presence of stellar companions. Analogous to binaries, planetary companions are also thought to be able to cause higher activity levels in their host stars, although at lower levels. Especially in X-rays, such influences are hard to detect because coronae of cool stars exhibit a considerable amount of intrinsic variability. Recently, a correlation between the mass of close-in exoplanets and their host star's X-ray luminosity has been detected, based on archival X-ray data from the ROSAT All-Sky Survey. This finding has been interpreted as evidence for star-planet interactions. We show in our analysis that this correlation is caused by selection effects due to the flux limit of the X-ray data used and due to the intrinsic planet detectability of the radial velocity method, and thus does not trace possible planet-induced effects. We also show that the correlation is not present in a corresponding complete sample derived from combined XMM-Newton and ROSAT data.


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This contribution summarizes the splinter session ``Non-thermal processes in coronae and beyond'' held at the Cool Stars 17 workshop in Barcelona in 2012. It covers new developments in high energy non-thermal effects in the Earth's exosphere, solar and stellar flares, the diffuse emission in star forming regions and reviews the state and the challenges of the underlying atomic databases.


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We propose to observe the M8.5 dwarf SCR J1845-6357 with XMM-Newton EPIC for 60 ks. Very low-mass M dwarfs show a distinct drop in X-ray luminosity compared to slightly more massive M dwarfs. Surprisingly, this does not happen at the mass threshold where M dwarfs become fully convective (M4), but at significantly lower masses (M8). These very low mass stars seem to have a flaring behaviour different from earlier type stars: they display either occasional large flares or a very low-level "flickering" in their X-ray light curves, but not the canonical power-law flare-energy distribution observed for the Sun and other cool stars. Our aim is to collect a long-duration light curve for one of the most nearby ultracool dwarfs to quantify how its flare-energy distribution differs from earlier type stars.


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Alfven waves have been invoked as an important mechanism of particle acceleration in stellar winds of cool stars. After their identification in the solar wind they started to be studied in winds of stars located in different regions of the FIR diagram. We discuss here some characteristics of these waves and we present a direct application in the acceleration of late-type stellar winds. (C) 2009 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.