106 resultados para CDP


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The goal of the study was to identify what effect headshaking in the horizontal plane has on Computerized Dynamic Posturography results in normals and patients with unilateral vestibular dysfunction. Additionally, the results were compared to results of the dynamic subjective visual vertical test.


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Accumulation of diacylglycerol (DG) in muscle is thought to cause insulin resistance. DG is a precursor for phospholipids, thus phospholipid synthesis could be involved in regulating muscle DG. Little is known about the interaction between phospholipid and DG in muscle; therefore, we examined whether disrupting muscle phospholipid synthesis, specifically phosphatidylethanolamine (PtdEtn), would influence muscle DG content and insulin sensitivity. Muscle PtdEtn synthesis was disrupted by deleting CTP:phosphoethanolamine cytidylyltransferase (ECT), the rate-limiting enzyme in the CDP-ethanolamine pathway, a major route for PtdEtn production. While PtdEtn was reduced in muscle-specific ECT knockout mice, intramyocellular and membrane-associated DG was markedly increased. Importantly, however, this was not associated with insulin resistance. Unexpectedly, mitochondrial biogenesis and muscle oxidative capacity were increased in muscle-specific ECT knockout mice and were accompanied by enhanced exercise performance. These findings highlight the importance of the CDP-ethanolamine pathway in regulating muscle DG content and challenge the DG-induced insulin resistance hypothesis.


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Desde a ECO-92 houve um crescimento substancial de ações de Educação Ambiental (EA) no Brasil e no mundo, ligadas aos mais diversos segmentos da sociedade, como movimentos sociais, associações de bairros, ONG‟s, escolas, universidades, instituições de pesquisa e empresas. As ações de EA ganharam visibilidade no setor empresarial, particularmente, na área portuária, objeto de interesse desse trabalho. Essa dissertação objetiva analisar, numa perspectiva crítica, a lógica da inserção da EA no setor empresarial portuário e seus impactos, a partir da análise da Companhia Ambiental Rural(CDP). Os estudos da EA no setor portuário não elucidam as intenções de “ordem econômica” ao adotarem programas ambientais. Partimos do pressuposto de que a EA é um campo de conhecimento de caráter sistêmico. Seguindo a noção de campo de Bourdieu, procuramos mostrar que a lógica da inserção da EA é acumular “capital simbólico” (crédito/reconhecimento) para conseguir a legitimação do modus operandi empresarial, mostrando suas ações como sustentáveis. Isso permite promover uma boa imagem da empresa e a conquista de selos e certificados. Observou-se que houve a construção do que chamamos de “habitus eco-lógico” reproduzido nas relações de trabalho pela qualificação profissional e gerenciamento ambiental dos negócios da empresa; na apropriação crescente da dimensão intelectual e cognitiva, procurando envolver os trabalhadores mais intensamente pelo disciplinamento, e, consequentemente, obtendo ganho de performance empresarial. Finalmente, conclui-se que a lógica de inserção da EA é a acumulação de “capital simbólico”, para se conseguir a legitimação do modus operandi empresarial, mostrando suas ações como sustentáveis, assim promovendo uma boa imagem da empresa (aumento do preço das ações, como também de seus parceiros) e a diminuição de investimentos em tecnologias e planejamentos para mitigar o compensar os impactos ambientais. Em síntese, a análise percorre elementos relevantes do processo de reestruturação logística das Companhias Docas no Brasil, em particular no Pará.


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The mammalian Cutl1 gene codes for the CCAAT displacement protein (CDP), which has been implicated as a transcriptional repressor in diverse processes such as terminal differentiation, cell cycle progression, and the control of nuclear matrix attachment regions. To investigate the in vivo function of Cutl1, we have replaced the C-terminal Cut repeat 3 and homeodomain exons with an in-frame lacZ gene by targeted mutagenesis in the mouse. The CDP-lacZ fusion protein is retained in the cytoplasm and fails to repress gene transcription, indicating that the Cutl1(lacZ) allele corresponds to a null mutation. Cutl1 mutant mice on inbred genetic backgrounds are born at Mendelian frequency, but die shortly after birth because of retarded differentiation of the lung epithelia, which indicates an essential role of CDP in lung maturation. A less pronounced delay in lung development allows Cutl1 mutant mice on an outbred background to survive beyond birth. These mice are growth-retarded and develop an abnormal pelage because of disrupted hair follicle morphogenesis. The inner root sheath (IRS) is reduced, and the transcription of Sonic hedgehog and IRS-specific genes is deregulated in Cutl1 mutant hair follicles, consistent with the specific expression of Cutl1 in the progenitors and cell lineages of the IRS. These data implicate CDP in cell-lineage specification during hair follicle morphogenesis, which resembles the role of the related Cut protein in specifying cell fates during Drosophila development.


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Amine-containing phospholipid synthesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae starts with the conversion of CDP-diacylglycerol (CDP-DAG) and serine to phosphatidylserine (PS) while phosphatidylinositol (PI) is formed from CDP-DAG and inositol (derived from inositol-1-phosphate). In this study a gene (CDS1) encoding CDP-DAG synthase in S. cerevisiae was isolated and identified. The CDS1 gene encodes the majority, if not all, of the synthase activity, and is essential for cell growth. Overexpression of the CDS1 gene resulted in an elevation in the apparent initial rate of synthesis and also steady-state level of PI relative to PS in both wild type yeast and the cds1 mutant. Down-regulation of CDS1 expression resulted in an inositol excretion phenotype and an opposite effect on the above phospholipid synthesis in the cds1 mutant. This regulation of phospholipid biosynthesis is mediated by changes of the phospholipid biosynthetic enzymes via a mechanism independent of the expression of the INO2-OPI1 regulatory genes. Reduction in the level of CDP-DAG synthase activity resulted in an increase in PS synthase activity which followed a similar change in the CHO1/PSS (encodes PS synthase) mRNA level. INO1 (encodes inositol-1-phosphate synthase) mRNA also increased but only after CDP-DAG synthase activity fell below the wild type level. PI synthase activity followed the decrease of the CDP-DAG synthase activity, but there was no parallel change in the level of PIS1 mRNA. A G$\sp{305}$/A$\sp{305}$ point mutation within the CDS1 gene which causes the cdg1 phenotype was identified. A human cDNA clone encoding CDP-DAG synthase activity was characterized by complementation of the yeast cds1 null mutant. ^


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A CDP-diacylglycerol dependent phosphatidylserine synthase was detected in three species of gram-positive bacilli, viz. Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus megaterium; the enzyme in B. licheniformis was studied in detail. The subcellular distribution experiments in cell-free extracts of B. licheniformis using differential centrifugation, sucrose gradient centrifugation and detergent solubilization showed the phosphatidylserine synthase to be tightly associated with the membrane. The enzyme was shown to have an absolute requirement for divalent metal ion for activity with a strong preference for manganese. The enzyme activity was completely dependent upon the addition of CDP-diacylglycerol to the assay system; the role of the liponucleotide was rigorously shown to be that of phosphatidyl donor and not just a detergent-like stimulator. This enzyme was then solubilized from B. licheniformis membranes and purified to near homogeneity. The purification procedure consisted of CDP-diacylglycerol-Sepharose affinity chromatography followed by substrate elution from blue-dextran Sepharose. The purified preparation showed a single band with an apparent minimum molecular weight of 53,000 when subjected to SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The preparation was free of any phosphatidylglycerophosphate synthase, CDP-diacylglycerol hydrolase and phosphatidylserine hydrolase activities. The utilization of substrates and formation of products occurred with the expected stoichiometry. Radioisotopic exchange patterns between related substrate and product pairs suggest a sequential BiBi reaction as opposed to the ping-pong mechanism exhibited by the well studied phosphatidylserine synthase of Escherichia coli. Proteolytic digestion of the enzyme yielded a smaller active form of the enzyme (41,000 daltons) which appears to be less prone to aggregation.^ This has been the first detailed study in a well-defined bacillus species of the enzyme catalyzing the CDP-diacylglycerol-dependent formation of phosphatidylserine; this reaction is the first committed step in the biosynthetic pathway to the major membrane component, phosphatidylethanolamine. Further study of this enzyme may lead to understanding of new mechanisms of phosphatidyl transfer and novel modes of control of phospholipid biosynthetic enzymes. ^


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Neutrophils from CCAAT enhancer binding protein epsilon (C/EBPɛ) knockout mice have morphological and biochemical features similar to those observed in patients with an extremely rare congenital disorder called neutrophil-specific secondary granule deficiency (SGD). SGD is characterized by frequent bacterial infections attributed, in part, to the lack of neutrophil secondary granule proteins (SGP). A mutation that results in loss of functional C/EBPɛ activity has recently been described in an SGD patient, and has been postulated to be the cause of the disease in this patient. We have previously demonstrated that overexpression of CCAAT displacement protein (CDP/cut), a highly conserved transcriptional repressor of developmentally regulated genes, suppresses expression of SGP genes in 32Dcl3 cells. This phenotype resembles that observed in both C/EBPɛ−/− mice and in SGD patients. Based on these observations we investigated potential interactions between C/EBPɛ and CDP/cut during neutrophil maturation. In this study, we demonstrate that inducible expression of C/EBPɛ in 32Dcl3/tet cells results in granulocytic differentiation. Furthermore, Northern blot analysis of G-CSF-induced CDP/cut overexpressing 32Dcl3 cells revealed absence of C/EBPɛ mRNA. We therefore hypothesize that C/EBPɛ positively regulates SGP gene expression, and that C/EBPɛ is itself negatively regulated by CDP/cut during neutrophil maturation. We further demonstrate that the C/EBPɛ promoter is regulated by CDP/cut during myeloid differentiation.


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Transcription of the genes for the human histone proteins H4, H3, H2A, H2B, and H1 is activated at the G1/S phase transition of the cell cycle. We have previously shown that the promoter complex HiNF-D, which interacts with cell cycle control elements in multiple histone genes, contains the key cell cycle factors cyclin A, CDC2, and a retinoblastoma (pRB) protein-related protein. However, an intrinsic DNA-binding subunit for HiNF-D was not identified. Many genes that are up-regulated at the G1/S phase boundary are controlled by E2F, a transcription factor that associates with cyclin-, cyclin-dependent kinase-, and pRB-related proteins. Using gel-shift immunoassays, DNase I protection, and oligonucleotide competition analyses, we show that the homeodomain protein CDP/cut, not E2F, is the DNA-binding subunit of the HiNF-D complex. The HiNF-D (CDP/cut) complex with the H4 promoter is immunoreactive with antibodies against CDP/cut and pRB but not p107, whereas the CDP/cut complex with a nonhistone promoter (gp91-phox) reacts only with CDP and p107 antibodies. Thus, CDP/cut complexes at different gene promoters can associate with distinct pRB-related proteins. Transient coexpression assays show that CDP/cut modulates H4 promoter activity via the HiNF-D-binding site. Hence, DNA replication-dependent histone H4 genes are regulated by an E2F-independent mechanism involving a complex of CDP/cut with cyclin A/CDC2/ RB-related proteins.


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This thesis extended previous research on critical decision making and problem solving by refining and validating a measure designed to assess the use of critical thinking and critical discussion in sociomoral dilemmas. The purpose of this thesis was twofold: 1) to refine the administration of the Critical Thinking Subscale of the CDP to elicit more adequate responses and for purposes of refining the coding and scoring procedures for the total measure, and 2) to collect preliminary data on the initial reliabilities of the measure. Subjects consisted of 40 undergraduate students at Florida International University. Results indicate that the use of longer probes on the Critical Thinking Subscale was more effective in eliciting adequate responses necessary for coding and evaluating the subjects performance. Analyses on the psychometric properties of the measure consisted of test-retest reliability and inter-rater reliability.


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This study investigates stakeholder pressures on corporate climate change-related accountability and disclosure practices in Australia. While existing scholarship investigates stakeholder pressures on companies to discharge their broader accountability through general social and environmental disclosures, there is a lack of research investigating whether and how stakeholder pressures emerge to influence accountability and disclosure practices related to climate change. We surveyed various stakeholder groups to understand their concerns about climate change-related corporate accountability and disclosure practices. We present three primary findings: first, while NGOs and the media have some influence, institutional investors and government bodies (regulators) are perceived to be the most powerful stakeholders in generating climate change-related concern and coercive pressure on corporations to be accountable. Second, corporate climate change-related disclosures, as documented through the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), are positively associated with such perceived coercive pressures. Lastly, we find a positive correlation between the level of media attention to climate change and Australian corporate responses to the CDP. Our results indicate that corporations will not disclose climate change information until pressured by non-financial stakeholders. This suggests a larger role for non-financial actors than previously theorized, with several policy implications.


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Rates of human migration are steadily rising and have resulted in significant sociopolitical debates over how to best respond to increasing cultural diversity and changing migration patterns. Research on prejudicial attitudes toward immigrants has focused on the attitudes and beliefs that individuals in the receiving country hold about immigrants. The current study enhances this literature by examining how young adults view authorized and unauthorized immigrants and refugees. Using a between-groups design of 191 undergraduates, we found that participants consistently reported more prejudicial attitudes, greater perceived realistic threats, and greater intergroup anxiety when responding to questions about unauthorized compared with authorized immigrants. Additionally, there were differences in attitudes depending on participants’ generational status, with older-generation participants reporting greater perceived realistic and symbolic threat, prejudice, and anxiety than newer-generation students. In some instances, these effects were moderated by participant race/ethnicity and whether they were evaluating authorized or unauthorized immigrants. Lastly, perceived realistic threat, symbolic threat, and intergroup anxiety were significant predictors of prejudicial attitudes. Overall, participants reported positive attitudes toward refugees and resettlement programs in the United States. These findings have implications for future research and interventions focused on immigration and prejudice toward migrant groups.


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CI1H19N4OIIP2.Na+.TH2 O, Mr = 594.08, is orthorhombic, space group P21212 l, with a = 6.946 (2), b = 12.503 (4), c = 28.264 (8)/k, U = 2454.6 A, a, D x = 1.61 Mg m -a, Z = 4, ~t(CuKa) = 2.612 mm -1, F(000) = 1244. Final R = 0.101 for 1454 observed reflections. The cytosine base is in the anti conformation with respect to the sugar (ZCN = 62"60) . The ribose exhibits an uncommon C(l')exo-C(2')endo puckering. The pyrophosphate has a characteristic staggered geometry. The conformation about P(2)-O(7') is trans (-103.4°). This makes CDPethanolamine more extended compared to the folded geometry of CDP-choline, which has a gauche conformation (71.3 o). The molecular interactions in the extended crystal structure, however, are similar to those found in CDP-choline, with the CMP-5' portions tightly bound by metal ligation and the phosphorylethanolamine parts only loosely held by water molecules.