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Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEis) are widely used anti-hypertensive agents that are also reported to have positive effects on mood and cognition. The present study examined the influence of the ACEi, perindopril, on cognitive performance and anxiety measures in rats. Two groups of rats were treated orally for one week with the ACEi, perindopril, at doses of 0.1 and 1.0mg/kg/day. Learning was assessed by the reference memory task in the water maze, comparing treated to control rats. Over five training days both perindopril-treated groups learnt the location of the submerged platform in the water maze task significantly faster than control rats. A 60s probe trial on day 6 showed that the 1.0mg/kg/day group spent significantly longer time in the training quadrant than control rats. This improved performance in the swim maze task was not due to the effect of perindopril on motor activity or the anxiety levels of the rats as perindopril-treated and control animals behaved similarly in activity boxes and on the elevated+maze. These results confirm the anecdotal human studies that ACEis have a positive influence on cognition and provide possibilities for ACEis to be developed into therapies for memory loss.


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In vitro studies have demonstrated that angiotensin II (ANG II) induces adipocyte hyperplasia and hypertrophy. The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition on body weight, adiposity and blood pressure in Sprague–Dawley rats. From birth half of the animals (n = 15) were given water to drink, while the remainder were administered perindopril in their drinking water (2 mg/kg/day). Food intake, water intake and body weight were measured weekly. Blood pressure was measured by tail cuff plethysmography at 11-weeks. Body fat content and distribution were assessed using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry and Magnetic Resonance Imaging at 12 weeks. Animals administered with perindopril had a body fat proportion that was half that of controls. This was consistent with, but disproportionately greater than the observed differences in food intake and body weight. Perindopril treatment completely removed hypertension. We conclude that the chronic inhibition of ANG II synthesis from birth specifically reduces the development of adiposity in the rat.


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Objective: There is emerging evidence that angiotensin stimulates adipocyte differentiation and lipogenesis. This study tested the hypothesis that inhibition of angiotensin II by treatment with an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, perindopril, would reduce fat mass in rats. Design: After a 12-day baseline, rats were divided into two groups: one was untreated and the other received perindopril (1.2 mg kg−1 per day) in drinking water for 26 days.Subjects: In total, 16 male Sprague–Dawley rats aged 10 weeks at the start of the study. Measurements: Plasma leptin was measured in samples collected at baseline, half-way through and at the end of treatment. Body weight, food and water intake were measured daily throughout the experiment. Body fat mass, bone and lean mass were determined by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) at the end of the treatment period. Results: Daily food intake was the same in both groups throughout the study. By the end of treatment, animals receiving perindopril showed a modest reduction in weight gain relative to the untreated animals (62.4±5.0 g vs 73.0±4.0 g; P<0.05). DEXA analysis showed that body composition was greatly altered and the perindopril-treated group had 26% less body fat mass than the untreated group (61.0±5.2 g vs 44.4±4.2 g; P<0.01). The reduction in body fat mass was correlated with reductions in the weight of both the epididymal and retroperitoneal fat pads (P<0.001). Similarly, plasma leptin was reduced by perindopril treatment (4.64±0.56 ng ml−1) compared to the untreated group (8.27±1.03 ng ml−1; P<0.001). In contrast, there were no differences in lean or bone mass between the two groups.Conclusion: Oral treatment with perindopril selectively reduced body fat mass without influencing daily food intake. In contrast, there were no differences in lean or bone mass between the two groups


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The renin–angiotensin system (RAS) is functional within adipose tissue and angiotensin II, the active component of RAS, has been implicated in adipose tissue hypertrophy and insulin resistance. In this study, captopril, an angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor that prevents angiotensin II formation, was used to study the development of diet-induced obesity and insulin resistance in obesity prone C57BL/6J mice. The mice were fed a high fat diet (w/w 21% fat) and allowed access to either water or water with captopril added (0.2 mg/ml). Body weight was recorded weekly and water and food intake daily. Glucose tolerance was determined after 11–12 weeks. On completion of the study (after 16 weeks of treatment), the mice were killed and kidney, liver, epididymal fat and extensor digitorum longus muscle (EDL) were weighed. Blood samples were collected and plasma analysed for metabolites and hormones. Captopril treatment decreased body weight in the first 2 weeks of treatment. Food intake of captopril-treated mice was similar to control mice prior to weight loss and was decreased after weight loss. Glucose tolerance was improved in captopril-treated mice. Captopril-treated mice had less epididymal fat than control mice. Relative to body weight, captopril-treated mice had increased EDL weight. Relative to control mice, mice administered captopril had a higher plasma concentration of adiponectin and lower concentrations of leptin and non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA). The results indicate that captopril both induced weight loss and improved insulin sensitivity. Thus, captopril may eventually be used for the treatment of obesity and Type 2 diabetes.


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Adriamycin, a commonly used antineoplastic antibiotic, induces glomerular lesions in rats, resulting in persistent proteinuria and glomerulosclerosis. We studied the effects of dietary protein and of an angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibitor on the progression of this nephropathy and the evolution of the histological lesions, as well as mesangial macromolecule flow. Adriamycin nephropathy was induced by injecting a single iv dose of adriamycin (3 mg/kg body weight) into the tail vein of male Wistar rats (weight, 180-200 g). In Experiment I animals with adriamycin-induced nephropathy were fed diets containing 6% (Low-Protein Diet Group = LPDG), 20% (Normal-Protein Diet Group = NPDG) and 40% (High-protein Diet Group = HPDG) protein and were observed for 30 weeks. In Experiment II the rats with adriamycin nephropathy were divided into 2 groups: ADR, that received adriamycin alone, and ADR-ENA, that received adriamycin plus enalapril, an angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibitor. The animals were sacrificed after a 24-week observation period. Six hours before sacrifice the animals were injected with I-131-ferritin and the amount of I-131-ferritin in the glomeruli was measured. In Experiment III, renal histology was performed 4, 8 and 16 weeks after adriamycin injection. At the end of Experiment I the tubulointerstitial lesion index was 2 for LPDG, 8 for NPDG, and 7.5 for HPDG (P<0.05); the frequency of glomerulosclerosis was 19 +/- 6.1% in LPDG, 42.6 +/- 6% in NPDG, and 54 +/- 9% in HPDG (P<0.05); and proteinuria was 61.1 +/- 25 mg/24 h in LPDG, 218.7 +/- 27.5 mg/24 h in NPDG, and 324.5 +/- 64.8 mg/24 h in HPDG (P<0.05). In Experiment II, at sacrifice, 24-h proteinuria was 189 +/- 16.1 mg in ADR, and 216 +/- 26.1 mg in ADR-ENA (P>0.05); the tubulointerstitial lesion index was 5 for ADR, and 5 for ADR-ENA (P>0.05); the frequency of glomerulosclerosis was 40 +/- 5.2% in ADR and 44 +/- 6% in ADR-ENA (P>0.05); the amount of I-131-ferritin in the mesangium was 214.26 +/- 22.71 cpm/mg protein in ADR and 253.77 +/- 69.72 cpm/mg protein in ADR-ENA (P>0.05). In Experiment III, sequential histological analysis revealed an acute tubulointerstitial cellular infiltrate at week 4, which was decreased at week 8. Tubular casts and dilatation were first seen at week 8 and increased at week 16 when few glomerular lesions were found. The results suggest that the tubulointerstitial lesions may play a role in the development of glomerulosclerosis in adriamycin-induced nephropathy.


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Aims: Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors are used in diabetic kidney disease to reduce systemic/intra-glomerular pressure. The objective of this study was to investigate whether reducing blood pressure (BP) could modulate renal glucose transporter expression, and urinary markers of diabetic nephropathy in diabetic hypertensive rats treated with ramipril or amlodipine. Main methods: Diabetes was induced in spontaneously-hypertensive rats (~210 g) by streptozotocin (50 mg/kg). Thirty days later, animals received ramipril 15 μg/kg/day (R, n =10), or amlodipine 10 mg/kg/day (A, n= 8,) or water (C, n = 10) by gavage. After 30-day treatment, body weight, glycaemia, urinary albumin and TGF-β1 (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) and BP (tail-cuff pressure method) were evaluated. Kidneys were removed for evaluation of renal cortex glucose transporters (Western blotting) and renal tissue ACE activity (fluorometric assay). Key findings: After treatments, body weight (p = 0.77) and glycaemia (p = 0.22) were similar among the groups. Systolic BP was similarly reduced (p < 0.001) in A and R vs. C (172.4 ± 3.2; 186.7 ± 3.7 and 202.2 ± 4.3 mm Hg; respectively). ACE activity (C: 0.903 ± 0.086; A: 0.654 ± 0.025, and R: 0.389 ± 0.057 mU/mg), albuminuria (C: 264.8 ± 15.4; A: 140.8 ± 13.5 and R: 102.8 ± 6.7 mg/24 h), and renal cortex GLUT1 content (C: 46.81 ± 4.54; A: 40.30 ± 5.39 and R: 26.89 ± 0.79 AU) decreased only in R (p < 0.001, p < 0.05 and p < 0.001; respectively). Significance:We concluded that the blockade of the renin–angiotensin systemwith ramipril reduced earlymarkers of diabetic nephropathy, a phenomenon that cannot be specifically related to decreased BP levels.


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Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) plays a critical role in rennin-angiotensin system. Recently, natural products isolated from herbal medicines revealed inhibitory effects against ACE which suggested their potential activities in regulating blood pressure. In this study, ACE inhibition (ACEI) of 21 phenylethanoid glycosides and related phenolic compounds were investigated by measuring the production of HA a rapid, sensitive, accurate and specific ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem quadrupole mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS) method. The test compounds showed different inhibitory potencies on ACE ranging from 5.29 to 95.01% at 50 mM, and the compounds with ACEI higher than 50% were selected for further IC50 determination. The IC50 values were from 0.53 ± 0.04 to 15.035 ± 0.036 mM. The structure-inhibition relationship were then explored and the result showed that cinnamoyl groups played an essential role in ACEI of phenylethanoid glycosides. Furthermore, the sub-structures of increasing ACEI for phenylethanoid glycosides is more hydroxyls and less steric hindrance to chelate the active site Zn2+ of ACE. In summary, our results suggested that phenylethanoid glycosides are a widely available source of anti-hypertensive natural products and the information provided from structure-inhibition relationship study could aid the design of structurally modified phenylethanoid glycosides as anti-hypertensive drugs.


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In the present study we investigated the effects of central (i.c.v.) and subcutaneous (s.c.) injections of a 2 μg dose of lisinopryl, an inhibitor of angiotensin I(ANGI)-converting enzyme (CE), on water intake. I.c.v. but not s.c. injection of lisinopryl abolished drinking in response to s.c. isoprenaline (100 μg/kg) and significantly reduced drinking in response to 24 h water deprivation or s.c. polyethylene glycol (30% w/v, 10 ml/kg). Lisinopryl had no effect on water intake induced by cellular dehydration (s.c. injection of hypertonic saline (2 M NaCl)). These results are consistent with the hypothesis that lisinopryl acts as a CE blocking agent in the brain. The thirst challenge induced by hypotension using isoprenaline acts primarily by generating ANGII systemically and centrally. The other thirst challenges such as cellular dehydration are independent of the ANGII in the brain. This conclusion was made possible by utilizing a new CE blocking agent at a smaller dose than normally used for other ANG I-CE inhibitors. © 1992.


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Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) converting enzyme (TACE) contribute synergistically to the pathophysiology of bacterial meningitis. TACE proteolytically releases several cell-surface proteins, including the proinflammatory cytokine TNF-alpha and its receptors. TNF-alpha in turn stimulates cells to produce active MMPs, which facilitate leucocyte extravasation and brain oedema by degradation of extracellular matrix components. In the present time-course studies of pneumococcal meningitis in infant rats, MMP-8 and -9 were 100- to 1000-fold transcriptionally upregulated, both in CSF cells and in brain tissue. Concentrations of TNF-alpha and MMP-9 in CSF peaked 12 h after infection and were closely correlated. Treatment with BB-1101 (15 mg/kg subcutaneously, twice daily), a hydroxamic acid-based inhibitor of MMP and TACE, downregulated the CSF concentration of TNF-alpha and decreased the incidences of seizures and mortality. Therapy with BB-1101, together with antibiotics, attenuated neuronal necrosis in the cortex and apoptosis in the hippocampus when given as a pretreatment at the time of infection and also when administration was started 18 h after infection. Functionally, the neuroprotective effect of BB-1101 preserved learning performance of rats assessed 3 weeks after the disease had been cured. Thus, combined inhibition of MMP and TACE offers a novel therapeutic strategy to prevent brain injury and neurological sequelae in bacterial meningitis.


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We report here that a cancer gene therapy protocol using a combination of IL-12, pro-IL-18, and IL-1β converting enzyme (ICE) cDNA expression vectors simultaneously delivered via gene gun can significantly augment antitumor effects, evidently by generating increased levels of bioactive IL-18 and consequently IFN-γ. First, we compared the levels of IFN-γ secreted by mouse splenocytes stimulated with tumor cells transfected with various test genes, including IL-12 alone; pro-IL-18 alone; pro-IL-18 and ICE; IL-12 and pro-IL-18; and IL-12, pro-IL-18, and ICE. Among these treatments, the combination of IL-12, pro-IL-18, and ICE cDNA resulted in the highest level of IFN-γ production from splenocytes in vitro, and similar results were obtained when these same treatments were delivered to the skin of a mouse by gene gun and IFN-γ levels were measured at the skin transfection site in vivo. Furthermore, the triple gene combinatorial gene therapy protocol was the most effective among all tested groups at suppressing the growth of TS/A (murine mammary adenocarcinoma) tumors previously implanted intradermally at the skin site receiving DNA transfer by gene gun on days 6, 8, 10, and 12 after tumor implantation. Fifty percent of mice treated with the combined three-gene protocol underwent complete tumor regression. In vivo depletion experiments showed that this antitumor effect was CD8+ T cell-mediated and partially IFN-γ-dependent. These results suggest that a combinatorial gene therapy protocol using a mixture of IL-12, pro-IL-18, and ICE cDNAs can confer potent antitumor activities against established TS/A tumors via cytotoxic CD8+ T cells and IFN-γ-dependent pathways.


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Three of the predominant features of apoptosis are internucleosomal DNA fragmentation, plasma membrane bleb formation, and retraction of cell processes. We demonstrate that actin is a substrate for the proapoptotic cysteine protease interleukin 1beta-converting enzyme. Actin cleaved by interleukin 1beta-converting enzyme can neither inhibit DNase I nor polymerize to its filamentous form as effectively as intact actin. These findings suggest a mechanism for the coordination of the proteolytic, endonucleolytic, and morphogenetic aspects of apoptosis.


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Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) catalyzes the conversion of angiotensin I (Ang I) to angiotensin II (Ang II). ACE also cleaves the terminal dipeptide of vasodilating hormone bradykinin (a nonapeptide) to inactivate this hormone. Therefore, inhibition of ACE is generally used as one of the methods for the treatment of hypertension. `Oxidative stress' is another disease state caused by an imbalance in the production of oxidants and antioxidants. A number of studies suggest that hypertension and oxidative stress are interdependent. Therefore, ACE inhibitors having antioxidant property are considered beneficial for the treatment of hypertension. As selenium compounds are known to exhibit better antioxidant behavior than their sulfur analogues, we have synthesized a number of selenium analogues of captopril, an ACE inhibitor used as an antihypertensive drug. The selenium analogues of captopril not only inhibit ACE activity but also effectively scavenge peroxynitrite, a strong oxidant found in vivo.


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Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) regulates the blood pressure by converting angiotensin I to angiotensin II and bradykinin to bradykinin 1-7. These two reactions elevate the blood pressure as angiotensin II and bradykinin are vasoconstrictory and vasodilatory hormones, respectively. Therefore, inhibition of ACE is an important strategy for the treatment of hypertension. The natural substrates of ACE, i.e., angiotensin II and bradykinin, contain a Pro-Phe motif near the site of hydrolysis. Therefore, there may be a Pro-Phe binding pocket at the active site of ACE, which may facilitate the substrate binding. In view of this, we have synthesized a series of thiol-and selenol-containing dipeptides and captopril analogues and studied their ACE inhibition activities. This study reveals that both the selenol or thiol moiety and proline residues are essential for ACE inhibition. Although the introduction of a Phe residue to captopril and its selenium analogue considerably reduces the inhibitory effect, there appears to be a Phe binding pocket at the active site of ACE.


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Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors are important for the treatment of hypertension as they can decrease the formation of vasopressor hormone angiotensin II (Ang II) and elevate the levels of vasodilating hormone bradykinin. It is observed that bradykinin contains a Ser-Pro-Phe motif near the site of hydrolysis. The selenium analogues of captopril represent a novel class of ACE inhibitors as they also exhibit significant antioxidant activity. In this study, several di- and tripeptides containing selenocysteine and cysteine residues at the N-terminal were synthesized. Hydrolysis of angiotensin I (Ang I) to Ang II by ACE was studied in the presence of these peptides. It is observed that the introduction of L-Phe to Sec-Pro and Cys-Pro peptides significantly increases the ACE inhibitory activity. On the other hand, the introduction of L-Val or L-Ala decreases the inhibitory potency of the parent compounds. The presence of an L-Pro moiety in captopril analogues appears to be important for ACE inhibition as the replacement of L-Pro by L-piperidine 2-carboxylic acid decreases the ACE inhibition. The synthetic peptides were also tested for their ability to scavenge peroxynitrite (PN) and to exhibit glutathione peroxidase (GPx)-like activity. All the selenium-containing peptides exhibited good PN-scavenging and GPx activities.