112 resultados para CBR
La introducción a la clase de matemáticas de la calculadora TI 92 Plus y otros dispositivos, tales como el CBR, están generando una nueva cultura matemática, caracterizar algunos rasgos de éste fenómeno educativo en la modelación del movimiento pendular es el propósito central de la presente investigación. El trabajo de los estudiantes permitió observar en la práctica los constitutivos del marco teórico del proyecto de incorporación de nuevas tecnologías al currículo de matemáticas de Colombia, como son: mediación instrumental, representaciones ejecutables, cognición situada, solución de problemas, fluidez algorítmica y fluidez conceptual.
This paper examines different ways for measuring similarity between software design models for the purpose of software reuse. Current approaches to this problem are discussed and a set of suitable similarity metrics are proposed and evaluated. Work on the optimisation of weights to increase the competence of a CBR system is presented. A graph matching algorithm and associated metrics capturing the structural similarity between UML class diagrams is presented and demonstrated through an example case.
This paper describes the use of a blackboard architecture for building a hybrid case based reasoning (CBR) system. The Smartfire fire field modelling package has been built using this architecture and includes a CBR component. It allows the integration into the system of qualitative spatial reasoning knowledge from domain experts. The system can be used for the automatic set-up of fire field models. This enables fire safety practitioners who are not expert in modelling techniques to use a fire modelling tool. The paper discusses the integrating powers of the architecture, which is based on a common knowledge representation comprising a metric diagram and place vocabulary and mechanisms for adaptation and conflict resolution built on the Blackboard.
This paper examines different ways of measuring similarity between software design models for Case Based Reasoning (CBR) to facilitate reuse of software design and code. The paper considers structural and behavioural aspects of similarity between software design models. Similarity metrics for comparing static class structures are defined and discussed. A Graph representation of UML class diagrams and corresponding similarity measures for UML class diagrams are defined. A full search graph matching algorithm for measuring structural similarity diagrams based on the identification of the Maximum Common Sub-graph (MCS) is presented. Finally, a simple evaluation of the approach is presented and discussed.
The past decade had witnessed an unprecedented growth in the amount of available digital content, and its volume is expected to continue to grow the next few years. Unstructured text data generated from web and enterprise sources form a large fraction of such content. Many of these contain large volumes of reusable data such as solutions to frequently occurring problems, and general know-how that may be reused in appropriate contexts. In this work, we address issues around leveraging unstructured text data from sources as diverse as the web and the enterprise within the Case-based Reasoning framework. Case-based Reasoning (CBR) provides a framework and methodology for systematic reuse of historical knowledge that is available in the form of problemsolution
pairs, in solving new problems. Here, we consider possibilities of enhancing Textual CBR systems under three main themes: procurement, maintenance and retrieval. We adapt and build upon the stateof-the-art techniques from data mining and natural language processing in addressing various challenges therein. Under procurement, we investigate the problem of extracting cases (i.e., problem-solution pairs) from data sources such as incident/experience
reports. We develop case-base maintenance methods specifically tuned to text targeted towards retaining solutions such that the utility of the filtered case base in solving new problems is maximized. Further, we address the problem of query suggestions for textual case-bases and show that exploiting the problem-solution partition can enhance retrieval effectiveness by prioritizing more useful query suggestions. Additionally, we illustrate interpretable clustering as a tool to drill-down to domain specific text collections (since CBR systems are usually very domain specific) and develop techniques for improved similarity assessment in social media sources such as microblogs. Through extensive empirical evaluations, we illustrate the improvements that we are able to
achieve over the state-of-the-art methods for the respective tasks.
This paper addresses the problem of Biological Inspired Optimization Techniques (BIT) parameterization, considering the importance of this issue in the design of BIT especially when considering real world situations, subject to external perturbations. A learning module with the objective to permit a Multi-Agent Scheduling System to automatically select a Meta-heuristic and its parameterization to use in the optimization process is proposed. For the learning process, Casebased Reasoning was used, allowing the system to learn from experience, in the resolution of similar problems. Analyzing the obtained results we conclude about the advantages of its use.
In this paper, we foresee the use of Multi-Agent Systems for supporting dynamic and distributed scheduling in Manufacturing Systems. We also envisage the use of Autonomic properties in order to reduce the complexity of managing systems and human interference. By combining Multi-Agent Systems, Autonomic Computing, and Nature Inspired Techniques we propose an approach for the resolution of dynamic scheduling problem, with Case-based Reasoning Learning capabilities. The objective is to permit a system to be able to automatically adopt/select a Meta-heuristic and respective parameterization considering scheduling characteristics. From the comparison of the obtained results with previous results, we conclude about the benefits of its use.
Hoy en día, los sistemas middleware de publicar-suscribir con la filtración de mensajes basado en contenido tiende a ser popularizado, y un sistema como este requiere codificar su mensaje a la combinación de varios elementos que se encuentran en los conjuntos no-interseccionados. Varios predicados posibles en los dominios de esos conjuntos forman un filtro, y el núcleo de algoritmo filtrado es seleccionar filtros adaptados tan pronto como sea posible. Sin embargo, el conjunto, que está formado por los filtros, contiene la extremadamente fuerte indeterminación y distensibilidad, lo que restringe el algoritmo filtrado. Por la resolución de la distensibilidad, se estudió la característica del conjunto de filtros en álgebra, y sabía que es un retículo específico. Por lo tanto, se intenta usar el carácter, el cual los retículos forman un conjunto parcialmente ordenado (o poset, del inglés partially ordered set) con límites, para reducir el tamaño de conjunto de filtros (compresión equivalente). Por estas razones, es necesario implementar un contenedor abstracto de retículo, y evaluar su desempeño tanto en la teoría, como en la práctica, para la solución de la distensibilidad del conjunto de filtros. Retículo (Lattice) es una estructura importante de Álgebra Abstracta, comúnmente se utiliza para resolver el problema teórico, y apenas de ser un contenedor abstracto en la ciencia de software, como resultado de su implementación compleja que proviene de su trivialidad en álgebra. Y por eso se hace difícil mi trabajo. Con el fin de evitar la teoría compleja del sistema práctico, simplemente introduce su núcleo algoritmo, el algoritmo de conteo, y esto llevó a cabo con el problema - la distensibilidad del conjunto de filtros. A continuación, se investigó la solución posible con retículos en la teoría, y se obtuvo el diseño de la implementación, normas para las pruebas xUnit y par´ametros para la evaluación. Por último, señalamos el entorno, el resultado, el análisis y la conclusión de la prueba de rendimiento.
O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a influência da variação do teor de umidade no valor do índice de suporte CBR de uma brita estabilizada granulometricamente e de seis solos coletados em rodovias do interior do Estado de São Paulo. Os seis solos estudados foram divididos em três pares, com curvas granulométricas próximas, mesma classificação HRB e USCS, sendo cada par formado por um solo de comportamento laterítico e um solo de comportamento não-laterítico. Os corpos-de-prova foram moldados na umidade ótima e massa específica seca máxima obtidos com os resultados do ensaio de Proctor normal. Os materiais foram analisados sob quatro condições de umidade: sem imersão, após alcançar metade da umidade de estabilização, após quatro e oito dias de imersão. Observou-se a distribuição da umidade interna dos corpos-de-prova para cada uma das situações. Foi analisada a influência do envelhecimento dos materiais solto e compactado por quatro dias e sem imersão, nos resultados dos ensaios de CBR. Com os resultados pôde-se correlacionar a influência da granulometria e da gênese dos materiais nos resultados dos ensaios de índice de suporte CBR nas diversas condições de umidade avaliadas.
"September 1966."
Includes index.