985 resultados para CANNABINOID CB1 RECEPTORS


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Cannabinoid CB1 receptors peripherally modulate energy metabolism. Here, we investigated the role of CB1 receptors in the expression of glucose/pyruvate/tricarboxylic acid (TCA) metabolism in rat abdominal muscle. Dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase (DLD), a flavoprotein component (E3) of alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase complexes with diaphorase activity in mitochondria, was specifically analyzed. After assessing the effectiveness of the CB1 receptor antagonist AM251 (3 mg kg(-1), 14 days) on food intake and body weight, we could identified seven key enzymes from either glycolytic pathway or TCA cycle-regulated by both diet and CB1 receptor activity-through comprehensive proteomic approaches involving two-dimensional electrophoresis and MALDI-TOF/LC-ESI trap mass spectrometry. These enzymes were glucose 6-phosphate isomerase (GPI), triosephosphate isomerase (TPI), enolase (Eno3), lactate dehydrogenase (LDHa), glyoxalase-1 (Glo1) and the mitochondrial DLD, whose expressions were modified by AM251 in hypercaloric diet-induced obesity. Specifically, AM251 blocked high-carbohydrate diet (HCD)-induced expression of GPI, TPI, Eno3 and LDHa, suggesting a down-regulation of glucose/pyruvate/lactate pathways under glucose availability. AM251 reversed the HCD-inhibited expression of Glo1 and DLD in the muscle, and the DLD and CB1 receptor expression in the mitochondrial fraction. Interestingly, we identified the presence of CB1 receptors at the membrane of striate muscle mitochondria. DLD over-expression was confirmed in muscle of CB1-/- mice. AM251 increased the pyruvate dehydrogenase and glutathione reductase activity in C2C12 myotubes, and the diaphorase/oxidative activity in the mitochondria fraction. These results indicated an up-regulation of methylglyoxal and TCA cycle activity. Findings suggest that CB1 receptors in muscle modulate glucose/pyruvate/lactate pathways and mitochondrial oxidative activity by targeting DLD.


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The endocannabinoid system has been implicated in several neurobiological processes, including neurodegeneration and neuro protection. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of unilateral retinal ablation on the expression of the cannabinoid receptor subtype 1 (CB1) at both protein and mRNA levels in the optic tectum of the adult chick brain. After different survival times postlesion (2-30 days), the chick brains were subjected to immunohistochemical, immunoblotting, and real-time PCR procedures to evaluate CB1 expression. TUNEL and Fluoro-Jade B were used to verify the possible occurrence of cell death, and immunostaining for the microtubule-associated protein MAP-2 was performed to verify possible dendritic remodeling after lesions. No cell death could be observed in the deafferented tectum, at least up to 30 days postlesion, although Fluoro-Jade B could reveal degenerating axons and terminals. Retinal ablation seems to generate an increase of CB1 protein in the optic tectum and other retinorecipient visual areas, which paralleled an increase in MAP-2 staining. On the other hand, CB, mRNA levels were not changed after retinal ablation. Our results reveal that CB, expression in visual structures of the adult chick brain may be negatively regulated by the retinal innervation. The increase of CB1 receptor expression observed after retinal removal indicates that these receptors are not presynaptic in retinal axons projecting to the tectum and suggests a role of the cannabinoid system in plasticity processes ensuing after lesions. (c) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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CB1, a cannabinoid receptor enriched in neuronal tissue, was found in high concentration in retinas of rhesus monkey, mouse, rat, chick, goldfish, and tiger salamander by using a subtype-specific polyclonal antibody. Immunolabeling was detected in the two synaptic layers of the retina, the inner and outer plexiform layers, of all six species examined. In the outer plexiform layer, CB1 was located in and/or on cone pedicles and rod spherules. Labeling was detected in some amacrine cells of all species and in the ganglion cells and ganglion cell axons of all species except fish. In addition, sparse labeling was found in the inner and/or outer segments of the photoreceptors of monkey, mouse, rat, and chick. Using GC/MS to detect possible endogenous cannabinoids, we found 3 nmol of 2-arachidonylglycerol per g of tissue, but no anandamide was detectable. Cannabinoid receptor agonists induced a dramatic reduction in the amplitude of voltage-gated L-type calcium channel currents in identified retinal bipolar cells. The presence and distribution of the CB1 receptor, the large amounts of 2-arachidonylglycerol found, and the effects of cannabinoids on calcium channel activity in bipolar cells suggest a substantive role for an endogenous cannabinoid signaling system in retinal physiology, and perhaps vision in general.


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Key point summary • Cerebellar ataxias are progressive debilitating diseases with no known treatment and are associated with defective motor function and, in particular, abnormalities to Purkinje cells. • Mutant mice with deficits in Ca2+ channel auxiliary α2δ-2 subunits are used as models of cerebellar ataxia. • Our data in the du2J mouse model shows an association between the ataxic phenotype exhibited by homozygous du2J/du2J mice and increased irregularity of Purkinje cell firing. • We show that both heterozygous +/du2J and homozygous du2J/du2J mice completely lack the strong presynaptic modulation of neuronal firing by cannabinoid CB1 receptors which is exhibited by litter-matched control mice. • These results show that the du2J ataxia model is associated with deficits in CB1 receptor signalling in the cerebellar cortex, putatively linked with compromised Ca2+ channel activity due to reduced α2δ-2 subunit expression. Knowledge of such deficits may help design therapeutic agents to combat ataxias. Abstract Cerebellar ataxias are a group of progressive, debilitating diseases often associated with abnormal Purkinje cell (PC) firing and/or degeneration. Many animal models of cerebellar ataxia display abnormalities in Ca2+ channel function. The ‘ducky’ du2J mouse model of ataxia and absence epilepsy represents a clean knock-out of the auxiliary Ca2+ channel subunit, α2δ-2, and has been associated with deficient Ca2+ channel function in the cerebellar cortex. Here, we investigate effects of du2J mutation on PC layer (PCL) and granule cell (GC) layer (GCL) neuronal spiking activity and, also, inhibitory neurotransmission at interneurone-Purkinje cell(IN-PC) synapses. Increased neuronal firing irregularity was seen in the PCL and, to a less marked extent, in the GCL in du2J/du2J, but not +/du2J, mice; these data suggest that the ataxic phenotype is associated with lack of precision of PC firing, that may also impinge on GC activity and requires expression of two du2J alleles to manifest fully. du2J mutation had no clear effect on spontaneous inhibitory postsynaptic current (sIPSC) frequency at IN-PC synapses, but was associated with increased sIPSC amplitudes. du2J mutation ablated cannabinoid CB1 receptor (CB1R)-mediated modulation of spontaneous neuronal spike firing and CB1Rmediated presynaptic inhibition of synaptic transmission at IN-PC synapses in both +/du2J and du2J/du2J mutants; effects that occurred in the absence of changes in CB1R expression. These results demonstrate that the du2J ataxia model is associated with deficient CB1R signalling in the cerebellar cortex, putatively linked with compromised Ca2+ channel activity and the ataxic phenotype.


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Rimonabant (SR141716) and the structurally related AM251 are widely used in pharmacological experiments as selective cannabinoid receptor CB(1) antagonists / inverse agonists. Concentrations of 0.5-10 µM are usually applied in in vitro experiments. We intended to show that these drugs did not act at GABA(A) receptors but found a significant positive allosteric modulation instead.


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It is well known that endocannabinoids play an important role in the regulation of food intake and body weight. Endocannabinoids and cannabinoid receptors are found in the hypothalamus and brainstem, which are central areas involved in the control of food intake and energy expenditure. Activation of these areas is related to hypophagia observed during inflammatory stimulus. This study investigated the effects of cannabinoid (CB1) receptor blockade on lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced hypophagia. Male Wistar rats were pretreated with rimonabant (10 mg/kg, by gavage) or vehicle; 30 min later they received an injection of either LPS (100 mu g/kg, intraperitoneal) or saline. Food intake, body weight, corticosterone response, CRF and CART mRNA expression, Fos-CRF and Fos-alpha-MSH immunoreactivity in the hypothalamus and Fos-tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) immunoreactivity in the brainstem were evaluated. LPS administration decreased food intake and body weight gain and increased plasma corticosterone levels and CRF mRNA expression in the PVN. We also observed an increase in Fos-CRF and Fos-TH double-labeled neurons after LPS injection in vehicle-pretreated rats, with no changes in CART mRNA or Fos-alpha-MSH immunoreactive neurons in the ARC. In saline-treated animals, rimonabant pretreatment decreased food intake and body weight gain but did not modify hormone response or Fos expression in the hypothalamus and brainstem compared with vehicle-pretreated rats. Rimonabant pretreatment potentiated LPS-induced hypophagia, body weight loss and Fos-CRF and Fos-TH expressing neurons. Rimonabant did not modify corticosterone, CRF mRNA or Fos-alpha-MSH responses in rats treated with LPS. These data suggest that the endocannabinoid system, mediated by CB1 receptors, modulates hypothalamic and brainstem circuitry underlying the hypophagic effect during endotoxemia to prevent an exaggerated food intake decrease. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled 'Central Control of Food Intake'. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Ferreira-Junior NC, Fedoce AG, Alves FHF, Correa FMA, Resstel LBM. Medial prefrontal cortex endocannabinoid system modulates baroreflex activity through CB1 receptors. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 302: R876-R885, 2012. First published December 28, 2011; doi: 10.1152/ajpregu.00330.2011.-Neural reflex mechanisms, such as the baroreflex, are involved in the regulation of cardiovascular system activity. Previous results from our group (Resstel LB, Correa FM. Medial prefrontal cortex NMDA receptors and nitric oxide modulate the parasympathetic component of the baroreflex. Eur J Neurosci 23: 481-488, 2006) have shown that glutamatergic synapses in the ventral portion of the medial prefrontal cortex (vMPFC) modulate baroreflex activity. Moreover, glutamatergic neurotransmission in the vMPFC can be modulated by the endocannabinoids system (eCBs), particularly the endocannabinoid anandamide, through presynaptic CB1 receptor activation. Therefore, in the present study, we investigated eCBs receptors that are present in the vMPFC, and more specifically whether CB1 receptors modulate baroreflex activity. We found that bilateral microinjection of the CB1 receptor antagonist AM251 (100 or 300 pmol/200 nl) into the vMPFC increased baroreflex activity in unanesthetized rats. Moreover, bilateral microinjection of either the anandamide transporter inhibitor AM404 (100 pmol/200 nl) or the inhibitor of the enzyme fatty acid amide hydrolase that degrades anandamide, URB597 (100 pmol/200 nl), into the MPFC decreased baroreflex activity. Finally, pretreatment of the vMPFC with an ineffective dose of AM251 (10 pmol/200 nl) was able to block baroreflex effects of both AM404 and URB597. Taken together, our results support the view that the eCBs in the vMPFC is involved in the modulation of baroreflex activity through the activation of CB1 receptors, which modulate local glutamate release.


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The skin irritant polyyne falcarinol (panaxynol, carotatoxin) is found in carrots, parsley, celery, and in the medicinal plant Panax ginseng. In our ongoing search for new cannabinoid (CB) receptor ligands we have isolated falcarinol from the endemic Sardinian plant Seseli praecox. We show that falcarinol exhibits binding affinity to both human CB receptors but selectively alkylates the anandamide binding site in the CB(1) receptor (K(i)=594nM), acting as covalent inverse agonist in CB(1) receptor-transfected CHO cells. Given the inherent instability of purified falcarinol we repeatedly isolated this compound for biological characterization and one new polyyne was characterized. In human HaCaT keratinocytes falcarinol increased the expression of the pro-allergic chemokines IL-8 and CCL2/MCP-1 in a CB(1) receptor-dependent manner. Moreover, falcarinol inhibited the effects of anandamide on TNF-alpha stimulated keratinocytes. In vivo, falcarinol strongly aggravated histamine-induced oedema reactions in skin prick tests. Both effects were also obtained with the CB(1) receptor inverse agonist rimonabant, thus indicating the potential role of the CB(1) receptor in skin immunopharmacology. Our data suggest anti-allergic effects of anandamide and that falcarinol-associated dermatitis is due to antagonism of the CB(1) receptor in keratinocytes, leading to increased chemokine expression and aggravation of histamine action.


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The α-hemoglobin-derived dodecapeptide RVD-hemopressin (RVDPVNFKLLSH) has been proposed to be an endogenous agonist for the cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB(1)). To study this peptide, we have raised mAbs against its C-terminal part. Using an immunoaffinity mass spectrometry approach, a whole family of N-terminally extended peptides in addition to RVD-Hpα were identified in rodent brain extracts and human and mouse plasma. We designated these peptides Pepcan-12 (RVDPVNFKLLSH) to Pepcan-23 (SALSDLHAHKLRVDPVNFKLLSH), referring to peptide length. The most abundant Pepcans found in the brain were tested for CB(1) receptor binding. In the classical radioligand displacement assay, Pepcan-12 was the most efficacious ligand but only partially displaced both [(3)H]CP55,940 and [(3)H]WIN55,212-2. The data were fitted with the allosteric ternary complex model, revealing a cooperativity factor value α < 1, thus indicating a negative allosteric modulation. Dissociation kinetic studies of [(3)H]CP55,940 in the absence and presence of Pepcan-12 confirmed these results by showing increased dissociation rate constants induced by Pepcan-12. A fluorescently labeled Pepcan-12 analog was synthesized to investigate the binding to CB(1) receptors. Competition binding studies revealed K(i) values of several Pepcans in the nanomolar range. Accordingly, using competitive ELISA, we found low nanomolar concentrations of Pepcans in human plasma and ∼100 pmol/g in mouse brain. Surprisingly, Pepcan-12 exhibited potent negative allosteric modulation of the orthosteric agonist-induced cAMP accumulation, [(35)S]GTPγS binding, and CB(1) receptor internalization. Pepcans are the first endogenous allosteric modulators identified for CB(1) receptors. Given their abundance in the brain, Pepcans could play an important physiological role in modulating endocannabinoid signaling.


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The paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of the hypothalamus plays a key role in the control of appetite and energy balance. Both ghrelin and cannabinoid receptor agonists increase food intake when administered into this nucleus: this study investigated possible interactions between the two systems in relation to eating. The orexigenic effect of ghrelin (100 pmol) when infused in to the PVN was reversed by a small, systemic dose of the CB1 cannabinoid receptor antagonist SR141716 (1 mg kg(-1)). This is the first demonstration of a functional relationship between brain ghrelin and endocannabinoid systems, and, although it needs to be further investigated, the effect of ghrelin on food intake when injected into the PVN seems to be mediated by stimulation of cannabinoid release.


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Reduced subjective experience of reward (anhedonia) is a key symptom of major depression. The anti-obesity drug and cannabinoid type 1 receptor (CB(1)) antagonist, rimonabant, is associated with significant rates of depression and anxiety in clinical use and was recently withdrawn from the market because of these adverse effects. Using a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) model of reward we hypothesized that rimonabant would impair reward processing. Twenty-two healthy participants were randomly allocated to receive rimonabant (20 mg), or placebo, for 7 d in a double-blind, parallel group design. We used fMRI to measure the neural response to rewarding (sight and/or flavour of chocolate) and aversive (sight of mouldy strawberries and/or an unpleasant strawberry taste) stimuli on the final day of drug treatment. Rimonabant reduced the neural response to chocolate stimuli in key reward areas such as the ventral striatum and the orbitofrontal cortex. Rimonabant also decreased neural responses to the aversive stimulus condition in the caudate nucleus and ventral striatum, but increased lateral orbitofrontal activations to the aversive sight and taste of strawberry condition. Our findings are the first to show that the anti-obesity drug rimonabant inhibits the neural processing of rewarding food stimuli in humans. This plausibly underlies its ability to promote weight loss, but may also indicate a mechanism for inducing anhedonia which could lead to the increased risk of depressive symptomatology seen in clinical use. fMRI may be a useful method of screening novel agents for unwanted effects on reward and associated clinical adverse reactions.


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Disturbances in the regulation of reward and aversion in the brain may underlie disorders such as obesity and eating disorders. We previously showed that the cannabis receptor subtype (CB1) inverse agonist rimonabant, an antiobesity drug withdrawn due to depressogenic side effects, diminished neural reward responses yet increased aversive responses (Horder et al., 2010). Unlike rimonabant, tetrahydrocannabivarin is a neutral CB1 receptor antagonist (Pertwee, 2005) and may therefore produce different modulations of the neural reward system. We hypothesized that tetrahydrocannabivarin would, unlike rimonabant, leave intact neural reward responses but augment aversive responses. Methods: We used a within-subject, double-blind design. Twenty healthy volunteers received a single dose of tetrahydrocannabivarin (10mg) and placebo in randomized order on 2 separate occasions. We measured the neural response to rewarding (sight and/or flavor of chocolate) and aversive stimuli (picture of moldy strawberries and/or a less pleasant strawberry taste) using functional magnetic resonance imaging. Volunteers rated pleasantness, intensity, and wanting for each stimulus. Results: There were no significant differences between groups in subjective ratings. However, tetrahydrocannabivarin increased responses to chocolate stimuli in the midbrain, anterior cingulate cortex, caudate, and putamen. Tetrahydrocannabivarin also increased responses to aversive stimuli in the amygdala, insula, mid orbitofrontal cortex, caudate, and putamen. Conclusions: Our findings are the first to show that treatment with the CB1 neutral antagonist tetrahydrocannabivarin increases neural responding to rewarding and aversive stimuli. This effect profile suggests therapeutic activity in obesity, perhaps with a lowered risk of depressive side effects. Keywords: reward, THCv, obesity, fMRI, cannabinoid


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The present study aimed to analyze the gene and protein expression and the pattern of distribution of the vanilloid receptors TRPV1 and TRPV2 in the developing rat retina. During the early phases of development, TRPV1 was found mainly in the neuroblastic layer of the retina and in the pigmented epithelium. In the adult, TRPV1 was found in microglial cells, blood vessels, astrocytes and in neuronal structures, namely synaptic boutons of both retina] plexiform layers, as well as in cell bodies of the inner nuclear layer and the ganglion cell layer. The pattern of distribution of TRPV1 was mainly punctate, and there was higher TRPV1 labeling in the peripheral retina than in central regions. TRPV2 expression was quite distinct. its expression was virtually undetectable by immunoblotting before P1, and that receptor was found by immunohistochemistry only by postnatal day 15 (PI 5). RNA and protein analysis showed that the adult levels are only reached by P60, which includes small processes in the retinal plexiform layers, and labeled cellular bodies in the inner nuclear layer and the ganglion cell layer. There was no overlapping between the signal observed for both receptors. in conclusion, our results showed that the patterns of distribution of TRPV1 and TRPV2 are different during the development of the rat retina, suggesting that they have specific roles in both visual processing and in providing specific cues to neural development. (C) 2009 ISDN. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.