30 resultados para CARYOCAR


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The objective was to study the phenology of Caryocar brasiliense Camb. (Caryocaraceae), a type of fruit of the Brazilian cerrado, in three areas (cerrado, pasture and in the campus of the Federal University of Minas Gerais) of the municipality of Montes Claros, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, during 3 years. The plants of C brasiliense presented linear growth with about 50 cm of height and 35 cm of crown width per year. Soils with loamy texture, dystrophic, rich in aluminum and with low pH favor the production of this species. C. brasiliense produced higher quantity of flowers in the middle third, followed by the apical and basal parts of the crown, while the fruit production was higher in the basal third, followed by the middle and apical parts of the canopy of this species. C brasiliense bloomed during the dry period and produced fruits in the rainy season. Its fruits presented about 6, 8 and 6 cm of width, length and height, respectively, and 160 g of gross weight. The extrativism without control has strong impact on the propagation of C brasiliense because only about 7.96 and 10.65% of plants up to 1.0 m height and 59.58 and 44.73% higher than 3.0 m (reproductive phase) was observed in the cerrado and pasture, respectively. This indicates that fruit collectors, practically, remove all fruits of this tree and thus they reduce, considerably, the propagation of C. brasiliense in the cerrado areas of Brazil. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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There were detected variations of chlorophylls a and b during the senescence leaves period of Caryocar brasiliense Camb in the Corumbatai cerrado vegetation, State of São Paulo. The highest peak of total chlorophylls a and b contents was registered after the maximum leaves expansion, while the lowest peak it was obtained at leaves abcision. The chlorophylls a and b variations can be explained as a function of a chlorophyll a variation content. The phenological events studied (flowering and fruiting time, leaf fall and sprouting) showed a marked periodicity during the year. Flowering and fruiting time have a similar peak both in the wet season (september to february). Leaves fall occurred in the dry season with the peak in August.


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Phenological studies are important to understand the dynamics in forest ecosystems and also to enable adequate management of their native species. In the Cerrado regions of the high Rio Grande river (south of Minas Gerais State), Caryocar brasiliense species is found in highly distinct morphological forms with variable phenology. The aim of this study was to investigate phenological patterns within and between populations of both the tree and shrub forms of the individuals and to determine any correlation with abiotic factors. Thirty-five observations of the phenophases of the vegetative and reproductive stages were recorded ever), two weeks for 18 months. The activity index was analyzed for each stage and further analyzed to see if there were associations with the climate data by using Spearman linear correlation. The species was deciduous but leaf growth became retarded during the dry season, at which point leaf flushing stopped and total leaf fall occurred throughout the rainy season. The flowering and the fruit production occurred in the rainy season. The reproductive phase can be either annual or sub-annual. The activity index showed high synchronism within populations during the first flowering in all populations studied (> 80%). Flowering and mature fruits were highly synchronized according to Spearman correlations. Tree and shrub individuals of C. brasiliense had very similar times for their phenophases. The best period for collecting mature fruits in these regions is between February and March.


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O pequizeiro é uma frutífera nativa dos cerrados brasileiros com grande potencial econômico. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se avaliar o efeito de substâncias potencialmente estimuladoras da germinação. As sementes foram extraídas dos caroços e colocadas para germinar em rolos de papel embebidos com as seguintes soluções: água destilada (Controle); 2mmol L-1 KNO3 (Nitrato); 2mmol L-1 Etephon (ET); 1mmol L-1 GA3 (GA); 1mmol L-1 GA3 + 2mmol L-1 Etephon (GA + ET). Os resultados de percentagem de germinação e o tempo médio para germinação foram, respectivamente, de 54,0% e 9,3 dias no tratamento GA; 47,3% e 11,0 dias no tratamento GA + ET; 32,0% e 12,2 dias no tratamento Controle; 30,7% e 13,1 dias no tratamento Etephon e 20,1% e 13,1 dias no tratamento Nitrato. No tratamento GA + ET houve queda da taxa de germinação até os nove dias da semeadura, com relação ao tratamento GA, o que indica uma possível inibição da germinação de sementes de pequizeiros pela presença de etileno.


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Caryocar brasiliense Camb. "pequi" is a native plant from the Cerrado region of Brazil that contains bioactive components reported to be antioxidant agents. Previous work has demonstrated that dietary supplementation with pequi decreased the arterial pressure of volunteer athletes. We found that the crude hydroalcoholic extract (CHE) of C. brasiliense leaves relaxed, in a concentration-dependent manner, rat aortic rings precontracted with phenylephrine, and that the butanolic fraction (BF) produced an effect similar to that of the CHE. Aortic relaxation induced by BF was abolished by endothelium removal, by incubation of the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor L-NAME, or the soluble guanylatecyclase inhibitor ODQ. However, incubation with atropine and pyrilamine had no effect on the BF-induced vasorelaxation. Moreover, this effect was not inhibited by indomethacin and tetraethylammonium. The concentration-response curve to calcium in denuded-endothelium rings was not modified after incubation with BF, and the vasorelaxation by BF in endothelium-intact rings precontracted with KCl was abolished after incubation with L-NAME. In addition, administration of BF in anesthetized rats resulted in a reversible hypotension. The results reveal that C. brasiliense possesses both in vivo and in vitro activities and that the vascular effect of BF involves stimulation of the nitric oxide/cyclic GMP pathway.


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We studied the physical and chemical characteristics of methyl and ethyl esters (biodiesel) produced by transesterification of pequi oil (Caryocar brasiliensis Camb.) in the presence of potassium hydroxide. The oil extracted from pequi seed comprises 60% of the fruit content. Such characteristics as density, acidity, viscosity, and carbon residue of the biodiesel meet ANP (Brazilian National Petroleum Agency) standards. Our tests demonstrated the feasibility of utilizing pequi oil for biodiesel production.


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This study investigated the in vivo genotoxicity of piquia pulp (Caryocar villosum) and its potential antigenotoxicity on doxorubicin (DXR)-induced DNA damage by comet assay and micronucleus test. In addition, the phytochemicals present in piquia pulp were determined. Piquia fruit pulp (75, 150 or 300 mg/kg b.w.) was administered by gavage to Wistar rats for 14 days, and the animals received an injection of saline or DXR (15 mg/kg b.w., i.p.) 24 h before they were euthanized. The phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of carotenoids; phenolic compounds, including flavonoids; tannins and alpha-tocopherol in piquia pulp. No statistically significant differences were observed in the evaluated parameters, demonstrating the absence of cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of piquia pulp at all tested doses. In liver, kidney, cardiac and bone marrow cells, piquia significantly reduced the DNA damage induced by DXR. Our results showed that the lowest piquia dose caused the largest decrease in DNA damage and the highest dose caused the smallest decrease, demonstrating an inverse dose-response of piquia pulp. Furthermore, we observed a difference in the potential antigenotoxic effects in several tissues. In conclusion, our results demonstrated that piquia pulp was not genotoxic and inhibited the genotoxicity induced by DXR, but some of the protective effects that were observed depended on the doses and experimental conditions. Therefore, further investigations are needed to clarify how piquia pulp positively affects human health.


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O óleo da amêndoa de pequi (Caryocar brasiliense Camb.) é considerado um coproduto do fruto, consumido na região do Cerrado, bioma brasileiro. Ele é fundamental para agregar valor e ampliar a utilização deste fruto regional a outros setores produtivos comerciais. Relatos na literatura apontam que o óleo possui capacidade antioxidante e efeitos benéficos sobre doenças inflamatórias, que estão associados à presença de ácidos graxos insaturados e fitoquímicos em sua composição química. Por outro lado, o tetracloreto de carbono (CCl4) é uma potente hepatotoxina, capaz de gerar radicais livres que levam ao estresse oxidativo e à inflamação. Nesse contexto, o objetivo do presente estudo foi caracterizar os óleos da amêndoa de pequi obtidos artesanalmente e por prensagem a frio e verificar o efeito de seus constituintes graxos e bioativos sobre parâmetros oxidativos e inflamatórios de ratos submetidos à toxicidade aguda induzida por tetracloreto de carbono. Inicialmente, foram investigados os parâmetros de qualidade dos óleos, bem como o perfil de ácidos graxos, teores de compostos bioativos, capacidade antioxidante e estabilidade termo-oxidativa. Os óleos da amêndoa de pequi apresentaram boa qualidade e resistência termo-oxidativa e mostraram-se ricos em ácido graxo oleico, além de possuírem compostos com propriedades antioxidantes, como fenólicos, carotenoides, tocoferóis e fitosteróis. Posteriormente, o efeito do tratamento por 22 dias com óleos da amêndoa de pequi artesanal ou prensado a frio (3 mL/kg) sobre a toxicidade aguda induzida pelo CCl4 em ratos \"Wistar\" machos foi avaliado. Para tal, foram determinados marcadores bioquímicos séricos, perfil lipídico, peroxidação lipídica, marcadores do sistema de defesa antioxidante e detoxificante, além de parâmetros inflamatórios do tecido hepático. De maneira geral, verificou-se que os óleos da amêndoa de pequi não minimizaram as alterações hepáticas induzidas pelo CCl4, evidenciadas pelas enzimas marcadoras do dano hepático e por parâmetros inflamatórios, no entanto os animais tratados com o óleo prensado a frio aumentaram sua capacidade antioxidante.


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Abstract: The aim of this study is to characterize physical and chemically and determine the antioxidant capacity of pequi almond oils (PAO) extracted by handmade and by cold-pressing. Both oils showed good quality by acid, peroxide and thiobarbituric acid values. The fatty acid (FA) profile showed a significant presence of monounsaturated FA, mainly oleic acid (53.48 to 55.41%); saturated FA, such as palmitic acid (33.30 to 35.89 %); and polyunsaturated FA (PUFA), such as linoleic acid (5.85 to 7.23%). The total phenolic (TP) and carotenoid content ranged in concentration from 87.56 to 392.00 mg GAE/100 g and 36.03 to 262.40 mg/100 g, respectively. The tocopherol and phytosterol results indicated the predominant presence of α-tocopherol (52 to 67%) and stigmasterol (63 to 68 %). The antioxidant capacity of PAO as measured using the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH?) method oscillated from 58.48 mg/mL to 76.46 mg/mL (IC50), from 10.61 to 40.46 µmol TE/g by the 2,2′-azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) (ABTS?+) method, and from 113.93 to 280.85 µmol TE/100 g and 164.49 to 277.86 µmol TE/100 g, by the lipophilic and hydrophilic oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) methods, respectively. The oils presented a good oxidative and thermal stability by Rancimat method (IP of 7.33 a 15.91 h) and curves thermogravimetric and differential scanning calorimetry (To 337-363 °C and 159-184 °C, respectively). The results confirmed the presence of compounds that conferred antioxidant capacity and oxidative and thermal resistance for PAO made by handmade or cold-pressing, indicating that these oils can potentially be used for food and non-food applications.


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O Brasil apresenta uma rica diversidade biológica abrigando cerca de 30 % das espécies do reino animal e vegetal do planeta (Silva et al., 1994). Nesse contexto, a região do cerrado se destaca como o segundo maior bioma do país em extensão, fonte natural de recursos biológicos de flora e fauna. Das espécies típicas da região do cerrado, precisamente da Chapada do Araripe, CE, destaca-se o pequizeiro (C. coriaceum), pertencente ao gênero Caryocar e à família Caryocaraceae. Seus frutos cuja casca permanece de cor verde, independentemente do estádio de maturação, apresentam: tamanho variado com dimensão de uma laranja; endocarpo espinhoso e polpa amarelo-alaranjada e, em seu interior, um a quatro caroços, dentro dos quais encontram-se as amêndoas ou castanhas, que apresentam elevado teor de óleo (MACEDO, 2005).Embora, explorado de forma extrativista como matéria prima para diversos fins, são exíguas as informações a respeito do pequizeiro, semelhantemente, ao que ocorre com outras plantas nativas. Das várias espécies desta planta, a mais pesquisada é a C. Brasiliense. Pouco se sabe, entretanto, sobre a C. coriaceum. Para um melhor aproveitamento do seu potencial, foi realizada esta pesquisa sobre as características químicas e físico-químicas da polpa e da amêndoa do pequi (C. coriaceum) nativo da Chapada do Araripe, tendo em vista obter dados de interesse nutricional e industrial.


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O pequizeiro, planta nativa explorada de forma extrativista, típica da região do cerrado, pertence ao gênero Caryocar e à família Caryocaraceae (LORENZI, 1992). Esta planta de grande importância socioeconômica, envolve as famílias de agricultores na atividade de catação do fruto, cuja venda in natura, gera emprego e renda para o município. São diversas as suas aplicações na culinária local, no preparo de arroz, feijão e galinha, na elaboração de bolos, biscoitos, doces e fabricação artesanal de licor, considerado o mais nobre subproduto da fruta. Seu óleo (da polpa ou da amêndoa) tem aplicações na indústria de cosméticos para fabricação de cremes e sabonetes e grande importância na farmacopéia popular no combate de bronquites, gripes, resfriados e tumores (BRAGA, 2001; ALMEIDA; SILVA, 1994). Sendo o pequizeiro uma planta nativa, é natural que apresente certa variabilidade em suas características gerais conforme evidenciado por pesquisas realizadas em frutos de pequizeiros de ocorrência natural no Estado de Goiás (VERA et al., 2005, 2007). Este achados motivaram a realização deste trabalho para determinar as características físicas dos frutos da espécie Caryocar coriaceum Wittm., presente na Chapada do Araripe CE, visando verificar possíveis diferenças entre os genótipos e identificar materiais de interesse agroindustrial e para estudos de melhoramento da espécie.