956 resultados para CONGENITAL


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What is it like to have a medical condition that few people have ever heard about? How does it feel to have to question whether daily physical activities are dangerous for you, whilst you watch your friends enjoy those activities without a care? Can you imagine that you need to have a complicated heart surgery, with risks such as paralysis or death? Or even imagine facing the painful recovery period and scars after such a surgery? Then imagine that you are a child or teenager dealing with this medical condition when all your friends are simply occupied with school and normal life. Now consider that surgery has been undertaken to extend your lifespan, but the operation is so new that the long-term outcomes are just not known? All you really know is that you might have ‘surgical repairs’ to your heart and symptoms may be relieved or managed by medications or cardiac devices, but you are never going to be cured. What if you had already experienced painful, frightening, lonely and tedious hospitalisations and you were forced to put your life on hold to re-enter that situation, time and time again. This may be your life, as a Congenital Heart Disease or CHD patient. How do such patients cope and in many cases even thrive? This chapter will review current international literature regarding the medical and personal impact of CHD. Our qualitative study of the perspectives of young CHD patients and their parents contributes to the Australian story of CHD, as well as highlighting the potential for CHD related adversity to promote personal development.


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Reduced SHOX gene expression has been demonstrated to be associated with all skeletal abnormalities in Turner syndrome, other than scoliosis (and kyphosis). There is evidence to suggest that Turner syndrome scoliosis is clinically and radiologically similar to idiopathic scoliosis, although the phenotypes are dissimilar. This pilot gene expression study used relative quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) of the SHOX (short stature on X) gene to determine whether it is expressed in vertebral body growth plates in idiopathic and congenital scoliosis. After vertebral growth plate dissection, tissue was examined histologically and RNA was extracted and its integrity was assessed using a Bio-Spec Mini, NanoDrop ND-1000 spectrophotometer and standard denaturing gel electrophoresis. Following cDNA synthesis, gene-specific optimization in a Corbett RotorGene 6000 real-time cycler was followed by qRT-PCR of vertebral tissue. Histological examination of vertebral samples confirmed that only growth plate was analyzed for gene expression. Cycling and melt curves were resolved in triplicate for all samples. SHOX abundance was demonstrated in congenital and idiopathic scoliosis vertebral body growth plates. SHOX expression was 11-fold greater in idiopathic compared to congenital (n = 3) scoliosis (p = 0.027). This study confirmed that SHOX was expressed in vertebral body growth plates, which implies that its expression may also be associated with the scoliosis (and kyphosis) of Turner syndrome. SHOX expression is reduced in Turner syndrome (short stature). In this study, increased SHOX expression was demonstrated in idiopathic scoliosis (tall stature) and congenital scoliosis.


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With the level of urbanization in China now exceeding 50%, its collective rural land system is under increasing pressure, creating conditions in which there is increasing conflict between the efficient use of land for agricultural purposes and its retention as security for the rural population. This paper first examines the fundamental nature of China's collective land system by analyzing the collectivization history of China, then provides a comprehensive appraisal of the strengths and weaknesses of the collective land system's role in history and the challenges it faces in modern times. The main changes needed for the current collective system are identified as (1) the establishment of a new transfer mechanism for potential collective construction land, (2) the completion of land rights verification and consolidation work, and (3) the endowment of villagers with more rights to enjoy the distribution of land incremental value. The paper's main contribution is to question the relevance of collective rural land system in contemporary China, where a shift is now taking place from one of pure economic development to one involving more social concerns, and propose potential viable amendments to integrate the need for both perspectives.


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Investigation of 31 of Roma patients with congenital lactic acidosis (CLA) from Bulgaria identified homozygosity for the R446* mutation in the PDHX gene as the most common cause of the disorder in this ethnic group. It accounted for around 60% of patients in the study and over 25% of all CLA cases referred to the National Genetic Laboratory in Bulgaria. The detection of a homozygous patient from Hungary and carriers among population controls from Romania and Slovakia suggests a wide spread of the mutation in the European Roma population. The clinical phenotype of the twenty R446* homozygotes was relatively homogeneous, with lactic acidosis crisis in the first days or months of life as the most common initial presentation (15/20 patients) and delayed psychomotor development and/or seizures in infancy as the leading manifestations in a smaller group (5/20 patients). The subsequent clinical picture was dominated by impaired physical growth and a very consistent pattern of static cerebral palsy-like encephalopathy with spasticity and severe to profound mental retardation seen in over 80% of cases. Most patients had a positive family history. We propose testing for the R446* mutation in PDHX as a rapid first screening in Roma infants with metabolic acidosis. It will facilitate and accelerate diagnosis in a large proportion of cases, allow early rehabilitation to alleviate the chronic clinical course, and prevent further affected births in high-risk families.


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To determine the cause of exceptionally high mortality (41.4%) in perinatal calves on a beef cattle property 50 km south-west of Julia Creek in north-western Queensland. Investigations were based on clinical assessment of affected calves and laboratory analysis of pre- and postmortem specimens taken from 12 calves aged from 6 to 36 h of age. Associations between gross and histopathological findings and biochemical analyses conducted on serum and tissue samples were examined in relation to clinical observations. Clinical signs varied, but commonly included mild to severe ataxia, difficulty finding a teat and sucking, blindness (partial or complete, as judged by avoidance of obstacles) and depression with prominent drooping of the head. Gross and histopathological findings included herniation of the cerebellar vermis through the foramen magnum, squamous metaplasia of interlobular ducts in the parotid salivary glands and Wallerian degeneration of the optic nerves. Biochemical analysis of serum and liver samples available from four of the calves revealed low or undetectable levels of both vitamin A and vitamin E. Although vitamin E is known to have a sparing effect on vitamin A, the role (if any) played by deficiency of this vitamin was uncertain. The combination of clinical signs, postmortem findings, histopathological features and biochemical findings indicate that gestational vitamin A deficiency was highly likely to have been an important contributor to perinatal calf mortalities in this herd.


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Anti-factor VIII (FVIII) inhibitory IgG may arise as alloantibodies to therapeutic FVIII in patients with congenital hemophilia A, or as autoantibodies to endogenous FVIII in individuals with acquired hemophilia. We have described FVIII-hydrolyzing IgG both in hemophilia A patients with anti-FVIII IgG and in acquired hemophilia patients. Here, we compared the properties of proteolytic auto- and allo-antibodies. Rates of FVIII hydrolysis differed significantly between the two groups of antibodies. Proline-phenylalanine-arginine-methylcoumarinamide was a surrogate substrate for FVIII-hydrolyzing autoantibodies. Our data suggest that populations of proteolytic anti-FVIII IgG in acquired hemophilia patients are different from that of inhibitor-positive hemophilia A patients.


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In anisometropia, the two eyes have unequal refractive power. Anisometropia is a risk factor for amblyopia. The visual deficiencies are thought to be irreversible after the first decade of life. There is, however, accumulating evidence that neural plasticity exists also in adult brains. The aim of this study was to investigate functional outcome of excimer laser refractive surgery in adult anisometropic and visually impaired patients. Additional goal was to examine changes in the primary visual cortex (V1) using multifocal functional magnetic resonance imaging (mffMRI) after laser refractive surgery. Study I comprised of 57 anisometropic patients (anisometropia of ≥3.25 diopters) and 174 isometropic myopic subjects formed the control group. A significant improvement in best-spectacle-corrected visual acuity (BSCVA) among myopic control subjects was evident 3 months postoperatively. The improvement in BSCVA was significantly slower for anisometropic patients and the improvement appeared to persist to the end of the follow-up (24 months). In study II we found that refractive surgery may be also successfully used for iathrogenic anisometropia. In Study III we evaluated mildly visually impaired adult patients after refractive surgery. There was a statistically significant improvement in BSCVA among visually impaired patients and the difference in the mean BSCVA between visually impaired patients and isometropic myopic control subjects diminished during follow-up. Study IV was a prospective follow-up trial examining the changes in the primary visual cortex after refractive surgery. Two anisometropic patients and two isometropic myopic patients were examined with a 61-region mffMRI before refractive surgery and at three, six, nine and twelve months postoperatively. In this study, a dramatic decrease in the number of active voxels in the fovea was found among anisometropic patients. The results presented in this thesis revealed that refractive surgery may be successfully used for the treatment of anisometropic adults with both congenital and iatrogenic anisometropia and for mildly visually impaired adults. The findings in conclusion strengthen our hypothesis of plastic changes in the visual cortex of adult anisometropic and mildly visually impaired patients after refractive surgery.


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The rare autosomal recessive disease congenital chloride diarrhea (CLD) is caused by mutations in the solute carrier family 26 member 3 (SLC26A3) gene on chromosome 7q22.3-31.1. SLC26A3 encodes for an apical epithelial chloride-bicarbonate exchanger, the intestinal loss of which leads to profuse chloride-rich diarrhea, and a tendency to hypochloremic and hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis. Although untreated CLD is usually lethal in early infancy, the development of salt substitution therapy with NaCl and KCl in the late 1960s made the disease treatable. While the salt substitution allows normal childhood growth and development in CLD, data on long-term outcome have remained unclarified. One of the world s highest incidences of CLD 1:30 000 to 1:40 000 occurs in Finland, and CLD is part of the Finnish disease heritage. We utilized a unique sample of Finnish patients to characterize the long-term outcome of CLD. Another purpose of this study was to search for novel manifestations of CLD based on the extraintestinal expression of the SLC26A3 gene. This study on a sample of 36 patients (ages 10-38) shows that the long-term outcome of treated CLD is favorable. In untreated or poorly treated cases, however, chronic contraction and metabolic imbalance may lead to renal injury and even to renal transplantation. Our results demonstrate a low-level expression of SLC26A3 in the human kidney. Although SLC26A3 may play a minor role in homeostasis, post-transplant recurrence of renal changes shows the unlikelihood of direct transporter modulation in the pathogenesis of CLD-related renal injury. Options to resolve the diarrheal symptoms of CLD have been limited. Unfortunately, our pilot trial indicated the inefficacy of oral butyrate as well. This study reveals novel manifestations of CLD. These include an increased risk for hyperuricemia, inguinal hernias, and probably for intestinal inflammation. The most notable finding of this study is CLD-associated male subfertility. This involves a low concentration of poorly motile spermatozoa with abnormal morphology, high seminal plasma chloride with a low pH, and a tendency to form spermatoceles. That SLC26A3 immunoexpression appeared at multiple sites of the male reproductive tract in part together with the main interacting proteins cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) and sodium-hydrogen exchanger 3 (NHE3) suggests novel sites for the cooperation of these proteins. As evidence of the cooperation, defects occurring in any of these transporters are associated with reduced male fertility. Together with a finding of high sweat chloride in CLD, this study provides novel data on extraintestinal actions of the SLC26A3 gene both in the male reproductive tract and in the sweat gland. These results provide the basis for future studies regarding the role of SLC26A3 in different tissues, especially in the male reproductive tract. Fortunately, normal spermatogenesis in CLD is likely to make artificial reproductive technologies to treat infertility and even make unassisted reproduction possible.