3 resultados para CERVIMUNIDA-JOHNI
A new species of bopyrid isopod is described from a host hermit crab Paguristes tomentosus collected from Pisco, Peru and assigned to the pseudionine isopod genus Asymmetrione Codreanu, Codreanu and Pike, 1965. This is the second species in the genus with less than 20 asymmetry in females, but agrees with all other species in the genus in having the characteristic ""socket"" on the propodus of the female`s pereopods, and in all characters of the males. A key is provided to the 10 species now in Asymmetrione. New records of an Anathelges sp. from Pagurus villosus collected in central Chile are given but additional material is required to determine whether these specimens represent the eastern Pacific A. thompsoni or the western Atlantic A. hyptius. A review of all the bopyrid species known from the western South American coast, with remarks on their taxonomy and biology, is provided.
This study was conducted to determine the reduction in bycatch and the loss of target catch in trawl hauls for three commercial crustacean species (yellow squat lobster, Cervimunida johni, nylon shrimp, Heterocarpus reedi, and red squat lobster, Pleuroncodes monodon) in central Chile. Two experiments were carried out using the covered codend method; the first used different mesh sizes (56 and 70 mm, knot-centre to knot-centre) and shapes (diamond and square), and the second tested different reduction devices (escape panel and sorting grid). We analysed the escape proportions of the species caught and the size frequency distributions of the target species and Chilean hake (Merluccius gayi), the main commercial bycatch species. The results demonstrate that it is feasible to significantly reduce bycatch while keeping losses within acceptable ranges. In particular, the best option for yellow squat lobster was the combination of a 70-mm diamond mesh with an escape panel that reduced non-target and target catches by 48% and 7%, respectively. For nylon shrimp, the best option was the use of a 56-mm diamond mesh with a sorting grid that reduced non-target and target catches by 41% and 11%, respectively. Although the results for red squat lobster were not as promising, they will help to guide future research.
Foram estudadas quatro espécies de acantocéfalos encontrados na autópsia de 81 peixes capturados no Oceano Atlântico, na Costa Continental Portuguesa e na Costa Norte da África. Encontramos 16 peixes parasitados por acantocéfalos. As espécies de peixes necropsiados e os helmintos encontrados foram os seguintes: 11 meros (Epinephellus gigas) sendo 1 parasitado por fêmeas da família Rhadinorhynchidade; 5 sardas (Scomber scombrus) sendo duas parasitadas por Rhadinorhynchus tenuicornis; 62 pescadas (Merluccius merluccius merluccius) sendo 12 parasitadas por Aspersentis johni e 3 linguados (Solea solea) sendo 1 parasitado por Acanthocephaloides incrassatus. Aspersintis johni é pela primeira vez mencionado no Hemisfério Norte e Acanthocephaloides incrassatus é pela primeira vez referido no Oceano Atlântico.