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A Amazônia Brasileira encontra-se em uma posição privilegiada no cenário de escassez da água, pois a bacia Amazônica apresenta alto índice de pluviosidade e detém a maior rede hidrográfica do planeta (6.925.000 km2), da qual cerca de 63% está localizada no Brasil. Todavia, a qualidade dos recursos hídricos encontra-se ameaçada, uma vez que, desde a construção da BR-010, a rodovia Belém- Brasília, em 1958, iniciou-se um processo de ocupação acelerada da Amazônia Oriental, que tem promovido profundas mudanças na paisagem por meio do intenso desmatamento relacionado às atividades madeireiras e agropecuárias. Desse modo, considerando as significativas diferenças no uso dos recursos hídricos e os impactos ambientais sobre os mesmos, por diferentes agentes sociais, especialmente os atores envolvidos nos setores da pecuária e da agricultura de grãos na Amazônia Oriental. Pretendeu-se identificar e avaliar os fatores condicionantes que influenciam no comportamento de produtores rurais atuantes nas bacias dos igarapés Cinqüenta e Quatro e Sete, em Paragominas (PA). Nesse contexto, procurou-se verificar se esses atores utilizam técnicas agropecuárias apropriadas nos sistemas de produção adotados, incluindo o manejo do solo, e se possuem alguma preocupação pró-ativa na conservação dos igarapés amazônicos que drenam suas propriedades, e em particular na manutenção da qualidade dessas águas. Dados secundários de qualidade da água e da dinâmica do uso da terra dessas bacias embasaram o presente trabalho, tendo sido relacionados com as práticas agropecuárias e o manejo do solo adotados pelas propriedades rurais estudadas. Foram identificados alguns fatores condicionantes que influenciam no manejo praticado nas propriedades rurais, determinando as mudanças de uso da terra e de cobertura vegetal na s bacias avaliadas, e que resultam em impactos diferenciados sobre a qualidade da água nos cursos d’água. Esses fatores condicionantes são: (1) a ocupação da terra e padrões de manejo da propriedade rural adotado pelos diferentes agentes sociais atuantes nas bacias; (2) o descumprimento da legislação ambiental que institui uma política de preservação dos recursos naturais, sobretudo, dos recursos hídricos; (3) os interesses econômicos, que priorizam produtividade e lucratividade imediata, em detrimento da sustentabilidade do capital natural água; e (4) as tecnologias agropecuárias ditas conservacionistas, que não estimulam uma visão integrada entre os diferentes componentes da paisagem, desconsiderando impactos sobre os recursos hídricos. Conclui-se, desse modo, que a qualidade da água nas bacias do Igarapé Cinqüenta e Quatro e do Igarapé do Sete está comprometida, principalmente, pelas práticas agropecuárias e manejo das propriedades adotadas pelos produtores. Dentre os fatores identificados, destaca-se que a adoção ou não adoção das técnicas conservacionistas, quando não acopladas a uma visão integrada dos componentes ambientais, teve pouca influência sobre a preservação dos recursos hídricos nas bacias analisadas, assim como , de maneira geral, áreas de preservação permanente não são respeitadas. A conseqüência observada, sob a ótica da legislação brasileira, é o comprometimento do uso múltiplo da água nas bacias estudadas.


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The adoption of no-till system (NTS) combined with crop-livestock integration (CLI) has been a strategy promoted in Brazil, aiming to maximize areas yield and increase agribusiness profitability. This study aimed to evaluate grains yield and phytotechnical attributes from maize and soybean culture by CLI system under NTS after winter annual pure and diversified pastures with the absence or presence of grazing animals. The experiment was installed in Castro (Parana State, Brazil) on in a dystrophic Humic Rhodic Hapludox with a clay texture, using experimental design of randomized complete blocks in 4 x 2 factorial scheme with three replications. Treatments included four pasture combinations (diversified or pure) and animal categories (light and heavy) subjected or not to grazing animals during the winter. During 2008/09 and 2009/10 summers, the area was cultivated with soybeans and maize, respectively, with yield assessment of grains and phytotechnical attributes. Treatments did not alter the yield and weight of a thousand seeds (WTS) of soybeans. In maize culture, the grazing animal during the winter increased the plant population and grains yield, but gave slight decrease in WTS. Pasture combinations (diversified or pure) and animal categories (light and heavy) did not interfere in soybean culture, but benefited the maize crop.


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We begin the 2001 Master Conservationist program with honorees in production agriculture from District A which includes the Panhandle of Nebraska. I would like to ask Leon and Cheryl Burkhart-Kriesel (Kresel) of Gurley who are unable to be present. They operated the family farm in partnership with Fred and Viola Kriesel until 1984 when Leon and Cheryl become sole owners/operators. The Kriesels produce certified wheat, millet, oats, and barley seed on 3200 dryland acres that are owned, rented, or contracted. Since 1984, 45,000 feet of terraces have been installed. Their holistic conservation plan also includes over 57,000 feet of windbreaks of mixed evergreen and broadleaf trees and shrubs. This mixture of plant species is unique in the Panhandle. They built an earthen dam with 11 acre-feet of permanent storage and 70.5 acre-feet of detention storage. Results include reduced soil erosion by wind and water, and increased productivity and wildlife populations. Local and international groups tour the farm. Congratulations to the Kriesels.


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It is a distinct pleasure to be with you this evening to present the Master Conservationist awards. I appreciate the opportunity to recognize those who have gone the extra mile to enhance Nebraska's natural resources and our way of life. Their efforts take on even more importance in a year like this when drought conditions have threatened field crops, pastures, and rangeland, as well as water for livestock and the citizens of our state. Times like this underscore how important it is for us to recognize the delicate balance of nature. The Master Conservationists we honor tonight have long-recognized the need for windbreaks to protect both crops and soils. They understand the benefits of controlled-grazing to maintain grass and protect the soil, as well as to provide forage in the future. Others have installed terraces and grassed waterways on fragile land, as well as reuse pits for irrigation water. Riverbanks have been restored and wildlife habitats have been developed. These practices and many others always are important, they take on new meaning in stressful periods like the one of 2002.


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It is a distinct honor for me to help recognize the 2003 Master Conservationists tonight. Tonight's event marks the 20th anniversary of the program sponsored by the Omaha World-Herald and the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.


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We begin our Master Conservationist recognition in Production Agriculture with the Buskirk Family of Hemingford in the Panhandle. Will David and Toni Buskirk, Dean and Sonya Buskirk, Chad Buskirk, and Dustin and Shelly McConville, please come forward? They started with a half-section which has grown to 2,855 acres, as well as a tree-planting business. The family formed a partnership in 1995 and named it “Trees are Us” in 1998. They have used no-till farming on 1,000 acres of cropland since 1980 and planted over 165,000 trees. A low-pressure irrigation system saves about 400 acre inches of water every growing season. They built their own no-till tree planter for differing soil conditions and a machine to install biodegradable weed barriers. Their enthusiasm for trees is contagious as they visit with others and perform volunteer work in the area. Their unique tree planting equipment is made available nationwide, which results in the planting of more than 2 million trees in over 10 states annually. Congrats to the Buskirks.


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It is a real pleasure to participate in this recognition program honoring the 2004 Master-Conservationists. We are grateful for the partnership with the Omaha World Herald in this unique program. In an effort to keep the program in tune with current developments in soil and waster conservation, a special committee is considering the idea of including conservation easements in the 2005 program. Some members of the committee are in the audience tonight. We appreciate the efforts of members of the Omaha World Herald, Natural Resources Districts, the USDA Natural-Resources Conservation Service and the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources in carrying out this program.


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Kirk and William Laux (locks) of Bridgeport in the Panhandle will receive the first Master Conservationist recognition in Production Agriculture. Will Kirk and William please come forward? This family limited partnership includes 5,000 acres of rangeland, 160 acres of dryland, 1200 acres of irrigated land, a cow-calf operation, and a feedlot. They began farming in the 1960s and later purchased several "tired" eroded units. These units were improved by “applying" erosion control practices including seeding, cross-fencing, and improved watering.


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A large-scale, outdoor, pervasive computing system based on the Fleck hardware platform applies sensor network technology to farming. Comprising static and animal-borne mobile nodes, the system measures the state of a complex, dynamic system comprising climate, soil, pasture, and animals. This data supports prediction of the land's future state and improved management outcomes through closed-loop control. This article is part of a special issue, Building a Sensor-Rich World.


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Agriculture's contribution to radiative forcing is principally through its historical release of carbon in soil and vegetation to the atmosphere and through its contemporary release of nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CHM4). The sequestration of soil carbon in soils now depleted in soil organic matter is a well-known strategy for mitigating the buildup of CO2 in the atmosphere. Less well-recognized are other mitigation potentials. A full-cost accounting of the effects of agriculture on greenhouse gas emissions is necessary to quantify the relative importance of all mitigation options. Such an analysis shows nitrogen fertilizer, agricultural liming, fuel use, N2O emissions, and CH4 fluxes to have additional significant potential for mitigation. By evaluating all sources in terms of their global warming potential it becomes possible to directly evaluate greenhouse policy options for agriculture. A comparison of temperate and tropical systems illustrates some of these options.