980 resultados para CONVERGENCE RATE
This paper considers two-stage iterative processes for solving the linear system $Af = b$. The outer iteration is defined by $Mf^{k + 1} = Nf^k + b$, where $M$ is a nonsingular matrix such that $M - N = A$. At each stage $f^{k + 1} $ is computed approximately using an inner iteration process to solve $Mv = Nf^k + b$ for $v$. At the $k$th outer iteration, $p_k $ inner iterations are performed. It is shown that this procedure converges if $p_k \geqq P$ for some $P$ provided that the inner iteration is convergent and that the outer process would converge if $f^{k + 1} $ were determined exactly at every step. Convergence is also proved under more specialized conditions, and for the procedure where $p_k = p$ for all $k$, an estimate for $p$ is obtained which optimizes the convergence rate. Examples are given for systems arising from the numerical solution of elliptic partial differential equations and numerical results are presented.
We present an implementation of the domain-theoretic Picard method for solving initial value problems (IVPs) introduced by Edalat and Pattinson [1]. Compared to Edalat and Pattinson's implementation, our algorithm uses a more efficient arithmetic based on an arbitrary precision floating-point library. Despite the additional overestimations due to floating-point rounding, we obtain a similar bound on the convergence rate of the produced approximations. Moreover, our convergence analysis is detailed enough to allow a static optimisation in the growth of the precision used in successive Picard iterations. Such optimisation greatly improves the efficiency of the solving process. Although a similar optimisation could be performed dynamically without our analysis, a static one gives us a significant advantage: we are able to predict the time it will take the solver to obtain an approximation of a certain (arbitrarily high) quality.
We present quasi-Monte Carlo analogs of Monte Carlo methods for some linear algebra problems: solving systems of linear equations, computing extreme eigenvalues, and matrix inversion. Reformulating the problems as solving integral equations with a special kernels and domains permits us to analyze the quasi-Monte Carlo methods with bounds from numerical integration. Standard Monte Carlo methods for integration provide a convergence rate of O(N^(−1/2)) using N samples. Quasi-Monte Carlo methods use quasirandom sequences with the resulting convergence rate for numerical integration as good as O((logN)^k)N^(−1)). We have shown theoretically and through numerical tests that the use of quasirandom sequences improves both the magnitude of the error and the convergence rate of the considered Monte Carlo methods. We also analyze the complexity of considered quasi-Monte Carlo algorithms and compare them to the complexity of the analogous Monte Carlo and deterministic algorithms.
This paper presents a novel adaptive control scheme. with improved convergence rate, for the equalization of harmonic disturbances such as engine noise. First, modifications for improving convergence speed of the standard filtered-X LMS control are described. Equalization capabilities are then implemented, allowing the independent tuning of harmonics. Eventually, by providing the desired order vs. engine speed profiles, the pursued sound quality attributes can be achieved. The proposed control scheme is first demonstrated with a simple secondary path model and, then, experimentally validated with the aid of a vehicle mockup which is excited with engine noise. The engine excitation is provided by a real-time sound quality equivalent engine simulator. Stationary and transient engine excitations are used to assess the control performance. The results reveal that the proposed controller is capable of large order-level reductions (up to 30 dB) for stationary excitation, which allows a comfortable margin for equalization. The same holds for slow run-ups ( > 15s) thanks to the improved convergence rate. This margin, however, gets narrower with shorter run-ups (<= 10s). (c) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Distributed Estimation Over an Adaptive Incremental Network Based on the Affine Projection Algorithm
We study the problem of distributed estimation based on the affine projection algorithm (APA), which is developed from Newton`s method for minimizing a cost function. The proposed solution is formulated to ameliorate the limited convergence properties of least-mean-square (LMS) type distributed adaptive filters with colored inputs. The analysis of transient and steady-state performances at each individual node within the network is developed by using a weighted spatial-temporal energy conservation relation and confirmed by computer simulations. The simulation results also verify that the proposed algorithm provides not only a faster convergence rate but also an improved steady-state performance as compared to an LMS-based scheme. In addition, the new approach attains an acceptable misadjustment performance with lower computational and memory cost, provided the number of regressor vectors and filter length parameters are appropriately chosen, as compared to a distributed recursive-least-squares (RLS) based method.
The most popular algorithms for blind equalization are the constant-modulus algorithm (CMA) and the Shalvi-Weinstein algorithm (SWA). It is well-known that SWA presents a higher convergence rate than CMA. at the expense of higher computational complexity. If the forgetting factor is not sufficiently close to one, if the initialization is distant from the optimal solution, or if the signal-to-noise ratio is low, SWA can converge to undesirable local minima or even diverge. In this paper, we show that divergence can be caused by an inconsistency in the nonlinear estimate of the transmitted signal. or (when the algorithm is implemented in finite precision) by the loss of positiveness of the estimate of the autocorrelation matrix, or by a combination of both. In order to avoid the first cause of divergence, we propose a dual-mode SWA. In the first mode of operation. the new algorithm works as SWA; in the second mode, it rejects inconsistent estimates of the transmitted signal. Assuming the persistence of excitation condition, we present a deterministic stability analysis of the new algorithm. To avoid the second cause of divergence, we propose a dual-mode lattice SWA, which is stable even in finite-precision arithmetic, and has a computational complexity that increases linearly with the number of adjustable equalizer coefficients. The good performance of the proposed algorithms is confirmed through numerical simulations.
Um algoritmo numérico foi criado para apresentar a solução da conversão termoquímica de um combustível sólido. O mesmo foi criado de forma a ser flexível e dependente do mecanismo de reação a ser representado. Para tanto, um sistema das equações características desse tipo de problema foi resolvido através de um método iterativo unido a matemática simbólica. Em função de não linearidades nas equações e por se tratar de pequenas partículas, será aplicado o método de Newton para reduzir o sistema de equações diferenciais parciais (EDP’s) para um sistema de equações diferenciais ordinárias (EDO’s). Tal processo redução é baseado na união desse método iterativo à diferenciação numérica, pois consegue incorporar nas EDO’s resultantes funções analíticas. O modelo reduzido será solucionado numericamente usando-se a técnica do gradiente bi-conjugado (BCG). Tal modelo promete ter taxa de convergência alta, se utilizando de um número baixo de iterações, além de apresentar alta velocidade na apresentação das soluções do novo sistema linear gerado. Além disso, o algoritmo se mostra independente do tamanho da malha constituidora. Para a validação, a massa normalizada será calculada e comparada com valores experimentais de termogravimetria encontrados na literatura, , e um teste com um mecanismo simplificado de reação será realizado.
The Darwinian Particle Swarm Optimization (DPSO) is an evolutionary algorithm that extends the Particle Swarm Optimization using natural selection to enhance the ability to escape from sub-optimal solutions. An extension of the DPSO to multi-robot applications has been recently proposed and denoted as Robotic Darwinian PSO (RDPSO), benefiting from the dynamical partitioning of the whole population of robots, hence decreasing the amount of required information exchange among robots. This paper further extends the previously proposed algorithm adapting the behavior of robots based on a set of context-based evaluation metrics. Those metrics are then used as inputs of a fuzzy system so as to systematically adjust the RDPSO parameters (i.e., outputs of the fuzzy system), thus improving its convergence rate, susceptibility to obstacles and communication constraints. The adapted RDPSO is evaluated in groups of physical robots, being further explored using larger populations of simulated mobile robots within a larger scenario.
One of the most well-known bio-inspired algorithms used in optimization problems is the particle swarm optimization (PSO), which basically consists on a machinelearning technique loosely inspired by birds flocking in search of food. More specifically, it consists of a number of particles that collectively move on the search space in search of the global optimum. The Darwinian particle swarm optimization (DPSO) is an evolutionary algorithm that extends the PSO using natural selection, or survival of the fittest, to enhance the ability to escape from local optima. This paper firstly presents a survey on PSO algorithms mainly focusing on the DPSO. Afterward, a method for controlling the convergence rate of the DPSO using fractional calculus (FC) concepts is proposed. The fractional-order optimization algorithm, denoted as FO-DPSO, is tested using several well-known functions, and the relationship between the fractional-order velocity and the convergence of the algorithm is observed. Moreover, experimental results show that the FO-DPSO significantly outperforms the previously presented FO-PSO.
This paper presents the recent research results about the development of a Observed Time Difference (OTD) based geolocation algorithm based on network trace data, for a real Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS) Network. The initial results have been published in [1], the current paper focus on increasing the sample convergence rate, and introducing a new filtering approach based on a moving average spatial filter, to increase accuracy. Field tests have been carried out for two radio environments (urban and suburban) in the Lisbon area, Portugal. The new enhancements produced a geopositioning success rate of 47% and 31%, and a median accuracy of 151 m and 337 m, for the urban and suburban environments, respectively. The implemented filter produced a 16% and 20% increase on accuracy, when compared with the geopositioned raw data. The obtained results are rather promising in accuracy and geolocation success rate. OTD positioning smoothed by moving average spatial filtering reveals a strong approach for positioning trace extracted events, vital for boosting Self-Organizing Networks (SON) over a 3G network.
This paper proposes a novel method for controlling the convergence rate of a particle swarm optimization algorithm using fractional calculus (FC) concepts. The optimization is tested for several well-known functions and the relationship between the fractional order velocity and the convergence of the algorithm is observed. The FC demonstrates a potential for interpreting evolution of the algorithm and to control its convergence.
The conventional argument favoring capital controls elimination is based on the predictions from the neoclassical model: free international capital mobility would allow capital flows from country where capital is abundant to countries where capital is scarce and the outcome in a global perspective is efficient allocation of savings and income convergence. Within this perspective, financial integration would be particularly beneficial for developing countries resulting in external savings import, temporary increase in per-capita GDP growth rate and a permanent increase in the per-capita GDP level. Using data for a sample of 105 countries from 1980 to 2004 the evidences show that capitals flows from developing to developed countries and that international financial integration and external savings do not increase the conditional convergence rate.
Les méthodes de Monte Carlo par chaîne de Markov (MCMC) sont des outils très populaires pour l’échantillonnage de lois de probabilité complexes et/ou en grandes dimensions. Étant donné leur facilité d’application, ces méthodes sont largement répandues dans plusieurs communautés scientifiques et bien certainement en statistique, particulièrement en analyse bayésienne. Depuis l’apparition de la première méthode MCMC en 1953, le nombre de ces algorithmes a considérablement augmenté et ce sujet continue d’être une aire de recherche active. Un nouvel algorithme MCMC avec ajustement directionnel a été récemment développé par Bédard et al. (IJSS, 9 :2008) et certaines de ses propriétés restent partiellement méconnues. L’objectif de ce mémoire est de tenter d’établir l’impact d’un paramètre clé de cette méthode sur la performance globale de l’approche. Un second objectif est de comparer cet algorithme à d’autres méthodes MCMC plus versatiles afin de juger de sa performance de façon relative.
The Andaman-Nicobar Islands in the Bay of Bengal lies in a zone where the Indian plate subducts beneath the Burmese microplate, and therefore forms a belt of frequent earthquakes. Few efforts, not withstanding the available historical and instrumental data were not effectively used before the Mw 9.3 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake to draw any inference on the spatial and temporal distribution of large subduction zone earthquakes in this region. An attempt to constrain the active crustal deformation of the Andaman-Nicobar arc in the background of the December 26, 2004 Great Sumatra-Andaman megathrust earthquake is made here, thereby presenting a unique data set representing the pre-seismic convergence and co-seismic displacement.Understanding the mechanisms of the subduction zone earthquakes is both challenging sCientifically and important for assessing the related earthquake hazards. In many subduction zones, thrust earthquakes may have characteristic patterns in space and time. However, the mechanism of mega events still remains largely unresolved.Large subduction zone earthquakes are usually associated with high amplitude co-seismic deformation above the plate boundary megathrust and the elastic relaxation of the fore-arc. These are expressed as vertical changes in land level with the up-dip part of the rupture surface uplifted and the areas above the down-dip edge subsided. One of the most characteristic pattern associated with the inter-seismic era is that the deformation is in an opposite sense that of co-seismic period.This work was started in 2002 to understand the tectonic deformation along the Andaman-Nicobar arc using seismological, geological and geodetic data. The occurrence of the 2004 megathrust earthquake gave a new dimension to this study, by providing an opportunity to examine the co-seismic deformation associated with the greatest earthquake to have occurred since the advent of Global Positioning System (GPS) and broadband seismometry. The major objectives of this study are to assess the pre-seismic stress regimes, to determine the pre-seismic convergence rate, to analyze and interpret the pattern of co-seismic displacement and slip on various segments and to look out for any possible recurrence interval for megathrust event occurrence for Andaman-Nicobar subduction zone. This thesis is arranged in six chapters with further subdivisions dealing all the above aspects.