897 resultados para COMPRESSION STANDARD


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In this paper, an improved technique for evolving wavelet coefficients refined for compression and reconstruction of fingerprint images is presented. The FBI fingerprint compression standard [1, 2] uses the cdf 9/7 wavelet filter coefficients. Lifting scheme is an efficient way to represent classical wavelets with fewer filter coefficients [3, 4]. Here Genetic algorithm (GA) is used to evolve better lifting filter coefficients for cdf 9/7 wavelet to compress and reconstruct fingerprint images with better quality. Since the lifting filter coefficients are few in numbers compared to the corresponding classical wavelet filter coefficients, they are evolved at a faster rate using GA. A better reconstructed image quality in terms of Peak-Signal-to-Noise-Ratio (PSNR) is achieved with the best lifting filter coefficients evolved for a compression ratio 16:1. These evolved coefficients perform well for other compression ratios also.


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JPEG 2000 és un estàndard de compressió d'imatges que utilitza tècniques estat de l’art basades en la transformada wavelet. Els principals avantatges són la millor compressió, la possibilitat d’operar amb dades comprimides i que es pot comprimir amb i sense pèrdua amb el mateix mètode. BOI és la implementació de JPEG 2000 del Grup de Compressió Interactiva d’Imatges del departament d’Enginyeria de la Informació i les Comunicacions, pensada per entendre, criticar i millorar les tecnologies de JPEG 2000. La nova versió intenta arribar a tots els extrems de l’estàndard on la versió anterior no va arribar.


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JPEG2000 és un estàndard de compressió d’imatges que utilitza la transformada wavelet i, posteriorment, una quantificació uniforme dels coeficients amb dead-zone. Els coeficients wavelet presenten certes dependències tant estadístiques com visuals. Les dependències estadístiques es tenen en compte a l'esquema JPEG2000, no obstant, no passa el mateix amb les dependències visuals. En aquest treball, es pretén trobar una representació més adaptada al sistema visual que la que proporciona JPEG2000 directament. Per trobar-la utilitzarem la normalització divisiva dels coeficients, tècnica que ja ha demostrat resultats tant en decorrelació estadística de coeficients com perceptiva. Idealment, el que es voldria fer és reconvertir els coeficients a un espai de valors en els quals un valor més elevat dels coeficients impliqui un valor més elevat d'aportació visual, i utilitzar aquest espai de valors per a codificar. A la pràctica, però, volem que el nostre sistema de codificació estigui integrat a un estàndard. És per això que utilitzarem JPEG2000, estàndard de la ITU que permet una elecció de les distorsions en la codificació, i utilitzarem la distorsió en el domini de coeficients normalitzats com a mesura de distorsió per a escollir quines dades s'envien abans.


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This work focuses on the study of video compression standard MPEG. To this end, a study was undertaken starting from the basics of digital video, addressing the components necessary for the understanding of the tools used by the video coding standard MPEG. The Motion Picture Experts Group (MPEG) was formed in the late '80s by a group of experts in order to create international standards for encoding and decoding audio and video. This paper will discuss the techniques present in the video compression standard MPEG, as well as its evolution. Will be described in the MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4 and H.264 (MPEG-4 Part 10), however, the last two will be presented with more emphasis, because the standards are present in most modern video technologies, as in HDTV broadcasts


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In this thesis we present an overview of sparse approximations of grey level images. The sparse representations are realized by classic, Matching Pursuit (MP) based, greedy selection strategies. One such technique, termed Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP), is shown to be suitable for producing sparse approximations of images, if they are processed in small blocks. When the blocks are enlarged, the proposed Self Projected Matching Pursuit (SPMP) algorithm, successfully renders equivalent results to OMP. A simple coding algorithm is then proposed to store these sparse approximations. This is shown, under certain conditions, to be competitive with JPEG2000 image compression standard. An application termed image folding, which partially secures the approximated images is then proposed. This is extended to produce a self contained folded image, containing all the information required to perform image recovery. Finally a modified OMP selection technique is applied to produce sparse approximations of Red Green Blue (RGB) images. These RGB approximations are then folded with the self contained approach.


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Purpose The aim of this study was to test the correlation between Fourier-domain (FD) optical coherence tomography (OCT) macular and retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL) thickness and visual field (VF) loss on standard automated perimetry (SAP) in chiasmal compression. Methods A total of 35 eyes with permanent temporal VF defects and 35 controls underwent SAP and FD-OCT (3D OCT-1000; Topcon Corp.) examinations. Macular thickness measurements were averaged for the central area and for each quadrant and half of that area, whereas RNFL thickness was determined for six sectors around the optic disc. VF loss was estimated in six sectors of the VF and in the central 16 test points in the VF. The correlation between VF loss and OCT measurements was tested with Spearman`s correlation coefficients and with linear regression analysis. Results Macular and RNFL thickness parameters correlated strongly with SAP VF loss. Correlations were generally stronger between VF loss and quadrantic or hemianopic macular thickness than with sectoral RNFL thickness. For the macular parameters, we observed the strongest correlation between macular thickness in the inferonasal quadrant and VF loss in the superior temporal central quadrant (rho=0.78; P<0.001) whereas for the RNFL parameters the strongest correlation was observed between the superonasal optic disc sector and the central temporal VF defect (rho=0.60; P<0.001).


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PURPOSE. To evaluate the relationship between pattern electroretinogram (PERG) amplitude, macular and retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness by optical coherence tomography (OCT), and visual field (VF) loss on standard automated perimetry (SAP) in eyes with temporal hemianopia from chiasmal compression. METHODS. Forty-one eyes from 41 patients with permanent temporal VF defects from chiasmal compression and 41 healthy subjects underwent transient full-field and hemifield (temporal or nasal) stimulation PERG, SAP and time domain-OCT macular and RNFL thickness measurements. Comparisons were made using Student`s t-test. Deviation from normal VF sensitivity for the central 18 of VF was expressed in 1/Lambert units. Correlations between measurements were verified by linear regression analysis. RESULTS. PERG and OCT measurements were significantly lower in eyes with temporal hemianopia than in normal eyes. A significant correlation was found between VF sensitivity loss and fullfield or nasal, but not temporal, hemifield PERG amplitude. Likewise a significant correlation was found between VF sensitivity loss and most OCT parameters. No significant correlation was observed between OCT and PERG parameters, except for nasal hemifield amplitude. A significant correlation was observed between several macular and RNFL thickness parameters. CONCLUSIONS. In patients with chiasmal compression, PERG amplitude and OCT thickness measurements were significant related to VF loss, but not to each other. OCT and PERG quantify neuronal loss differently, but both technologies are useful in understanding structure-function relationship in patients with chiasmal compression. (ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00553761.) (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2009; 50: 3535-3541) DOI:10.1167/iovs.08-3093


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Purpose: Evaluate the type of breast compression (gradual or no gradual) that provides less discomfort to the patient. Methods and Materials: The standard projections were simulated [craniocaudal/(CC) and mediolateral-oblique/(MLO)] with the two breast compressions in 90 volunteers women aged between 19 and 86. The women were organised in groups according to the breast density. The intensity of discomfort was evaluated using the scale that have represented several faces (0-10) proposed by Wong Baker in the end of each simulation. It was also applied an interview using focus group to debate the score that were attributed during pain evaluation and to identify the criteria that were considered to do the classification. Results: The women aged between 19-29y (with higher breast density) classified the pain during no gradual compression as 4 and the gradual compression as 2 for both projections. The MLO projection was considered the most uncomfortable. During the focus group interview applied to this group was highlighted that compression did not promoted pain but discomfort. They considered that the high expectations of pain did not correspond to the discomfort that they felt. Similar results were identified for the older women (30-50y; > 50y). Conclusion: The radiographers should considerer the technique for breast compression. The gradual compression was considered for the majority of the women as the most comfortable regardless of breast density. The MLO projection was considered as uncomfortable due to the positioning (axila and inclusion of pectoral muscle) and due to the higher breast compression compared to the CC projection.


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The growing heterogeneity of networks, devices and consumption conditions asks for flexible and adaptive video coding solutions. The compression power of the HEVC standard and the benefits of the distributed video coding paradigm allow designing novel scalable coding solutions with improved error robustness and low encoding complexity while still achieving competitive compression efficiency. In this context, this paper proposes a novel scalable video coding scheme using a HEVC Intra compliant base layer and a distributed coding approach in the enhancement layers (EL). This design inherits the HEVC compression efficiency while providing low encoding complexity at the enhancement layers. The temporal correlation is exploited at the decoder to create the EL side information (SI) residue, an estimation of the original residue. The EL encoder sends only the data that cannot be inferred at the decoder, thus exploiting the correlation between the original and SI residues; however, this correlation must be characterized with an accurate correlation model to obtain coding efficiency improvements. Therefore, this paper proposes a correlation modeling solution to be used at both encoder and decoder, without requiring a feedback channel. Experiments results confirm that the proposed scalable coding scheme has lower encoding complexity and provides BD-Rate savings up to 3.43% in comparison with the HEVC Intra scalable extension under development. © 2014 IEEE.


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Image registration is an important component of image analysis used to align two or more images. In this paper, we present a new framework for image registration based on compression. The basic idea underlying our approach is the conjecture that two images are correctly registered when we can maximally compress one image given the information in the other. The contribution of this paper is twofold. First, we show that the image registration process can be dealt with from the perspective of a compression problem. Second, we demonstrate that the similarity metric, introduced by Li et al., performs well in image registration. Two different versions of the similarity metric have been used: the Kolmogorov version, computed using standard real-world compressors, and the Shannon version, calculated from an estimation of the entropy rate of the images


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This paper aims to examine changes in common longevity and variability of the adult life span, and attempts to answer whether or not the compression of mortality continues in Switzerland in the years 1876-2005. The results show that the negative relationships between the large increase in the adult modal age at death, observed at least from the 1920s, and the decrease in the standard deviation of the ages at deaths occurring above it, illustrate a significant compression of adult mortality. Typical adult longevity increased by about 10% during the last fifty years in Switzerland, and adult heterogeneity in the age at death decreased in the same proportion. This analysis has not found any evidence suggesting that we are approaching longevity limits in term of modal or even maximum life spans. It ascertains a slowdown in the reduction of adult heterogeneity in longevity, already observed in Japan and other low mortality countries.


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In this paper we propose a method for computing JPEG quantization matrices for a given mean square error or PSNR. Then, we employ our method to compute JPEG standard progressive operation mode definition scripts using a quantization approach. Therefore, it is no longer necessary to use a trial and error procedure to obtain a desired PSNR and/or definition script, reducing cost. Firstly, we establish a relationship between a Laplacian source and its uniform quantization error. We apply this model to the coefficients obtained in the discrete cosine transform stage of the JPEG standard. Then, an image may be compressed using the JPEG standard under a global MSE (or PSNR) constraint and a set of local constraints determined by the JPEG standard and visual criteria. Secondly, we study the JPEG standard progressive operation mode from a quantization based approach. A relationship between the measured image quality at a given stage of the coding process and a quantization matrix is found. Thus, the definition script construction problem can be reduced to a quantization problem. Simulations show that our method generates better quantization matrices than the classical method based on scaling the JPEG default quantization matrix. The estimation of PSNR has usually an error smaller than 1 dB. This figure decreases for high PSNR values. Definition scripts may be generated avoiding an excessive number of stages and removing small stages that do not contribute during the decoding process with a noticeable image quality improvement.


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This paper describes an audio watermarking scheme based on lossy compression. The main idea is taken from an image watermarking approach where the JPEG compression algorithm is used to determine where and how the mark should be placed. Similarly, in the audio scheme suggested in this paper, an MPEG 1 Layer 3 algorithm is chosen for compression to determine the position of the mark bits and, thus, the psychoacoustic masking of the MPEG 1 Layer 3compression is implicitly used. This methodology provides with a high robustness degree against compression attacks. The suggested scheme is also shown to succeed against most of the StirMark benchmark attacks for audio.


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Peer reviewed


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Spatial data representation and compression has become a focus issue in computer graphics and image processing applications. Quadtrees, as one of hierarchical data structures, basing on the principle of recursive decomposition of space, always offer a compact and efficient representation of an image. For a given image, the choice of quadtree root node plays an important role in its quadtree representation and final data compression. The goal of this thesis is to present a heuristic algorithm for finding a root node of a region quadtree, which is able to reduce the number of leaf nodes when compared with the standard quadtree decomposition. The empirical results indicate that, this proposed algorithm has quadtree representation and data compression improvement when in comparison with the traditional method.