961 resultados para CHROMOSOME-8 LONG ARM
Thrico-rhino-falangeal syndrome is a rare genetic disease characterized by the presence of typical alterations with a long, bulbous nose, hair alterations, a long flat philtrum, and one-shaped epiphyses of the phalanges. We describe herein the first Brazilian case of a 24-year-old woman with thrico-rhino-falangeal syndrome type I. Physical examination demonstrated typical nose and hair abnormalities, and one-shaped epiphyses of the phalanges, and the genetic study confirmed the diagnosis. Thrico-rhino-falangeal syndrome is characterized by musculoskeletal alterations that at the first view may simulate juvenile idiopathic arthritis. These musculoskeletal deformities could imply the differential diagnosis with rheumatic diseases.
An interstitial deletion of 7q21 was found in a boy with mental retardation, microcephaly, convergent strabismus, micrognathia, genital anomalies, and other findings, including ectrodactyly.
A four-year-old girl with deletion of chromosomal band 6q24 → qter is described. Clinical features include growth and psychomotor retardation, microcephaly, convergent strabismus, bulbous nose, long philtrum, short neck and cardiopathy.
Recent studies have shown that a fake body part can be incorporated into human body representation through synchronous multisensory stimulation on the fake and corresponding real body part- the most famous example being the Rubber Hand Illusion. However, the extent to which gross asymmetries in the fake body can be assimilated remains unknown. Participants experienced, through a head-tracked stereo head-mounted display a virtual body coincident with their real body. There were 5 conditions in a between-groups experiment, with 10 participants per condition. In all conditions there was visuo-motor congruence between the real and virtual dominant arm. In an Incongruent condition (I), where the virtual arm length was equal to the real length, there was visuo-tactile incongruence. In four Congruent conditions there was visuo-tactile congruence, but the virtual arm lengths were either equal to (C1), double (C2), triple (C3) or quadruple (C4) the real ones. Questionnaire scores and defensive withdrawal movements in response to a threat showed that the overall level of ownership was high in both C1 and I, and there was no significant difference between these conditions. Additionally, participants experienced ownership over the virtual arm up to three times the length of the real one, and less strongly at four times the length. The illusion did decline, however, with the length of the virtual arm. In the C2-C4 conditions although a measure of proprioceptive drift positively correlated with virtual arm length, there was no correlation between the drift and ownership of the virtual arm, suggesting different underlying mechanisms between ownership and drift. Overall, these findings extend and enrich previous results that multisensory and sensorimotor information can reconstruct our perception of the body shape, size and symmetry even when this is not consistent with normal body proportions.
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
Abstract Background Tachycardia is commonly observed in hypertensive patients, predominantly mediated by regulatory mechanisms integrated within the autonomic nervous system. The genetic loci and genes associated with increased heart rate in hypertension, however, have not yet been identified. Methods An F2 intercross of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats (SHR) × Brown Norway (BN) linkage analysis of quantitative trait loci mapping was utilized to identify candidate genes associated with an increased heart rate in arterial hypertension. Results Basal heart rate in SHR was higher compared to that of normotensive BN rats (365 ± 3 vs. 314 ± 6 bpm, p < 0.05 for SHR and BN, respectively). A total genome scan identified one quantitative trait locus in a 6.78 cM interval on rat chromosome 8 (8q22–q24) that was responsible for elevated heart rate. This interval contained 241 genes, of which 65 are known genes. Conclusion Our data suggest that an influential genetic region located on the rat chromosome 8 contributes to the regulation of heart rate. Candidate genes that have previously been associated with tachycardia and/or hypertension were found within this QTL, strengthening our hypothesis that these genes are, potentially, associated with the increase in heart rate in a hypertension rat model.
This study tests whether cognitive failures mediate effects of work-related time pressure and time control on commuting accidents and near-accidents. Participants were 83 employees (56% female) who each commuted between their regular place of residence and place of work using vehicles. The Workplace Cognitive Failure Scale (WCFS) asked for the frequency of failure in memory function, failure in attention regulation, and failure in action execution. Time pressure and time control at work were assessed by the Instrument for Stress Oriented Task Analysis (ISTA). Commuting accidents in the last 12 months were reported by 10% of participants, and half of the sample reported commuting near-accidents in the last 4 weeks. Cognitive failure significantly mediated the influence of time pressure at work on near-accidents even when age, gender, neuroticism, conscientiousness, commuting duration, commuting distance, and time pressure during commuting were controlled for. Time control was negatively related to cognitive failure and neuroticism, but no association with commuting accidents or near-accidents was found. Time pressure at work is likely to increase cognitive load. Time pressure might, therefore, increase cognitive failures during work and also during commuting. Hence, time pressure at work can decrease commuting safety. The result suggests a reduction of time pressure at work should improve commuting safety.
In spite of its different cantonal jurisdictions and traditions, the development of religious education in Switzerland over the past decade has taken a common direction: the state has assumed a more active role in the field of religious education in public (state-run) schools. In this article, we ask the question: How do key social actors interpret these reforms and how do these interpretations relate to the social structure of religion in Switzerland, in particular with respect to the majority category of the so-called distanced Christians? Drawing on qualitative interviews with members of the schools’ teaching staff, school administrators, and church representatives, the article highlights a dominant interpretative pattern that frames the socially accepted representation of religion in public schools. Thus, rather than addressing the pedagogical dimension of religious education, we discuss the significance of this pattern for the debate on the public presence of religion in Switzerland and Europe.
The recent development of a goat SNP genotyping microarray enables genome-wide association studies in this important livestock species. We investigated the genetic basis of the black and brown coat colour in Valais Blacknecked and Coppernecked goats. A genome-wide association analysis using goat SNP50 BeadChip genotypes of 22 cases and 23 controls allowed us to map the locus for the brown coat colour to goat chromosome 8. The TYRP1 gene is located within the associated chromosomal region, and TYRP1 variants cause similar coat colour phenotypes in different species. We thus considered TYRP1 as a strong positional and functional candidate. We resequenced the caprine TYRP1 gene by Sanger and Illumina sequencing and identified two non-synonymous variants, p.Ile478Thr and p.Gly496Asp, that might have a functional impact on the TYRP1 protein. However, based on the obtained pedigree and genotype data, the brown coat colour in these goats is not due to a single recessive loss-of-function allele. Surprisingly, the genotype distribution and the pedigree data suggest that the (496) Asp allele might possibly act in a dominant manner. The (496) Asp allele was present in 77 of 81 investigated Coppernecked goats and did not occur in black goats. This strongly suggests heterogeneity underlying the brown coat colour in Coppernecked goats. Functional experiments or targeted matings will be required to verify the unexpected preliminary findings.
The DNA-activated serine/threonine protein kinase (DNA-PK) is composed of a large (approximately 460 kDa) catalytic polypeptide (DNA-PKcs) and Ku, a heterodimeric DNA-binding component (p70/p80) that targets DNA-PKcs to DNA. A 41-kbp segment of the DNA-PKcs gene was isolated, and a 7902-bp segment was sequenced. The sequence contains a polymorphic Pvu II restriction enzyme site, and comparing the sequence with that of the cDNA revealed the positions of nine exons. The DNA-PKcs gene was mapped to band q11 of chromosome 8 by in situ hybridization. This location is coincident with that of XRCC7, the gene that complements the DNA double-strand break repair and V(D)J recombination defects (where V is variable, D is diversity, and J is joining) of hamster V3 and murine severe combined immunodeficient (scid) cells.
Objective: To investigate whether submicroscopic copy number variants (CNVs) on the X chromosome can be identified in women with primary ovarian insufficiency (POI), defined as spontaneous secondary amenorrhea before 40 years of age accompanied by follicle-stimulating hormone levels above 40 IU/L on at least two occasions. Design: Analysis of intensity data of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) probes generated by genomewide Illumina 370k CNV BeadChips, followed by the validation of identified loci using a custom designed ultra-high-density comparative genomic hybridization array containing 48,325 probes evenly distributed over the X chromosome. Setting: Multicenter genetic cohort study in the Netherlands. Patient(s): 108 Dutch Caucasian women with POI, 97 of whom passed quality control, who had a normal karyogram and absent fragile X premutation, and 235 healthy Dutch Caucasian women as controls. Intervention(s): None. Main Outcome Measure(s): Amount and locus of X chromosomal microdeletions or duplications. Result(s): Intensity differences between SNP probes identify microdeletions and duplications. The initial analysis identified an overrepresentation of deletions in POI patients. Moreover, CNVs in two genes on the Xq21.3 locus (i.e., PCDH11X and TGIF2LX) were statistically significantly associated with the POI phenotype. Mean size of identified CNVs was 262 kb. However, in the validation study the identified putative Xq21.3 deletions samples did not show deviations in intensities in consecutive probes. Conclusion(s): X chromosomal submicroscopic CNVs do not play a major role in Caucasian POI patients. We provide guidelines on how submicroscopic cytogenetic POI research should be conducted. (Fertil Steril (R) 2011;95:1584-8. (C) 2011 by American Society for Reproductive Medicine.)
First chromosome characterization in the neotropical eel, Gymnothorax ocellatus (Pisces, Muraenidae)
Cytogenetics studies in 12 specimens of Gymnothorax ocellatus reveled a diploid chromosome number of 2n=42 (16 metacentrics, 18 submetacentrics and 8 acrocentrics). The nucleolar organizer regions were located in a terminal position on the long arm of the chromosome pair number fifteen. Conspicuous blocks of constitutive heterochromatin were observed in the centromeric and pericentromeric regions of some chromosome pairs. The results obtained are similar to those previously described for others species of this family. However, the cytogenetic informations may be useful in the identification of a possible variety of this species in Brazilian coast and contribute to the understanding of relationships among the species and the process of diversification which occurred in this group. © 2005 The Japan Mendel Society.
Gymnotus (Gymnotiformes, Gymnotidae) is the most diverse known Neotropical electric knife fish genus. Cytogenetic studies in Gymnotus demonstrate a huge karyotypic diversity for this genus, with diploid numbers ranging from 34 to 54. The NOR are also variable in this genus, with both single and multiple NORs described. A common interpretation is that the single NOR pair is a primitive trait while multiple NORs are derivative. However this hypothesis has never been fully tested. In this report we checked if the NOR-bearing chromosome and the rDNA site are homeologous in different species of the genus Gymnotus: G. carapo (2n = 40, 42, 54), G. mamiraua (2n = 54), G. arapaima (2n = 44), G. sylvius (2n = 40), G. inaequilabiatus (2n = 54) and G. capanema (2n = 34), from the monophyletic group G. carapo (Gymnotidae-Gymnotiformes), as well as G. jonasi (2n = 52), belonging to the G1 group. They were analyzed with Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) using 18S rDNA and whole chromosome probes of the NOR-bearing chromosome 20 (GCA20) of G. carapo (cytotype 2n = 42), obtained by Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting. All species of the monophyletic G. carapo group show the NOR in the same single pair, confirmed by hybridization with CGA20 whole chromosome probe. In G. jonasi the NORs are multiple, and located on pairs 9, 10 and 11. In G. jonasi the GCA20 chromosome probe paints the distal half of the long arm of pair 7, which is not a NOR-bearing chromosome. Thus these rDNA sequences are not always in the homeologous chromosomes in different species thus giving no support to the hypothesis that single NOR pairs are primitive traits while multiple NORs are derived. The separation of groups of species in the genus Gymnotus proposed by phylogenies with morphologic and molecular data is supported by our cytogenetic data. © 2013 Milhomem et al.
Aberrations of the long arm of chromosome 11 are among the most common chromosome abnormalities in lymphoproliferative disorders (LPD). Translocations involving BCL1 at 11q13 are strongly associated with mantle cell lymphoma. other nonrandom aberrations, especially deletions and, less frequently, translocations, involving bands 11q21-923 have been identified by chromosome banding analysis. To date, the critical genomic segment and candidate genes involved in these deletions have not been identified. In the present study, we have analyzed tumors from 43 patients with LPD (B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia, n = 40; mantle cell lymphoma, n = 3) showing aberrations of bands 11q21-923 by fluorescence in situ hybridization. As probes we used Alu-PCR products from 17 yeast artificial chromosome clones spanning chromosome bands 11q14.3-923.3, including a panel of yeast artificial chromosome clones recognizing a contiguous genomic DNA fragment of approximately 9-10 Mb in bands 11q22.3-923.3. In the 41 tumors exhibiting deletions, we identified a commonly deleted segment in band 11q22.3-923.1; this region is approximately 2-3 Mb in size and contains the genes coding for ATM (ataxia telangiectasia mutated), RDX (radixin), and FDX1 (ferredoxin 1). Furthermore, two translocation break-points were localized to a 1.8-Mb genomic fragment contained within the commonly deleted segment. Thus, we have identified a single critical region of 2-3 Mb in size in which 11q14-923 aberrations in LPD cluster. This provides the basis for the identification of the gene(s) at 11q22.3-923.1 that are involved in the pathogenesis of LPD.