125 resultados para CBM
L’oggetto di analisi del presente lavoro di tesi è il modello di Operational Excellence noto come World Class Manufacturing in particolare l’approccio allo step 6 del pilastro Professional Maintenance, dove si richiede l’implementazione di un sistema di manutenzione PREDITTIVA, la cosiddetta CBM (Conditional Based Maintenance) . Il modello a cui si fa riferimento fu teorizzato dal professore giapponese H. Yamashina verso la metà degli anni 2000 e giunse in Italia attorno al 2005, quando Fiat Group (oggi FCA) lo adottò come approccio standard alla gestione della produzione. Questo tipo di analisi, orientata verso una prospettiva pratica più che teorica, deriva direttamente da un’esperienza sul campo che ho svolto all’interno di un’azienda che ha aderito al World Class Manufacturing (WCM). Nel capitolo 1 verrà proposto un excursus delle metodologie alla base del WCM e del percorso storico che ha portato alla formulazione del modello. Nel secondo capitolo verrà proposto un caso di applicazione del WCM all'interno di un Gruppo, nella fattispecie Ariston Thermo Group (ATG). Dopo un’overview sul Gruppo e sulla storia della sua adesione al programma di miglioramento, la trattazione si focalizza sull'approccio di ATG al WCM. Nel terzo capitolo verrà introdotta la Manutenzione Professionale secondo le principali politiche manutentive schematizzate dal WCM. Verranno presentate singolarmente per sottolineare i loro obiettivi seguiti dai vantaggi e svantaggi che si possono ottenere nell’implementare ogni singola politica. Nel quarto capitolo verranno specificate sotto un aspetto prettamente pratico le varie attività svolte dalla PM così da evidenziare lo sviluppo e il miglioramento continuo che essa sta ottenendo dall’introduzione del WCM; principalmente la presentazione delle varie attività si riferiscono al passaggio allo step 6 della PM, dove verrà presentata approfonditamente elencando e analizzando tutte le attività svolte per approcciarsi alla CBM.
Recent legislation and initiatives set forth high academic expectations for all high school graduates in the area of reading (National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, 2010; Every Student Succeeds Act, 2015). To determine which students need additional support to meet these reading standards, teachers can conduct universal screening using formative assessments. Maze Curriculum-Based Measurement (Maze-CBM) is a commonly used screening and progress monitoring assessment that the National Center on Intensive Intervention (2013) and the Center on Instruction (Torgesen & Miller, 2009) recommend. Despite the recommendation to use Maze-CBM, little research has been conducted on the reliability and validity of Maze-CBM for measuring reading ability for students at the secondary level (Mitchell & Wexler, 2016). In the papers included in this dissertation, I present an initial investigation into the use of Maze-CBM for secondary students. In the first paper, I investigated prior studies of Maze-CBM for students in Grades 6 through 12. Next, in the second paper, I investigated the alternate-form reliability and validity for screening students in Grades 9 and 10 using signal detection theory methods. In the third paper, I examined the effect of genre on Maze-CBM scores with a sample of students in Grades 9 and 10 using multilevel modeling. When writing these three papers, I discovered several important findings related to Maze-CBM. First, there are few studies that have investigated the technical adequacy of Maze-CBM for screening and progress monitoring students in Grades 6 through 12. Additionally, only two studies (McMaster, Wayman, & Cao, 2006; Pierce, McMaster, & Deno, 2010) examined the technical adequacy of Maze-CBM for high school students. A second finding is that the reliability of Maze-CBM is often below acceptable levels for making screening decisions or progress monitoring decisions (.80 and above and .90 and above, respectively; Salvia, Ysseldyke, & Bolt, 2007) for secondary students. A third finding is that Maze-CBM scores show promise of being a valid screening tool for reading ability of secondary students. Finally, I found that the genre of the text used in the Maze-CBM assessment does impact scores on Maze-CBM for students in Grades 9 and 10.
O caso relata uma forma inovadora de solucionar um problema do setor p??blico que afetava gravemente a popula????o infantil. O problema manifestou-se quando o Banco de Leite Humano (BHL), gerenciado desde 1991 por um hospital do Distrito Federal credenciado pelo SUS, apresentou uma queda de estoques alarmante, devido ?? insufici??ncia da coleta que era realizada pelos seus pr??prios funcion??rios e de forma prec??ria. Surgiu ent??o uma proposta de ampliar a coleta, utilizando parceria com outro ??rg??o p??blico: o Corpo de Bombeiros (CBM), com grande capilaridade na regi??o e contingente maior de pessoal. O Corpo de Bombeiros sensibilizou-se, considerando que a atividade condizia com sua miss??o de salvar vidas e se adaptou ?? situa????o, treinando seus operadores e incluindo maior efetivo feminino. O projeto levou a aumento substancial dos estoques de leite e a parceria foi estendida a mais seis unidades hospitalares do SUS no Distrito Federal e replicada em outros estados. Iniciativa inovadora do Minist??rio da Sa??de finalista no 7?? Concurso Inova????o na Gest??o P??blica Federal, promovido pela ENAP em 2002. O caso vem sendo aplicado em cursos de lideran??a e gerenciamento, permitindo aos alunos visualizar um estilo de ger??ncia criativo e o poder da lideran??a na solu????o de problemas
O Servi??o de Coleta de Leite Humano em domicilio iniciou-se em dezembro de 1991, quando os respons??veis pelos diversos Bancos de Leite Humano da Funda????o Hospitalar do Distrito Federal recorreram aos meios de comunica????o, divulgando sobre as baixas no estoque de leite e comentando sobre a dificuldade na capta????o de leite para suas reservas. O Corpo de Bombeiros Militar do Distrito Federal, sensibilizado com a iniciativa, se prop??s a ajudar na campanha. Em 1992 foi institu??da a parceria entre o CBM/DF e a Funda????o Hospitalar do Distrito Federal na coleta de Leite Humano. Em 1997, foi criado o Programa Amamenta????o onde o programa teve um grande impulso, otimizando o servi??o. Neste ano os Bombeiros passaram a prestar assist??ncia , orientando as m??es no preparo e cuidado com as mamas, para que as m??es obtivessem sucesso na amamenta????o. O servi??o no HRT/DF ?? realizado durante as 24 horas pelo CBM/DF para a coleta domiciliar e inclusive para atendimentos emergenciais ou seja mastite, rachaduras e outros casos . Al??m disso, foi implantada em mais cinco hospitais credenciados do SUS esta parceria de coleta de leite humano com o CBM
O uso contínuo, ao longo dos anos, do sistema convencional de preparo do solo pode alterar os atributos microbiológicos do solo, causando a redução da biomassa e da atividade microbiana. Diante do exposto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar, sob cultivo do melão (Cucumis melo L.), as alterações microbiológicas do solo, assim como as do teor de matéria orgânica, nas profundidades de 0 a 0,10, 0,10 a 0,20, 0,20 a 0,30 e 0,30 a 0,40 m, ao longo dos anos sob cultivo do melão, durante três, cinco e dez anos, em Cambissolo Háplico eutrófico, a fim de compará-los com os do solo da mata natural (Caatinga). As amostras foram coletadas, aleatoriamente, na Fazenda Melão Doçura, localizada no município de Quixeré, Ceará, e encaminhadas para o Laboratório de Análise de Solos, Água e Planta da UFERSA, Mossoró, Rio Grande do Norte. Determinaram-se os teores de matéria orgânica (MO), o de carbono da biomassa microbiana (CBM) e o quociente microbiano (qMIC). O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado (DIC), disposto em esquema fatorial 4 x 4 (Fator I, anos de cultivo; Fator II, causa de variação na profundidade), com três repetições. Os resultados mostraram que a matéria orgânica aumentou a partir dos cinco anos de cultivo do melão. O carbono da biomassa microbiana foi elevado nas camadas superficiais, independentemente do tempo de cultivo, por causa da maior disponibilidade da matéria orgânica, água e nutrientes, e o quociente microbiano diminuiu com o tempo, apresentando menor concentração no cultivo de dez anos do melão, discriminando as possíveis alterações decorrentes do uso agrícola do solo.
Dissertação apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Estatística e Gestão de Informação
Dissertação apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Estatística e Gestão de Informação.
Chromoblastomycosis (CBM) is a chronic subcutaneous infection caused by several dematiaceous fungi. The most commonly etiological agent found in Brazil is Fonsecaea pedrosoi, which appears as thick walled, brownish colored cells with transverse and longitudinal division in the lesions, called "muriform cells". This disease is found worldwide but countries like Madagascar and Brazil have highest incidence. Diagnosis is made by clinical, direct and histopathologic examination and culture of specimens. Serological tests have been used to identify specific antibodies against Fonsecaea pedrosoi antigens, as well as immunotechniques have been used for CBM serological identification and diagnosis. In the present study double immunodiffusion (DID), counterimmunoelectrophoresis (CIE) and immunoenzymatic test (ELISA) have been used to evaluate humoral immune response in patients with CBM caused by F. pedrosoi. Metabolic antigen was used for immunoprecipitation tests (DID and CIE) while somatic antigen for ELISA. Our results demonstrated 53% sensitivity and 96% specificity for DID, while CIE presented 68% sensitivity and 90.5% specificity. ELISA demonstrated 78% sensibility and 83% specificity. Serological tests can be a useful tool to study different aspects of CBM, such as helping differential diagnosis, when culture of the pathogenic agent is impossible.
A 73 year-old male farm laborer from a rural area presented a 15 year history of extensive tumoral lesions over his left leg. Histological studies of skin biopsy showed pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia and granulomatous chronic inflammatory process with muriform cells, confirming chromoblastomycosis (CBM). Cladophialophora carrionii was isolated in culture. Treatment with itraconazole 400 mg/day for 12 months resulted in complete remission of lesions. As far we aware, this is the first case report of CBM caused by Cladophialophora carrionii in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil.
SUMMARYChromoblastomycosis (CMB) is a chronic fungal infection of the skin and the subcutaneous tissue caused by a transcutaneous traumatic inoculation of a specific group of dematiaceous fungi occurring mainly in tropical and subtropical zones worldwide. If not diagnosed at early stages, patients with CBM require long term therapy with systemic antifungals, sometimes associated with physical methods. Unlike other neglected endemic mycoses, comparative clinical trials have not been performed for this disease. Nowadays, therapy is based on a few open trials and on expert opinion. Itraconazole either as monotherapy or associated with other drugs, or with physical methods, is widely used. Recently, photodynamic therapy has been successfully employed in combination with antifungals in patients presenting with CBM. In the present revision the most used therapeutic options against CBM are reviewed as well as the several factors that may have impact on the patient's outcome.
Dissertação de mestrado em Educação Especial (área de especialização em Dificuldades de Aprendizagem Específicas)
Dissertação de mestrado em Educação Especial (área de especialização em Dificuldades de Aprendizagem Específicas)
Dissertação de mestrado em Educação Especial (área de especialização em Dificuldades de Aprendizagem Específicas)
Abstract Long term contact with pathogens induces an adaptive immune response, which is mainly mediated by T and B cells. Antigen-induced activation of T and B cells is an important event, since it facilitates the transition of harmless, low proliferative lymphocytes into powerful and fast expanding cells, which can, if deregulated, be extremely harmful and dangerous for the human body. One of the most important events during lymphocyte activation is the induction of NF-xB activity, a transcription factor that controls not only cytokine secretion, but also lymphocyte proliferation and survival. Recent discoveries identified the CBM complex as the central regulator of NF-xB activity in lymphocytes. The CBM complex consists of the three proteins Carma1, Bcl10 and Malt1, in which Carma1 serves as recruitment platform of the complex and Bcl10 as an adaptor to recruit Malt1 to this platform. But exactly how Malt1 activates NF-x6 is still poorly understood. We discovered that Malt1 is a protease, which cleaves its interaction partner Bcl10 upon T and B cell stimulation. We mapped the Bcl10 cleavage site by single point mutations as well as by a proteomics approach, and used this knowledge to design a fluorogenic Malt1 reporter peptide. With this tool were we able to the first time demonstrate proteolytic activity of Malt1 in vitro, using recombinant Malt1, and in stimulated T cells. Based on similarities to a metacaspase, we designed a Malt1inhibitor, which allowed unto investigate the role of Malt1 activity in T cells. Malt1-inhibited T cells showed a clear defect in NF-xB activity, resulting in impaired IL-2 cytokine secretion levels. We also found a new unexpected role for Bcl10; the blockade of Bcl10 cleavage resulted in a strongly impaired capability of stimulated T cells to adhere to the extracellular matrix protein fibronectin. Because of the central position of the C8M complex, it is not surprising that different lymphomas show abnormal expressions of Carma1, Bcl10 and Malt1. We investigated the role of Malt1 proteolytic activity in the most aggressive subtype of diffuse large B cell lymphomas called ABC, which was described to depend on the expression of Carmal, and frequently carries oncogenic Carmal mutations. We found constitutive high Malt1 activity in all tested ABC cell lines visualized by detection of cleavage products of Malt1 substrates. With the use of the Malt1-inhibitor, we could demonstrate that Malt-inhibition in those cells had two effects. First, the tumor cell proliferation was decreased, most likely because of lower autocrine stimulation by cytokines. Second, we could sensitize the ABC cells towards cell death, which is most likely caused by reduced expression of prosurvival NF-xB target gens. Taken together, we identified Malt1 as a protease in T and B cells, demonstrated its importance for NF-xB signaling and its deregulation in a subtype of diffuse large B cell lymphoma. This could allow the development of a new generation of immunomodulatory and anti-cancer drugs. Résumé Un contact prolongé avec des pathogènes provoque une réponse immunitaire adaptative qui dépend principalement des cellules T et 8. L'activation des lymphocytes T et B, suite à la reconnaissance d'un antigène, est un événement important puisqu'il facilite la transition pour ces cellules d'un état de prolifération limitée et inoffensive à une prolifération soutenue et rapide. Lorsque ce mécanisme est déréglé ìl peut devenir extrêmement nuisible et dangereux pour le corps humain. Un des événement les plus importants lors de l'activation des lymphocytes est l'induction du facteur de transcription NFxB, qui organise la sécrétion de cytokines ainsi que la prolifération et la survie des lymphocytes. Le complexe CBM, composé des trois protéines Carmai, Bc110 et Malt1, a été récemment identifié comme un régulateur central de l'activité de NF-x8 dans les lymphocytes. Carma1 sert de plateforme de recrutement pour ce complexe alors que Bc110 permet d'amener Malt1 dans cette plateforme. Cependant, le rôle exact de Malt1 dans l'activation de NF-tcB reste encore mal compris. Nous avons découvert que Malt1 est une protéase qui clive son partenaire d'interaction BcI10 après stimulation des cellules T et B. Nous avons identifié le site de clivage de BcI10 par une série de mutations ponctuelles ainsi que par une approche protéomique, ce qui nous a permis de fabriquer un peptide reporteur fluorogénique pour mesurer l'activité de Malt1. Grâce à cet outil, nous avons démontré pour la première fois l'activité protéolytique de Malt1 in vitro à l'aide de protéines Malt1 recombinantes ainsi que dans des cellules T stimulées. La ressemblance de Malt1 avec une métacaspase nous a permis de synthétiser un inhibiteur de Malt1 et d'étudier ainsi le rôle de l'activité de Malt1 dans les cellules T. L'inhibition de Malt1 dans les cellules T a révélé un net défaut de l'activité de NF-x8, ayant pour effet une sécrétion réduite de la cytokine IL-2. Nous avons également découvert un rôle inattendu pour Bcl10: en effet, bloquer le clivage de Bcl10 diminue fortement la capacité d'adhésion des cellules T stimulées à la protéine fïbronectine, un composant de la matrice extracellulaire. En raison de la position centrale du complexe CBM, il n'est pas étonnant que le niveau d'expression de Carmai, Bcl10 et Malt1 soit anormal dans plusieurs types de lymphomes. Nous avons examiné le rôle de l'activité protéolytique de Malt1 dans le sous-type le plus agressif des lymphomes B diffus à grandes cellules, appelé sous-type ABC. Ce sous-type de lymphomes dépend de l'expression de Carmai et présente souvent des mutations oncogéniques de Carma1. Nous avons démontré que l'activité de Malt1 était constitutivement élevée dans toutes les lignées cellulaires de type ABC testées, en mettant en évidence la présence de produits de clivage de différents substrats de Malt1. Enfin, l'utilisation de l'inhibiteur de Malt1 nous a permis de démontrer que l'inhibition de Malt1 avait deux effets. Premièrement, une diminution de la prolifération des cellules tumorales, probablement dûe à leur stimulation autocrine par des cytokines fortement réduite. Deuxièmement, une sensibilisation des cellules de type ABC à ia mort cellulaire, vraisemblablement causée par l'expression diminuée de gènes de survie dépendants de NF-tcB. En résumé, nous avons identifié Malt1 comme une protéase dans les cellules T et B, nous avons mis en évidence son importance pour l'activation de NF-xB ainsi que les conséquences du dérèglement de l'activité de Malt1 dans un sous-type de lymphome B diffus à larges cellules. Notre étude ouvre ainsi la voie au développement d'une nouvelle génération de médicaments immunomodulateurs et anti-cancéreux.
Activation of the transcription factor nuclear factor (NF)-kappaB is essential for the normal functioning of the immune system. Deregulated NF-kappaB signalling in lymphocytes can lead to immunodeficiency, but also to autoimmunity or lymphomas. Many of the signalling components controlling NF-kappaB activation in lymphocytes are now known, but it is less clear how distinct molecular components of this pathway are regulated. Here, we summarize recent findings on post-translational modifications of intracellular components of this pathway. Phosphorylation of the CARMA1 and BCL10 proteins and ubiquitylation of BCL10 affect the formation and stability of the CARMA1-BCL10-MALT1 (CBM) complex, and also control negative feedback regulation of the NF-kappaB signalling pathway. Moreover, the study of BCL10 phosphorylation isoforms has revealed a new mechanism controlling BCL10 nuclear translocation and an unexpected role for BCL10 in the regulation of the actin cytoskeleton.