955 resultados para CHROMOGENIC SUBSTRATE
beta-Galactosidase (beta-Gal) activity is a widely accepted biomarker to detect senescence both in situ and in vitro. A cytochemical assay based on production of a blue-dyed precipitate that results from the cleavage of the chromogenic substrate X-Gal is commonly used. Blue and nonblue cells are counted under the microscope and a semiquantitative percentage of senescent cells can be obtained. Here, we present a quantitative, fast, and easy to use chemiluminescent assay to detect senescence. The Galacton chemiluminescent method used to detect the prokaryotic beta-Gal reporter enzyme in transfection studies was adapted to assay mammalian beta-Gal. The assay showed linear production of luminescence in a time- and cell-number-dependent manner. The chemiluminescent assay showed significant correlation with the cytochemical assay in detecting replicative senescence (Pearson r = 0.8486, p < 0.005). Moreover, the chemiluminescent method (Galacton) also detected stress-induced senescence in cells treated with H2O2 similar to the cytochemical assay (X-Gal) (Galacton: control 25.207.3 +/- 6548.6. H2O, 52,487.4 +/- 16,284.9, p < 0.05; X-Gal: control 41.31 +/- 7.0%, H2O2 92.97 +/- 2.8%, p < 0.01). Thus, our method is well suited to the detection of replicative and stress-induced senescence in cell culture. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Although several stage-specific genes have been identified in Leishmania, the molecular mechanisms governing developmental gene regulation in this organism are still not well understood. We have previously reported an attenuation of virulence in Leishmania major and L braziliensis carrying extra-copies of the spliced leader RNA gene. Here, we surveyed the major differences in proteome and transcript expression profiles between the spliced leader RNA overexpressor and control lines using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and differential display reverse transcription PCR, respectively. Thirty-nine genes related to stress response, cytoskeleton, proteolysis, cell cycle control and proliferation, energy generation, gene transcription, RNA processing and post-transcriptional regulation have abnormal patterns of expression in the spliced leader RNA overexpressor line. The evaluation of proteolytic pathways in the mutant revealed a selective increase of cysteine protease activity and an exacerbated ubiquitin-labeled protein population. Polysome profile analysis and measurement of cellular protein aggregates showed that protein translation in the spliced leader RNA overexpressor line is increased when compared to the control line. We found that L major promastigotes maintain homeostasis in culture when challenged with a metabolic imbalance generated by spliced leader RNA surplus through modulation of intracellular proteolysis. However, this might interfere with a fine-tuned gene expression control necessary for the amastigote multiplication in the mammalian host. (c) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The inhibitory effect of sucrose on the kinetics of thrombin-catalyzed hydrolysis of the chromogenic substrate S-2238 (D-phenylalanyl-pipecolyl-arginoyl-p-nitroanilide) is re-examined as a possible consequence of thermodynamic non-ideality-an inhibition originally attributed to the increased viscosity of reaction mixtures. However, those published results may also be rationalized in terms of the suppression of a substrate-induced isomerization of thrombin to a slightly more expanded (or more asymmetric) transition state prior to the irreversible kinetic steps that lead to substrate hydrolysis. This reinterpretation of the kinetic results solely in terms of molecular crowding does not signify the lack of an effect of viscosity on any reaction step(s) subject to diffusion control. Instead, it highlights the need for development of analytical procedures that can accommodate the concomitant operation of thermodynamic non-ideality and viscosity effects.
AbstractBackground:Human tissue kallikrein (hK1) is a key enzyme in the kallikrein–kinin system (KKS). hK1-specific amidase activity is reduced in urine samples from hypertensive and heart failure (HF) patients. The pathophysiologic role of hK1 in coronary artery disease (CAD) remains unclear.Objective:To evaluate hK1-specific amidase activity in the urine of CAD patientsMethods:Sixty-five individuals (18–75 years) who underwent cardiac catheterism (CATH) were included. Random midstream urine samples were collected immediately before CATH. Patients were classified in two groups according to the presence of coronary lesions: CAD (43 patients) and non-CAD (22 patients). hK1 amidase activity was estimated using the chromogenic substrate D-Val-Leu-Arg-Nan. Creatinine was determined using Jaffé’s method. Urinary hK1-specific amidase activity was expressed as µM/(min · mg creatinine) to correct for differences in urine flow rates.Results:Urinary hK1-specific amidase activity levels were similar between CAD [0.146 µM/(min ·mg creatinine)] and non-CAD [0.189 µM/(min . mg creatinine)] patients (p = 0.803) and remained similar to values previously reported for hypertensive patients [0.210 µM/(min . mg creatinine)] and HF patients [0.104 µM/(min . mg creatinine)]. CAD severity and hypertension were not observed to significantly affect urinary hK1-specific amidase activity.Conclusion:CAD patients had low levels of urinary hK1-specific amidase activity, suggesting that renal KKS activity may be reduced in patients with this disease.
The severe bleeding diathesis produced by intoxication with the venom of Lonomia achelous caterpillars is characterized by prolonged bleeding from superficial skin wounds as well as massive hemorrhage into body cavities. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of the crude venom and its fibrinolytic fractions on in vitro lysis of whole blood clots. Venom fractions with fibrinolytic activity were obtained by gel filtration chromatography on Sephadex G75 using imidazole buffer, pH 7.4, at a flow rate of 24 ml/h. Four peaks with fibrinolytic activity were obtained by this method. The highest activity was found in the first two peaks (both peaks were used for the experiments). The results show that the caterpillar venom degraded the preformed clots at a slower rate than plasmin. In addition, plasma protease inhibitors of the fibrinolytic system (a2-antiplasmin, a2-macroglobulin, PAI, etc.) only weakly inhibited the lytic effect of the caterpillar venom. These characteristics, as well as the pattern of fibrinogen degradation products, the delay period on fibrin plate lysis and amidolytic activity on chromogenic substrate, reported previously, indicate that the caterpillar enzymes are different from plasmin and trypsin.
The interaction of plasminogen, tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) and urokinase with a clinical strain of Helicobacter pylori was studied. Plasminogen bound to the surface of H. pylori cells in a concentration-dependent manner and could be activated to the enzymatic form, plasmin, by t-PA. Affinity chromatography assays revealed a plasminogen-binding protein of 58.9 kDa in water extracts of surface proteins. Surface-associated plasmin activity, detected with the chromogenic substrate CBS 00.65, was observed only when plasminogen and an exogenous activator were added to the cell suspension. The two physiologic plasminogen activators, t-PA and urokinase, were also shown to bind to and remain active on the surface of bacterial cells. epsilon-Aminocaproic acid caused partial inhibition of t-PA binding, suggesting that the kringle 2 structure of this activator is involved in the interaction with surface receptors. The activation of plasminogen by t-PA, but not urokinase, strongly depended on the presence of cells and a 25-fold enhancer effect on the initial velocity of activation by t-PA compared to urokinase was established. Furthermore, a relationship between cell concentration and the initial velocity of activation was demonstrated. These findings support the concept that plasminogen activation by t-PA on the bacterial surface is a surface-dependent reaction which offers catalytic advantages.
Streptokinase, a 47-kDa protein isolated and secreted by most group A, C and G ß-hemolytic streptococci, interacts with and activates human protein plasminogen to form an active complex capable of converting other plasminogen molecules to plasmin. Our objective was to compare five streptokinase formulations commercially available in Brazil in terms of their activity in the in vitro tests of euglobulin clot formation and of the hydrolysis of the plasmin-specific substrate S-2251™. Euglobulin lysis time was determined using a 96-well microtiter plate. Initially, human thrombin (10 IU/ml) and streptokinase were placed in individual wells, clot formation was initiated by the addition of plasma euglobulin, and turbidity was measured at 340 nm every 30 s. In the second assay, plasminogen activation was measured using the plasmin-specific substrate S-2251™. Streptase™ was used as the reference formulation because it presented the strongest fibrinolytic activity in the euglobulin lysis test. The Unitinase™ and Solustrep™ formulations were the weakest, showing about 50% activity compared to the reference formulation. All streptokinases tested activated plasminogen but significant differences were observed. In terms of total S-2251™ activity per vial, Streptase™ (75.7 ± 5.0 units) and Streptonase™ (94.7 ± 4.6 units) had the highest activity, while Unitinase™ (31.0 ± 2.4 units) and Strek™ (32.9 ± 3.3 units) had the weakest activity. Solustrep™ (53.3 ± 2.7 units) presented intermediate activity. The variations among the different formulations for both euglobulin lysis test and chromogenic substrate hydrolysis correlated with the SDS-PAGE densitometric results for the amount of 47-kDa protein. These data show that the commercially available clinical streptokinase formulations vary significantly in their in vitro activity. Whether these differences have clinical implications needs to be investigated.
We present a new, power-free and flexible detection system named MCFphone for portable colorimetric and fluorescence quantitative sandwich immunoassay detection of prostate specific antigen (PSA). The MCFphone is composed by a smartphone integrated with a magnifying lens, a simple light source and a miniaturised immunoassay platform, the Microcapillary Film (MCF). The excellent transparency and flat geometry of fluoropolymer MCF allowed quantitation of PSA in the range 0.9 to 60 ng/ml with < 7 % precision in 13 minutes using enzymatic amplification and a chromogenic substrate. The lower limit of detection was further improved from 0.4 to 0.08 ng/ml in whole blood samples with the use of a fluorescence substrate. The MCFphone has shown capable of performing rapid (13 to 22 minutes total assay time) colorimetric quantitative and highly sensitive fluorescence tests with good %Recovery, which represents a major step in the integration of a new generation of inexpensive and portable microfluidic devices with commercial immunoassay reagents and off-the-shelf smartphone technology.
The activation of pre-kininogenin to kininogenin (pre-kallikrein to kallikrein) is one of the steps in the series of reactions of a complex system, linked also to fibrinolysis and coagulation, that leads to kinin release in plasma (See Cochrane et al., 1976; Wuepper, 1976; Kaplan et al., 1976; Kaplan et al., 1976). For human plasma, a test using kaolin as activator and measuring kallikrein activity with the chromogenic substrate Chromozym PK (Nα-benzoyl-prolyl-phenylalanyl-arginyl-nitroanilide, Pentapharm, Basle) is routinely employed. The purpose of this paper is to further study the mechanism of this activation, by means of different activators and using as inhibitor hexadimethrine bromide (Polybrene). Besides kaolin, sulfated polysaccharides, such as heparin and cellulose sulfate are able to activate pre-kininogenin to kininogenin. Hexadimethrine as expected, inhibited the activation by heparin and also that by cellulose sulfate. The activation by kaolin however followed a different pattern suggesting, at least partially, a different mode of action of this activator. © 1979.
During the growth of Kluyveromyces marxianus var. marxianus ATCC 10022 on lactose, peaks of glucose, but not β-galactosidase activity, were detected in culture medium. Harvested and washed whole cells produced glucose and galactose from lactose, or ortho-nitro-phenol from the chromogenic substrate ortho-nitro-phenyl-β-D-galactopyranoside (ONPG), indicating that β-galactosidase is physically associated with cells. ONPG hydrolysis by whole cells presented a monophasic kinetics (Km 36.6 mM) in lactose exponential growth phase cells, but a biphasic kinetics (Km 0.2 and 36.6 mM) in stationary growth phase cells. Permeabilization with digitonin or disruption of cells from both growth phases led to monosite ONPG hydrolysis (Km 2.2 to 2.5 mM), indicating that β-galactosidase is not located in the periplasm. In addition, the energy inhibitors fluoride or arsenate, as well as the uncouplercarbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP) prevented ONPG hydrolysis by whole cells. These findings indicate that energy coupled transmembrane transport is the rate-limiting step for intracellular ONPG cleavage. The taxonomic and physiologic implications of the exclusive intracellular location of β-galactosidase of K. marxianus var. marxianus ATCC 10022 are discussed. © 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
The purpose of the present investigation was to determine whether subjects institutionalized with mental retardation have a relationship between periodontal clinical parameters and the presence of the BANA-positive periodontal pathogens Porphyromonas gingivalis, Treponema denticola, and Bacteroides forsythus in their subgingival plaques. Fifty institutionalized subjects (25 patients with Down syndrome and 25 subjects with mental retardation) were matched with respect to age and sex. Periodontal clinical parameters (Bleeding on Probing, BOP; Papillary Bleeding Score, PBS; and Probing Depth, PD) were obtained from 6 reference teeth (3, 8, 14, 19, 24, 30). In addition, subgingival plaque samples taken from the same 6 teeth were analyzed for the presence of the BANA-positive species, by means of the chairside BANA test. In both the patients with Down syndrome and the group with mental retardation, the presence of BANA-positive plaques was significantly associated with bleeding on probing (p < 0.05) and increased probing depth (p < 0.01, Chisquare). Analysis of these data indicated that the BANA test could be used in combination with clinical criteria to diagnose a periodontopathy anaerobic Infection in institutionalized subjects.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of simvastatin, by oral or subcutaneous administration, on tibial defects regeneration and blood cholesterol level in rats. A surgical defect was made on the right tibia of 40 male animals assigned to 4 groups (n=10), based on two routes of administration and on the use or not of simvastatin: subcutaneous injection of simvastatin (7 mg/kg) (group AT) or only the vehicle of drug suspension (group AC), above the defect area, for 5 days; and 20 mg/kg of simvastatin macerated on water (group BT) or only water (group BC), orally, daily, during the whole observation period. The animals were sacrificed after 15 or 30 days, when blood samples were analyzed to check plasma cholesterol levels. Tibiae were removed and, after decalcification and routine laboratorial processing, histological and histomorphometrical analyses were carried out. ANOVA was used for statistical analysis at 5% signficance level. The histological and histomorphometrical analyses showed significant differences only between the experimental periods (p<0.05). Animals sacrificed after 30 days showed better bone repair (p<0.05). There was no statistically significant difference (p>0.05) for blood cholesterol levels between the groups. In conclusion, simvastatin administration either orally or subcutaneously did not improve bone repair of experimental tibial defects and did not alter blood cholesterol levels in rats.
The results of the present study showed a significant decrease in the number of E. coli in root canals (first collection) after irrigation with castor oil extract during biomechanical preparation. All medications tested in this study were able to eliminate E. coli in root canals; however, they could not neutralize endotoxins completely.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Apocynin has been used as an efficient inhibitor of the multi-enzymatic complex NADPH oxidase in many experimental models involving phagocytic and nonphagocytic cells. The mechanism of inhibition has been linked with the previous activation of apocynin through the action of cellular peroxidases leading to the formation of a dimeric oxidation product, diapocynin. In this study we compared apocynin with pure diapocynin regarding their effects as scavenger of hydrogen peroxide and hypochlorous generated by glucose/glucose oxidase and myeloperoxidase respectively, and as inhibitors of the production of hydrogen peroxide and hypochlorous acid by activated neutrophils. The production of hydrogen peroxide was measured by the oxidation of the fluorescent substance Amplex Red and the production of hypochlorous acid by was measured as taurine-chloramine derivative using the chromogenic substrate 3,3’,5,5’- tetramethylbenzidine (TMB). Neutrophils (1 x106 cells/mL) were pre-incubated in PBS buffer supplemented with 1 mM calcium chloride, 0.5 mM magnesium chloride, 1 mg/mL glucose and 5 mM taurine in the presence or absence of inhibitors. The reactions were triggered by adding the soluble stimulus Forbol Miristate Acetate PMA or zymosan and incubated by additional 30 minutes. We found that pure diapocynin was not better than apocynin regarding its scavenger and inhibitory properties. These results suggest that the formation of diapocynin is not essential for the action of apocynin as inhibitor of NADPH oxidase activation