784 resultados para COCHLEAR MALFORMATION


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The auditory brainstem implant (ABI) was first developed to help neurofibromatosis type 2 patients. Recently, its use has been recently extended to adults with non-tumor etiologies and children with profound hearing loss who were not candidates for a cochlear implant (Cl). Although the results has been extensively reported, the stimulation parameters involved behind the outcomes have received less attention. Objective: The aim of this study is to describe the audiologic outcomes and the MAP parameters in ABI adults and children at our center. Methods: Retrospective chart review. Five adults and four children were implanted with the ABI24M from September 2005 to June 2009. In the adult patients, four had Neurofibromatosis type 2, and one had postmeningitic deafness with complete ossification of both cochleae. Three of the children had cochlear malformation or dysplasia, and one had complete ossified cochlea due to meningitis. Map parameters as well as the intraoperative electrical auditory brainstem responses were collected. Evaluation was performed with at least six months of device use and included free-field hearing thresholds, speech perception tests in the adult patients and for the children, the Infant-Toddler Meaningful Auditory Integration Scale (IT-MAIS) and (ESP) were used to evaluate the development of auditory skills, besides the MUSS to evaluate. Results: The number of active electrodes that did not cause any non-auditory sensation varied from three to nineteen. All of them were programmed with SPEAK strategy, and the pulse widths varied from 100 to 300 mu s. Free-field thresholds with warble tones varied from very soft auditory sensation of 70 dBHL at 250 Hz to a pure tone average of 45 dBHL. Speech perception varied from none to 60% open-set recognition of sentences in silence in the adult population and from no auditory sensation at all to a slight improvement in the IT-MAIS/MAIS scores. Conclusion: We observed that ABI may be a good option for offering some hearing attention to both adults and children. In children, the results might not be enough to ensure oral language development. Programming the speech processor in children demands higher care to the audiologist. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Electroacoustic stimulation is an excellent option for people with residual hearing in the low frequencies, who obtain insufficient benefit with hearing aids. To be effective, the subject's residual hearing should be preserved during cochlear implant surgery. To evaluate the hearing preservation in patients that underwent implant placement and to compare the results in accordance with the approach to the inner ear. 19 subjects underwent a soft surgical technique, and the electrode MED-EL FLEX™ EAS, designed to be atraumatic, was used. We evaluated pre- and postoperative tonal audiometric tests with an average of 18.4 months after implantation, to measure the rate of hearing preservation. 17 patients had total or partial preservation of residual hearing; 5 had total hearing preservation and two individuals had no preservation of hearing. The insertion of the electrode occurred through a cochleostomy in 3 patients, and in 2 of these there was no hearing preservation; the other 16 patients experienced electrode insertion through a round window approach. All patients benefited from the cochlear implant, even those who are only using electrical stimulation. The hearing preservation occurred in 89.4% of cases. There was no significant difference between the forms of inner ear approach.


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Two experiments evaluated an operant procedure for establishing stimulus control using auditory and electrical stimuli as a baseline for measuring the electrical current threshold of electrodes implanted in the cochlea. Twenty-one prelingually deaf children, users of cochlear implants, learned a Go/No Go auditory discrimination task (i.e., pressing a button in the presence of the stimulus but not in its absence). When the simple discrimination baseline became stable, the electrical current was manipulated in descending and ascending series according to an adapted staircase method. Thresholds were determined for three electrodes, one in each location in the cochlea (basal, medial, and apical). Stimulus control was maintained within a certain range of decreasing electrical current but was eventually disrupted. Increasing the current recovered stimulus control, thus allowing the determination of a range of electrical currents that could be defined as the threshold. The present study demonstrated the feasibility of the operant procedure combined with a psychophysical method for threshold assessment, thus contributing to the routine fitting and maintenance of cochlear implants within the limitations of a hospital setting.


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Spectral peak resolution was investigated in normal hearing (NH), hearing impaired (HI), and cochlear implant (CI) listeners. The task involved discriminating between two rippled noise stimuli in which the frequency positions of the log-spaced peaks and valleys were interchanged. The ripple spacing was varied adaptively from 0.13 to 11.31 ripples/octave, and the minimum ripple spacing at which a reversal in peak and trough positions could be detected was determined as the spectral peak resolution threshold for each listener. Spectral peak resolution was best, on average, in NH listeners, poorest in CI listeners, and intermediate for HI listeners. There was a significant relationship between spectral peak resolution and both vowel and consonant recognition in quiet across the three listener groups. The results indicate that the degree of spectral peak resolution required for accurate vowel and consonant recognition in quiet backgrounds is around 4 ripples/octave, and that spectral peak resolution poorer than around 1–2 ripples/octave may result in highly degraded speech recognition. These results suggest that efforts to improve spectral peak resolution for HI and CI users may lead to improved speech recognition


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The purpose of this study was to explore the potential advantages, both theoretical and applied, of preserving low-frequency acoustic hearing in cochlear implant patients. Several hypotheses are presented that predict that residual low-frequency acoustic hearing along with electric stimulation for high frequencies will provide an advantage over traditional long-electrode cochlear implants for the recognition of speech in competing backgrounds. A simulation experiment in normal-hearing subjects demonstrated a clear advantage for preserving low-frequency residual acoustic hearing for speech recognition in a background of other talkers, but not in steady noise. Three subjects with an implanted "short-electrode" cochlear implant and preserved low-frequency acoustic hearing were also tested on speech recognition in the same competing backgrounds and compared to a larger group of traditional cochlear implant users. Each of the three short-electrode subjects performed better than any of the traditional long-electrode implant subjects for speech recognition in a background of other talkers, but not in steady noise, in general agreement with the simulation studies. When compared to a subgroup of traditional implant users matched according to speech recognition ability in quiet, the short-electrode patients showed a 9-dB advantage in the multitalker background. These experiments provide strong preliminary support for retaining residual low-frequency acoustic hearing in cochlear implant patients. The results are consistent with the idea that better perception of voice pitch, which can aid in separating voices in a background of other talkers, was responsible for this advantage.


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The differences in spectral shape resolution abilities among cochlear implant ~CI! listeners, and between CI and normal-hearing ~NH! listeners, when listening with the same number of channels ~12!, was investigated. In addition, the effect of the number of channels on spectral shape resolution was examined. The stimuli were rippled noise signals with various ripple frequency-spacings. An adaptive 4IFC procedure was used to determine the threshold for resolvable ripple spacing, which was the spacing at which an interchange in peak and valley positions could be discriminated. The results showed poorer spectral shape resolution in CI compared to NH listeners ~average thresholds of approximately 3000 and 400 Hz, respectively!, and wide variability among CI listeners ~range of approximately 800 to 8000 Hz!. There was a significant relationship between spectral shape resolution and vowel recognition. The spectral shape resolution thresholds of NH listeners increased as the number of channels increased from 1 to 16, while the CI listeners showed a performance plateau at 4–6 channels, which is consistent with previous results using speech recognition measures. These results indicate that this test may provide a measure of CI performance which is time efficient and non-linguistic, and therefore, if verified, may provide a useful contribution to the prediction of speech perception in adults and children who use CIs.


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Restricted cochlear lesions in adult animals result in plastic changes in the representation of the lesioned cochlea, and thus in the frequency map, in the contralateral auditory cortex and thalamus. To examine the contribution of subthalamic changes to this reorganization, the effects of unilateral mechanical cochlear lesions on the frequency organization of the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus (ICC) were examined in adult cats. Lesions typically resulted in a broad high-frequency hearing loss extending from a frequency in the range 15-22 kHz. After recovery periods of 2.5-18 months, the frequency organization of ICC contralateral to the lesioned cochlea was determined separately for the onset and late components of multiunit responses to tone-burst stimuli. For the late response component in all but one penetration through the ICC, and for the onset response component in more than half of the penetrations, changes in frequency organization in the lesion projection zone were explicable as the residue of prelesion responses. In half of the penetrations exhibiting nonresidue type changes in onset-response frequency organization, the changes appeared to reflect the unmasking of normally inhibited inputs. In the other half it was unclear whether the changes reflected unmasking or a dynamic process of reorganization. Thus, most of the observed changes were explicable as passive consequences of the lesion, and there was limited evidence for plasticity in the ICC. The implications of the data with respect to the primary locus of the changes and to the manner in which they contribute to thalamocortical reorganization are considered. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Our aim was to analyze the influence of subtle cochlear damage on temporal auditory resolution in tinnitus patients. Forty-eight subjects (hearing threshold <= 25 dB HL) were assigned to one of two experimental groups: 28 without auditory complaints (mean age, 28.8 years) and 20 with tinnitus (mean age, 33.5 years). We analyzed distortion product otoacoustic emission growth functions (by threshold, slope, and estimated amplitude), extended high-frequency thresholds, and the Gaps-in-Noise test. There were differences between the groups, principally in the extended high-frequency thresholds and the Gaps-in-Noise test results. Our findings suggest that subtle peripheral hearing impairment affects temporal resolution in tinnitus, even when pure-tone thresholds as conventionally measured appear normal. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel


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According to data from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, the elderly population grew 47.8% in the last decade in Brazil. A portion of this population has severe and/or profound hearing loss and do not benefit from conventional hearing aids. Thus, the use of cochlear implant is required. Aim: To analyze the benefits of cochlear implants in the elderly based on the comparison of primary auditory thresholds before and after the operation, discrimination of sentences in speech and in talking on the telephone. Methodology: Retrospective cohort study, analyzing medical records from patients aged over 60 years, users of cochlear implant for at least 1 year. Results: Fourteen medical records were analyzed. Mean age of patients was 63.07 years. The mean pure tone thresholds between 500Hz, 1kHz, 2kHz and 4kHz before the implantation was 113dBHL. None of the patients, before operation, could discriminate sentences in open sets and only 3 scored 17% in closed sets sentence recognition. After one year of implantation, the mean sound field thresholds reached 34dBHL, and open set sentences recognition of 93.57%, while 71% of the patients had become able to have a conversation on the telephone. Conclusion: The elderly users of cochlear implant showed important outcomes, with significant improvement in understanding in the open set and in using the telephone.


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This study aimed to evaluate the neural response in double-array cochlear implant as well as to describe the refractory recovery and the spread of excitation functions. In a prospective study 11 patients were implanted with the double-array cochlear implant. Neural response telemetry (NRT) was performed intra-operatively. NRT threshold could be registered in 6 of the 11 patients, at least in one electrode. The remaining five patients did not show measurable neural response intra-operatively. It was noted that although recovery and spread of excitation functions could be recorded in all the tested electrodes with measurable neural responses, the responses were shown to be different from the usual register in patients with other etiologies.


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Conclusion: The cochlear implant was beneficial as an attempt to restore hearing and improve communication abilities in this patient with profound sensorineural hearing loss secondary to Susac syndrome. Objective: To report the audiological outcomes of cochlear implantation (CI) in a young woman with Susac syndrome after a 6-month follow-up period. Susac syndrome is a rare disorder. It is clinically characterized by a typical triad of sensorineural deafness, encephalopathy, and visual defect, due to microangiopathy involving the brain, inner ear, and retina. Methods: This was a retrospective review of a case at a tertiary referral center. After diagnosis, the patient was evaluated by a multidisciplinary team and received a cochlear implant in her right ear. Results: The patient achieved 100% open-set sentence recognition in noise conditions and 92% monosyllable and 68% medial consonant recognition in quiet conditions after 6 months of implant use. She reported the use of the telephone 3 months after activation.


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Conclusion. The study shows that there are differences in the measurement of the action potentials with and without the stylet in the Nucleus Freedom Contour Advance that are higher in the apex than in the base of the cochlea. Objectives. To determine if there are differences in the intraoperative impedances and in the neural response telemetry threshold values in the Nucleus Freedom Contour Advance before and after stylet removal. Subjects and methods. This was a prospective clinical study. Intraoperative impedances and neural response telemetry in users of the Freedom Contour Advance Cochlear Implant were measured before and after stylet removal. Results. There was a significant reduction in the impedance values of an average 1.5 k Omega +/- 2.3 in common ground mode and 1.3 k Omega +/- 2.3 for all monopolar modes after the stylet removal (p < 0.001). When analyzing the apical, medium, and basal electrodes, there was a statistically significant reduction in the neural response thresholds after stylet removal only in the apical electrodes (p = 0.001).


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Profound hearing loss is a disability that affects personality and when it involves teenagers before language acquisition, these bio-psychosocial conflicts can be exacerbated, requiring careful evaluation and choice of them for cochlear implant. Aim: To evaluate speech perception by adolescents with profound hearing loss, users of cochlear Implants. Study Design: Prospective. Materials and Methods: Twenty-five individuals with severe or profound pre-lingual hearing loss who underwent cochlear implantation during adolescence, between 10 to 17 years and 11 months, who went through speech perception tests before the implant and 2 years after device activation. For comparison and analysis we used the results from tests of four choice, recognition of vowels and recognition of sentences in a closed setting and the open environment. Results: The average percentage of correct answers in the four choice test before the implant was 46.9% and after 24 months of device use, this value went up to 86.1% in the vowels recognition test, the average difference was 45.13% to 83.13% and the sentences recognition test together in closed and open settings was 19.3% to 60.6% and 1.08% to 20.47% respectively. Conclusion: All patients, although with mixed results, achieved statistical improvement in all speech tests that were employed.


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We previously reported a Vietnamese-American family with isolated autosomal dominant occipital cephalocele. Upon further neuroimaging studies, we have recharacterized this condition as autosomal dominant Dandy-Walker with occipital cephalocele (ADDWOC). A similar ADDWOC family from Brazil was also recently described. To determine the genetic etiology of ADDWOC, we performed genome-wide linkage analysis on members of the Vietnamese-American and Brazilian pedigrees. Linkage analysis of the Vietnamese-American family identified the ADDWOC causative locus on chromosome 2q36.1 with a multipoint parametric LOD score of 3.3, while haplotype analysis refined the locus to 1.1 Mb. Sequencing of the five known genes in this locus did not identify any protein-altering mutations. However, a terminal deletion of chromosome 2 in a patient with an isolated case of Dandy-Walker malformation also encompassed the 2q36.1 chromosomal region. The Brazilian pedigree did not show linkage to this 2q36.1 region. Taken together, these results demonstrate a locus for ADDWOC on 2q36.1 and also suggest locus heterogeneity for ADDWOC.