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The analysis of scientific data is integral to materials engineering and science. The correlation between measured variables is often quantified by estimating the coefficient of determination or the r2 value. This is the recognised procedure for determining linear relationships. The authors review the derivation of the r2 value and derive an associated quantity, termed the relative deviation (RD), which is the ratio of the root mean square of the deviations about the fitted line to the root mean square of the deviations about the y bar line expressed as a percentage. The relative deviation has an advantage over the coefficient of determination in that it has greater numerical sensitivity to changes in the spread of data about the fitted line, especially when the scatter is small. In addition, the relative deviation is able to define, in percentage terms, the reduction in scatter when different independent variables are correlated with a common dependent variable. Four case studies in the materials field (aggregate crushing value, Atterberg limits, permeability and creep of asphalt) from work carried out at the Queensland Main Roads Department are presented to show the use of the new parameter RD.


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The standard curve-fitting methods, Casagrande's log t method and Taylor's root t method, for the determination of the coefficient of consolidation use the later part of the consolidation curve and are influenced by secondary compression effects. Literature shows that secondary compression is concurrent with primary consolidation and that its effect is to decrease the value of the coefficient of consolidation. If the early part of the time-compression data is used, the values obtained will be less influenced by secondary compression effects. A method that uses the early part of the log t plot is proposed in this technical note. As the influence of secondary compression is reduced, the value obtained by this method is greater than that yielded by both the standard methods. The permeability values computed from C-v (obtained from the proposed method) rue more in agreement with the measured values than the standard methods showing that the effects of secondary compression are minimized. Time-compression data for a shorter duration is sufficient for the determination of C-v if the coefficient of secondary compression is not required.


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Parkin (1978) suggested the velocity method based on the observation that the theoretical rate of consolidation and time factor plot on a log-log scale yields an initial slope of 1:2 up to 50% consolidation. A new method is proposed that is an improvement over Parkin's velocity method because it minimizes the problems encountered in using that method. The results obtained agree with the other methods in use.


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The behaviour of saturated soils undergoing consolidation is very complex, It may not follow Terzaghi's theory over the entire consolidation process, Different soils may behave in such a way as to fit into Terzaghi's theory over some specific stages of the consolidation process (percentage of consolidation), This may be one of the reasons for the difficulties faced by the existing curve-fitting procedures in obtaining the coefficient of consolidation, c(v). It has been shown that the slope of the initial linear portion of the theoretical log U-log T curve is constant over a wider range of degree of consolidation, U, when compared with the other methods in use, This initial well-defined straight line in the log U-log T plot intersects the U = 100% line at T = pi/4, which corresponds to U = 88.3%, The proposed log delta-log t method is based on this observation, which gives the value of c(v) through simple graphical construction, In the proposed method, which is more versatile, identification of the characteristic straight lines is very clear; the intersection of these lines is more precise and the method does not depend upon the initial compression for the determination of c(v).


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In the recent past, many studies have been carried out on the determination of coefficient of consolidation (c(v)) from the time (t)-deformation (d) data obtained from conventional consolidation tests. Several researchers have also proposed different curve fitting procedures for determining cv from the t-d data. It is anticipated that the cv values obtained from the t-d data may be influenced by initial and secondary compressions. Nevertheless, the pore water pressure data measured during the consolidation process will be independent of initial and secondary compressions. In this study, the conventional Asaoka (1978) method is extended to evaluate cv and end-of-primary (EOP) consolidation from the pore water pressure data measured from laboratory experiments. Laboratory experiments were carried out on the modified one-dimensional consolidation apparatus on different remoulded clay samples measuring pore water pressure during the consolidation process. The cv and EOP computed from the proposed approach have been compared with the results of the t-d data and found to be in good agreement.


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Peatland habitats are important carbon stocks that also have the potential to be significant sources of greenhouse gases, particularly when subject to changes such as artificial drainage and application of fertilizer. Models aiming to estimate greenhouse gas release from peatlands require an accurate estimate of the diffusion coefficient of gas transport through soil (Ds). The availability of specific measurements for peatland soils is currently limited. This study measured Ds for a peat soil with an overlying clay horizon and compared values with those from widely available models. The Ds value of a sandy loam reference soil was measured for comparison. Using the Currie (1960) method, Ds was measured between an air-filled porosity (ϵ) range of 0 and 0.5 cm3 cm−3. Values of Ds for the peat cores ranged between 3.2 × 10−4 and 4.4 × 10−3 m2 hour−1, for loamy clay cores between 0 and 4.7 × 10−3 m2 hour−1 and for the sandy reference soil they were between 5.4 × 10−4 and 3.4 × 10−3 m2 hour−1. The agreement of measured and modelled values of relative diffusivity (Ds/D0, with D0 the diffusion coefficient through free air) varied with soil type; however, the Campbell (1985) model provided the best replication of measured values for all soils. This research therefore suggests that the use of the Campbell model in the absence of accurately measured Ds and porosity values for a study soil would be appropriate. Future research into methods to reduce shrinkage of peat during measurement and therefore allow measurement of Ds for a greater range of ϵ would be beneficial.


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Recent advances in thermoelectrochemical cells, which are being developed for harvesting low grade waste heat, have shown the promise of cobalt bipyridyl salts as the active redox couple. The Seebeck coefficient, Se, of a redox couple determines the open circuit voltage achievable, for a given temperature gradient, across the thermoelectrochemical cell. Thus, the accurate determination of this thermodynamic parameter is key to the development and study of new redox electrolytes. Further, techniques for accurate determination of Se using only one half of the redox couple reduces the synthetic requirements. Here, we compare three different experimental techniques for measuring Se of a cobalt tris(bipyridyl) redox couple in ionic liquid electrolytes. The use of temperature dependent cyclic voltammetry (CV) in isothermal and non-isothermal cells was investigated in depth, and the Se values compared to those from thermo-electromotive force measurements. Within experimental error, the Se values derived from CV methods were found to be in accordance with those obtained from electromotive force (emf) measurements. The applicability of cyclic voltammetry techniques for determining Se when employing only one part of the redox couple was demonstrated.


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Three types of raw materials including commercial waste from saltwater (SW), freshwater fish (FW) and tilapia fillet residue (FR) were used to produce fish silage by either acid digestion (2% formic acid and 2% sulfuric acid) or anaerobic fermentation (5% of Lactobacillus plantarum and 15% sugar cane molasses). Six test diets were used in digestibility trials prepared with 70% reference diet and 30% of each experimental silage. These diets were fed to juvenile pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus (146 g average weight) in triplicate. Fish were kept in 500-L tanks and feces collected by manual extrusion. It was observed for both processes that SW waste always had the highest moisture content and lowest fat and ash. Highest crude protein levels were found in silages from commercial fish waste (SW and FW) made from whole fish unfit for human consumption. However, apparent digestibility coefficients did not vary among diets (P > 0.05). Although values did not differ statistically, fermented silage consistently displayed higher digestibility coefficients compared to acid silage. The silages exhibited relatively high protein digestibility (72.5-80.0%), thus suggesting the feasibility of using fish industry by-products in aquaculture feeds.


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The refractive index and extinction coefficient of chemical vapour deposition grown graphene are determined by ellipsometry analysis. Graphene films were grown on copper substrates and transferred as both monolayers and bilayers onto SiO2/Si substrates by using standard manufacturing procedures. The chemical nature and thickness of residual debris formed after the transfer process were elucidated using photoelectron spectroscopy. The real layered structure so deduced has been used instead of the nominal one as the input in the ellipsometry analysis of monolayer and bilayer graphene, transferred onto both native and thermal silicon oxide. The effect of these contamination layers on the optical properties of the stacked structure is noticeable both in the visible and the ultraviolet spectral regions, thus masking the graphene optical response. Finally, the use of heat treatment under a nitrogen atmosphere of the graphene-based stacked structures, as a method to reduce the water content of the sample, and its effect on the optical response of both graphene and the residual debris layer are presented. The Lorentz-Drude model proposed for the optical response of graphene fits fairly well the experimental ellipsometric data for all the analysed graphene-based stacked structures.


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Partial funding for open access provided by the UMD Libraries' Open Access Publishing Fund.


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A method to estimate the Hall-Petch coefficient k for yield strength and flow stress of steels through nanoindentation experiments is proposed. While determination of k(f) for flow stress is on the basis of grain boundary strengthening evaluated by sharp indentation, k(y) for yield strength was computed with pop-in data from spherical indentations. Good agreement between estimated and literature data, obtained from the tensile tests, validates the proposed methodology. (C) 2014 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study concerns the relationship between the power law recession coefficient k (in - dQ/dt = kQ(alpha), Q being discharge at the basin outlet) and past average discharge Q(N) (where N is the temporal distance from the center of the selected time span in the past to the recession peak), which serves as a proxy for past storage state of the basin. The strength of the k-Q(N) relationship is characterized by the coefficient of determination R-N(2), which is expected to indicate the basin's ability to hold water for N days. The main objective of this study is to examine how R-N(2) value of a basin is related with its physical characteristics. For this purpose, we use streamflow data from 358 basins in the United States and selected 18 physical parameters for each basin. First, we transform the physical parameters into mutually independent principal components. Then we employ multiple linear regression method to construct a model of R-N(2) in terms of the principal components. Furthermore, we employ step-wise multiple linear regression method to identify the dominant catchment characteristics that influence R-N(2) and their directions of influence. Our results indicate that R-N(2) is appreciably related to catchment characteristics. Particularly, it is noteworthy that the coefficient of determination of the relationship between R-N(2) and the catchment characteristics is 0.643 for N = 45. We found that topographical characteristics of a basin are the most dominant factors in controlling the value of R-N(2). Our results may be suggesting that it is possible to tell about the water holding capacity of a basin by just knowing about a few of its physical characteristics. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.