209 resultados para CONDUITS
The present study aimed to develop a pre-endothelialized chitosan (CH) porous hollowed scaffold for application in spinal cord regenerative therapies. CH conduits with different degrees of acetylation (DA; 4% and 15%) were prepared, characterized (microstructure, porosity and water uptake) and functionalized with a recombinant fragment of human fibronectin (rhFNIII7–10). Immobilized rhFNIII7–10 was characterized in terms of amount (125I-radiolabelling), exposure of cell-binding domains (immunofluorescence) and ability to mediate endothelial cell (EC) adhesion and cytoskeletal rearrangement. Functionalized conduits revealed a linear increase in immobilized rhFNIII7–10 with rhFNIII7–10 concentration, and, for the same concentration, higher amounts of rhFNIII7–10 on DA 4% compared with DA 15%. Moreover, rhFNIII7–10 concentrations as low as 5 and 20 lgml 1 in the coupling reaction were shown to provide DA 4% and 15% scaffolds, respectively, with levels of exposed cell-binding domains exceeding those observed on the control (DA 4% scaffolds incubated in a 20 lgml 1 human fibronectin solution). These grafting conditions proved to be effective in mediating EC adhesion/cytoskeletal organization on CH with DA 4% and 15%, without affecting the endothelial angiogenic potential. rhFNIII7–10 grafting to CH could be a strategy of particular interest in tissue engineering applications requiring the use of endothelialized porous matrices with tunable degradation rates.
Peripheral nerve injuries with loss of nervous tissue are a significant clinical problem and are currently treated using autologous nerve transplants. To avoid the need for donor nerve, which results in additional morbidity such as loss of sensation and scarring, alternative bridging methods have been sought. Recently we showed that an artificial nerve conduit moulded from fibrin glue is biocompatible to nerve regeneration. In this present study, we have used the fibrin conduit or a nerve graft to bridge either a 10 mm or 20 mm sciatic nerve gap and analyzed the muscle recovery in adult rats after 16 weeks. The gastrocnemius muscle weights of the operated side were similar for both gap sizes when treated with nerve graft. In contrast, muscle weight was 48.32 ± 4.96% of the contra-lateral side for the 10 mm gap repaired with fibrin conduit but only 25.20 ± 2.50% for the 20 mm gap repaired with fibrin conduit. The morphology of the muscles in the nerve graft groups showed an intact, ordered structure, with the muscle fibers grouped in fascicles whereas the 20 mm nerve gap fibrin group had a more chaotic appearance. The mean area and diameter of fast type fibers in the 20 mm gap repaired with fibrin conduits were significantly (P<0.01) worse than those of the corresponding 10 mm gap group. In contrast, both gap sizes treated with nerve graft showed similar fiber size. Furthermore, the 10 mm gaps repaired with either nerve graft or fibrin conduit showed similar muscle fiber size. These results indicate that the fibrin conduit can effectively treat short nerve gaps but further modification such as the inclusion of regenerative cells may be required to attain the outcomes of nerve graft for long gaps.
Collagen nerve guides are used clinically for peripheral nerve defects, but their use is generally limited to lesions up to 3 cm. In this study we combined collagen conduits with cells as an alternative strategy to support nerve regeneration over longer gaps. In vitro cell adherence to collagen conduits (NeuraGen(®) nerve guides) was assessed by scanning electron microscopy. For in vivo experiments, conduits were seeded with either Schwann cells (SC), SC-like differentiated bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (dMSC), SC-like differentiated adipose-derived stem cells (dASC) or left empty (control group), conduits were used to bridge a 1cm gap in the rat sciatic nerve and after 2-weeks immunohistochemical analysis was performed to assess axonal regeneration and SC infiltration. The regenerative cells showed good adherence to the collagen walls. Primary SC showed significant improvement in distal stump sprouting. No significant differences in proximal regeneration distances were noticed among experimental groups. dMSC and dASC-loaded conduits showed a diffuse sprouting pattern, while SC-loaded showed an enhanced cone pattern and a typical sprouting along the conduits walls, suggesting an increased affinity for the collagen type I fibrillar structure. NeuraGen(®) guides showed high affinity of regenerative cells and could be used as efficient vehicle for cell delivery. However, surface modifications (e.g. with extracellular matrix molecule peptides) of NeuraGen(®) guides could be used in future tissue-engineering applications to better exploit the cell potential.
BACKGROUND: The Contegra® is a conduit made from the bovine jugular vein and then interposed between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery. It is used for cardiac malformations in the reconstruction of right ventricular outflow tract. OBJECTIVE: To describe both normal and pathological appearances of the Contegra® in radiological imaging, to describe imaging of complications and to define the role of CT and MRI in postoperative follow-up. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty-three examinations of 24 patients (17 boys and 7 girls; mean age: 10.8 years old) with Contegra® conduits were reviewed. Anatomical description and measurements of the conduits were performed. Pathological items examined included stenosis, dilatation, plicature or twist, thrombus or vegetations, calcifications and valvular regurgitation. Findings were correlated to the echographic gradient through the conduit when available. RESULTS: CT and MR work-up showed Contegra® stenosis (n = 12), dilatation (n = 9) and plicature or twist (n = 7). CT displayed thrombus or vegetations in the Contegra® in three clinically infected patients. Calcifications of the conduit were present at CT in 12 patients and valvular regurgitation in three patients. The comparison between CT and/or MR results showed a good correlation between the echographic gradient and the presence of stenosis in the Contegra®. CONCLUSION: CT and MR bring additional information about permeability and postoperative anatomy especially when echocardiography is inconclusive. Both techniques depict the normal appearance of the conduit, and allow comparison and precise evaluation of changes in the postoperative follow-up.
The delivery kinetics of growth factors has been suggested to play an important role in the regeneration of peripheral nerves following axotomy. In this context, we designed a nerve conduit (NC) with adjustable release kinetics of nerve growth factor (NGF). A multi-ply system was designed where NC consisting of a polyelectrolyte alginate/chitosan complex was coated with layers of poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) to control the release of embedded NGF. Prior to assessing the in vitro NGF release from NC, various release test media, with and without stabilizers for NGF, were evaluated to ensure adequate quantification of NGF by ELISA. Citrate (pH 5.0) and acetate (pH 5.5) buffered saline solutions containing 0.05% Tween 20 yielded the most reliable results for ELISA active NGF. The in vitro release experiments revealed that the best results in terms of reproducibility and release control were achieved when the NGF was embedded between two PLGA layers and the ends of the NC tightly sealed by the PLGA coatings. The release kinetics could be efficiently adjusted by accommodating NGF at different radial locations within the NC. A sustained release of bioactive NGF in the low nanogram per day range was obtained for at least 15days. In conclusion, the developed multi-ply NGF loaded NC is considered a suitable candidate for future implantation studies to gain insight into the relationship between local growth factor availability and nerve regeneration.
Ectopic or tertiary lymphoid tissues (TLTs) are often induced at sites of chronic inflammation. They typically contain various hematopoietic cell types, high endothelial venules, and follicular dendritic cells; and are organized in lymph node-like structures. Although fibroblastic stromal cells may play a role in TLT induction and persistence, they have remained poorly defined. Herein, we report that TLTs arising during inflammation in mice and humans in a variety of tissues (eg, pancreas, kidney, liver, and salivary gland) contain stromal cell networks consisting of podoplanin(+) T-zone fibroblastic reticular cells (TRCs), distinct from follicular dendritic cells. Similar to lymph nodes, TRCs were present throughout T-cell-rich areas and had dendritic cells associated with them. They expressed lymphotoxin (LT) β receptor (LTβR), produced CCL21, and formed a functional conduit system. In rat insulin promoter-CXCL13-transgenic pancreas, the maintenance of TRC networks and conduits was partially dependent on LTβR and on lymphoid tissue inducer cells expressing LTβR ligands. In conclusion, TRCs and conduits are hallmarks of secondary lymphoid organs and of well-developed TLTs, in both mice and humans, and are likely to act as important scaffold and organizer cells of the T-cell-rich zone.
The gold mineralization of the Hutti Mine is hosted by nine parallel, N - S trending, steeply dipping, 2 - 10 m wide shear zones, that transect Archaean amphibolites. The shear zones were formed after peak metamorphism during retrograde ductile D, shearing in the lower amphibolite facies. They were reactivated in the lower to mid greenschist facies by brittle-ductile D-3 shearing and intense quartz veining. The development of a S-2-S-3 crenulation cleavage facilitates the discrimination between the two deformation events and contemporaneous alteration and gold mineralization. Ductile D, shearing is associated with a pervasively developed distal chlorite - sed cite alteration assemblage in the outer parts of the shear zones and the proximal biotite-plagioclase alteration in the center of the shear zones. D3 is characterized by development of the inner chlorite-K-feldspar alteration, which forms a centimeter-scale alteration halo surrounding the laminated quartz veins and replaces earlier biotite along S-3. The average size of the laminated vein systems is 30-50 m along strike as well as down-dip and 2-6 m in width. Mass balance calculations suggest strong metasomatic changes for the proximal biotite-plagioclase alteration yielding mass and volume increase of ca. 16% and 12%, respectively. The calculated mass and volume changes of the distal chlorite-sericite alteration (ca. 11%, ca. 8%) are lower. The decrease in 6180 values of the whole rock from around 7.5 parts per thousand for the host rocks to 6-7 parts per thousand for the distal chlorite-sericite and the proximal biotite-plagioclase alteration and around 5 parts per thousand for the inner chlorite-K-feldspar alteration suggests hydrothermal alteration during two-stage deformation and fluid flow. The ductile D-2 deformation in the lower amphibolite facies has provided grain scale porosities by microfracturing. The pervasive, steady-state fluid flow resulted in a disseminated style of gold-sulfide mineralization and a penetrative alteration of the host rocks. Alternating ductile and brittle D3 deformation during lower to mid greenschist facies conditions followed the fault-valve process. Ductile creep in the shear zones resulted in a low permeability environment leading to fluid pressure build-up. Strongly episodic fluid advection and mass transfer was controlled by repeated seismic fracturing during the formation of laminated quartz(-gold) veins. The limitation of quartz veins to the extent of earlier shear zones indicate the importance of preexisting anisotropies for fault-valve action and economic gold mineralization. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Le système nerveux périphérique est responsable de la transmission des impulses motrices, ainsi que de la réception des afférences sensorielles. Les lésions traumatiques des nerfs périphériques conduisent à une impotence fonctionnelle qui peut être dévastant, notamment chez les travailleurs manuels,. La récupération fonctionnelle est donc le but principal dans chirurgie des nerfs périphériques. Malheureusement, une suture directe des moignons nerveux est souvent impossible dans le contexte des traumatismes complexes qui surviennent lors des accidents. La suture nerveuse par interposition d'autogreffe reste le gold standard dans la pratique chirurgicale mais nécessite le sacrifice d'un nerf donneur, avec dysesthésie et possibles douleurs neuropathiques conséquentes. Alternativement, des guides tubulaires pour les nerfs peuvent être utilisées si le gap nerveux est inférieur à 3 cm. Plusieurs guides résorbables en collagène sont approuve en Europe et aux Etas Unis (FDA). Dans cette étude, des conduits de collagène ont été associe a des cellules régénératives (cellules souches adultes) comme stratégie supplémentaire de régénération. Une fois testé le rapport des cellules avec le biomatériau (NeuraGen® nerve guides) in vitro, une étude in vivo dans le rat a été effectuée. Les différents groupes de conduits ont été supplémentés respectivement avec Schwann cells (SC); avec cellules souches adultes dérivées de la moelle épinière, différentiées en cellules "Schwann-like" (dMSC); avec cellules souches adultes dérivées de la graisse, différentiées en cellules "Schwann-like" (dASC). Un groupe de conduits avec du milieu de culture sans cellules a été utilisé comme group control. Les conduits ont été utilisés pour combler un gap de 1cm dans un model de section totale du nerf sciatique chez le rat. Deux semaines post implantation, une analyse immuno-histochimique a été effectuée pour évaluer la régénération axonales et l'infiltration de cellules de Schwann au niveau du conduit. Les cellules ont montré une adhérence efficace aux parois de collagène. En particulier, les cellules de Schwann ont montré une amélioration significative au niveau du sprouting distale. Par contre, aucune différence significative n'a été remarquée entre les groupes pour le sprouting axonale proximal. De plus, si les cellules souches ont montré un pattern de sprouting diffus, les cellules de Schwann ont par contre garanti un cône de croissance typique, associé a une affinité remarquable pour les parois de collagène. NeuraGen® guides pourraient donc être un moyen adapté a l'association avec la thérapie cellulaire en raison de la bonne adhérence des cellules au biomatériau. Des modifications de surface dans le but d'améliorer la performance neurotrophique cellulaire in vivo (e.g. peptides de matrice extracellulaire) pourront être utilisées dans des applications futures.
The documented data regarding the three-dimensional structure of the air capillaries (ACs), the ultimate sites of gas exchange in the avian lung is contradictory. Further, the mode of gas exchange, described as cross-current has not been clearly elucidated. We studied the temporal and spatial arrangement of the terminal air conduits of the chicken lung and their relationship with the blood capillaries (BCs) in embryos as well as the definitive architecture in adults. Several visualization techniques that included corrosion casting, light microscopy as well as scanning and transmission electron microscopy were used. Two to six infundibulae extend from each atrium and give rise to numerous ACs that spread centrifugally. Majority of the ACs are tubular structures that give off branches, which anastomose with their neighboring cognates. Some ACs have globular shapes and a few are blind-ending tapering tubes. During inauguration, the luminal aspects of the ACs are characterized by numerous microvillus-like microplicae, which are formed during the complex processes of cell attenuation and canalization of the ACs. The parabronchial exchange BCs, initially inaugurated as disorganized meshworks, are reoriented via pillar formation to lie predominantly orthogonal to the long axes of the ACs. The remodeling of the retiform meshworks by intussusceptive angiogenesis essentially accomplishes a cross-current system at the gas exchange interface in the adults, where BCs form ring-like patterns around the ACs, thus establishing a cross-current system. Our findings clarify the mode of gas exchange in the parabronchial mantle and illuminate the basis for the functional efficiency of the avian lung.
BACKGROUND: Cryopreserved human blood vessels are important tools in reconstructive surgery. However, patency of frozen/thawed conduits depends largely on the freezing/thawing procedures employed. METHODS: Changes in tone were recorded on rings from human saphenous vein (SV) and used to quantify the degree of cryoinjury after different periods of exposure at room temperature to the cryomedium (Krebs-Henseleit solution containing 1.8M dimethyl sulfoxide and 0.1M sucrose) and after different cooling speeds and thawing rates following storage at -196 degrees C. RESULTS: Without freezing, exposure of SV to the cryomedium for up to 240 min did not modify contractile responses to noradrenaline (NA). Pre-freezing exposure to the cryomedium for 10-120 min attenuated significantly post-thaw maximal contractile responses to NA, endothelin-1 (ET-1) and potassium chloride (KCl) by 30-44%. Exposure for 240 min attenuated post-thaw contractile responses to all tested agents markedly by 62-67%. Optimal post-thaw contractile activity was obtained with SV frozen at about -1.2 degrees C/min and thawed slowly at about 15 degrees C/min. In these SV maximal contractile responses to NA, ET-1 and KCl amounted to 66%, 70% and 60% of that produced by unfrozen controls. Following cryostorage of veins for up to 10 years the responsiveness of vascular smooth muscle to NA was well maintained. CONCLUSION: Cryopreservation allows long-term banking of viable human SV with only minor loss in contractility.
PURPOSE: We evaluated the impact of stenting the ureteroileal anastomosis on its competence, upper urinary tract dilatation, gastrointestinal recovery, metabolic parameters and patency rate after cystectomy with ileal bladder substitution or ileal conduit. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 54 patients (37 with an ileal bladder substitute and 17 with an ileal conduit) were prospectively randomized into 2 groups, with (29) or without (25) perioperative stenting of the ureteroileal anastomosis. In all cases an end-to-side ureteroileal refluxing anastomosis was performed. The stents were removed after 5 to 10 days. The parameters assessed postoperative days 1, 3 and 7 were creatinine concentration from the wound drains, upper urinary tract dilatation, time to bowel function recovery, serum creatinine, as well as urea and incidence of metabolic acidosis. RESULTS: Median patient age was 68 years (range 45 to 85). Urine leak on postoperative day 1 was more frequent in those anastomoses without stents, and on postoperative days 3 and 7 the values were comparable. Stenting of the ureteroileal anastomosis resulted in significantly decreased early postoperative upper urinary tract dilatation, improved recovery of bowel function and decreased metabolic acidosis. In either group no patient had clinical evidence of ureteroileal anastomotic stricture during the early postoperative period. Three patients with perioperative stenting required surgical or endoscopic treatment for a stricture of the ureteroileal anastomosis during the 12-month followup. CONCLUSIONS: Stenting of the ureteroileal anastomosis allows for significantly less frequent incidence of early postoperative dilatation of the pelvicaliceal system, bowel activity resumes significantly earlier and metabolic acidosis is significantly less frequent.
OBJECTIVE: The implantation of a composite graft is the treatment of choice for patients with aortic root disease if the valve cannot be preserved and the patient is not a suitable candidate for a Ross procedure. Several years ago, the Shelhigh NR-2000C (Shelhigh, Inc, Millburn, NJ) was introduced in Europe. Being a totally biologic conduit and considering the lack of homografts, the graft seemed an ideal conduit for patients with destructive endocarditis, as well as for older patients who were not suitable candidates for oral anticoagulation. METHODS: From 2001 until 2006, the Shelhigh NR-2000C stentless valved conduit was implanted in 115 patients for various aortic root pathologies. The conduit consists of a bovine pericardial straight graft with an incorporated porcine stentless valve. Aortic root repair was performed during standard cardiopulmonary bypass and mild hypothermia in the majority of patients. Deep hypothermic circulatory arrest combined with selective antegrade cerebral perfusion was used when the repair extended into the arch. RESULTS: Seven patients with uncomplicated early outcome presented with unexpected sudden disastrous findings at the level of the aortic root, although 1-year follow-up computed tomographic scans were normal. Four of these patients underwent emergency operations because of desintegration of the graft, along with rupture of the aortic root. Retrospectively, the main findings were persistent fever or subfebrility over months and a halo-like enhancement on computed tomographic scans. Extensive microbiologic examinations were performed without finding a causative organism. CONCLUSION: The use of the Shelhigh aortic stentless conduit can no longer be advocated, and meticulous follow-up of patients in whom this device has been implanted has to be recommended.
BACKGROUND: Complete arterial CABG is a surgical option to improve long-term results in the treatment of coronary artery disease (CAD). Harvesting of multiple arterial grafts is commonly associated with prolonged operating times and increased trauma. By use of new operative techniques (skeletonized grafts and the T-graft approach), CABG in multivessel CAD is now possible with only 2 grafts. We present our experience in the use of these techniques on a routine basis. METHODS AND RESULTS: Between March 1996 and September 1999, 490 patients (aged 61+/-9 years, 20% female) underwent complete arterial CABG. Left ventricular ejection fraction ranged from 15% to 85% (mean 59+/-15%). Triple-vessel disease was present in 88% of the patients. The incidence of diabetes mellitus was 32% (14% insulin dependent). Either both internal thoracic arteries (ITAs) (23%) or the left ITA and radial artery (77%) were used as conduits. In 85% of the patients, a T graft was created. Mean operating time was 198+/-46 minutes; bypass time, 82+/-25 minutes; and ischemic time, 58+/-22 minutes. Two to 7 (mean 4.1+/-0.9) anastomoses were performed per patient. Perioperative intra-aortic balloon pump was necessary in 12 patients (2.4%). The rate of perioperative myocardial infarction was 1.2%. Sternal complications occurred in 1. 0%, and in-hospital mortality was 2.2%. Postoperative coronary angiography in 172 patients (35%) documented excellent patency rates (left ITA 98.3%, right ITA 96.5%, and radial artery 96.6%). CONCLUSIONS: Complete arterial revascularization in multivessel CAD is possible with the use of only 2 grafts with good perioperative results. This approach allows for complete arterial CABG on a routine basis.