12 resultados para CH119-6PG


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During the late Pleistocene, sapropels (layers of organic-carbon rich sediment) formed throughout the entire Eastern Mediterranean Basin in close association with glacial/interglacial transitions. The current theory for the mechanism of sapropel formation involves a density stratification of the water column, due to the invasion of a large quantity of low-saline water, which resulted in oxygen depletion of the bottom waters. Most workers believe that this low-salinity water was glacial meltwater that entered the Mediterranean via the Black Sea and a series of interconnected glacial lakes, but the suggestion also has been made that the freshwater originated from the Nile River. In this study the oxygen isotope values of planktonic foraminifera,Globigerinoides ruber, have been examined in six gravity cores and one piston core from the southern Levantine Basin, and compared with the oxygen isotope records ofG. ruber from other areas of the Eastern Mediterranean. This study deals mainly with the latest sapropel which was deposited approximately 7000 to 9000 years ago. Results indicate that Nile discharge probably does reduce salinities somewhat in the immediate area surrounding the mouth of the Nile, but this water is rapidly mixed with the highly saline waters of the easternmost Mediterranean. Using a mixing equation and surface water salinity limitations, an approximate oxygen isotope balance of surface waters was calculated for the time of latest sapropel deposition. This calculation shows that neither Nile River discharge nor Black Sea input (nor both together) are large enough to account for the large-scale oxygen isotope depletion associated with latest sapropel deposition in the Eastern Mediterranean. This suggests that part of the isotopic change at Termination I is probably due to increased surface water salinities during the last glacial maximum. In addition, evidence from the timing of sapropel 1 deposition and the dissolved oxygen balance indicates that deposition of the latest sapropel is associated with increased surface water production of biogenic material, as much as three times higher than that of present day.


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Evidências recentes sugerem que as doenças periodontais podem desempenhar um papel relevante na etiologia e patogênese de doenças cardiovasculares e hipertensão arterial. A resposta inflamatória, com conseqüente elevação de marcadores sistêmicos como proteína C-reativa, fibrinogênio e interleucina-6, e a disfunção endotelial, podem ser os responsáveis por essa associação. Alguns estudos têm relatado maiores níveis pressóricos, maior massa ventricular esquerda e disfunção endotelial em pacientes com doenças periodontais. Ao mesmo tempo, estudos clínicos vêm mostrando que a terapia periodontal pode levar à redução dos níveis plasmáticos dos marcadores de inflamação e redução do risco cardiovascular. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos da terapia periodontal não-cirúrgica em 26 pacientes (idade média de 53.68.0 anos) hipertensos refratários. Foram avaliados marcadores plasmáticos de inflamação (proteína C-reativa, fibrinogênio e interleucina-6), pressão arterial sistólica e diastólica, massa ventricular esquerda e rigidez arterial. A terapia periodontal foi eficaz na redução da média de todos os marcadores de risco cardiovascular avaliados. Os níveis de proteína C-reativa baixaram 0.7mg/dl 6 meses após a terapia periodontal, os de IL-6, 1.6pg/dl e os de fibrinogênio 55.3mg/dl (p<0.01). A pressão arterial sistólica apresentou redução média de 16.7mmHg e a diastólica de 9.6mmHg. A massa ventricular esquerda diminuiu em média 12.9g e a velocidade da onda de pulso, um marcador de rigidez arterial, e consequentemente de disfunção endotelial, apresentou redução de seus valores médios de 0.9m/s (p<0.01). Dessa forma, conclui-se que a terapia periodontal foi eficaz na redução dos níveis de proteína C-reativa, interleucina-6, fibrinogênio, pressão arterial, massa ventricular esquerda e rigidez arterial.


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上世纪八十年代,科学家们发现在北美和北欧一些远离汞污染源的湖泊中,某些鱼汞含量远远超过了世界卫生组织建议的食用水产品汞含量标准,这一现象引起了人们对水环境系统中汞的生物地球化学循环的极大关注。因此本论文对贵州红枫湖和加拿大安大略省3个小湖中汞的形态与分布特征进行了详细的研究,并对红枫湖整个汞的生物地球化学循环做了较为完整深入的探讨。本论文主要包括以下4方面的研究内容:(1)沉积物甲基汞分析方法的建立;(2)红枫湖水体、沉积物、鱼体中各种汞形态的含量、分布特征以及水体富营养化对其影响的研究;(3)红枫湖汞形态转化、输入输出通量及其质量平衡的估算;(4)红枫湖的对比研究点—加拿大安大略省的Mary、St. George和Philips湖中不同形态汞分布特征的初步研究。通过本论文的研究,得出以下主要结论: 1. 建立了硝酸和硫酸铜溶液浸提,CH2Cl2萃取并结合水相乙基化和GC-CVAFS测定沉积物及土壤中甲基汞的方法。该方法平均回收率为 97.8%,相对标准偏差≤10.2%,方法检出限为0.6pg/g,具有所需试剂少、不用连续萃取、简捷易行、回收率高以及精密度好等特点。 2. 2004年红枫湖湖水总汞浓度在2.5-14 ng/L之间,平均值为6.9 ng/L;溶解态汞浓度范围在1.2-8.0 ng/L之间,平均为3.9 ng/L。不管是红枫湖水体汞浓度的空间分布,还是季节变化都严重受到人为污染源的干扰。湖水汞在颗粒态和溶解态之间的分配,主要受内源有机质以及氧化还原条件的影响。2004年春季后五由于水华现象大量繁殖的藻类,吸附了大量的汞,从而改变了汞在水库中的分配和迁移。这些藻类的生长对水体中溶解气态汞浓度分布也有显著的影响。湖水中活性汞分布特征主要受Hg2+的光致还原过程、Hg2+的甲基化过程以及人为源的输入等过程控制。 3. 红枫湖夏季下层滞水带中,甲基汞含量显著升高,特别是在后五缺氧层,最高值达0.92ng/L。夏季总甲基汞和溶解态甲基汞在水体剖面上的分布表明:在富营养化较严重的后五,水体中升高的甲基汞主要来自水体中汞的甲基化过程;而在富营养化特征不明显的大坝,水体中升高的甲基汞主要来自沉积物甲基汞的释放。红枫湖水体中各种汞形态的分布特征表明,富营养化对汞的迁移转化影响显著,尤其是汞的甲基化过程。水体富营养化为汞的甲基化提供了有利条件,给水生生态环境及人体健康带来了潜在的威胁。 4. 红枫湖沉积物总汞浓度为0.392 ± 0.070 μg/g,高于世界其它背景区汞浓度,也高于处于同一流域的乌江渡水库和东风水库,表明红枫湖受到了一定程度的汞污染。两个采样点总汞无明显的季节变化,但其剖面分布都有在上层富集的趋势。沉积物甲基汞浓度的季节变化和剖面最大峰值分布,主要受氧化还原带的季节性迁移所控制。沉积物甲基汞浓度在春季最高,其余季节则没有明显差异,甲基汞峰值出现在表层0~8cm以内,与红枫湖沉积物中硫酸盐还原菌活动区域一致。 5. 红枫湖总汞在孔隙水中的浓度及在固/液之间的分配系数主要和温度有关,与沉积物中总汞相关性不大,而孔隙水中甲基汞浓度则和沉积物甲基汞浓度存在着极显著的相关性(r=0.70, p<0.001)。沉积物和孔隙水甲基汞浓度除受到固/液分配系数影响外,主要还受到甲基汞产生过程控制。 6. 由于本次研究所采集的鱼类多为红枫湖人工饲养鱼,生长速度快,食物链短,故总汞含量(32ng/g)和甲基汞含量(12ng/g)都远远低于国家食用标准。汞含量在不同鱼种中的分布趋势为:肉食性鱼类>杂食性鱼类>草食性鱼类,这表明鱼体中汞含量主要和鱼的摄食习惯有关。 7. 红枫湖总汞质量平衡模型的估算结果表明,红枫湖水体中汞的总源为30066 g.a-1,总汇为31010g.a-1。水体中总汞最大的源来自于河流输入(82%),而最大的汇是水体颗粒态汞的沉降(78%)。甲基汞质量平衡模型的估算结果表明河流输出是水体甲基汞一个重要的汇,占总汇的45%, 比河流输入占总源的比例高30%,表明水库是下游水体甲基汞的源。 8. 红枫湖汞在水-沉积物界面的迁移通量表明,沉积物是水体中汞和甲基汞一个巨大的汇,而沉积物对上覆水体总汞和甲基汞的贡献却很有限。红枫湖汞在水-气界面的迁移通量表明,大气汞沉降特别是干沉降是红枫湖水体总汞一个重要的污染源,其对红枫湖汞的贡献远大于水体向大气释放的汞,大气沉降每年向红枫湖净贡献汞量为3364 g.a-1。 9. 在对比研究的湖泊中,水体中甲基汞的剖面分布表明,斜温层颗粒态甲基汞的沉降、沉积物甲基汞的释放以及水体汞的甲基化过程都是下层水体高甲基汞的重要来源。在这些湖泊中近代汞的沉积通量为22.1 μg m-2 a-1,远低于红枫湖中汞的沉积通量(714 μg m-2 a-1)。与红枫湖以及一些典型的沉积物甲基汞的垂直剖面分布相比,这些小湖中甲基汞的产生不仅发生在沉积物表层,在较深的沉积物中可能也有汞的甲基化过程,而且这个过程和有机质的含量密切相关。


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Background Growth faltering in West African children has previously been associated with dietary exposure to aflatoxins, particularly upon weaning. However, in animal studies in utero exposure to low levels of aflatoxin also results in growth faltering.

Objective This study investigated the effect of in utero aflatoxin exposure on infant growth in the first year of life in The Gambia.

Methods Height and weight were measured for 138 infants at birth and at regular monthly intervals for one year. Aflatoxin-albumin (AF-alb) adduct level was measured in maternal blood during pregnancy, in cord blood and in infants at age 16 weeks.

Results The geometric mean AF-alb levels were 40.4pg/mg (range 4.82-60.8pg/mg), 10.1pg/mg (range 5.01-89.6pg/mg) and 8.7pg/mg (range 5.0-30.2pg/mg) in maternal, cord and infant blood, respectively. AF-alb in maternal blood was a strong predictor of both weight (P = 0.012) and height (P = 0.044) gain, with lower gain in those with higher exposure. A reduction of maternal AF-alb from 110pg/mg to 10pg/mg would lead to a 0.8kg increase in weight and 2cm increase in height within the first year of life.

Conclusions This study shows a strong effect of maternal aflatoxin exposure during pregnancy on growth in the first year of life and thus extends earlier observations of an association between aflatoxin exposure during infancy and growth faltering. The findings imply value in targeting intervention strategies at early life exposures.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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BACKGROUND Histamine is an ubiquitous inflammatory mediator of numerous physiological processes. Histamine and its receptors have been implicated in multiple sclerosis (MS) disease pathogenesis. We prospectively enrolled 36 MS patients and 19 age and gender-matched healthy volunteers for cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) histamine analysis. FINDINGS CSF HISTAMINE LEVELS IN MS PATIENT SAMPLES WERE SIGNIFICANTLY HIGHER (MEDIAN: 35.6 pg/ml) than in controls (median: 5.5 pg/ml; Beta = 0.525, p < 0.001). In addition, histamine increased with age (Pearson's correlation, p < 0.003). CONCLUSIONS Histamine may be an important factor for both the initiation and maintenance of chronic inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system. Our observation encourages a deeper investigation of the role of histamine in MS.


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Investigations of piston cores from the Vema Channel and lower flanks of the Rio Grande Rise suggest the presence of episodic flow of deep and bottom water during the Late Pleistocene. Cores from below the present-day foraminiferal lysocline (at ~4000 m) contain an incomplete depositional record consisting of Mn nodules and encrustations, hemipelagic clay, displaced high-latitude diatoms, and poorly preserved heterogeneous microfossil assemblages. Cores from the depth range between 2900 m and 4000 m contain an essentially complete Late Pleistocene record, and consist of well-defined carbonate dissolution cycles with periodicities of ~100,000 years. Low carbonate content and increased dissolution correspond to glacial episodes, as interpreted by oxygen isotopic analysis of bulk foraminiferal assemblages. The absence of diagnostic high-latitude indicators (Antarctic diatoms) within the dissolution cyclss, however, suggests that AABW may not have extended to significantly shallower elevations on the lower flanks of the Rio Grande Rise during the Late Pleistocene. Therefore episodic AABW flow may not necessarily be the mechanism responsible for producing these cyclic events. This interpretation is also supported by the presence of an apparently complete Brunhes depositional record in the same cores, suggesting current velocities insufficient for significant erosion. Fluctuations in the properties and flow characteristics of another water mass, such as NADW, may be involved. The geologic evidence in core-top samples near the present-day AABW/NADW transition zone is consistent with either of two possible interpretations of the upper limit of AABW on the east flank of the channel. The foraminiferal lysocline, at ~4000 m, is near the top of the benthic thermocline and nepheloid layer, and may therefore correspond to the upper limit of relatively corrosive AABW. On the other hand, the carbonate compensation depth (CDD) at ~4250 m, which corresponds to the maximum gradient in the benthic thermocline, is characterized by rapid deposition of relatively fine-grained sediment. Such a zone of convergence and preferential sediment accumulation would be expected near the level of no motion in the AABW/NADW transition zone as a consequence of Ekman-layer veering of the mean velocity vector in the bottom boundary layer. It is possible that both of these interpretations are in part correct. The "level of no motion'' may in fact correspond to the CCD, while at the same time relatively corrosive water of Antarctic origin may mix with overlying NADW and therefore elevate the foraminifera] lysocline to depths above the level of no motion. Closely spaced observations of the hydrography and flow characteristics within the benthic thermocline will be required in order to use sediment parameters as more precise indicators of paleo-circulation.