991 resultados para CERN LHC
This thesis describes methods for the reliable identification of hadronically decaying tau leptons in the search for heavy Higgs bosons of the minimal supersymmetric standard model of particle physics (MSSM). The identification of the hadronic tau lepton decays, i.e. tau-jets, is applied to the gg->bbH, H->tautau and gg->tbH+, H+->taunu processes to be searched for in the CMS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. Of all the event selections applied in these final states, the tau-jet identification is the single most important event selection criterion to separate the tiny Higgs boson signal from a large number of background events. The tau-jet identification is studied with methods based on a signature of a low charged track multiplicity, the containment of the decay products within a narrow cone, an isolated electromagnetic energy deposition, a non-zero tau lepton flight path, the absence of electrons, muons, and neutral hadrons in the decay signature, and a relatively small tau lepton mass compared to the mass of most hadrons. Furthermore, in the H+->taunu channel, helicity correlations are exploited to separate the signal tau jets from those originating from the W->taunu decays. Since many of these identification methods rely on the reconstruction of charged particle tracks, the systematic uncertainties resulting from the mechanical tolerances of the tracking sensor positions are estimated with care. The tau-jet identification and other standard selection methods are applied to the search for the heavy neutral and charged Higgs bosons in the H->tautau and H+->taunu decay channels. For the H+->taunu channel, the tau-jet identification is redone and optimized with a recent and more detailed event simulation than previously in the CMS experiment. Both decay channels are found to be very promising for the discovery of the heavy MSSM Higgs bosons. The Higgs boson(s), whose existence has not yet been experimentally verified, are a part of the standard model and its most popular extensions. They are a manifestation of a mechanism which breaks the electroweak symmetry and generates masses for particles. Since the H->tautau and H+->taunu decay channels are important for the discovery of the Higgs bosons in a large region of the permitted parameter space, the analysis described in this thesis serves as a probe for finding out properties of the microcosm of particles and their interactions in the energy scales beyond the standard model of particle physics.
The complete understanding of the basic constituents of hadrons and the hadronic dynamics at high energies are two of the main challenges for the theory of strong interactions. In particular, the existence of intrinsic heavy quark components in the hadron wave function must be confirmed (or disproved). In this paper we propose a new mechanism for the production of D-mesons at forward rapidities based on the Color Glass Condensate (CGC) formalism and demonstrate that the resulting transverse momentum spectra are strongly dependent on the behavior of the charm distribution at large Bjorken x. Our results show clearly that the hypothesis of intrinsic charm can be tested in pp and p(d)A collisions at RHIC and LHC. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The scalar sector of the simplest version of the 3-3-1 electroweak model is constructed with three Higgs triplets only. We show that a relation involving two of the constants of the model, two vacuum expectation values of the neutral scalars, and the mass of the doubly charged Higgs boson leads to important information concerning the signals of this scalar particle.
We investigate a neutrino mass model in which the neutrino data is accounted for by bilinear R-parity violating supersymmetry with anomaly mediated supersymmetry breaking. We focus on the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) phenomenology, studying the reach of generic supersymmetry search channels with leptons, missing energy and jets. A special feature of this model is the existence of long-lived neutralinos and charginos which decay inside the detector leading to detached vertices. We demonstrate that the largest reach is obtained in the displaced vertices channel and that practically all of the reasonable parameter space will be covered with an integrated luminosity of 10 fb(-1). We also compare the displaced vertex reaches of the LHC and Tevatron.
We solve Einstein equations on the brane to derive the exact form of the brane-world-corrected perturbations in Kerr-Newman singularities, using Randall-Sundrum and Arkani-Hamed-Dimopoulos-Dvali (ADD) models. It is a consequence of such models that Kerr-Newman mini-black holes can be produced in LHC. We use this approach to derive a normalized correction for the Schwarzschild Myers-Perry radius of a static (4+n)-dimensional mini-black hole, using more realistic approaches arising from Kerr-Newman mini-black hole analysis. Besides, we prove that there are four Kerr-Newman black hole horizons in the brane-world scenario we use, although only the outer horizon is relevant in the physical measurable processes. Parton cross sections in LHC and Hawking temperature are also investigated as functions of Planck mass (in the LHC range 1-10 TeV), mini-black hole mass, and the number of large extra dimensions in brane-world large extra-dimensional scenarios. In this case a more realistic brane-effect-corrected formalism can achieve more precisely the effective extra-dimensional Planck mass and the number of large extra dimensions-in the Arkani-Hamed-Dimopoulos-Dvali model-or the size of the warped extra dimension-in Randall-Sundrum formalism.
We demonstrate that a CERN LHC Higgs boson search in weak boson fusion production with subsequent decay to weak boson pairs is robust against extensions of the standard model or minimal supersymmetric standard model involving a large number of Higgs doublets. We also show that the transverse mass distribution provides unambiguous discrimination of a continuum Higgs signal from the standard model.
The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector is described. The detector operates at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. It was conceived to study proton-proton (and lead-lead) collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 14 TeV (5.5 TeV nucleon-nucleon) and at luminosities up to 10(34)cm(-2)s(-1) (10(27)cm(-2)s(-1)). At the core of the CMS detector sits a high-magnetic-field and large-bore superconducting solenoid surrounding an all-silicon pixel and strip tracker, a lead-tungstate scintillating-crystals electromagnetic calorimeter, and a brass-scintillator sampling hadron calorimeter. The iron yoke of the flux-return is instrumented with four stations of muon detectors covering most of the 4 pi solid angle. Forward sampling calorimeters extend the pseudo-rapidity coverage to high values (vertical bar eta vertical bar <= 5) assuring very good hermeticity. The overall dimensions of the CMS detector are a length of 21.6 m, a diameter of 14.6 m and a total weight of 12500 t.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Color octet (pseudo)scalars, if they exist, will be copiously produced at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC). However, their detection can become a very challenging task. In particular, if their decay into a pair of top quarks is kinematically forbidden, the main decay channel would be into two jets, with a very large background. In this brief report we explore the possibility of using anomaly-induced decays of the color octet pseudoscalars into gauge bosons to find them at the LHC.
We perform a detailed analysis of the potentiality of the CERN Large Hadron Collider to study the single production of leptoquarks via pp→e±q→ leptoquark →e± q, with e± generated by the splitting of photons radiated by the protons. Working with the most general SU(2)L⊗U( 1 )Y invariant effective Lagrangian for scalar and vector leptoquarks, we analyze in detail the leptoquark signals and backgrounds that lead to a final state containing an e± and a hard jet with approximately balanced transverse momenta. Our results indicate that the LHC will be able to discover leptoquarks with masses up to 2-3 TeV, depending on their type, for Yukawa couplings of the order of the electromagnetic one.
We analyze the potential of the CERN Large Hadron Collider to study anomalous quartic vector-boson interactions through the production of vector-boson pairs accompanied by jets. In the framework of SU(2) L⊗U(1) Y chiral Lagrangians, we examine all effective operators of order p 4 that lead to new four-gauge-boson interactions but do not alter trilinear vertices. In our analyses, we perform the full tree-level calculation of the processes leading to two jets plus vector-boson pairs, W +W -,W ±W ±,W ±Z, or ZZ, taking properly into account the interference between the standard model and the anomalous contributions. We obtain the bounds that can be placed on the anomalous quartic interactions and we study the strategies to distinguish the possible new couplings. ©1998 The American Physical Society.
We perform a detailed analyses of the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) capability to discover first generation vector leptoquarks through their pair production. We study the leptoquark signals and backgrounds that give rise to final states containing a pair e+e- and jets. Our results show that the LHC will be able to discover vector leptoquarks with masses up to 1.8-2.3 TeV depending on their couplings to fermions and gluons. ©1999 The American Physical Society.
We analyze the potentiality of hadron colliders to search for large extra dimensions via the production of photon pairs. The virtual exchange of Kaluza-Klein gravitons can significantly enhance this process provided the quantum gravity scale (MS) is in the TeV range. We studied in detail the subprocesses qq̄→γγ and gg → γγ taking into account the complete standard model and graviton contributions as well as the unitarity constraints. We show that the Fermilab Tevatron run II will be able to probe MS up to 1.5-1.9 TeV at 2σ level, while the CERN LHC can extend this search to 5.3-6.7 TeV, depending on the number of extra dimensions. ©2000 The American Physical Society.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
For large values of the minimal supergravity model parameter tan beta, the tau lepton and the bottom quark Yukawa couplings become large, leading to reduced masses of tau sleptons and b squarks relative to their first and second generation counterparts, and to enhanced decays of charginos and neutralinos to tau leptons and b quarks. We evaluate the reach of the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) pp collider for supersymmetry in the MSUGRA model parameter space. We find that values of m((g) over tilde) similar to 1500-2000 GeV can be probed with just 10 fb(-1) of integrated luminosity for tan beta values as high as 45, so that MSUGRA cannot escape the scrutiny of LHC experiments by virtue of having a large value of tan beta. We also perform a case study of an MSUGRA model at tan beta = 45 where (Z) over tilde(2)-->tau<(tau)over tilde>(1) and (W) over tilde(1)-->tau(1)nu(tau) with similar to 100% branching fraction. In this case, at least within our simplistic study, we show that a di-tau mass edge, which determines the value of m((Z) over tilde 2) - m((Z) over tilde 1), can still be reconstructed. This information can be used as a starting point for reconstructing SUSY cascade decays on an event-by-event basis, and can provide a strong constraint in determining the underlying model parameters. Finally, we show that for large tan beta, there can be an observable excess of tau leptons, and argue that tau signals might serve to provide new information about the underlying model framework. [S0556-2821(99)04205-8].