There is a high incidence of pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism (PDH) in Poodle dogs, with family members being affected by the disease, suggesting a genetic involvement. Tpit is an obligate transcription factor for the expression of pro-opiomelanocortingene and for corticotroph terminal differentiation. The aim of the present study was to screen the Tpit gene for germline mutations in Poodles with PDH. Fifty Poodle dogs (33 female, 8.71 +/- 2.8 years) with PDH and 50 healthy Poodle dogs (32 females, 9.4241 2.8 years) were studied. Genomic DNA was isolated from peripheral blood, amplified by PCR and submitted to automatic sequence. No mutation in the coding region of Tpit was found, whereas the new single nucleotide polymorphism p.S343G, in heterozygous state, was found in the same frequency in both PDH and control groups. We concluded that Tpit gain-of-function mutations are not involved in the etiology of PDH in Poodle dogs.
Cette étude avait comme objectif d’évaluer la coagulation par l’utilisation de la thrombélastographie (TEG®) et de la génération de thrombine (GT) chez des beagles en santé recevant de la prednisone ainsi que chez des chiens atteints d’hyperadrénocorticisme (HAC). Dans un premier temps, six beagles adultes en santé ont été évalués dans une étude prospective longitudinale au courant de laquelle chaque individu recevait 1 mg/kg/jour de prednisone par la voie orale pendant 2 semaines. Après un arrêt de traitement d’une durée de 6 semaines, ils ont finalement reçu 4 mg/kg/jour de prednisone pour encore 2 semaines. Les tracés TEG® et les mesures de la GT ont été obtenus au temps 0, à la fin des 6 semaines d’interruption de traitement, ainsi qu’à la suite des 2 dosages de prednisone. Suite aux 2 traitements avec la prednisone, des résultats significatifs,lorsque comparés aux valeurs de base, ont été obtenus pour la cinétique du caillot (« clot kinetics » ou K), l’angle alpha (α) et l’amplitude maximale (« maximal amplitude » ou MA). La GT avait augmenté de manière significative mais seulement après la dose de 1 mg/kg/jour de prednisone. Dans un deuxième temps, 16 chiens atteints d’HAC ont été évalués avant l’initiation d’un traitement pour leur condition. Quinze chiens ont été évalués par TEG® et 15 par GT. Les données obtenues ont ensuite été comparées aux valeurs normales. L’analyse par TEG® a démontré que 12/15 chiens avaient au moins un paramètre suggérant un état d’hypercoagulabilité. L’analyse par GT a démontré que 4/15 chiens avaient des changements compatibles avec un état d’hypercoagulabilité. Un test t-pairé pour des valeurs de variance inégales a démontré que le groupe de chiens atteints d’HAC avait des tracés hypercoagulables et un potentiel endogène de thrombine (« endogenous thrombin potential » ou ETP) plus élevé, lorsque comparé à la population de référence.
O hiperadrenocorticismo canino consiste no conjunto de alterações físicas e bioquímicas resultantes da exposição prolongada e inapropriada, do organismo, a elevadas concentrações de cortisol. Esta dissertação teve como principal objectivo o estudo de vinte casos de hiperadrenocorticismo no cão, com base na recolha e interpretação de dados clínicos, laboratoriais e de imagem, efectuados durante o período de dois anos, entre Março de 2010 e Março de 2012, no Hospital Veterinário da FMVZ/UNESP em Botucatu. Constatou-se que a maioria das características individuais (idade, peso, raça e sexo), sinais clínicos e alterações laboratoriais (hemograma, bioquímicas sanguíneas e urianálise) comuns desta doença estavam presentes. Os cães do nosso estudo eram na sua maioria geriátricos, de raça miniatura como o caniche, com peso inferior a 20 Kg e do sexo feminino; estes apresentavam habituais sinais clínicos como poliúria, polidipsia, distensão abdominal, polifagia, fraqueza muscular, alterações respiratórias, cutâneas e neurológicas, e habituais alterações laboratoriais como trombocitose, linfopenia, eosinopenia, neutrofilia, aumento da fosfatase alcalina sérica, alanina aminotransferase, colesterol e triglicéridos. Alguns destes cães apresentaram ainda três das complicações mais comuns do hiperadrenocorticismo como hipertensão arterial, infecção do tracto urinário inferior e diabetes mellitus. Para chegar ao diagnóstico final realizou-se o teste de supressão de dexametasona a baixas doses em associação com a avaliação das glândulas adrenais através de ecografia, o qual nos permitiu obter a nossa amostra final, os vinte cães com hiperadrenocorticismo. Este estudo contribuiu para aprofundar o conhecimento relativamente às alterações clínicas, laboratoriais e de imagem presentes nos cães com hiperadrenocorticismo e demonstrou que a informação daí retirada é fundamental para chegar ao seu diagnóstico.
BACKGROUND Noninflammatory alopecia is a frequent problem in dogs, and the pathogenesis is still unclear. OBJECTIVE The objective of this study was a comparative histological description of skin biopsies from dogs with different alopecic disorders and control dogs matched for coat type, season and disease duration. ANIMALS Twenty-one cases of alopecia X in plush-coated dogs, 12 cases of recurrent flank alopecia, three cases of hyperestrogenism, 15 cases of hyperadrenocorticism, 12 cases of hypothyroidism and 12 cases of primary alopecic disorders of unknown cause were evaluated. The controls were biopsies from 38 dogs of different coat types. METHODS We evaluated five serial sections of each biopsy histologically and immunohistologically to compare the histological findings within the disease groups and with the control. RESULTS All the dogs with hair cycle disorders had a significant increase in the number of hairless hair follicles, which we assigned to kenogen. In addition, dogs with alopecia X had the lowest percentage of anagen follicles and the highest percentage of telogen follicles. CONCLUSIONS The marked increase in kenogen follicles is a strong indication that the induction of the new anagen phase is impaired in hair cycle disorders. The findings in dogs with alopecia X further suggest that premature catagen is also involved in the pathogenesis. Further work to investigate the stem cell compartment and possible initiating factors for the different cycle phases is required to elucidate the exact pathogenesis.
Our strategy entails investigating the influence of varied concentrations (0, 10, 100 and 1000 ng/ml) of human recombinant bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) on the osteogenic expression of canine osteoblasts, seeded onto poly-caprolactone 20% tricalcium phosphate (PCL-TCP) scaffolds in vitro. Biochemical assay revealed that groups with rhBMP-2 displayed an initial burst in cell growth that was not dose-dependent. However, after 13 days, cell growth declined to a value similar to control. Significantly less cell growth was observed for construct with 1000 ng/ml of rhBMP-2 from 20 days onwards. Confocal microscopy confirmed viability of osteoblasts and at day 20, groups seeded with rhBMP-2 displayed heightened cell death as compared to control. Phase contrast and scanning electron microscopy revealed that osteoblasts heavily colonized surfaces, rods and pores of the PCL-TCP scaffolds. This was consistent for all groups. Finally, Von Kossa and osteocalcin assays demonstrated that cells from all groups maintained their osteogenic phenotype throughout the experiment. Calcification was observed as early as four days after stimulation for groups seeded with rhBMP-2. In conclusion, rhBMP-2 seems to enhance the differentiated function of canine osteoblasts in a non-dose dependent manner. This resulted in accelerated mineralization, followed by death of osteoblasts as they underwent terminal differentiation. Notably, PCL-TCP scaffolds seeded only with canine osteoblasts could sustain excellent osteogenic expression in vitro. Hence, the synergy of PCL with bioactive TCP and rhBMP-2 in a novel composite scaffold, could offer an exciting approach for bone regeneration.
Survivin is a member of the family of proteins known as 'inhibitors of apoptosis proteins'. Survivin has a role in cellular decisions concerning division and survival and is frequently expressed in neoplastic cells. The aim of the present study was to investigate immunohistochemically the expression of survivin in normal canine tissues and in canine lymphoma. A representative range of fetal and adult normal tissues as well as biopsy samples from dogs with lymphoma were assembled in tissue arrays. The lymphomas were classified according to the revised Kiel and to the Revised European American Lymphoma - World Health Organization (REAL-WHO) schemes. Polyclonal and monoclonal antisera cross-reactive with canine survivin identified cytoplasmic expression of the molecule in a broad range of normal canine cells. The same reagents demonstrated cytoplasmic labelling of more than 5% of cells in all 83 lymphoma samples tested with polyclonal antiserum and in 67 of 82 (82%) of samples tested with monoclonal antiserum. Survivin was expressed by a wide range of canine lymphoma subtypes, but the expression of this molecule in normal canine tissues must be considered if novel therapies targeting survivin are applied to the management of canine lymphoma. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.
Autologous bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cell (BMSCs)-based therapies show great potential in regenerative medicine. However, long-term storage and preservation of BMSCs for clinical use is still a great clinical challenge. The present study aimed to analyze the effect of long-term cryopreservation on the regenerative ability of BMSCs. After cryopreservation of BMSCs from beagle dogs for three years, cell viability, and quantitative analysis of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity, surface adherence, and mineralized nodule formation were analyzed. BMSCs in cell-scaffold complex were then implanted into nude mice. There was no significant difference in cell viability and ALP activity between osteogenic differentiation and non-osteogenic differentiation of BMSCs, and BMSCs in cell-scaffold complex retained osteogenic differentiation ability in vivo. These results indicate that long-term cryopreserved BMSCs maintain their have capacity to contribute to regeneration.
Establishment of asymptomatic bacteriuria (ABU) with Escherichia coli 83972 is a viable prophylactic alternative to antibiotic therapy for the prevention of recurrent bacterial urinary tract infection in humans. Approximately 2 x 108 viable E. coli 83972 cells were introduced into the bladder of six healthy female dogs via a sterile urinary catheter. The presence of pyuria, depression, stranguria, pollakiuria and haematuria was documented for 6 weeks and urinalysis and aerobic bacterial cultures were performed every 24–72 h. Pyuria was present in all dogs on day 1 post-inoculation and 4/6 dogs (67%) had a positive urine culture on this day. Duration of colonization ranged from 0 to 10 days (median 4 days). Four dogs were re-inoculated on day 20. Duration of colonization following the second inoculation ranged from 1 to 3 days. No dog suffered pyrexia or appeared systemically unwell but all dogs initially exhibited mild pollakiuria and a small number displayed gross haematuria and/or stranguria. By day 3 of each trial all clinical signs had resolved. Persistent bacteriuria was not achieved in any dog but two dogs were colonized for 10 days following a single inoculation. Further research is required to determine whether establishment of ABU in dogs with recurrent urinary tract infection is a viable alternative to repeated doses of antimicrobial agents.
Background Today, finding an ideal biomaterial to treat the large bone defects, delayed unions and non-unions remains a challenge for orthopaedic surgeions and researchers. Several studies have been carried out on the subject of bone regeneration, each having its own advantages. The present study has been designed in vivo to evaluate the effects of cellular auto-transplantation of tail vertebrae on healing of experimental critical bone defect in a dog model. Methods Six indigenous breeds of dog with 32 ± 3.6 kg average weight from both sexes (5 males and 1 female) received bilateral critical-sized ulnar segmental defects. After determining the health condition, divided to 2 groups: The Group I were kept as control I (n = 1) while in Group II (experimental group; n = 5) bioactive bone implants were inserted. The defects were implanted with either autogeneic coccygeal bone grafts in dogs with 3-4 cm diaphyseal defects in the ulna. Defects were stabilized with internal plate fixation, and the control defects were not stabilized. Animals were euthanized at 16 weeks and analyzed by histopathology. Results Histological evaluation of this new bone at sixteen weeks postoperatively revealed primarily lamellar bone, with the formation of new cortices and normal-appearing marrow elements. And also reformation cortical compartment and reconstitution of marrow space were observed at the graft-host interface together with graft resorption and necrosis responses. Finally, our data were consistent with the osteoconducting function of the tail autograft. Conclusions Our results suggested that the tail vertebrae autograft seemed to be a new source of autogenous cortical bone in order to supporting segmental long bone defects in dogs. Furthermore, cellular autotransplantation was found to be a successful replacement for the tail vertebrae allograft bone at 3-4 cm segmental defects in the canine mid- ulna. Clinical application using graft expanders or bone autotransplantation should be used carefully and requires further investigation.
We report electron microscopic evidence of transmission from a pet dog to a 12-year-girl of Gastrospirillum hominis which caused gastric disease in both that was eradicable with treatment. © 1994.
Phylogenetic group D extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli (ExPEC), including O15:K52:H1 and clonal group A, have spread globally and become fluoroquinolone-resistant. Here we investigated the role of canine feces as a reservoir of these (and other) human-associated ExPEC and their potential as canine pathogens. We characterized and compared fluoroquinolone-resistant E. coli isolates originally identified as phylogenetic group D from either the feces of hospitalized dogs (n = 67; 14 dogs) or extraintestinal infections (n = 53; 33 dogs). Isolates underwent phylogenetic grouping, random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis, virulence genotyping, resistance genotyping, human-associated ExPEC O-typing, and multi-locus sequence typing. Five of seven human-associated sequence types (STs) exhibited ExPEC-associated O-types, and appeared in separate RAPD clusters. The largest subgroup (16 fecal, 26 clinical isolates) were ST354 (phylogroup F) isolates. ST420 (phylogroup B2); O1-ST38, O15:K52:H1-ST393, and O15:K1-ST130 (phylogroup D); and O7-ST457, and O1-ST648 (phylogroup F) were also identified. Three ST-specific RAPD sub-clusters (ST354, ST393, and ST457) contained closely related isolates from both fecal or clinical sources. Genes encoding CTX-M and AmpC β-lactamases were identified in isolates from five STs. Major human-associated fluoroquinolone-resistant ± extended-spectrum cephalosporin-resistant ExPEC of public health importance may be carried in dog feces and cause extraintestinal infections in some dogs.
Autoimmune diseases are more common in dogs than in humans and are already threatening the future of some highly predisposed dog breeds. Susceptibility to autoimmune diseases is controlled by environmental and genetic factors, especially the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) gene region. Dogs show a similar physiology, disease presentation and clinical response as humans, making them an excellent disease model for autoimmune diseases common to both species. The genetic background of canine autoimmune disorders is largely unknown, but recent annotation of the dog genome and subsequent development of new genomic tools offer a unique opportunity to map novel autoimmune genes in various breeds. Many autoimmune disorders show breed-specific enrichment, supporting a strong genetic background. Furthermore, the presence of hundreds of breeds as genetic isolates facilitates gene mapping in complex autoimmune disorders. Identification of novel predisposing genes establishes breeds as models and may reveal novel candidate genes for the corresponding human disorders. Genetic studies will eventually shed light on common biological functions and interactions between genes and the environment. This study aimed to identify genetic risk factors in various autoimmune disorders, including systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)-related diseases, comprising immune-mediated rheumatic disease (IMRD) and steroid-responsive meningitis arteritis (SMRA) as well as Addison s disease (AD) in Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers (NSDTRs) and chronic superficial keratitis (CSK) in German Shepherd dogs (GSDs). We used two different approaches to identify genetic risk factors. Firstly, a candidate gene approach was applied to test the potential association of MHC class II, also known as a dog leukocyte antigen (DLA) in canine species. Secondly, a genome-wide association study (GWAS) was performed to identify novel risk loci for SLE-related disease and AD in NSDTRs. We identified DLA risk haplotypes for an IMRD subphenotype of SLE-related disease, AD and CSK, but not in SMRA, and show that the MHC class II gene region is a major genetic risk factor in canine autoimmune diseases. An elevated risk was found for IMRD in dogs that carried the DLA-DRB1*00601/DQA1*005011/DQB1*02001 haplotype (OR = 2.0, 99% CI = 1.03-3.95, p = 0.01) and for ANA-positive IMRD dogs (OR = 2.3, 99% CI = 1.07-5.04, p-value 0.007). We also found that DLA-DRB1*01502/DQA*00601/DQB1*02301 haplotype was significantly associated with AD in NSDTRs (OR = 2.1, CI = 1.0-4.4, P = 0.044) and the DLA-DRB1*01501/DQA1*00601/DQB1*00301 haplotype with the CSK in GSDs (OR=2.67, CI=1.17-6.44, p= 0.02). In addition, we found that homozygosity for the risk haplotype increases the risk for each disease phenotype and that an overall homozygosity for the DLA region predisposes to CSK and AD. Our results have enabled the development of genetic tests to improve breeding practices by avoiding the production of puppies homozygous for risk haplotypes. We also performed the first successful GWAS for a complex disease in dogs. With less than 100 cases and 100 controls, we identified five risk loci for SLE-related disease and AD and found strong candidate genes involved in a novel T-cell activation pathway. We show that an inbred dog population has fewer risk factors, but each of them has a stronger genetic risk. Ongoing studies aim to identify the causative mutations and bring new knowledge to help diagnostics, treatment and understanding of the aetiology of SLE-related diseases.
Social and ecological factors are important in shaping sexual dimorphism in Anthropoidea, but there is also a tendency for body-size dimorphism and canine dimorphism to increase with increased body size (Rensch's rule) (Rensch: Evolution Above the Species Level. London: Methuen, 1959.) Most ecologist interpret Rensch's rule to be a consequence of social and ecological selective factors that covary with body size, but recent claims have been advanced that dimorphism is principally a consequence of selection for increased body size alone. Here we assess the effects of body size, body-size dimorphism, and social structure on canine dimorphism among platyrrhine monkeys. Platyrrhine species examined are classified into four behavioral groups reflecting the intensity of intermale competition for access to females or to limiting resources. As canine dimorphism increases, so does the level of intermale competition. Those species with monogamous and polyandrous social structures have the lowest canine dimorphism, while those with dominance rank hierarchies of males have the most canine dimorphism. Species with fission-fusion social structures and transitory intermale breeding-season competition fall between these extremes. Among platyrrhines there is a significant positive correlation between body size and canine dimorphism However, within levels of competition, no significant correlation was found between the two. Also, with increased body size, body-size dimorphism tends to increase, and this correlation holds in some cases within competition levels. In an analysis of covariance, once the level of intermale competition is controlled for, neither molar size nor molar-size dimorphism accounts for a significant part of the variance in canine dimorphism. A similar analysis using body weight as a measure of size and dimorphism yields a less clear-cut picture: body weight contributes significantly to the model when the effects of the other factors are controlled. Finally, in a model using head and body length as a measure of size and dimorphism, all factors and the interactions between them are significant. We conclude that intermale competition among platyrrhine species is the most important factor explaining variations in canine dimorphism. The significant effects of size and size dimorphism in some models may be evidence that natural (as opposed to sexual) selection also plays a role in the evolution of increased canine dimorphism.