40 resultados para CLINKER
To evaluate the biocompatibility and the setting time of Portland cement clinker with or without 2% or 5% calcium sulfate and MTA-CPM. Twenty-four mice (Rattus norvegicus) received subcutaneously polyethylene tubes filled with Portland cement clinker with or without 2% or 5% calcium sulfate and MTA. After 15, 30 and 60 days of implantation, the animals were killed and specimens were prepared for microscopic analysis. For evaluation of the setting time, each material was analyzed using Gilmore needles weighing 113.5 g and 456.5 g, according to the ASTM specification Number C266-08 guideline. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey's test for setting time and Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn test for biocompatibility at 5% significance level. Histologic observation showed no statistically significant difference of biocompatibility (p>0.05) among the materials in the subcutaneous tissues. For the setting time, clinker without calcium sulfate showed the shortest initial and final setting times (6.18 s/21.48 s), followed by clinker with 2% calcium sulfate (9.22 s/25.33 s), clinker with 5% calcium sulfate (10.06 s/42.46 s) and MTA (15.01 s/42.46 s). All the tested materials showed biocompatibility and the calcium sulfate absence shortened the initial and final setting times of the white Portland cement clinker
Il cemento è il materiale da edilizia più comune al mondo e le problematiche ambientali associate all’utilizzo ed al ciclo produttivo sono numerose (rilascio di gas serra, scelta delle materie prime, risparmio energetico) e fortemente impattanti. Tuttavia, nonostante la sua diffusione sia globale e le proprietà siano note da millenni vi sono ancora alcuni processi che non sono stati correttamente spiegati. In particolare non esiste una teoria unica e consolidata che descriva efficacemente la microstruttura delle fasi minerali del cemento che si sviluppano successivamente all'idratazione, e come esso di conseguenza interagisca con principi attivi, organici o inorganici, di cui è noto l’effetto accelerante sulla cinetica di indurimento. Questa tesi si pone l'obiettivo di condurre uno studio dell'idratazione del clinker finemente macinato (CFM - principale componente di molti cementi) focalizzato sull’interazione tra elementi chimici presenti nella matrice cementizia (Calcio, Ferro e Alluminio) ed additivi acceleranti (Trietanolammina, Triisopropanolammina). Il fenomeno è stato studiato tramite osservazione dell'andamento del rilascio dei suddetti ioni su cementi in via di idratazione e tramite utilizzo di tecniche di microscopia elettronica e di diffrazione di raggi X. L'analisi del rilascio di ioni, effettuata mediante spettroscopia ad assorbimento atomico, è stata condotta al fine di approfondire l'azione di trietanolammina e triisopropanolammina sulle dinamiche di idratazione dei CFM nelle fasi precoci di idratazione, al fine di confrontare queste dinamiche con processi che avvengono in fasi successive e che coinvolgono la formazione delle principali fasi amorfe e cristalline responsabili delle proprietà del materiale. Da indagini di diffrattometria e microscopia sono inoltre state estrapolate interessanti considerazioni circa le cinetiche che portano alla formazione delle fasi cristalline tipiche dell'idratazione del cemento (portlandite, ettringite) in presenza e assenza di additivi. Nel corso dello studio sono stati sintetizzati alcuni composti alternativi agli additivi commerciali, sviluppati a partire da building blocks provenienti da fonti rinnovabili, portando quindi l'attenzione sulla sostenibilità del processo di progettazione delle molecole, anche alla luce della degradazione in ambiente delle sostanze sintetizzate. Tali molecole sono attualmente in fase di test presso i laboratori di Italcementi (ITC Group).
El proyecto tiene por objeto establecer, en el marco de la Ley 31/1995, de 8 de noviembre, sobre prevención de riesgos laborales, y en su norma reglamentaria, el Real Decreto 1627/1997 de 24 de octubre, sobre disposiciones mínimas de seguridad y salud en las obras de construcción, la identificación y evaluación de riesgos de una planta industrial de molienda de clinker para fabricación de cemento, con objeto de determinar las medidas preventivas necesarias para garantizar las adecuadas condiciones de seguridad y salud de los trabajadores que intervengan en la construcción de la obra civil, y en los montajes eléctrico y mecánico. La metodología que se empleó para estimar los niveles de riesgo se basa en la conjunción de la probabilidad estimada y las consecuencias esperadas. Los resultados obtenidos a partir de los niveles de riesgo identificados demostraron que mediante la mejora de los controles existentes y la implantación de nuevas medidas de control, priorizando de forma que éstas siempre sean proporcionales al riesgo identificado y valorado, es posible garantizar los adecuados niveles de seguridad y salud durante la ejecución de la obra. ABSTRACT The main objective of this project is, in the frame of the Law 31/1995 of November 8th about prevention of labor risks and in its regulation norm, Royal Decree 1627/1997 of October 24th, about minimum dispositions of safety and health in the works of construction, the identification and evaluation of the risks involved in an industrial plant of grinding of clinker for cement manufacture in order to determine the preventive necessary measures to ensure the suitable conditions of safety and health of the workers who take part of civil works, and of electrical and mechanical erections. The methodology chosen to estimate the risk levels is based on the probability of happening together with the awaited consequences. The results obtained from the levels of risk identified demonstrated that by means of the improvement of the existing controls and the implementation of new control measures, determining priorities always proportionally to the identified and valued risk, it is possible to guarantee the suitable levels of safety and health during the execution of the works.
Cohn, A.M. George Cruikshank,
Added t. p., engraved: The expedition of Humphrey Clinker.
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Mode of access: Internet.
"Memoir of Tobias Smollett," by Thomas Roscoe: p. 5-44.
Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) is an environmentally contentious material, as for every ton of OPC produced, on average, 0.97 tons of CO2 are released. Ye'elimite-rich cements are considered as eco-cements because their manufacturing process releases less CO2 into the atmosphere than OPC; this is due to the low calcite demand. Belite-Alite-Ye’elimite (BAY) cements are promising eco-friendly building materials as OPC substitutes at a large scale. The reaction of alite and ye´elimite with water should develop cements with high mechanical strengths at early ages, while belite will contribute to later curing times. However, they develop lower mechanical strengths at early-medium ages than OPC. It is known that the presence of different polymorphs of ye'elimite and belite affects the hydration due to the different reactivity of those phases. Thus, a solution to this problem may be well the activation of BAY clinkers by preparing them with 'H-belite and pseudo-cubic-ye'elimite, jointly with alite. The aim of this work is the preparation and characterization of active-BAY clinkers which contain high percentages of coexisting 'H-belite and pseudo-cubic-ye'elimite, jointly with alite to develop, in a future step, comparable mechanical strengths to OPC. The parameters evolved in the preparation of the clinker have been optimized, including the selection of raw materials (mineralizers and activators) and clinkering conditions. Finally, the clinker was characterized through laboratory X-ray powder diffraction, in combination with the Rietveld methodology, and scanning electron microscopy.
Uniquely, China employs MgO already contained in cement clinker or as an expansive additive to compensate for the thermal shrinkage of mass concrete, particularly dam concrete, with almost 40 years' experience in both research activities and industrial applications. Compensating shrinkage with expansion produced by MgO has been proved to effectively prevent thermal cracking of mass concrete, and reduce the cost of temperature control measures and speed up the construction process. Moreover, the expansion properties of MgO could be designed flexibly, through adjusting its microstructure by changing the calcination conditions (calcining temperature and residence time). The collective knowledge and experience of MgO expansive cement and concrete is worthy of sharing with relevant engineers and researchers globally but dissemination has been hindered as most of the relevant literature is published in Chinese. This paper reviews the history, state-of-the-art progress and future research needs in the field of MgO expansive cement and concrete. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.