58 resultados para CFX


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El objetivo de la presente investigación es predecir los campos de velocidad, presión y temperatura en una cámara de combustión experimental, mediante la técnica de la simulación numérica de flujo de fluidos. Para ello se revisa el procedimiento de solución numérica de las ecuaciones de transporte, aplicadas a la cámara de combustión experimental. La simulación está basada en el software CFX 5.6, el cual fue adquirido por la universidad nacional experimental del Táchira por medio del Decanato de Post-grado y de Investigación. Se hace un estudio de la sensibilidad de malla para adecuar el criterio de convergencia que el software requiere. La cámara de combustión experimental empleada para éste estudio es una cámara de combustión diseñada por estudiantes de Pre-grado para determinar la temperatura de flama adiabática, aunque el diseño de esta cámara no es estándar, es útil para medir la temperatura en tiempo real. El combustible empleado para éste análisis es propano (C3H8) el cual es inyectado a la cámara de combustión por una tubería concéntrica al flujo de aire. En la solución de la simulación computacional se aprecia, a través del perfil de temperatura, la envolvente de la llama, formada por el contorno de temperatura máxima, la cual es similar a la observada en cualquier cámara de combustión.


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The present paper presents and discusses the use of dierent codes regarding the numerical simulation of a radial-in ow turbine. A radial-in ow turbine test case was selected from published literature [1] and commercial codes (Fluent and CFX) were used to perform the steady-state numerical simulations. An in-house compressible- ow simulation code, Eilmer3 [2] was also adapted in order to make it suitable to perform turbomachinery simulations and preliminary results are presented and discussed. The code itself as well as its adaptation, comprising the addition of terms for the rotating frame of reference, programmable boundary conditions for periodic boundaries and a mixing plane interface between the rotating and non-rotating blocks are also discussed. Several cases with dierent orders of complexity in terms of geometry were considered and the results were compared across the dierent codes. The agreement between these results and published data is also discussed.


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The present study explores reproducing the closest geometry of a high pressure ratio single stage radial-inflow turbine applied in the Sundstrans Power Systems T-100 Multipurpose Small Power Unit. The commercial software ANSYS-Vista RTD along with a built in module, BladeGen, is used to conduct a meanline design and create 3D geometry of one flow passage. Carefully examining the proposed design against the geometrical and experimental data, ANSYS-TurboGrid is applied to generate computational mesh. CFD simulations are performed with ANSYS-CFX in which three-dimensional Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes equations are solved subject to appropriate boundary conditions. Results are compared with numerical and experimental data published in the literature in order to generate the exact geometry of the existing turbine and validate the numerical results against the experimental ones.


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Optimisation of Organic Rankine Cycles (ORCs) for binary cycle applications could play a major role in determining the competitiveness of low to moderate renewable sources. An important aspect of the optimisation is to maximise the turbine output power for a given resource. This requires careful attention to the turbine design notably through numerical simulations. Challenges in the numerical modelling of radial-inflow turbines using high-density working fluids still need to be addressed in order to improve the turbine design and better optimise ORCs. This paper presents preliminary 3D numerical simulations of a radial-inflow turbine working with high-density fluids in realistic geothermal ORCs. Following extensive investigation of the operating conditions and thermodynamic cycle analysis, the refrigerant R143a is chosen as the high-density working fluid. The 1D design of the candidate radial-inflow turbine is presented in details. Furthermore, commercially-available software Ansys-CFX is used to perform the 3D CFD simulations for a number of operating conditions including off-design conditions. The real-gas properties are obtained using the Peng-Robinson equations of state. The preliminary design created using dedicated radial-inflow turbine software Concepts-Rital is discussed and the 3D CFD results are presented and compared against the meanline analysis.


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Optimisation of organic Rankine cycles(ORCs for binary cycle applications could play a major role in determining the competitiveness of low to moderate renewable sources. An important aspect of the optimisation is to maximise the turbine output power for a given resource. This requires careful attention to the turbine design notably through numerical simulations. Challenges in the numerical modelling of radial-inflow turbines using high-density working fluids still need to be addressed in order to improve the turbine design and better optimise ORCs. Thispaper presents preliminary 3D numerical simulations of a high-density radial-inflow ORC turbine in sensible geothermal conditions. Following extensive investigation of the operating conditions and thermodynamic cycle analysis, therefrigerant R143a is chosen as the high-density working fluid. The 1D design of the candidate radial-inflow turbine is presented in details. Furthermore, commercially-available software Ansys-CFX is used to perform preliminary steady-state 3D CFD simulations of the candidate R143a radial-inflow turbine for a number of operating conditions including off-design conditions. The real-gas properties are obtained using the Peng–Robinson equations of state.The thermodynamic ORC cycle is presented. The preliminary design created using dedicated radial-inflow turbine software Concepts-Rital is discussed and the 3D CFD results are presented and compared against the meanline analysis.


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A blunt-nosed hypersonic missile mounted with a forward-facing cavity is a good alternative to reduce the stagnation heating rates. The effects of a forward-racing cavity on heat transfer and aerodynamic coefficients are addressed in this paper. Tests were carried out in hypersonic shock tunnel HST2, at a hypersonic Mach number of 8 using a 41 deg apex-angle blunt cone. The aerodynamic forces on the test model with and without a forward-facing cavity at various angles of attack are measured by using an internally mountable accelerometer force balance system. Heat flux measurements have been carried out on the test model with and without a forward-facing cavity of the entire surface at zero degree angle of attack with platinum sensors. A numerical simulation was also carried out using the computational fluid dynamics code (CFX-Ansys 5.7). An important result of this study is that the smaller cavity diameter has the highest lift-to-drag ratio, whereas the medium cavity has the highest heat flux reduction. Theshock structure around the test model has also been visualized using the Schlieren flow visualization technique. The visualized shock structure and the measured aerodynamic forces on the missile-shaped body with cavity configurations agree well with the axisymmetric numerical simulations.


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El arroz (Oryza sativa L.) es uno de los cultivos más importantes del sector agropecuario nacional y uno de los principales alimentos en la dieta de los nicaragüenses, entre las limitantes en la producción está la infestación de los campos por malezas, el sistema de producción clearfield es una alternativa para garantizar una desinfección de arroz rojo que causa bajas en el rendimiento y calidad. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar cinco genotipos de arroz en condiciones de manejo del sistema clearfield en época de riego en la finca Altamira, San Lorenzo, Boaco, Nicaragua. El ensayo se estableció en la Finca Arrocera "Altamira", a una altitud de 340 m.s.n.m, se utilizó un diseño de bloques completos al azar (BCA) con cinco tratamientos (Aitamira-120, CFX-18, IW-888, Puita Guanacaste, y IW-735) en cuatro repeticiones. Las variables evaluadas fueron comportamiento agronómico, presencia de enfermedades y productividad agrícola e industriaL Los resultados encontrados fueron los siguientes; los genotipos de mayor altura fueron IW-735 y Altamira-120; el genotipo Puíta presentó la escala mas alta de acame. No hubo diferencia entre genotipos para la variable macollamiento, el periodo de maduración más corto fue de el genotipo CFX-18 y el más largo Altamira 120. La incidencia de enfermedades Ryzoctonia y Pyricularia en los genotipos fue baja en el periodo del ensayo, el genotipo con mayor rendimiento agrícola e industrial fue IW-888 con 12 600.00 kg ha-1 en campo (Pr :S 0.05~ 0.0012)


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Local measurements of the heat transfer coefficient and pressure coefficient were conducted on the tip and near tip region of a generic turbine blade in a five-blade linear cascade. Two tip clearance gaps were used: 1.6% and 2.8% chord. Data was obtained at a Reynolds number of 2.3 × 10 5 based on exit velocity and chord. Three different tip geometries were investigated: a flat (plain) tip, a suction-side squealer, and a cavity squealer. The experiments reveal that the flow through the plain gap is dominated by flow separation at the pressure-side edge and that the highest levels of heat transfer are located where the flow reattaches on the tip surface. High heat transfer is also measured at locations where the tip-leakage vortex has impinged onto the suction surface of the aerofoil. The experiments are supported by flow visualisation computed using the CFX CFD code which has provided insight into the fluid dynamics within the gap. The suction-side and cavity squealers are shown to reduce the heat transfer in the gap but high levels of heat transfer are associated with locations of impingement, identified using the flow visualisation and aerodynamic data. Film cooling is introduced on the plain tip at locations near the pressure-side edge within the separated region and a net heat flux reduction analysis is used to quantify the performance of the successful cooling design. copyright © 2005 by ASME.


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This paper presents the development and the application of a multi-objective optimization framework for the design of two-dimensional multi-element high-lift airfoils. An innovative and efficient optimization algorithm, namely Multi-Objective Tabu Search (MOTS), has been selected as core of the framework. The flow-field around the multi-element configuration is simulated using the commercial computational fluid dynamics (cfd) suite Ansys cfx. Elements shape and deployment settings have been considered as design variables in the optimization of the Garteur A310 airfoil, as presented here. A validation and verification process of the cfd simulation for the Garteur airfoil is performed using available wind tunnel data. Two design examples are presented in this study: a single-point optimization aiming at concurrently increasing the lift and drag performance of the test case at a fixed angle of attack and a multi-point optimization. The latter aims at introducing operational robustness and off-design performance into the design process. Finally, the performance of the MOTS algorithm is assessed by comparison with the leading NSGA-II (Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm) optimization strategy. An equivalent framework developed by the authors within the industrial sponsor environment is used for the comparison. To eliminate cfd solver dependencies three optimum solutions from the Pareto optimal set have been cross-validated. As a result of this study MOTS has been demonstrated to be an efficient and effective algorithm for aerodynamic optimizations. Copyright © 2012 Tech Science Press.


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The standard design process for the Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery, Lincoln, Dry Low Emissions combustion systems has adopted the Eddy Dissipation Model with Finite Rate Chemistry for reacting computational fluid dynamics simulations. The major drawbacks of this model have been the over-prediction of temperature and lack of species data limiting the applicability of the model. A novel combustion model referred to as the Scalar Dissipation Rate Model has been developed recently based on a flamelet type assumption. Previous attempts to adopt the flamelet philosophy with alternative closure models have failed, with the prediction of unphysical phenomenon. The Scalar Dissipation Rate Model (SDRM) was developed from a physical understanding of scalar dissipation rate, signifying the rate of mixing of hot and cold fluids at scales relevant to sustain combustion, in flames and was validated using direct numerical simulations data and experimental measurements. This paper reports on the first industrial application of the SDRM to SITL DLE combustion system. Previous applications have considered ideally premixed laboratory scale flames. The industrial application differs significantly in the complexity of the geometry, unmixedness and operating pressures. The model was implemented into ANSYS-CFX using their inbuilt command language. Simulations were run transiently using Scale Adaptive Simulation turbulence model, which switches between Large Eddy Simulation and Unsteady Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes using a blending function. The model was validated in a research SITL DLE combustion system prior to being applied to the actual industrial geometry at real operating conditions. This system consists of the SGT-100 burner with a glass square-sectioned combustor allowing for detailed diagnostics. This paper shows the successful validation of the SDRM against time averaged temperature and velocity within measurement errors. The successful validation allowed application of the SDRM to the SGT-100 twin shaft at the relevant full load conditions. Limited validation data was available due to the complexity of measurement in the real geometry. Comparison of surface temperatures and combustor exit temperature profiles showed an improvement compared to EDM/FRC model. Furthermore, no unphysical phenomena were predicted. This paper presents the successful application of the SDRM to the industrial combustion system. The model shows a marked improvement in the prediction of temperature over the EDM/FRC model previously used. This is of significant importance in the future applications of combustion CFD for understanding of hardware mechanical integrity, combustion emissions and dynamics of the flame. Copyright © 2012 by ASME.


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A multi-objective design optimisation study has been carried out with the objectives to improve the overall efficiency of the device and to reduce the fuel consumption for the proposed micro-scale combustor design configuration. In a previous study we identified the topology of the combustion chamber that produced improved behaviour of the device in terms of the above design criteria. We now extend our design approach, and we propose a new configuration by the addition of a micro-cooling channel that will improve the thermal behaviour of the design as previously suggested in literature. Our initial numerical results revealed an improvement of 2.6% in the combustion efficiency when we applied the micro-cooling channel to an optimum design configuration we identified from our earlier multi-objective optimisation study, and under the same operating conditions. The computational modelling of the combustion process is implemented in the commercial computational fluid dynamics package ANSYS-CFX using Finite Rate Chemistry and a single step hydrogen-air reaction. With this model we try to balance good accuracy of the combustion solution and at the same time practicality within the context of an optimisation process. The whole design system comprises also the ANSYS-ICEM CFD package for the automatic geometry and mesh generation and the Multi-Objective Tabu Search algorithm for the design space exploration. We model the design problem with 5 geometrical parameters and 3 operational parameters subject to 5 design constraints that secure practicality and feasibility of the new optimum design configurations. The final results demonstrate the reliability and efficiency of the developed computational design system and most importantly we assess the practicality and manufacturability of the revealed optimum design configurations of micro-combustor devices. Copyright © 2013 by ASME.


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通过对通用流体动力学仿真软件CFX的研究,提出了一套水下机器人粘性类水动力的数值计算方法.该方法采用标准k-ε湍流模型计算位置力系数,采用标准k-ω湍流模型计算旋转力系数及其它耦合水动力系数.对“CR-02”6000 m自治水下机器人的计算表明,通过这种方法获得的水动力系数具有较高的精度,可以满足水下机器人方案设计阶段的操纵性设计、运动预报和仿真等需求.