930 resultados para CD40 Signal
Monoclonal antibodies have emerged as one of the most promising therapeutics in oncology over the last decades. The generation of fully human tumorantigen-specific antibodies suitable for anti-tumor therapy is laborious and difficult to achieve. Autoreactive B cells expressing those antibodies are detectable in cancer patients and represent a suitable source for human antibodies. However, the isolation and cultivation of this cell type is challenging. A novel method was established to identify antigen-specific B cells. The method is based on the conversion of the antigen independent CD40 signal into an antigen-specific one. For that, the artificial fusion proteins ABCos1 and ABCos2 (Antigen-specific B cell co-stimulator) were generated, which consist of an extracellular association-domain derived from the constant region of the human immunoglobulin (Ig) G1, a transmembrane fragment and an intracellular signal transducer domain derived of the cytoplasmic domain of the human CD40 receptor. By the association with endogenous Ig molecules the heterodimeric complex allows the antigen-specific stimulation of both the BCR and CD40. In this work the ability of the ABCos constructs to associate with endogenous IgG molecules was shown. Moreover, crosslinking of ABCos stimulates the activation of NF-κB in HEK293-lucNifty and induces proliferation in B cells. The stimulation of ABCos in transfected B cells results in an activation pattern different from that induced by the conventional CD40 signal. ABCos activated B cells show a mainly IgG isotype specific activation of memory B cells and are characterized by high proliferation and the differentiation into plasma cells. To validate the approach a model system was conducted: B cells were transfected with IVT-RNA encoding for anti-Plac1 B cell receptor (antigen-specific BCR), ABCos or both. The stimulation with the BCR specific Plac1 peptide induces proliferation only in the cotransfected B cell population. Moreover, we tested the method in human IgG+ memory B cells from CMV infected blood donors, in which the stimulation of ABCos transfected B cells with a CMV peptide induces antigen-specific expansion. These findings show that challenging ABCos transfected B cells with a specific antigen results in the activation and expansion of antigen-specific B cells and not only allows the identification but also cultivation of these B cells. The described method will help to identify antigen-specific B cells and can be used to characterize (tumor) autoantigen-specific B cells and allows the generation of fully human antibodies that can be used as diagnostic tool as well as in cancer therapy.
Signal transduction through the surface molecule CD40 is critical for cellular activation in immunoinflammatory states such as sepsis. The mechanisms regulating this pathway are not completely understood. Because CD40 displays potentially regulatory cysteine residues and CD40 is probably exposed to NO in the inflammatory milieu, we hypothesized that S-nitrosylation, the interaction of NO with cysteines residues, acts as a post-translational modification on CD40, coregulating the signaling activity and, therefore, the level of cellular activation. As assessed by the biotin switch and the reduction/chemiluminescence S-nitrosylation detection techniques, CD40 was found to be S-nitrosylated endogenously and upon exposure to NO donors in both human and murine macrophages. S-nitrosylation of CD40 was associated with milder activation by its ligand (CD40L), leading to reduced in vitro cytokine (IL-1 beta, IL-12, and TNF-alpha) production, which was reversed in the presence of inhibitors of NO synthesis. S-nitrosylated CD40 was found in resting RAW 246.7 macrophages and BALB/c mice peritoneal macrophages, turning into the denitrosylated state upon in vitro or systemic exposure, respectively, to LPS. Moreover, monocytes from patients with sepsis displayed denitrosylated CD40 in contrast to the CD40 S-nitrosylation measured in healthy individuals. Finally, in an attempt to explain how S-nitrosylation regulates CD40 activation, we demonstrate that NO affects the redistribution of CD40 on the cell surface, which is a requirement for optimal signal transduction. Our results support a novel post-translational regulatory mechanism in which the CD40 signal may be, at least in part, dependent on cellular activation-induced receptor denitrosylation.
In a classical dogma, pathogens are sensed (via recognition of Pathogen Associated Molecular Patterns (PAMPs)) by innate immune cells that in turn activate adaptive immune cells. However, recent data showed that TLRs (Toll Like Receptors), the most characterized class of Pattern Recognition Receptors, are also expressed by adaptive immune B cells. B cells play an important role in protective immunity essentially by differentiating into antibody-secreting cells (ASC). This differentiation requires at least two signals: the recognition of an antigen by the B cell specific receptor (BCR) and a T cell co-stimulatory signal provided mainly by CD154/CD40L acting on CD40. In order to better understand interactions of innate and adaptive B cell stimulatory signals, we evaluated the outcome of combinations of TLRs, BCR and/or CD40 stimulation. For this purpose, mouse spleen B cells were activated with synthetic TLR agonists, recombinant mouse CD40L and agonist anti-BCR antibodies. As expected, TLR agonists induced mouse B cell proliferation and activation or differentiation into ASC. Interestingly, addition of CD40 signal to TLR agonists stimulated either B cell proliferation and activation (TLR3, TLR4, and TLR9) or differentiation into ASC (TLR1/2, TLR2/6, TLR4 and TLR7). Addition of a BCR signal to CD40L and either TLR3 or TLR9 agonists did not induce differentiation into ASC, which could be interpreted as an entrance into the memory pathway. In conclusion, our results suggest that PAMPs synergize with signals from adaptive immunity to regulate B lymphocyte fate during humoral immune response.
Transplanted individuals in operational tolerance (OT) maintain long-term stable graft function after completely stopping immunosuppression. Understanding the mechanisms involved in OT can provide valuable information about pathways to human transplantation tolerance. Here we report that operationally tolerant individuals display quantitative and functional preservation of the B-c ell compartment in renal transplantation. OT exhibited normal numbers of circulating total B cells, naive, memory and regulatory B cells (Bregs) as well as preserved B-cell receptor repertoire, similar to healthy individuals. In addition, OT also displayed conserved capacity to activate the cluster of differentiation 40 (CD40)/signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) signaling pathway in Bregs, in contrast, with chronic rejection. Rather than expansion or higher activation, we show that the preservation of the B-cell compartment favors OT. Online address: http://www.molmed.org doi: 10.2119/molmed.2011.00281
CD40 ligation triggers IL-12 production by dendritic cells (DC) in vitro. Here, we demonstrate that CD40 cross-linking alone is not sufficient to induce IL-12 production by DC in vivo. Indeed, resting DC make neither the IL-12 p35 nor IL-12 p40 subunits and express only low levels of CD40. Nevertheless, after DC activation by microbial stimuli that primarily upregulate IL-12 p40 and augment CD40 expression, CD40 ligation induces a significant increase in IL-12 p35 and IL-12 p70 heterodimer production. Similarly, IL-12 p70 is produced during T cell activation in the presence but not in the absence of microbial stimuli. Thus, production of bioactive IL-12 by DC can be amplified by T cell–derived signals but must be initiated by innate signals.
Treatment of small resting B cells with soluble F(ab')2 fragments of anti-IgM, an analogue of T-independent type 2 antigens, induced activation characterized by proliferation and the expression of surface CD5. In contrast, B cells induced to proliferate in response to thymus-dependent inductive signals provided by either fixed activated T-helper 2 cells or soluble CD40 ligand-CD8 (CD40L) recombinant protein displayed elevated levels of CD23 (Fc epsilon II receptor) and no surface CD5. Treatment with anti-IgM and CD40L induced higher levels of proliferation and generated a single population of B cells coexpressing minimal amounts of CD5 and only a slight elevation of CD23. Anti-IgM- but not CD40L-mediated activation was highly sensitive to inhibition by cyclosporin A and FK520. Sp-cAMPS, an analogue of cAMP, augmented CD40L and suppressed surface IgM-mediated activation. Taken together these results are interpreted to mean that there is a single population of small resting B cells that can respond to either T-independent type 2 (surface IgM)- or T-dependent (CD40)-mediated activation. In response to different intracellular signals these cells are induced to enter alternative differentiation pathways.
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a heterogeneous disease involving several immune cell types and pro-inflammatory signals, including the one triggered by binding of CD40L to the receptor CD40. Peroxisome-proliferator activated receptor gamma (PPAR gamma) is a transcription factor with anti-inflammatory properties. Here we investigated whether CD40 and PPAR gamma could exert opposite effects in the immune response and the possible implications for SLE. Increased PPAR gamma mRNA levels were detected by real-time PCR in patients with active SLE, compared to patients with inactive SLE PPAR gamma/GAPDH mRNA = 2.21 +/- 0.49 vs. 0.57 +/- 0.14, respectively (p < 0.05) or patients with infectious diseases and healthy subjects (p < 0.05). This finding was independent of the corticosteroid therapy. We further explored these observations in human THP1 and in SLE patient-derived macrophages, where activation of CD40 by CD40L promoted augmented PPAR gamma gene transcription compared to non-stimulated cells (PPAR gamma/GAPDH mRNA = 1.14 +/- 0.38 vs. 0.14 +/- 0.01, respectively; p < 0.05). This phenomenon occurred specifically upon CD40 activation, since lipopolysaccharide treatment did not induce a similar response. In addition, increased activity of PPAR gamma was also detected after CD40 activation, since higher PPAR gamma-dependent transcription of CD36 transcription was observed. Furthermore, CD40L-stimulated transcription of CD80 gene was elevated in cells treated with PPAR gamma-specific small interfering RNA (small interfering RNA, siRNA) compared to cells treated with CD40L alone (CD80/GAPDH mRNA = 0.11 +/- 0.04 vs. 0.05 +/- 0.02, respectively; p < 0.05), suggesting a regulatory role for PPAR gamma on the CD40/CD40L pathway. Altogether, our findings outline a novel mechanism through which PPAR gamma regulates the inflammatory signal initiated by activation of CD40, with important implications for the understanding of immunological mechanisms underlying SLE and the development of new treatment strategies. Lupus (2011) 20, 575-587.
Le CD40 est un membre de la famille des récepteurs du facteur de nécrose tumorale ("Tumour necrosis factor", TNF), initialement identifié sur des cellules de carcinome de la vessie. L'interaction du CD40 avec son ligand (CD40L) est d'une importance cruciale pour le développement des cellules B et de la commutation d'isotype au cours de la réponse immunitaire acquise. L'expression du complexe CD40/CD40L était initialement cru d'être limiter aux cellules du système immunitaire, mais aujourd'hui il est bien connu que ce complexe est également exprimé sur les cellules du système circulatoire et vasculaire, et est impliqué dans diverses réactions inflammatoires; de sorte que le CD40L est maintenant considéré comme une molécule thrombo-inflammatoire prédictive des événements cardiovasculaires. Les plaquettes expriment constitutivement le CD40, alors que le CD40L n'est exprimé que suite à leur l'activation. Il est ensuite clivé en sa forme soluble (sCD40L) qui représente la majorité du sCD40L en circulation. Il fut démontré que le sCD40L influence l'activation plaquettaire mais son effet exact sur la fonction plaquettaire, ainsi que les mécanismes cellulaires et moléculaires sous-jacents à son action demeurent inconnus. Ainsi, ce projet a été entrepris dans le but d’adresser les objectifs spécifiques suivants: 1) évaluer les effets in vitro du sCD40L sur l'activation et l'agrégation plaquettaire; 2) identifier les récepteurs plaquettaires impliqués dans l’action du sCD40L; 3) élucider les voies signalétiques intracellulaires induits par le sCD40L; 4) évaluer les effets du sCD40L sur la formation de thrombus in vivo. Nous avons trouvé que le sCD40L augmente fortement l'activation et l'agrégation des plaquettes en réponse à de faibles concentrations d'agonistes. Les plaquettes humaines traitées avec une forme mutante du sCD40L qui n'interagit pas avec le CD40, et les plaquettes de souris déficientes en CD40 ne furent pas en mesure d'induire de telles réponses, indiquant que le récepteur principal du sCD40L au niveau des plaquettes est le CD40. En plus, nous avons identifié la présence de plusieurs membres de la famille du facteur associé du récepteur du TNF ("TNF receptor-associated factor", TRAF) dans les plaquettes et nous avons montré que seulement le TRAF2 s'associe avec le CD40 suite à la stimulation par le sCD40L. Nos résultats indiquent aussi que le sCD40L agisse sur les plaquettes au repos par l'entremise de deux voies signalétiques distinctes. La première voie implique l'activation de la petite GTPase Rac1 et de sa cible en aval, soit la protéine kinase p38 activée par le mitogène ("p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase", p38 MAPK ), menant au changement de forme plaquettaire et à la polymérisation de l'actine; alors que la deuxième voie implique l'activation de la cascade signalétique du NF-kB. Par ailleurs, à la suite d'une lésion artérielle induite par le chlorure de fer, le sCD40L exacerbe la formation de thrombus et l'infiltration leucocytaire au sein du thrombus dans les souris du type sauvage, mais pas chez les souris déficientes en CD40. En conclusion, ce projet a permis d'identifier pour la première fois deux voies signalétiques distinctes en aval du CD40 plaquettaire et a permis d'établir leur implication dans l'activation et l'agrégation plaquettaire en réponse au sCD40L. De manière plus importante, ce projet nous a permis d'établir un lien direct entre les niveaux élevés du sCD40L circulant et la formation de thrombus in vivo, tout en soulignant l'importance du CD40 dans ce processus. Par conséquent, l'axe CD40/CD40L joue un rôle important dans l'activation des plaquettes, les prédisposant à une thrombose accrue en réponse à une lésion vasculaire. Ces résultats peuvent expliquer en partie la corrélation entre les taux circulants élevés du sCD40L et l'incidence des maladies cardiovasculaires.
Le CD40 est une glycoprotéine transmembranaire de type I, appartenant à la famille des TNFRs, exprimée à la surface des cellules immunitaires, hématopoïétiques, vasculaires, épithéliales, et d’autres types de cellules, y compris les cellules tumorales. Le CD40 ne possédant pas de domaine kinase, pour induire un signal il interagit directement ou indirectement avec des protéines adaptatrices telles que les TRAFs et les JAKs. L’interaction du CD40 avec son principal ligand, le CD154, joue un rôle primordial dans la régulation de la réponse immunitaire et le maintien de l’homéostasie. L’activation du CD40 à la surface des cellules B augmente leur capacité de présentation d’antigène, en plus d’induire la prolifération, la commutation isotypique et l’apoptose. Les patients souffrant de mutations au niveau du gène codant pour le CD40 ou de son ligand sont immunosupprimés et sensibles à des infections opportunistes. Des études ont montré que le CD40 comme d’autres membres de la famille des TNFRs est capable de former des homodimères. Plus récemment, on a montré que la formation du CD40 homodimère est le résultat de son engagement sur les cellules B. En plus, cette homodimérisation du CD40 est importante pour la phosphorylation de l’Akt. L’interaction CD40/CD154 peut avoir un rôle direct dans l’immunothérapie par l’induction de l’apoptose de certaines cellules cancéreuses ou un rôle indirect en activant les cellules présentatrices d’antigènes (CPA) afin d'augmenter l’efficacité de l’activation des cellules T cytotoxiques. Nos résultats montrent que l’induction de la mort cellulaire par le CD40 requiert la perméabilisation du lysosome, la libération de la cathepsine B, la présence de ROS et une interaction avec le TRAF6, cette mort cellulaire programmée est plus importante en présence de la forme monomérique du CD40, muté au niveau de la cystéine 238. Par ailleurs, l’homodimérisation du CD40 requerrait sa translocation vers les radeaux lipidiques et nécessiterait la présence des ROS. Cette homodimérisation du CD40 semble être importante pour l’activation des cellules B par le biais de l’induction de l’expression du CD23, CD69 et CD80. De plus, nos résultats montrent pour la première fois une implication du CD40 homodimère dans l’induction du CD23 par le biais du TLR4. Nos résultats soulignent l’importance du CD40 homodimère dans certaines voies de signalisation. Ainsi, ils mettent en évidence le rôle de la Cys-238 dans la coopération entre des récepteurs de la réponse immunitaire innée et adaptative. Toutes ces données permettraient une meilleure compréhension de certaines voies de signalisation impliquées dans plusieurs maladies auto-immunes et faisant objet de plusieurs essais thérapeutiques.
Dendritic cells (DC) can produce Th-polarizing cytokines and direct the class of the adaptive immune response. Microbial stimuli, cytokines, chemokines, and T cell-derived signals all have been shown to trigger cytokine synthesis by DC, but it remains unclear whether these signals are functionally equivalent and whether they determine the nature of the cytokine produced or simply initiate a preprogrammed pattern of cytokine production, which may be DC subtype specific. Here, we demonstrate that microbial and T cell-derived stimuli can synergize to induce production of high levels of IL-12 p70 or IL-10 by individual murine DC subsets but that the choice of cytokine is dictated by the microbial pattern recognition receptor engaged. We show that bacterial components such as CpG-containing DNA or extracts from Mycobacterium tuberculosis predispose CD8alpha(+) and CD8alpha(-)CD4(-) DC to make IL-12 p70. In contrast, exposure of CD8alpha(+), CD4(+) and CD8alpha(-)CD4(-) DC to heat-killed yeasts leads to production of IL-10. In both cases, secretion of high levels of cytokine requires a second signal from T cells, which can be replaced by CD40 ligand. Consistent with their differential effects on cytokine production, extracts from M. tuberculosis promote IL-12 production primarily via Toll-like receptor 2 and an MyD88-dependent pathway, whereas heat-killed yeasts activate DC via a Toll-like receptor 2-, MyD88-, and Toll/IL-1R domain containing protein-independent pathway. These results show that T cell feedback amplifies innate signals for cytokine production by DC and suggest that pattern recognition rather than ontogeny determines the production of cytokines by individual DC subsets.
One of the most important immunopathological consequence of intraperitoneal alveolar echinococcosis (AE) in the mouse is suppression of T cell-mediated immune responses. We investigated whether and how intraperitoneal macrophages (MØs) are, respectively, implicated as antigen-presenting cells (APCs). In a first step we showed that peritoneal MØs from infected mice (AE-MØs) exhibited a reduced ability to present a conventional antigen (chicken ovalbumin, C-Ova) to specific responder lymph node T cells. In a subsequent step, AE-MØs as well as naïve MØs (positive control) proved their ability to uptake and process C-Ova fluorescein isthiocyanate (FITC). Furthermore, in comparison with naïve MØs, the surface expression of Ia molecules was up-regulated on AE-MØs at the early stage of infection, suggesting that AE-MØs provide the first signal via the antigen-Ia complex. To study the accessory activity of MØs, AE-MØs obtained at the early and late stages of infection were found to decrease Con A-induced proliferation of peritoneal naïve T cells as well as of AE-sensitized peritoneal T cells, in contrast to stimulation with naïve MØs. The status of accessory molecules was assessed by analysing the expression level of costimulatory molecules on AE-MØs, with naïve MØs as controls. It was found that B7-1 (CD80) and B7-2 (CD86) expression remained unchanged, whereas CD40 was down-regulated and CD54 (= ICAM-1) was slightly up-regulated. In a leucocyte reaction of AE-MØs with naïve or AE-T cells, both types of T cells increased their proliferative response when CD28 - the ligand of B7 receptors - was exposed to anti-CD28 in cultures. Conversely to naïve MØs, pulsing of AE-MØs with agonistic anti-CD40 did not even partially restore their costimulatory activity and failed to increase naïve or AE-T cell proliferation. Neutralizing anti-B7-1, in combination with anti-B7-2, reduced naïve and AE-T cell proliferation, whereas anti-CD40 treatment of naïve MØs increased their proliferative response to Con A. These results point at the key role of B7 receptors as accessory molecules and the necessity of the integrity of CD40-expression by naïve MØs to improve their accessory activity. Taken together, the obstructed presenting-activity of AE-MØs appeared to trigger an unresponsiveness of T cells, contributing to the suppression of their clonal expansion during the chronic phase of AE-infection.
Tumor necrosis factor receptors (TNFR) are single transmembrane-spanning glycoproteins that bind cytokines and trigger multiple signal transduction pathways. Many of these TNFRs rely on interactions with TRAF proteins that bind to the intracellular domain of the receptors. CD40 is a member of the TNFR family that binds to several different TRAF proteins. We have determined the crystal structure of a 20-residue fragment from the cytoplasmic domain of CD40 in complex with the TRAF domain of TRAF3. The CD40 fragment binds as a hairpin loop across the surface of the TRAF domain. Residues shown by mutagenesis and deletion analysis to be critical for TRAF3 binding are involved either in direct contact with TRAF3 or in intramolecular interactions that stabilize the hairpin. Comparison of the interactions of CD40 with TRAF3 vs. TRAF2 suggests that CD40 may assume different conformations when bound to different TRAF family members. This molecular adaptation may influence binding affinity and specific cellular triggers.
CD40 is a member of the tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily. The interaction between CD40 and CD40 ligand (CD154) activates NF-κB, Jun N-terminal kinase, and Janus kinase/signal transducers and activators of transcription pathways and promotes B cell growth, differentiation, and survival as well as IL-12 production in macrophages and dendritic cells. We demonstrate here the existence of multiple isoforms of CD40 mRNA generated by alternative splicing and show that their expression is regulated differentially in activated macrophages and dendritic cells. Pre-CD40 RNA is spliced preferentially out to signal-transducible CD40 mRNA in the early stage of activation; half of the CD40 mRNA is replaced by the signal-nontransducible CD40 mRNAs in the later stages (24 h). Using IL-12 p40 gene expression as a reporter for CD40 signaling, we show that three of the alternative isoforms can disable signaling through CD40. The major alternative isoform lacks the membrane-associated endodomain and seems to reduce the amount of the signal-transducible form available on the cell surface. It would seem, therefore, that CD40 expression is controlled by posttranscriptional and posttranslational regulation through alternative splicing. Modulation of isoform expression may provide a mechanism by which cells regulate their susceptibility to CD40L signaling.
Signals emanating from CD40 play crucial roles in B-cell function. To identify molecules that transduce CD40 signalings, we have used the yeast two-hybrid system to done cDNAs encoding proteins that bind the cytoplasmic tail of CD40. A cDNA encoding a putative signal transducer protein, designated TRAF5, has been molecularly cloned. TRAF5 has a tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor (TRAF) domain in its carboxyl terminus and is most homologous to TRAF3, also known as CRAF1, CD40bp, or LAP-1, a previously identified CD40-associated factor. The amino terminus has a RING finger domain, a cluster of zinc fingers and a coiled-coil domain, which are also present in other members of the TRAF family protein except for TRAF1. In vitro binding assays revealed that TRAF5 associates with the cytoplasmic tail of CD40, but not with the cytoplasmic tail of tumor receptor factor receptor type 2, which associates with TRAF2. Based on analysis of the association between TRAF5 and various CD40 mutants, residues 230-269 of CD40 are required for the association with TRAF5. In contrast to TRAF3, overexpression of TRAF5 activates transcription factor nuclear factor kappa B. Furthermore, amino-terminally truncated forms of TRAF5 suppress the CD40-mediated induction of CD23 expression, as is the case with TRAF3. These results suggest that TRAF5 and TRAF3 could be involved in both common and distinct signaling pathways emanating from CD40.
Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor-associated factor (TRAF) proteins associate with and transduce signals from TNF receptor 2, CD40, and presumably other members of the TNF receptor superfamily. TRAF2 is required for CD40- and TNF-mediated activation of the transcription factor NF-kappa B. Here we describe the isolation and characterization of a novel TRAF-interacting protein, I-TRAF, that binds to the conserved TRAF-C domain of the three known TRAFs. Overexpression of I-TRAF inhibits TRAF2-mediated NF-kappa B activation signaled by CD40 and both TNF receptors. Thus, I-TRAF appears as a natural regulator of TRAF function that may act by maintaining TRAFs in a latent state.