Nowadays, the sustainability of buildings has an extreme importance. This concept goes towards the European aims of the Program Horizon 2020, which concerns about the reduction of the environmental impacts through such aspects as the energy efficiency and renewable technologies, among others. Sustainability is an extremely broad concept but, in this work, it is intended to include the concept of sustainability in buildings. Within the concept that aims the integration of environmental, social and economic levels towards the preservation of the planet and the integrity of the users, there are, currently, several types of tools of environmental certification that are applicable to the construction industry (LEED, BREEAM, DGNB, SBTool, among others). Within this context, it is highlighted the tool SBTool (Sustainable Building Tool) that is employed in several countries and can be subject to review in institutions of basic education, which are the base for the formation of the critical masses and for the development of a country. The main aim of this research is to select indicators that can be used in a methodology for sustainability assessment (SBTool) of school buildings in Portugal and in Brazil. In order to achieve it, it will also be analyzed other methodologies that already incorporate parameters directly related with the schools environment, such as BREEAM or LEED.
Background Delirium is an independent predictor of increased length of stay, mortality, and treatment costs in critical care patients. Its incidence may be underestimated or overestimated if delirium is assessed by using subjective clinical impression alone rather than an objective instrument. Objectives To determine frequency of discrepancies between subjective and objective delirium monitoring. Methods An observational cohort study was performed in a surgical-cardiosurgical 31-bed intensive care unit of a university hospital. Patients' delirium status was rated daily by bedside nurses on the basis of subjective individual clinical impressions and by medical students on the basis of scores on the objective Confusion Assessment Method for the Intensive Care Unit. Results Of 160 patients suitable for analysis, 38.8% (n = 62) had delirium according to objective criteria at some time during their stay in the intensive care unit. A total of 436 paired observations were analyzed. Delirium was diagnosed in 26.1% of observations (n = 114) with the objective method. This percentage included 6.4% (n = 28) in whom delirium was not recognized via subjective criteria. According to subjective criteria, delirium was present in 29.4% of paired observations (n = 128), including 9.6% (n = 42) with no objective indications of delirium. A total of 8 patients with no evidence of delirium according to the objective criteria were prescribed haloperidol and lorazepam because the subjective method indicated they had delirium. Conclusions Use of objective criteria helped detect delirium in more patients and also identified patients mistakenly thought to have delirium who actually did not meet objective criteria for diagnosis of the condition.
RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVE:. The information assessment method (IAM) permits health professionals to systematically document the relevance, cognitive impact, use and health outcomes of information objects delivered by or retrieved from electronic knowledge resources. The companion review paper (Part 1) critically examined the literature, and proposed a 'Push-Pull-Acquisition-Cognition-Application' evaluation framework, which is operationalized by IAM. The purpose of the present paper (Part 2) is to examine the content validity of the IAM cognitive checklist when linked to email alerts. METHODS: A qualitative component of a mixed methods study was conducted with 46 doctors reading and rating research-based synopses sent on email. The unit of analysis was a doctor's explanation of a rating of one item regarding one synopsis. Interviews with participants provided 253 units that were analysed to assess concordance with item definitions. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The content relevance of seven items was supported. For three items, revisions were needed. Interviews suggested one new item. This study has yielded a 2008 version of IAM.
Rapid assessment methods are valuable tools for collecting information about the quality and status of natural systems. However, they are not a substitute for detailed surveys of those systems. Users of this method should consider that the method may under-score or over-score the site that’s assessed, especially when the site is not a typical fen (i.e. a sedge meadow could score lower than fens, but in-fact be a relatively high quality sedge meadow). This assessment can be used throughout most of the spring, summer and fall period, however the ideal “index period” would be from late May through early October when native plant communities, as well as invasive species, are most apparent.
The objective of this study was to investigate the possibility of using hydric restriction as a method for evaluating vigor of soybean seeds. The soybean seeds, cultivar BRS 245RR, represented by four different seed lots, were characterized by germination and vigor. For the treatment of hydric restriction and temperature, the combination of substrate water potential and temperature were the following: deionized water (0.0 MPa); polyethylene glycol (PEG 6000) aqueous solution (-0.1, -0.3 and -0.5 MPa); and four temperatures (20 ºC, 25 ºC, 30 ºC, and 35 ºC), respectively. A completely randomized experimental design was used, with four replications per treatment, and the ANOVA was performed individually for each combination of temperature and water potential of substrate. According to results obtained, the test of hydric restriction has the same efficiency of the accelerated aging test in estimating vigor of soybean seeds, cv. BRS 245RR, when water potentials of -0.1 MPa or -0.3 MPa at a temperature of 25 ºC, or -0.3 MPa at a temperature of 30 ºC are used.
Introduction: Alkalinization potential is a fundamental property of endodontic epoxy-based cements containing calcium hydroxide. Studies have shown discrepant pH results for same materials at different evaluation periods. A possible reason accounting for these differences may be the assessment procedures. Objective: To evaluate the pH value of an epoxy-based cement (Sealer 26) in different periods of analysis, using two assessment methods. Material and methods: Sealer 26 was manipulated and immediately placed into polyethylene tubes (n=10, each group) and immersed in distilled water. In G1, the tubes were kept in the same water during all experiment; and in G2, the tubes were removed and placed into another flask with an equal amount of water after the pH evaluation. The pH of these solutions was measured at 24 hours, 7, 14 and 28 days. Analysis were made within the same group according to the experimental periods and between groups in each experimental period. Data were submitted to ANOVA (α = 5%) and t test, respectively. Results: For G1 and G2, all periods showed different pH values (p < 0.05), except between 14 and 28 days (p > 0.05) and between 7 and 14 days (p > 0.05), respectively. In each period, no significant differences were observed between the groups. Conclusion: The method to obtain the pH values in different experimental periods no interfered in the final results. However, difference was observed when the results were analyzed at same group.
The objective of this study was to investigate the possibility of using hydric restriction as a method for evaluating vigor of soybean seeds. The soybean seeds, cultivar BRS 245RR, represented by four different seed lots, were characterized by germination and vigor. For the treatment of hydric restriction and temperature, the combination of substrate water potential and temperature were the following: deionized water (0.0 MPa); polyethylene glycol (PEG 6000) aqueous solution (-0.1, -0.3 and -0.5 MPa); and four temperatures (20 ºC, 25 ºC, 30 ºC, and 35 ºC), respectively. A completely randomized experimental design was used, with four replications per treatment, and the ANOVA was performed individually for each combination of temperature and water potential of substrate. According to results obtained, the test of hydric restriction has the same efficiency of the accelerated aging test in estimating vigor of soybean seeds, cv. BRS 245RR, when water potentials of -0.1 MPa or -0.3 MPa at a temperature of 25 ºC, or -0.3 MPa at a temperature of 30 ºC are used.
Government agencies responsible for riparian environments are assessing the combined utility of field survey and remote sensing for mapping and monitoring indicators of riparian zone condition. The objective of this work was to compare the Tropical Rapid Appraisal of Riparian Condition (TRARC) method to a satellite image based approach. TRARC was developed for rapid assessment of the environmental condition of savanna riparian zones. The comparison assessed mapping accuracy, representativeness of TRARC assessment, cost-effectiveness, and suitability for multi-temporal analysis. Two multi-spectral QuickBird images captured in 2004 and 2005 and coincident field data covering sections of the Daly River in the Northern Territory, Australia were used in this work. Both field and image data were processed to map riparian health indicators (RHIs) including percentage canopy cover, organic litter, canopy continuity, stream bank stability, and extent of tree clearing. Spectral vegetation indices, image segmentation and supervised classification were used to produce RHI maps. QuickBird image data were used to examine if the spatial distribution of TRARC transects provided a representative sample of ground based RHI measurements. Results showed that TRARC transects were required to cover at least 3% of the study area to obtain a representative sample. The mapping accuracy and costs of the image based approach were compared to those of the ground based TRARC approach. Results proved that TRARC was more cost-effective at smaller scales (1-100km), while image based assessment becomes more feasible at regional scales (100-1000km). Finally, the ability to use both the image and field based approaches for multi-temporal analysis of RHIs was assessed. Change detection analysis demonstrated that image data can provide detailed information on gradual change, while the TRARC method was only able to identify more gross scale changes. In conclusion, results from both methods were considered to complement each other if used at appropriate spatial scales.
Over 60% of the recurrent budget of the Ministry of Health (MoH) in Angola is spent on the operations of the fixed health care facilities (health centres plus hospitals). However, to date, no study has been attempted to investigate how efficiently those resources are used to produce health services. Therefore the objectives of this study were to assess the technical efficiency of public municipal hospitals in Angola; assess changes in productivity over time with a view to analyzing changes in efficiency and technology; and demonstrate how the results can be used in the pursuit of the public health objective of promoting efficiency in the use of health resources. The analysis was based on a 3-year panel data from all the 28 public municipal hospitals in Angola. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), a non-parametric linear programming approach, was employed to assess the technical and scale efficiency and productivity change over time using Malmquist index.The results show that on average, productivity of municipal hospitals in Angola increased by 4.5% over the period 2000-2002; that growth was due to improvements in efficiency rather than innovation. © 2008 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.
The introduction of a poster presentation as a formative assessment method over a multiple choice examination after the first phase of a three phase “health and well-being” module in an undergraduate nursing degree programme was greeted with a storm of criticism from fellow lecturers stating that poster presentations are not valid or reliable and totally irrelevant to the assessment of learning in the module. This paper seeks to investigate these criticisms by investigating the literature regarding producing nurses fit for practice, nurse curriculum development and wider nurse education, the purpose of assessment, validity and reliability to critically evaluate the poster presentation as a legitimate assessment method for these aims.
Software protection is an essential aspect of information security to withstand malicious activities on software, and preserving software assets. However, software developers still lacks a methodology for the assessment of the deployed protections. To solve these issues, we present a novel attack simulation based software protection assessment method to assess and compare various protection solutions. Our solution relies on Petri Nets to specify and visualize attack models, and we developed a Monte Carlo based approach to simulate attacking processes and to deal with uncertainty. Then, based on this simulation and estimation, a novel protection comparison model is proposed to compare different protection solutions. Lastly, our attack simulation based software protection assessment method is presented. We illustrate our method by means of a software protection assessment process to demonstrate that our approach can provide a suitable software protection assessment for developers and software companies.
An essential step in the development of products based on biotechnology is an assessment of their potential economic impacts and safety, including an evaluation of the potential impact of transgenic crops and practices related to their cultivation on the environment and human or animal health. The purpose of this paper is to provide an assessment method to evaluate the impact of biotechnologies that uses quantifiable parameters and allows a comparative analysis between conventional technology and technologies using GMOs. This paper introduces amethod to performan impact analysis associatedwith the commercial release and use of genetically modified plants, the Assessment SystemGMPMethod. The assessment is performed through indicators that are arranged according to their dimension criterion likewise: environmental, economic, social, capability and institutional approach. To perform an accurate evaluation of the GMP specific indicators related to genetic modification are grouped in common fields: genetic insert features, GMplant features, gene flow, food/feed field, introduction of the GMP, unexpected occurrences and specific indicators. The novelty is the possibility to include specific parameters to the biotechnology under assessment. In this case by case analysis the factors ofmoderation and the indexes are parameterized to perform an available assessment.
Objective To assess the validity and the reliability of the Portuguese version of the Delirium Rating Scale-Revised-98 (DRS-R-98). Methods The scale was translated into Portuguese and back-translated into English. After assessing its face validity, five diagnostic groups (n = 64; delirium, depression, dementia, schizophrenia and others) were evaluated by two independent researchers blinded to the diagnosis. Diagnosis and severity of delirium as measured by the DRS-R-98 were compared to clinical diagnosis, Mini-Mental State Exam, Confusion Assessment Method, and Clinical Global Impressions scale (CGI). Results Mean and rnedian DRS-R-98 total scores significantly distinguished delirium from the other groups (p < 0.001). Inter-rater reliability (ICC between 0.9 and 1) and internal consistency (alpha = 0.91) were very high. DRS-R-98 severity scores correlated highly with the CGI. Mean DRS-R-98 severity scores during delirium differed significantly (p < 0.01) from the post-treatment values. The area under the curve established by ROC analysis was 0.99 and using the cut-off Value of 20 the scale showed sensitivity and specificity of 92.6% and 94.6%, respectively. Conclusion The Portuguese version of the DRS-R-98 is a valid and reliable measure of delirium that distinguishes delirium from other disorders and is sensitive to change in delirium severity, which may be of great value for longitudinal studies. Copyright (c) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the evolution of delirium of nursing home (NH) residents and their possible predictors. DESIGN: Post-hoc analysis of a prospective cohort assessment. SETTING: Ninety NHs in Switzerland. PARTICIPANTS: Included 14,771 NH residents. MEASUREMENTS: The Resident Assessment Instrument Minimum Data Set and the Nursing Home Confusion Assessment Method were used to determine follow-up of subsyndromal or full delirium in NH residents using discrete Markov chain modeling to describe long-term trajectories and multiple logistic regression analyses to determine predictors of the trajectories. RESULTS: We identified four major types of delirium time courses in NH. Increasing severity of cognitive impairment and of depressive symptoms at the initial assessment predicted the different delirium time courses. CONCLUSION: More pronounced cognitive impairment and depressive symptoms at the initial assessment are associated with different subsequent evolutions of delirium. The presence and evolution of delirium in the first year after NH admission predicted the subsequent course of delirium until death.