995 resultados para CO(1010) SURFACE


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The surface structure of the clean Co{1010BAR} surface and a c(2 x 2) potassium overlayer have been determined by quantitative low energy electron diffraction. The Co{1010BAR} sample has been shown to be laterally unreconstructed with the surface being uniquely terminated by an outermost closely packed double layer (dz12 = 0.68 angstrom). A damped oscillatory relaxation of the outermost three atomic layers occurs, with relaxations DELTA-dz12 = -6.5 +/- 2% and DELTA-dz23 = +1.0 +/- 2%.

The c(2 x 2) overlayer formed at a coverage of 0.5 ML was subjected to a full I-V analysis. A range of adsorption sites were tested including fourfold hollow, on-top, and both long and short bridge sites in combination with both "long" and "short" cobalt interlayer terminations. A clear preference was found for adsorption in the maximal coordination fourfold hollow site. No switching of surface termination occurs. The potassium adatoms reside in the [1210BAR] surface channels directly above second layer cobalt atoms with a potassium to outermost cobalt interlayer separation of 2.44 +/- 0.05 angstrom. Potassium-cobalt bond lengths of 3.40 +/- 0.05 and 3.12 +/- 0.05 angstrom between the four (one) outermost (second) layer nearest-neighbour substrate atoms suggests a potassium effective radius of 1.87 +/- 0.05 angstrom, somewhat smaller than the Pauling covalent radius and considerably larger than the ionic radius (1.38 angstrom). The alkali-surface bonding is thus predominantly "covalent"/"metallic".


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The 222Radon tracer method is a powerful tool to estimate local and regional surface emissions of, e.g., greenhouse gases. In this paper we demonstrate that in practice, the method as it is commonly used, produces inaccurate results in case of nonhomogeneously spread emission sources, and we propose a different approach to account for this. We have applied the new methodology to ambient observations of CO2 and 222Radon to estimate CO2 surface emissions for the city of Bern, Switzerland. Furthermore, by utilizing combined measurements of CO2 and δ(O2/N2) we obtain valuable information about the spatial and temporal variability of the main emission sources. Mean net CO2 emissions based on 2 years of observations are estimated at (11.2 ± 2.9) kt km−2 a−1. Oxidative ratios indicate a significant influence from the regional biosphere in summer/spring and fossil fuel combustion processes in winter/autumn. Our data indicate that the emissions from fossil fuels are, to a large degree, related to the combustion of natural gas which is used for heating purposes.


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Date of Acceptance: 01/06/2015 We thank the University of Aberdeen for financial support and A.I. McNab (University of Aberdeen) for discussions involving the calculation of surface sites.


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Date of Acceptance: 01/06/2015 We thank the University of Aberdeen for financial support and A.I. McNab (University of Aberdeen) for discussions involving the calculation of surface sites.


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Date of Acceptance: 01/06/2015 We thank the University of Aberdeen for financial support and A.I. McNab (University of Aberdeen) for discussions involving the calculation of surface sites.


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SmOx modified Rh(l 0 0) surfaces have been in-situ prepared by depositing metallic Sin and subsequently oxidizing under controlled conditions, and the interaction between the lanthanide oxide and transition metal has been characterized by means of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and high-resolution electron-energy-loss spectroscopy (HREELS) as well as thermal desorption spectroscopy (TDS). As evidenced, the adsorption of CO on the modified surfaces shows some different features to the original surface of Rh(l 00). The covering of SmOx blocks some sites on the surface and consequently suppresses adsorption of the typical CO species with an uptake at about 500 K, while a novel desorption peak centered at 260 K emerges in the CO TDS. Correspondingly, the XP spectrum exhibits a new C Is peak at 287.9 eV and 0 Is peak at 532.6 eV. The intensity of the low temperature peak varies with the coverage of SmOx, which shows an actual correlation to the perimeter sites of SmOx particles on the surface. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In situ IR measurements for CO adsorption and preferential CO oxidation in H-2-rich gases over Ag/SiO2 catalysts are presented in this paper. CO adsorbed on the Ag/SiO2 pretreated with oxygen shows a band centered around 2169 cm(-1), which is assigned to CO linearly bonded to Ag+ sites. The amount of adsorbed CO on the silver particles ( manifested by an IR band at 2169 cm(-1)) depends strongly on the CO partial pressure and the temperature. The steady-state coverage on the Ag surface is shown to be significantly below saturation, and the oxidation of CO with surface oxygen species is probably via a non-competitive Langmuir Hinshelwood mechanism on the silver catalyst which occurs in the high-rate branch on a surface covered with CO below saturation. A low reactant concentration on the Ag surface indicates that the reaction order with respect to Pco is positive, and the selectivity towards CO2 decreases with the decrease of Pco. On the other hand, the decrease of the selectivity with the reaction temperature also reflects the higher apparent activation energy for H-2 oxidation than that for CO oxidation.


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As the potassium fractional coverage of a cobalt {1010BAR} surface is increased over the range 0.2 to 0.6 monolayer the adlayer passes through a series of phase transitions. A commensurate phase is formed at exactly 0.5 monolayer, and corresponds to adatoms bonded in high-symmetry hollow sites on the unreconstructed cobalt surface, with an effective adatom radius lying between the ionic and covalent radii of potassium. A detailed structural study shows that the structural transitions can be characterised within a one-dimensional Frenkel-Kontorova model, with small lateral displacements of adatoms away from hollow sites in the low and high coverage phases. The low coverage phases progress from a distributed vacancy structure to a low density domain-wall structure; while the high coverage phase formed above half a monolayer is a high density asymmetric domain-wall structure.


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Immobilised Os species prepared via chemical vapour deposition (CVD) of Os-3(CO)(12) onto MCM-41 are active and selective catalysts for the dihydroxylation of trans-stilbene in acetone and water, using N-methylmorpholine N-oxide as the oxidant. A detailed temperature programmed decomposition study of the solids enables to identify the active sites as Os-x(CO)(y) surface species. The initial loading of the MCM-41 with the trinuclear precursor, as well as the temperature of the post-synthesis oxidising treatment, are found to have a significant impact on the structure/geometry of the resulting surface species, and thus their catalytic properties. We show how it is also affected by the confined environment of the MCM-41 mesopores and especially the curvature of the 30 Angstrom diameter channels. Finally, a careful study of the catalytic properties of the materials together with a study of the reactivity of the reaction products under similar conditions enable to suggest a mechanism involving the reaction of the oxidant with the osmium carbonyl surface species to form the catalytically active Os-oxo sites, and the formation of an osmoate-type species (through adsorption of the alkene onto the Os-oxo site) which subsequently reacts with the solvent to produce the diol. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The states of surface Co and Mo sites on nitrided CoMo supported on Al2O3 were studied by adsorption of CO and NO as IR probe molecules. Three IR bands at 2200, 2060 and 2025 cm(-1) were detected for adsorbed CO. These bands can be respectively attributed to the surface NCO species as a result of CO adsorbed on surface N sites, and linearly adsorbed CO on surface Co and Mo sites in low valence states. The addition of cobalt to the Mo nitride diminishes the band at 2200 cm(-1). This may be due to either the change of the surface structure of the supported nitride, or the formation of a new phase, CoxMoyNz, as suggested in the literature Kim et al., Catal. Lett., 1997, 43, 91 and Logan et al., Catal. Lett., 1998, 56, 165. Comparison of CO and NO adsorption on Mo2N/Al2O3 and CoMoNx/Al2O3 indicates that the presence of cobalt can promote the reduction and nitridation of Mo.


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With the help of in situ multi-step FTIR Spectroscopy, two types of adsorbed geminal CO have been observed for the first time at an electrochemically modified Rh electrode. A doublet band of two broad peaks at 2166 and 2112cm is assigned to geminal CO on Rh surface oxide (or hydroxide) produced by the electrochemical modification process, and a doublet band of two peaks near 2103 and 2033cm is ascribed to geminal CO on surface clusters of Rh formed by reduction of Rh surface oxide. Based on the evolution of FTIR spectra with the electrode potential, the surface processes of a Rh electrode, subjected to a potential cycling treatment at 1.5Vs between -0.275 and 2.4V for 2min, have been elucidated. The present results at the solid/liquid electrochemical interface were compared with those obtained at the solid/gas interface, and consistent conclusions were achieved.