235 resultados para CASSITERITE


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Luminescent Eu(3+) and Er(3+) doped SnO(2) powders have been prepared by Sn(4+) hydrolysis followed by a controlled growth reaction using a particle`s surface modifier in order to avoid particles aggregation. The powders so obtained doped with up to 2 mol% rare earth ions are fully redispersable in water at pH > 8 and present the cassiterite structure. Particles size range from 3 to 10 nm as determined by Photon Correlation Spectroscopy. Rare earth ions were found to be essentially incorporated into the cassiterite structure, substituting for Sn(4+), for doping concentration smaller than 0.05 mol%. For higher concentration they are also located at the particles surface. The presence of Eu(3+) ions at the surface of the particles hinder their growth and has therefore allowed the preparation of new materials consisting of water redispersable powders coated with Eu(3+)-beta dike-tonate complexes. Enhanced UV excited photoluminescence was observed in water. SnO(2) single layers with thickness up to 200 nm and multilayer coatings were spin coated on borosilicate glass substrates from the colloidal suspensions. Waveguiding properties were evaluated by the prism coupling technique. For a 0.3 mu m planar waveguide single propagating mode was observed with attenuation coefficient of 3.5 dB/cm at 632.8 nm.


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Recently had been discovery, in the area of the construction of the Carla Sacramento Athletics Stadium at Cruz de Pau (Seixal), a set of stopes and wells with characteristics of ancient Roman mining activities. The old mining works are incised in pliocene sandy formations with conglomeratic facies, where four preliminary samples were collected in a coarser level with subrounded pebbles. The heavy minerais of those samples were studied in accordance with the Heavy Mineral Concentrate Laboratory of the IGM. The previously mentioned facies has interesting gold percentages and the presence of grey (nodular) and classic monazite, xenotime, cassiterite, spinels s.l., ilmenite and rutile. The morphology of the gold grains as well as the heavy minerals shows two phases of transport; an initial fluvial phase and a secondary aeolian phase influenced their concentracion. The high percentage of toroid grains showing evidence of wind ablation, suggests that this was the main factor for reconcentration of the gold. The amount of gold particles obtained in the concentrates is considerable and in one sample, a grade of 3.2 ppm was calculated. The samples also have been analysed for Au + 34 elements by INAA and ICP-MS, the results of which show similar grades as previously obtained.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Conservação e Restauro, Especialização em Cerâmica e Vidro


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Conservação e Restauro, especialidade Ciências da Conservação


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A study of tin deposits from Priamurye (Russia) is performed to analyze the differencesbetween them based on their origin and also on commercial criteria. A particularanalysis based on their vertical zonality is also given for samples from Solnechnoedeposit. All the statistical analysis are made on the subcomposition formed by seventrace elements in cassiterite (In, Sc, Be, W, Nb, Ti and V) using the Aitchison’methodology of analysis of compositional data


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The deuteric alteration processes undergone by the granites of the Ricobayo Batholith were: microclinization, chloritization, albitization, muscovitization, tourmalinization and garnetization. These processes must be interpreted in a dynamic context so that the different reactions that take place are the consequence of a successive interaction between rock and fluids. The physicochemical conditions deduced from these fluids are: temperature lower than 600 OC, pressure between 1.5 and 1 Kb, fugacity of oxygen between 10-25 and 10-35 bars, fugacity of sulphur lower than 10-l5 bars, the composition was kept stable and their log (a(K+)/a(Ht)) and log (a(Na+)/a(H+)) varied between 3.8 and 3.2 and between 3.5 and 4.6, respectively, and the pH of the fluids was higher than 5 during the microclinization, muscovitization and tourmalinization, and lower during chloritization and albitization. The deposition of cassiterite occurs with pH episodes that exceed 5.


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The Sand Creek Prospect is located within the eastern exposed margin of the Coast Plutonic Complex. The occurrence is a plug and dyke porphyry molybdenum deposit. The rock types, listed in decreasing age: 1) metamorphlc schists and gneisses; 2) diorite suite rocks - diorite, quartz diorite, tonalite; 3) rocks of andesitic composition; 4) granodiorites, coarse porphyritic granodiorite, quartzfeldspar porphyry, feldspar porphyry; and 5) lamprophyre. Hydrothermal alteration is known to have resulted from emplacement of the hornblende-feldspar porphyry through to the quartz-feldspar porphyry. Molybdenum mineralization is chiefly associated with the quartz-feldspar porphyry. Ore mineralogy is dominated by pyrite with subordinate molybdenite, chalcopyrite, covelline, sphalerite, galena, scheelite, cassiterite and wolframite. Molybdenite exhibits a textural gradation outward from the quartz-feldspar porphyry. That is, disseminated rosettes and rosettes in quartz veins to fine-grained molybdenite in quartz veins and potassic altered fractures to fine-grained molybdenite paint or 6mears in the peripheral zones. The quartz-feldspar porphyry dykes were emplaced in an inhomogeneous stress field. The trend of dykes, faults and shear zones is 0^1° to 063° and dips between 58° NW and 86* SE. Joint Pole distribution reflects this fault orientation. These late deformatior maxima are probably superimposed upon annuli representing diapiric emplacement of the plutons. A model of emplacement involving two magmatic pulses is given in the following sequence: Diorite pulse (i) dioritequartz diorite, (ii) tonalites; granodiorite pulse (iii) hornblende-fildspar microporphyry, hornblende/biotite porphyry, (iv) coarse grained granodiorite, (v) quartz-feldspar porphyry, (vi) feldspar porphyry, and (vii) lamprophyre. The combination of plutonic and coarse porphyritic textures, extensive propylitic overprinting of potassic alteration assemblages suggests that the. prospect represents the lower reaches of a porphyry system.


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A study of tin deposits from Priamurye (Russia) is performed to analyze the differences between them based on their origin and also on commercial criteria. A particular analysis based on their vertical zonality is also given for samples from Solnechnoe deposit. All the statistical analysis are made on the subcomposition formed by seven trace elements in cassiterite (In, Sc, Be, W, Nb, Ti and V) using the Aitchison’ methodology of analysis of compositional data


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A new occurrence of rankamaite is here described at the Urubu pegmatite, Itinga municipality, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The mineral forms cream-white botryoidal aggregates of acicular to fibrous crystals, intimately associated with simpsonite, thoreaulite, cassiterite, quartz, elbaite, albite, and muscovite. The average of six chemical analyses obtained by electron microprobe is (range in parentheses, wt%): Na(2)O 2.08 (1.95-2.13), K(2)O 2.61 (2.52-2.74), Al(2)O(3) 1.96 (1.89-2.00), Fe(2)O(3) 0.01 (0.00-0.03), TiO(2) 0.02 (0.00-0.06), Ta(2)O(5) 81.04 (79.12-85.18), Nb(2)O(5) 9.49 (8.58-9.86), total 97.21 (95.95-101.50). The chemical formula derived from this analysis is (Na(1.55)K(1.28))(Sigma 2.83)(Ta(8.45)Nb(1.64)Al(0.89)Fe(0.01)(3+)Ti(0.01))(Sigma 11.00)[O(25.02)(OH)(5.98)](Sigma 31.00). Rankamaite is an orthorhombic ""tungsten bronze"" (OTB), crystallizing in the space group Cmmm. Its unit-cell parameters refined from X-ray diffraction powder data are: a = 17.224(3), b = 17.687(3), c = 3.9361(7) angstrom, V = 1199.1(3) angstrom(3), Z = 2. Rietveld refinement of the powder data was undertaken using the structure of LaTa(5)O(14) as a starting model for the rankamaite structure. The structural formula obtained with the Rietveld analyses is: (Na(2.21)K(1.26))Sigma(3.37)(Ta(9.12)NB(1.30) Al(0.59))(Sigma 11.00)[O(26.29)(OH)(4.71)](Sigma 31.00). The tantalum atoms are coordinated by six and seven oxygen atoms in the form of distorted TaO(6) octahedra and TaO(2) pentagonal bipyramids, respectively. Every pentagonal bipyramid shares edges with four octahedra, thus forming Ta(5)O(14) units. The potassium atom is in an 11-fold coordination, whereas one sodium atom is in a 10-fold and the other is in a 12-fold coordination. Raman and infrared spectroscopy were used to investigate the room-temperature spectra of rankamaite.


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The Pinguino deposit, located in the low sulfidation epithermal metallogenetical province of the Deseado Massif, Patagonia, Argentina, represents a distinct deposit type in the region. It evolved through two different mineralization events: an early In-bearing polymetallic event that introduced In, Zn, Pb, Ag, Cd, Au, As, Cu, Sn, W and Bi represented by complex sulfide mineralogy, and a late Ag-Au quartz-rich vein type that crosscut and overprints the early polymetallic mineralization. The indium-bearing polymetallic mineralization developed in three stages: an early Cu-Au-In-As-Sn-W-Bi stage (Ps(1)), a Zn-Pb-Ag-In-Cd-Sb stage (Ps(2)) and a late Zn-In-Cd (Ps(3)). Indium concentrations in the polymetallic veins show a wide range (3.4 to 1,184 ppm In). The highest indium values (up to 1,184 ppm) relate to the Ps(2) mineralization stage, and are associated with Fe-rich sphalerites, although significant In enrichment (up to 159 ppm) is also present in the Ps(1) paragenesis associated with Sn-minerals (ferrokesterite and cassiterite). The hydrothermal alteration associated with the polymetallic mineralization is characterized by advanced argillic alteration within the immediate vein zone, and sericitic alteration enveloping the vein zone. Fluid inclusion studies indicate homogenisation temperatures of 308.2-327A degrees C for Ps(1) and 255-312.4A degrees C for Ps(2), and low to moderate salinities (2 to 5 eq.wt.% NaCl and 4 to 9 eq.wt.% NaCl, respectively). delta(34)S values of sulfide minerals (+0.76aEuro degrees to +3.61aEuro degrees) indicate a possible magmatic source for the sulfur in the polymetallic mineralization while Pb isotope ratios for the sulfides and magmatic rocks ((206)Pb/(204)Pb, (207)Pb/(204)Pb and (208)Pb/(204)Pb ratios of 17.379 to 18.502; 15.588 to 15.730 and 38.234 to 38.756, respectively) are consistent with the possibility that the Pb reservoirs for both had the same crustal source. Spatial relationships, hydrothermal alteration styles, S and Pb isotopic data suggest a probable genetic relation between the polymetallic mineralization and dioritic intrusions that could have been the source of metals and hydrothermal fluids. Mineralization paragenesis, alteration mineralogy, geochemical signatures, fluid inclusion data and isotopic data, confirm that the In-bearing polymetallic mineralization from Pinguino deposit is a distinct type, in comparison with the well-known epithermal low sulfidation mineralization from the Deseado Massif.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Luminescent SnO2: x%mol Er3+ (x=0.1-2.0) thin films have been spin coated on borosilicate and silica substrates from water colloidal suspensions that could be prepared containing up to 40% in weight SnO2 nanocrystalline powders. High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy results show the well known SnO2 cassiterite structure and nanocrystallites around 10 nm in diameter, corroborating results from X-ray diffraction. Mono and multi layers have been prepared from the stable colloidal suspensions and films thickness was observed to increase linearly, up to 200 nm, with the colloidal suspensions nanoparticles amount. Excitation and emission spectra have been measured and Er3+ ions were found to be essentially incorporated into the cassiterite structure, substituting for Sn4+, for doping concentration lower than 0.05 mol%. Er3+ ions also appear segregated at the grains surface for higher doping concentration. The optical parameters (refractive index, thickness and propagating modes) of a waveguide sample were measured at 632.8 and 543.4 nm by the prism coupling technique. A monomodal waveguide was obtained with attenuation loss of 3.5 dB/cm along a 2.5 cm optical path.


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In order to verify the possibility of forming a heterostructure-i.e., a nanoparticle tailored by the junction of two or more different materials-through the oriented attachment (OA) mechanism, experiments with rutile TiO2 and cassiterite SnO2 as candidate materials were done, since they have similar crystallographic parameters. The experiments were carried out in hydrothermal conditions and in an in situ observation at the high resolution transmission electron microscopy. The results showed the formation of TiO2/SnO2 heterostructures, confirming the coexistence of rotation-alignment and oriented collision mechanisms, hypothesis of OA behavior proposed in previous theoretical works.