52 resultados para CLADOCERANS


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The effects of temperature on the life table, and of seston quality on the individual growth and reproduction of cladocerans from a tropical lake were tested in the laboratory. Life-table experiments were carried out at 17 degrees C, 23 degrees C, and 27 degrees C. Growth bioassays tested the influence of natural seston fractions, separated by net filtration, on cladocerans. The treatments were: (1) total seston plus Scenedesmus spinosus (1 mg C.L(-1)), (2) seston <= 36 mu m, and (3) seston >36 mu m. Phytoplankton composition, density, and biomass were evaluated during growth experiments, together with sestonic carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus concentrations. The intrinsic rates of natural increase were higher for Moina micrura and Daphnia ambigua at 27 degrees C compared to 17 degrees C. The age at first reproduction of both species was delayed at 17 degrees C. Growth rates and fecundity of M. micrura were higher in the seston fraction <= 36 mu m than in the fraction > 36 mu m. Higher growth rates and fecundity of Moina minuta were observed in the seston enriched with the green alga in comparison to the seston <= 36 mu m and > 36 mu m. Bosmina longirostris was unable to reproduce at 17 degrees C and to grow in the seston > 36 mu m in one experiment. High densities and/or biomass of large colonial and filamentous algae present in the larger seston fraction could have contributed to reduce growth and reproduction. Episodes of food-quantity limitation may occur, but there was no evidence of mineral limitation, although seston C:P and C:N ratios were always above the limiting values assumed for temperate water bodies. The C:P and C:N ratios arc highly influenced by carbon that originates primarily from resuspended detritus from the lake.


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The functional response of predators is usually modelled as a function of absolute prey density. Arditi and Ginzburg have suggested that it should often depend instead on the prey available per capita of predators, i.e. on the prey/predator ratio. Theory suggests that these two forms of dependence are related to the degree of spatial and temporal heterogeneity. Experiments using four filter-feeding cladoceran species were designed to test this hypothesis and to investigate the relation between individual behaviour and population dynamics. The patterns of population abundance that the cladocerans reached at equilibrium match the expectation that species with homogeneous spatial behaviour follow prey-dependent dynamics while those with heterogeneous behaviour follow ratio-dependent dynamics.


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Bioassays were carried out seasonally to evaluate individual growth and reproduction of cladocerans, from a marginal lake, with the addition of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and both N and P to natural seston; Methods: Cohorts originated from cultivated females were submitted to the following treatments: 1) lake seston, 2) lake seston + P, 3) lake seston + N, and 4) lake seston + NP; Results: The sestonic C:P and C:N molar ratios were always high and limiting, according to threshold ratios estimated for temperate lakes. P addition to seston enhanced the growth rates of one species, D. birgei. A significant higher growth rate of B. longirostris was found in the seston enriched with N compared to natural seston, as well as a higher fecundity of M. minuta. The fecundity of D. birgei was significantly higher in the seston enriched with both N and P. C, N, and P body content of cladocerans was similar to that of temperate counterparts; Conclusion: Energy limitation related to carbon content or food quality seems to be most important in controlling cladocerans' populations in the lake than food mineral content.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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An environmental impact study was conducted to determine the Piracicamirim's creek water quality in order to assess the influence of effluents from a sugar industry in this water body. For this, toxicity tests were performed with a water sample upstream and downstream the industry using the microcrustaceans Daphnia magna, Ceriodaphnia dubia and Ceriodaphnia silvestrii as test organisms, as well as physical and chemical analysis of water. Results showed that physical and chemical parameters did not change during the sampling period, except for the dissolved oxygen. No toxicity was observed for D. magna and reproduction of C. dubia and C. silvestrii in both sampling points. Thus, the industry was not negatively impacting the quality of this water body.


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An environmental impact study was conducted to determine the Piracicamirim's creek water quality in order to assess the influence of effluents from a sugar industry in this water body. For this, toxicity tests were performed with a water sample upstream and downstream the industry using the microcrustaceans Daphnia magna, Ceriodaphnia dubia and Ceriodaphnia silvestrii as test organisms, as well as physical and chemical analysis of water. Results showed that physical and chemical parameters did not change during the sampling period, except for the dissolved oxygen. No toxicity was observed for D. magna and reproduction of C. dubia and C. silvestrii in both sampling points. Thus, the industry was not negatively impacting the quality of this water body.


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The acute toxicity of metals to Daphnia similis was determined and compared to other daphnid species to evaluate the suitability of this organism in ecotoxicology bioassays. To verify the performance D. similis in toxicity tests, we also investigated the effect of Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata at 1 x 10(5) and 1 x 10(6) cells ml(-1) on Cd and Cr acute toxicity to the cladoceran. Daphnid neonates were exposed to a range of chromium and cadmium concentrations in the absence and presence of the algal cells. Metal speciation calculations using MINEQL(+) showed that total dissolved metal concentrations in zooplankton culture corresponded to 96.2% free Cd and 100% free Cr concentrations. Initial total dissolved metal concentrations were used for 48 h-LC(50) determination. LC(50) for D. similis was 5.15 x 10(-7) mol l(-1) dissolved Cd without algal cells, whereas with 1 x 10(5) cells ml(-1), it was significantly higher (7.15 x 10(-7) mol l(-1) dissolved Cd). For Cr, the 48 h-LC(50) value of 9.17 x 10(-7) mol l(-1) obtained for the cladoceran in tests with 1 x 10(6) cells ml(-1) of P. subcapitata was also significantly higher than that obtained in tests without algal cells (5.28 x 10(-7) mol l(-1) dissolved Cr). The presence of algal cells reduced the toxicity of metals to D. similis, as observed in other studies that investigated the effects of food on metal toxicity to standard cladocerans. Comparing our results to those of literature, we observed that D. similis is as sensitive to metals as other standardized Daphnia species and may serve as a potential test species in ecotoxicological evaluations.


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Information on larval fish feeding is essential for understanding their trophic relations, including the management in conditions totally or partially controlled by humans. An experiment was designed to evaluate the larval diets of three commercially important species. Four varzea-lakes and the adjacent river were sampled with bongo and hand nets from January 1993 to November 1995. Larval diets were evaluated by length-classes and capture sites, and were tested by two factor ANOVA. The larvae were feeding in all habitats, except in the flooded forests. The three species had different diets, which varied with their length and lake. The rotifers were the main initial food item of the three species, replaced by fish larvae in Brycon cephalus, cladocerans in Triportheus elongatus and detritus in Semaprochilodus insignis. The increase of the ingestion limit, as the larvae grew, was higher than the increase in the consumed prey size for the three species.


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The use of substitute groups in biomonitoring programs has been proposed to minimize the high financial costs and time for samples processing. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the correlation between (i) the spatial distribution among the major zooplankton groups (cladocerans, copepods, rotifers, and testaceans protozoa), (ii) the data of density and presence/absence of species, and (iii) the data of species, genera, and families from samples collected in the Lago Grande do Curuai, Pará, Brazil. A total of 55 sample of the zooplanktonic community was collected, with 28 samples obtained in March and 27 in September, 2013. The agreement between the different sets of data was assessed using Mantel and Procrustes tests. Our results indicated high correlations between genus level and species level and high correlations between presence/absence of species and abundance, regardless of the seasonal period. These results suggest that zooplankton community could be incorporated in a long-term monitoring program at relatively low financial and time costs.


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ABSTRACT Based on the hypothesis that diel vertical migration (DVM) is a mechanism of predator avoidance, the objective of the present study was to test for the occurrence of DVM in planktivorous fish larvae of Hypophthalmus edentatus (Spix, 1829) (Siluriformes, Pimelodidae) and Plagioscion squamosissimus (Heckel, 1840) (Perciformes, Sciaenidae), and zooplankton (rotifers, cladocerans and copepods) in an isolated tropical lagoon in the floodplain of the Upper Paraná River, Brazil (region of Parque Nacional de Ilha Grande). We investigated spatial overlap between predators (planktivorous fish larvae) and prey (zooplankton), and tested which physical and chemical variables of the water are related to the DVM of the studied communities. We performed nocturnal (8:00 pm and 4:00 am) and diurnal sampling (8:00 am and 4:00 pm) in the limnetic region of the lagoon for six consecutive months, from October 2010 to March 2011, which comprises the reproductive period of the fish species analyzed. During the day the larvae tried to remain aggregated in the bottom of the lagoon, whereas at night they tried to disperse in the water column. Especially for cladocerans, the diel vertical migration is an important behavior to avoid predation larvae of H. edentatus and P. squamosissimus once decreased spatial overlap between secured and its potential predators, which corroborates the hypothesis that DVM is a mechanism of predator avoidance. Although significant correlations were observed between the abiotic factors and WMD of microcrustaceans at certain times of day, the effect of predation of fish larvae on zooplankton showed more important in this environment, because the small depth and isolation not allow great variation of abiotic factors seasonally and between strata the lagoon.


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The occurrence, prevalence and infection intensity of proteocephalidean larvae in naturally infected intermediate hosts of the Upper Paraná River floodplain are reported. A total of 5,206 zooplanktonic and benthic organisms were analyzed, namely cyclopid (2,621) and calanoid (1,479) copepods, cladocerans (704), rotifers (307), chironomid larvae (41) and ostracods (54). Eight cyclopid copepods - two copepodids, one male and five females - comprising 0.3% of the cyclopid copepods examined, were naturally infected. The male infected belonged to a species of Paracyclops, and the females to Paracyclops sp., Thermocyclops minutus and Mesocyclops longisetus.


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Monitoring of the 'ecological water quality' in 'Aiguamolls de l’Empordà' Natural Park was carried out between September 1996 and August 1997 . The aim of this sampling programme was to design a simple method for rapid detect changes in water quality due to human activity. These include flow regulation by the Park management, nutrient entries from effluents of a nearby wastewater treatment plant or agricultural fertilising. The proposed method is based on the analysis of the abundance of characteristic taxonomic groups of aquatic invertebrates (heleoplankton). The simplicity of the method is ensured by the use of large taxa which are easier to recognise than species. The functioning of aquatic systems has been modelled by means of correspondence analysis between samples and taxa. Results can be summerized in five environmental conditions with a regular community structure. Dominated by one taxon: cladocerans, ostracods, calanoids, cyclopoids and harpacticoids. The dynamics of both freshwater and brackish lagoons can be modelled as displacements between these five groups of environmental conditions. Nevertheless, the “calanoids situation” and the “harpacticoids situation” occur mainly in brackish lagoons, whereas the “cladocerans situation” occurs mainly in freshwater. The four principal axes of data variation have been respectively identified as nutrient turnover rate, hypertrophy, degree of mineralization of the organic matter and eutrophy. The use of these taxa has been validated by comparison with a model obtained from the species. We conclude that in a highly fluctuating system such as the one here, only persistent situations of eutrophy or hypertrophy must be equated to low 'ecological water quality'


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The major aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that the introduction of the Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and the enrichment with nutrients (N and P) interact synergistically to change the structure of plankton communities, increase phytoplankton biomass and decrease water transparency of a semi-arid tropical reservoir. One field experiment was performed during five weeks in twenty enclosures (8m3) to where four treatments were randomly allocated: with tilapia addition (T), with nutrients addition (NP), with tilapia and nutrients addition (T+NP) and a control treatment with no tilapia or nutrients addition (C). A two-way repeated measures ANOVA was done to test for time (t), tilapia (T) and nutrient (NP) effects and their interaction on water transparency, total phosphorus, total nitrogen, phytoplankton and zooplankton. The results show that there was no effect of nutrient addition on these variables but significant fish effects on the biomass of total zooplankton, nauplii, rotifers, cladocerans and calanoid copepods, on the biovolume of Bacillariophyta, Zygnemaphyceae and large algae (GALD ≥ 50 μm) and on Secchi depth. In addition, we found significant interaction effects between tilapia and nutrients on Secchi depth and rotifers. Overall, tilapia decreased the biomass of most zooplankton taxa and large algae (diatoms) and decreased the water transparency while nutrient enrichment increased the biomass of zooplankton (rotifers) but only in the absence of tilapia. In conclusion, the influence of fish on the reservoir plankton community and water transparency was greater than that of nutrient loading. This finding suggests that biomanipulation should be a greater priority in the restoration of eutrophic reservoirs in tropical semi-arid regions


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)