422 resultados para CDE E
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The growth of urban population associated with the shortage of supply of public infrastructure such as hospitals, kindergartens, schools, among others, has reinforced the need to develop alternative methods that simplify the construction processes and allows for a reduction in these costs works. The conventional processes have increasingly been shown ineffective to solve the problem of demand for different types of urban and rural buildings. Given this fact, industrial construction processes can gain space and have proven to be highly interesting to solve the above problems, in particular, considering the cost-effective and time. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the influence of moisture on the strength of metal plate connections connectors (printed plate with teeth). For the sizing of the links between structural lumber using metal connectors with teeth prints; controlled process variables (drying of the wood and the different moisture contents), and finally found results and compare them with different literatures order to obtain a qualitative efficiency of the process. Some specimens had very low expectations, can be explained by the presence of bone marrow, and pre-existing cracks. Thus, the results were discarded for further analysis and more accurate results
The Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) is the University of Bern's center for sustainable development research. Founded in 1988 as a part of the Institute of Geography, CDE became an interdisciplinary university center in 2009. Its current overall aim is to foster sustainable development-oriented research across various institutes and departments of the University of Bern. In view of this new mandate, CDE devised a new strategy focusing on 6 strategic themes. These are explored and advanced by groups of researchers organized in thematic clusters. Three of the 6 clusters address sustainable development from a comprehensive perspective: global change impacts, innovations for sustainable development, and education for sustainable development. These clusters are complemented by 3 clusters that investigate sustainable development with a specialized perspective: natural resources and ecosystem services, multidimensional disparities, and governance of land and natural resources.
Anlässlich einer CDE Retraite im Frühjahr 2009 wurde die Frage der Entwicklung von Kompetenzen am CDE diskutiert. Eine Schlussfolgerung war, dass es notwendig sei, eine systematischeren Umgang mit diesem Thema zu entwickeln. Eine Arbeitsgruppe wurde eingesetzt, welche einen Vorschlag erarbeitete, wie ein Kompetenz-Mapping durchgeführt werden sollte. Im Herbst 2009 wurde entsprechend diesem Vorschlag unter den Mitarbeitenden des CDE eine Umfrage zur Erfassung des Ist-Zustandes betreffend Kompetenzen durchgeführt.
The Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) at the University of Bern has long-standing experience in conducting research in mountain regions around the world. CDE considers mountain regions to be a crucial context for sustainable development. Together with its partners, CDE aims to generate in-depth contextual knowledge about the dynamic social, economic, and ecological processes in mountain regions and elsewhere, with a view to informing development practices, while at the global level it engages in activities that help bring together these regional insights with the goal of informing policy-making. In doing so, CDE addresses the specific challenges of sustainable development—in mountains and elsewhere.