17 resultados para CHAMELEONS


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La selva es el hogar de más de la mitad de los animales del mundo desde diminutos insectos a los grandes mamíferos. Se pretende enseñar a los niños el ciclo de vida de los camaleones y la forma en que interactúan con su entorno, sus hábitos, su estilo de vida y las amenazas a los que se enfrenta por la actuación de los hombres al modificar las condiciones ambientales. La obra contiene un mapa de distribución del hábitat de los camaleones, glosario y bibliografía.


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Chameleons are scalar fields that couple directly to ordinary matter with gravitational strength, but which nevertheless evade the stringent constraints on tests of gravity because of properties they acquire in the presence of high ambient matter density. Chameleon theories were originally constructed in a bottom-up, phenomenological fashion, with potentials and matter couplings designed to hide the scalar from experiments. In this paper, we attempt to embed the chameleon scenario within string compactifications, thus UV completing the scenario. We look for stabilized potentials that can realize a screening mechanism, and we find that the volume modulus rather generically works as a chameleon, and in fact the supersymmetric potential used by Kachru, Kallosh, Linde and Trivedi (KKLT) is an example of this type. We consider all constraints from tests of gravity, allowing us to put experimental constraints on the KKLT parameters.


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We reexamined the morphological and functional properties of the hyoid, the tongue pad, and hyolingual musculature in chameleons. Dissections and histological sections indicated the presence of five distinctly individualized pairs of intrinsic tongue muscles. An analysis of the histochemical properties of the system revealed only two fiber types in the hyolingual muscles: fast glycolytic and fast oxidative glycolytic fibers. In accordance with this observation, motor-endplate staining showed that all endplates are of the en-plaque type. All muscles show relatively short fibers and large numbers of motor endplates, indicating a large potential for fine muscular control. The connective tissue sheet surrounding the entoglossal process contains elastin fibers at its periphery, allowing for elastic recoil of the hyolingual system after prey capture. The connective tissue sheets surrounding the m. accelerator and m. hyoglossus were examined under polarized light. The collagen fibers in the accelerator epimysium are configured in a crossed helical array that will facilitate limited muscle elongation. The microstructure of the tongue pad as revealed by SEM showed decreased adhesive properties, indicating a change in the prey prehension mechanics in chameleons compared to agamid or iguanid lizards. These findings provide the basis for further experimental analysis of the hyolingual system. © 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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We modify the ansatz for embedding chameleon scalars in string theory proposed in [1] by considering a racetrack superpotential with two KKLT-type exponentials e ia instead of one. This satisfies all experimental constraints, while also allowing for the chameleon to be light enough on cosmological scales to be phenomenologically interesting. © 2013 SISSA, Trieste, Italy.


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We report the case of an HIV-infected man returning from Thailand with secondary syphilis with general symptoms, hepatitis and a pulmonary mass lesion. A cerebrospinal fluid examination showed no signs of neurosyphilis. Two months after successful treatment with benzathine penicillin he presented with a mass lesion in the brain suspected to be a glioma or glioblastoma, which turned out to be a syphilitic gumma. Syphilis remains a great imitator in clinical medicine. Syphilitic brain gummata can develop within a few months.


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A tanulmány a rapport (összhang) jelenségét járja körül, bemutatva, hogyan, milyen feltételek mellett épül ki természetes módon, milyen előnyöket jelentett az evolúció folyamán, és milyen hasznot jelenthet napjainkban a tárgyalások során a partnerek számára. Rámutat arra is, hogy az összhang „mesterséges úton” is létrehozható, az interakciós partner viselkedésének tudatos utánzása által. A tudatos utánzás során az összhang valamennyi előnye megmarad a felek számára, és az utánzó fél úgy jut többletnyereséghez, hogy partnere nyereségét is növeli. A tanulmány elsősorban olyan szociálpszichológiai kísérleteket mutat be, amelyek tárgyalási szituációkra épülnek, és amelyekből hasznos gyakorlati következtetések vonhatók le a mindennapi tárgyalásokra vonatkozóan. ________ The benefit of the strategic behavioral mimicry on the efficiency of the negotiation. The paper focuses on the phenomenon of „rapport”, examining how and under what conditions it developes in a natural way, what benefits it had during the course of human evolution and what advantages it can hold nowadays for negotiating parties. The paper also points out that rapport can be established in an „artificial way”, by conscious imitation the behavior of interaction partners. During this conscious behavioral mimicry, all benefits of the rapport are reserved for the parties where the mimicking party gains extra benefits while increasing the benefits of the other party as well. The study presents certain social psychological experiments built around bargaining situations where useful practical conclusions can be drawn for everyday negotiating practices.


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This exploration of associations between the reported Language Learning Strategy (LLS) preferences of learners of English as a Second Language (ESL) and their personality types is positioned within the contention that the two are generally related. Our findings unequivocally support the existence of this relationship. Moreover, they also provide a platform from which to understand the contribution to learning a second language of two very commonly cited personality traits, introversion/extroversion and neuroticism. However, they also provide the basis for the important caution that the association between personality types and LLS is quite volatile. We have found that it is variation rather than unwavering stability that features in how personality traits apply as predictive of ESL learners' specific LLS preferences. Such prediction is specified even further by the particular contexts of ESL learning where the LLS are applied, for example for listening or speaking and whether this occurs inside or outside a classroom. The implications of these findings for ESL teaching and learning are discussed as is the explanatory power of the chameleon metaphor.


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Whether the community is looking for “scapegoats” to blame, or seeking more radical and deeper causes, health care managers are in the firing line whenever there are woes in the health care sector. The public has a right to question whether ethics have much influence on the everyday decision making of health care managers. This thesis explores, through a series of published papers, the influence of ethics and other factors on the decision making of health care managers in Australia. Critical review of over 40 years of research on ethical decision making has revealed a large number of influencing factors, but there is a demonstrable lack of a multidimensional approach that measures the combined influences of these factors on managers. This thesis has developed an instrument, the Managerial Ethical Profile (MEP) scale, based on a multidimensional model combining a large number of influencing factors. The MEP scale measures the range of influences on individual managers, and describes the major tendencies by developing a number of empirical profiles derived from a hierarchical cluster analysis. The instrument was developed and refined through a process of pilot studies on academics and students (n=41) and small-business managers (n=41), and then was administered to the larger sample of health care managers (n=441). Results from this study indicate that Australian health care managers draw on a range of ethical frameworks in their everyday decision making, forming the basis of five MEPs (Knights, Guardian Angels, Duty Followers, Defenders, and Chameleons). Results from the study also indicate that the range of individual, organisational, and external factors that influence decision making can be grouped into three major clusters or functions. Cross referencing these functions and other demographic data to the MEPs provides analytical insight into the characteristics of the MEPs. These five profiles summarise existing strengths and weaknesses in managerial ethical decision making. Therefore identifying these profiles not only can contribute to increasing organisational knowledge and self-awareness, but also has clear implications for the design and implementation of ethics education and training in large scale organisations in the health care industry.


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Objective To understand differences in the managerial ethical decision-making styles of Australian healthcare managers through the exploratory use of the Managerial Ethical Profiles (MEP) Scale. Background Healthcare managers (doctors, nurses, allied health practitioners and non-clinically trained professionals) are faced with a raft of variables when making decisions within the workplace. In the absence of clear protocols and policies healthcare managers rely on a range of personal experiences, personal ethical philosophies, personal factors and organizational factors to arrive at a decision. Understanding the dominant approaches to managerial ethical decision-making, particularly for clinically trained healthcare managers, is a fundamental step in both increasing awareness of the importance of how managers make decisions, but also as a basis for ongoing development of healthcare managers. Design Cross-sectional. Methods The study adopts a taxonomic approach that simultaneously considers multiple ethical factors that potentially influence managerial ethical decision-making. These factors are used as inputs into cluster analysis to identify distinct patterns of influence on managerial ethical decision-making. Results Data analysis from the participants (n=441) showed a similar spread of the five managerial ethical profiles (Knights, Guardian Angels, Duty Followers, Defenders and Chameleons) across clinically trained and non-clinically trained healthcare managers. There was no substantial statistical difference between the two manager types (clinical and non-clinical) across the five profiles. Conclusion This paper demonstrated that managers that came from clinical backgrounds have similar ethical decision-making profiles to non-clinically trained managers. This is an important finding in terms of manager development and how organisations understand the various approaches of managerial decision-making across the different ethical profiles.


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A obra O vendedor de passados, do escritor angolano José Eduardo Agualusa, tem como enredo um homem que tem o estranho ofício de comercializar passados. Os clientes normalmente costumam procurá-lo por questões de ordem financeira e social, tendo os novos passados a função de apresentá-los melhor à sociedade. A trama ganha novos contornos com a chegada de um estrangeiro que se coloca á disposição do vendedor para que este lhe atribuísse a identidade que considerasse a melhor. Questões referentes à identidade e suas implicações emergem. O processo, que a princípio parecia simples, torna-se cada vez mais obscuro. A memória atua como um dos fatores de maior interferência no procedimento, atribuindo a ele maior complexidade. As experiências do indivíduo também sofrem mutações com o procedimento de compra. E por fim, a identidade do sujeito sofre modificações com a obtenção de um novo passado. Tais questões que surgem em decorrência do peculiar comércio de passados serão foco de estudo da presente dissertação


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Arboreal and terrestrial habitats impose different constraints on tetrapod locomotion. We studied Polychrus acutirostris, a tree-dwelling lizard that also moves on the ground, in order to evaluate the effects of support incline and diameter on locomotion parameters. Limb movements of six specimens were filmed to quantify kinematic variables (velocity, stride frequency, stride length, and limb coordination) on distinct perch diameters (4.0, 1.5, 0.8 cm) and inclines (90, 45, and on level ground). The results show a notable slowness in arboreal habitat combined with a relatively fast locomotion when using the ground as temporary habitat. These animals developed walking trots mainly using lateral sequence. Non-symmetrical trots adopted at the highest velocities on the ground indicate difficulties of ""accommodation"" to the constraints imposed by this condition. Velocity generally decreases with the decreasing diameter, and with increasing incline, of the supports. Slowness, gaits favouring the body stability, elective role of the stride frequency in the modulation of the speed, and the role of the hindlimb in the force exchange to propel the body, constitute the main features of the locomotion pattern of P. acutirostris.


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The use of information technology (IT) in dentistry is far ranging. In order to produce a working document for the dental educator, this paper focuses on those methods where IT can assist in the education and competence development of dental students and dentists (e.g. e-learning, distance learning, simulations and computer-based assessment). Web pages and other information-gathering devices have become an essential part of our daily life, as they provide extensive information on all aspects of our society. This is mirrored in dental education where there are many different tools available, as listed in this report. IT offers added value to traditional teaching methods and examples are provided. In spite of the continuing debate on the learning effectiveness of e-learning applications, students request such approaches as an adjunct to the traditional delivery of learning materials. Faculty require support to enable them to effectively use the technology to the benefit of their students. This support should be provided by the institution and it is suggested that, where possible, institutions should appoint an e-learning champion with good interpersonal skills to support and encourage faculty change. From a global prospective, all students and faculty should have access to e-learning tools. This report encourages open access to e-learning material, platforms and programs. The quality of such learning materials must have well defined learning objectives and involve peer review to ensure content validity, accuracy, currency, the use of evidence-based data and the use of best practices. To ensure that the developers' intellectual rights are protected, the original content needs to be secure from unauthorized changes. Strategies and recommendations on how to improve the quality of e-learning are outlined. In the area of assessment, traditional examination schemes can be enriched by IT, whilst the Internet can provide many innovative approaches. Future trends in IT will evolve around improved uptake and access facilitated by the technology (hardware and software). The use of Web 2.0 shows considerable promise and this may have implications on a global level. For example, the one-laptop-per-child project is the best example of what Web 2.0 can do: minimal use of hardware to maximize use of the Internet structure. In essence, simple technology can overcome many of the barriers to learning. IT will always remain exciting, as it is always changing and the users, whether dental students, educators or patients are like chameleons adapting to the ever-changing landscape.