788 resultados para CANIS


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The aim of this study was to optimize a PCR assay that amplifies an 843 pb fragment from the p28 gene of Ehrlichia canis and compare it with two other PCR methods used to amplify portions of the 16S rRNA and dsb genes of Ehrlichia. Blood samples were collected from dogs suspected of having a positive diagnosis for canine ehrlichiosis. Amplification of the p28 gene by PCR produced an 843-bp fragment and this assay could detect DNA from one gene copy among 1 billion cells. All positive samples detected by the p28-based PCR were also positive by the 16S rRNA nested-PCR and also by the dsb-based PCR. Among the p28-based PCR negative samples, 55.3% were co-negatives, but 27.6% were positive in 16S rRNA and dsb based PCR assays. The p28-based PCR seems to be a useful test for the molecular detection of E. canis, however improvements in this PCR sensitivity are desired, so that it can become an important alternative in the diagnosis of canine ehrlichiosis.


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O objetivo do presente trabalho foi determinar a ocorrência de anticorpos anti Brucella abortus, anti Brucella canis e anti Leptospira spp. em raposas (Pseudalopex vetulus). Para tanto, foram utilizadas 60 raposas atropeladas em rodovias no semiárido da Paraíba, Nordeste do Brasil. Para a detecção de anticorpos anti Brucella abortus, o teste do antígeno acidificado tamponado (AAT) foi empregado como teste de triagem, e a prova do 2-mercaptoetanol foi empregada como método confirmatório. Para o diagnóstico sorológico das infecções por Brucella canis e Leptospira spp., foram utilizados os testes de imunodifusão em gel de agar (IDGA) e soroaglutinação microscópica, respectivamente. Todas as amostras foram negativas na pesquisa de anticorpos anti Brucella canis e anti Leptospira spp. Das 60 raposas testadas, 16 (26,6%) foram positivas para anticorpos anti Brucella abortus no teste de AAT, e quatro (6,7%) amostras foram confirmadas no teste de 2-mercaptoetanol, sendo duas amostras com título 100 e duas com título 50.


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The objective of this study was to report for the first time infection by Hepatozoon spp. and Babesia spp. in 10 dogs from the city of Cuiabá, State of Mato Grosso, central-western Brazil. A pair of primers that amplifies a 574 bp fragment of the 18S rRNA of Hepatozoon spp., and a pair of primers that amplifies a 551 bp fragment of the gene 18S rRNA for Babesia spp. were used. Six dogs were positive for Babesia spp., and 9 were positive for Hepatozoon spp. Co-infection of Babesia spp. and Hepatozoon spp. was seen in 5 dogs. Sequenced samples revealed 100% identity with B. canis vogeli, and H. canis. This is the first molecular detection of H. canis in domestic dogs from Cuiabá. Additionally, it is described for the first time the presence of B. canis vogeli circulating among dogs in Cuiabá.


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Aims. The CMa R1 star-forming region contains several compact clusters as well as many young early-B stars. It is associated with a well-known bright rimmed nebula, the nature of which is unclear (fossil HII region or supernova remnant). To help elucidate the nature of the nebula, our goal was to reconstruct the star-formation history of the CMa R1 region, including the previously unknown older, fainter low-mass stellar population, using X-rays. Methods. We analyzed images obtained with the ROSAT satellite, covering similar to 5 sq. deg. Complementary VRI photometry was performed with the Gemini South telescope. Colour-magnitude and colour-colour diagrams were used in conjunction with pre-main sequence evolutionary tracks to derive the masses and ages of the X-ray sources. Results. The ROSAT images show two distinct clusters. One is associated with the known optical clusters near Z CMa, to which similar to 40 members are added. The other, which we name the ""GU CMa"" cluster, is new, and contains similar to 60 members. The ROSAT sources are young stars with masses down to M(star) similar to 0.5 M(circle dot), and ages up to 10 Myr. The mass functions of the two clusters are similar, but the GU CMa cluster is older than the cluster around Z CMa by at least a few Myr. Also, the GU CMa cluster is away from any molecular cloud, implying that star formation must have ceased; on the contrary (as already known), star formation is very active in the Z CMa region.


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We have investigated the effect of pcDNA3-CpG and pcDNA-IL-12, delivered by intradermal gene gun administration, on the blood/lung eosinophilia, airway hyperresponsiveness as well as the immune response in a murine model of toxocariasis. Our results demonstrated that pcDNA-IL-12 but not pcDNA3-CpG vaccination Led to a persistent tower blood/bronchoalveolar eosinophilia following Toxocaro conis infection, as pcDNA3-CpG led only to an early transient blockage of eosinophil transmigration into bronchoalveolar fluid following T canis infection. Prominent Type-1 immune response was pointed out as the halt-mark of T canis infection following pcDNA-IL-12 vaccination. Outstanding IFN-gamma/IL-4 ratio besides tow levels of IgG1 with subsequent high IgG2a/IgG1 ratio further characterized a Type-1 polarized immunological profile in pcDNA-IL-12-vaccinated animals. Nevertheless, only pcDNA3-CpG was able to prevent airway hyperresponsiveness induced by T canis infection. The persistent airway hyperresponsiveness observed in pcDNA-IL-12-vaccinated animals demonstrated that the airway constriction involved other immunological mediator than those blocked by pcDNA-IL-12. Together, these data indicated that pcDNA-IL-12 and pcDNA3-CpG vaccines have distinct therapeutic benefits regarding the eosinophilic inflammation/airway hyperresponsiveness triggered by T canis infection, suggesting their possible use in further combined therapeutic interventions. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The present study investigated Ehrlichia species in blood samples from dogs suspected of clinical ehrlichiosis, using molecular and isolation techniques in cell culture. From a total of 310 canine blood samples analyzed by 16S rRNA nested PCR, 148 (47.7%) were positive for Ehrlichia canis. DNA from Ehrlichia chaffeensis or Ehrlichia ewingii was not detected in any sample using species-specific primers in separated reactions. Leukocytes from five PCR-positive dogs were inoculated into DH82 cells; successful isolation of E. canis was obtained in four samples. Partial sequence of the dsb gene of eight canine blood samples (including the five samples for in vitro isolation) was obtained by PCR and their analyses through BLAST showed 100% of identity with the corresponding sequence of E. canis in GenBank. This study represents the first molecular diagnosis, isolation, and molecular characterization of E. canis in dogs from Costa Rica. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Neospora caninum is widely distributed in the world and this parasite is one of the major causes of abortion in cattle. Dogs and coyotes are definitive hosts of N. caninum and several species of domestic and wild animals are intermediate hosts. Dogs can become infected by the ingestion of tissues containing cysts and then excrete oocysts. It is not yet known whether sporulated oocysts are able to induce a patent infection in dogs, i.e. a shedding of N. caninum oocysts in feces. The objective of this study was to experimentally examine the infection of dogs by sporulated oocysts. The oocysts used in the experiment were obtained by feeding dogs with brain of buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) positive for anti-N. caninum antibodies by indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT >= 200). Oocysts shed by these dogs were confirmed to be N. caninum by molecular methods and by bioassay in gerbils, and sporulated N. caninum oocysts were used for the oral infection of four dogs. The dogs were 8 weeks old and negative for antibodies to N. caninum and Toxoplasma gondii. Dogs 1 and 4 received an inoculum of 10,000 sporulated oocysts each; dog 2 an inoculum of 5000 sporulated oocysts and dog 3 received 1000 sporulated oocysts of N. caninum. The total feces excreted by these dogs were collected and examined daily for a period of 30 days. No oocysts were found in their feces. The dogs were monitored monthly for a 6-month period to observe a possible seroconversion and when this occurred the animals were eliminated from the experiment. Dogs 1 and 4 seroconverted 1 month after the infection with titer, in the IFAT, of 1600 and 800, respectively; the other two dogs presented no seroconvertion during the 6-month period. Dogs 1 and 2 were euthanized 180 days after infection and were examined for the detection of N. caninum in tissues (brain, muscle, lymph node, liver, lung, heart and bone marrow) by immunohistochemistry and PCR with negative results in both techniques. Bioassay in gerbils with brain of these dogs was also performed and again the results were negative. In conclusion, dogs infected with sporulated oocysts of N. caninum were not able to shed oocysts in feces. However, a higher dose of infection stimulated the production of antibodies against N. caninum in the dogs. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The present study aimed to evaluate under controlled conditions the acquisition of Hepatozoon canis by Amblyomma ovale after feeding on infected dogs, and the subsequent induction of infection in uninfected dogs that ingested the experimentally infected ticks. Two H. canis naturally infected dogs were infested with A. ovate adult ticks derived from an uninfected laboratory tick colony. After feeding, two A. ovale females presented H. canis oocysts in the hemolymph at the first and fourth days after removal of ticks from dogs. The oocysts had an average size of 244.34 mu m x 255.46 mu m. Three uninfected dogs were fed with ticks previously fed on the infected dogs. Only one dog became infected 32 days after oral inoculation, presenting circulating gametocytes, parasitemia less than 1%, and positive PCR confirmed to be H. canis by DNA sequencing. The results obtained indicated A ovale ticks as potential vector of H. canis in rural areas of Brazil. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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From May 2007 to March 2008, blood samples were collected from 92 healthy dogs living in 21 households (17 farms in rural area, and 4 homes in urban area) in 6 counties of the State of Espirito Santo, southeastern Brazil. In addition, ticks were collected from these dogs. A mean of 4.4 +/- 3.0 dogs (range: 1-12) were sampled per household; 78 and 14 dogs were from rural and urban areas, respectively. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) designed to amplify fragments of the 18S rDNA gene of Babesia spp or Hepatozoon spp revealed amplicons of the expected size in 20 (21.7%) dogs for Babesia, and 54 (58.7%) dogs for Hepatozoon. All Babesia-positive dogs were also Hepatozoon-positive. Among the 21 households, 15 (71.4%) from 3 counties had at least one PCR-positive dog, including 13 farms (rural area) and 2 homes (urban area). A total of 40 PCR products from the Hepatozoon-PCR, and 19 products from the Babesia-PCR were submitted to DNA sequencing. All generated sequences from Hepatozoon-PCR were identical to each other, and to corresponding 18S rDNA sequences of H. canis in GenBank. Surprisingly, all generated sequences from the Babesia PCR were also identical to corresponding 18S rDNA sequences of H. canis in GenBank. Dogs from 10 rural and 2 urban households were found infested by Rhipicephalus sanguineus ticks. Immature of Amblyomma cajennense ticks were found in dogs from only 4 rural households (also infested by R. sanguineus). All but one household with R. sanguineus-infested dogs had at least one Hepatozoon-infected dog. Statistical analysis showed that the presence of ticks (i.e. R. sanguineus) infesting dogs in the households was significantly (P < 0.05) associated with at least one PCR-positive dog. There was no significant association (P > 0.05) between PCR-positive dogs and urban or rural households. Canine hepatozoonosis caused by H. canis is a high frequent infection in Espirito Santo, Brazil, where it is possibly vectored by R. sanguineus. Since all infected dogs were found apparently healthy, the pathogenicity of H. canis for dogs in Espirito Santo is yet to be elucidated. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study investigated the etiology of canine ehrlichiosis and possible clinical and epidemiological data associated with the infection in 70 dogs suspect of ehrlichiosis attended at the Veterinary Hospital of the Sao Paulo State University in Botucatu city during 2001 and 2002. Dogs were evaluated by clinical-epidemiological and hematological data and molecular analysis by partial amplification and DNA sequencing of the ehrlichial dsb gene. E. canes DNA was amplified and sequenced in 28 (40.0%) dogs. Dogs younger than 12 months old showed significantly higher infection rates (65.0%; P < 0.05). Diarrhea, apathy, and anorexia were the major clinical signs observed in 55.2% (P = 0.05), 47.0% (P > 0.05), and 42.4% (P > 0.05) of the PCR-positive dogs, respectively. Twenty-five anemic (<5.5 x 10(6) RBC.mu L(-1)), and 8 leukopenic (<5.5 x 10(3) WBC.mu L(-1)) dogs were PCR-positive (P > 0.05). All 28 PCR-positive dogs showed thrombocytopenia (<175 x 10(3) platelets.mu L(-1)) and revealed statistical significance (P < 0.05). E. canis was the only Ehrlichia species found in dogs in the studied region, with higher infection rates in younger dogs, and statistically associated with thrombocytopenia.


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De um total de 158 cães examinados, através de exame parasitológico de fezes ou necropsia, 70 (44,30%) mostraram-se infectados por Toxocara canis, predominando a infecção nos animais com até 6 meses de idade. Através do exame de amostras de terra de localidades públicas utilizadas por crianças para diversão, demonstrou-se a presença de ovos de Toxocara sp. em 60% das amostras, evidenciando a possibilidade de ocorrer infecção humana, ingestão de ovos larvados do helminto.


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A partir de 27 cães com sarna sarcóptica, envolvendo 143 pessoas expostas à infestação, observaram-se 58 (40,56%) com lesões cutâneas sugestivas de escabiose. Tais lesões mostraram-se mais incidentes nas mulheres do que nos homens e indivíduos de todas as faixas etárias foram acometidos, indistintamente. Foi demonstrada a presença do agente em 3 dos 12 casos humanos observados que mantiveram contato com animais escabiosos.


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De 330 soros humanos examinados pela prova de soroaglutinação lenta em tubos, 4(1,21%) apresentaram aglutininas anti Brucella canis em diluição 1:100 (1 reagente com título 100, 2 reagentes com título 200 e 1 reagente com título 400).


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De 134 soros de felinos domésticos examinados pela prova de soroaglutinação lenta em tubos, 4 (3%) foram positivos para Brucella canis, todos com título igual a 100. Não se obteve êxito na tentativa de isolamento de Brucella canis através de hemocultura desses animais.


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As dermatomicoses dos animais domésticos constituem zoonoses importantes, urna vez que estes mantêm estreito contato com a espécie humana, dada a alta infectividade observada nesses processos. Relata-se a ocorrência de sete surtos de dermatomicoses, um por M. gypseum envolvendo um gato e um indivíduo do sexo feminino e os outros por M. canis envolvendo 20 indivíduos da espécie humana (adultos, jovens e crianças de ambos os sexos), 5 cães, 16 gatos e um macaco gibão (Hylobates lar).