955 resultados para CANCER STEM-CELLS


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Genética Molecular e Biomedicina


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RESUMO: Actualmente, a única possibilidade de cura para doentes com adenocarcinoma do pâncreas (PDAC) é a ressecção cirúrgica, no início deste estudo, perguntamo-nos se os predictores clínico-patológicos clássicos de prognostico poderiam ser validados em uma grande cohort de doentes com cancro do pâncreas ressecável e se outros predictores clínicos poderiam ter um papel na decisão de que doentes beneficiariam de ressecção cirúrgica. No capítulo 2, observamos que até 30% dos doentes morrem no primeiro ano após a ressecção cirúrgica, pelo que o nosso objectivo foi determinar factores pré-operatórios que se correlacionam com mortalidade precoce após ressecação cirúrgica com recurso a um instrumento estatisticamente validado, o Charlson-Age Comorbidity Index (CACI), determinamos que um CACI score superior a 4 foi preditivo de internamentos prolongados (p <0,001), complicações pós-operatórias (p = 0,042), e mortalidade em 1 ano pós- ressecção cirúrgica (p <0,001). Um CACI superior a 6 triplicou a mortalidade no primeiro ano pós-cirurgia e estes doentes têm menos de 50% de probabilidade de estarem vivos um ano após a cirurgia. No capítulo 3, o nosso objectivo foi identificar uma proteína de superfície que se correlacionasse estatisticamente com o prognostico de doentes com adenocarcinoma do pâncreas e permitisse a distinção de subgrupos de doentes de acordo com as suas diferenças moleculares, perguntamo-nos ainda se essa proteína poderia ser um marcador de células-estaminais. No nosso trabalho anterior observamos que as células tumorais na circulação sanguínea apresentavam genes com características bifenotípica epitelial e mesenquimal, enriquecimento para genes de células estaminais (ALDH1A1 / ALDH1A2 e KLF4), e uma super-expressão de genes da matriz extracelular (colagénios, SPARC, e DCN) normalmente identificados no estroma de PDAC. Após a avaliação dos tumores primários com RNA-ISH, muitos dos genes identificados, foram encontrados co-localizando em uma sub-população de células na região basal dos ductos pancreáticos malignos. Além disso, observamos que estas células expressam o marcador SV2A neuroendócrino, e o marcador de células estaminais ALDH1A1/2. Em comparação com tumores negativos para SV2, os doentes com tumores SV2 positivos apresentaram níveis mais baixos de CA 19-9 (69% vs. 52%, p = 0,012), tumores maiores (> 4 cm, 23% vs. 10%, p = 0,0430), menor invasão de gânglios linfáticos (69% vs. 86%, p = 0,005) e tumores mais diferenciados (69% vs. 57%, p = 0,047). A presença de SV2A foi associada com uma sobrevida livre de doença mais longa (HR: 0,49 p = 0,009) bem como melhor sobrevida global (HR: 0,54 p = 0,018). Em conjunto, esta informação aponta para dois subtipos diferentes de adenocarcinoma do pâncreas, e estes subtipos co-relacionam estatisticamente com o prognostico de doentes, sendo este subgrupo definido pela presença do clone celular SV2A / ALDH1A1/2 positivo com características neuroendócrinas. No Capítulo 4, a expressão de SV2A no cancro do pâncreas foi validado em linhas celulares primárias. Demonstramos a heterogeneidade do adenocarcinoma do pâncreas de acordo com características clonais neuroendócrinas. Ao comparar as linhas celulares expressando SV2 com linhas celulares negativas, verificamos que as linhas celulares SV2+ eram mais diferenciadas, diferindo de linhas celulares SV2 negativas no que respeita a mutação KRAS, proliferação e a resposta à quimioterapia. No capítulo 5, perguntamo-nos se o clone celular SV2 positivo poderia explicar a resistência a quimioterapia observada em doentes. Observamos um aumento absoluto de clones celulares expressando SV2A, em múltiplas linhas de evidência - doentes, linhas de células primárias e xenotransplantes. Embora, tenhamos sido capazes de demonstrar que o adenocarcinoma do pâncreas é uma doença heterogénea, consideramos que a caracterização genética destes clones celulares expressando SV2A é de elevada importância. Pretendemos colmatar esta limitação com as seguintes estratégias: Após o tratamento com quimioterapia neoadjuvante na nossa coorte, realizamos microdissecação a laser das amostras primarias em parafina, de forma a analisar mutações genéticas observadas no adenocarcinoma pancreático; em segundo lugar, pretendemos determinar consequências de knockdown da expressão de SV2A em nossas linhas celulares seguindo-se o tratamento com gemicitabina para determinação do papel funcional de SV2A; finalmente, uma vez que os nossos esforços anteriores com um promotor - repórter e SmartFlare ™ falharam, o próximo passo será realizar RNA-ISH PrimeFlow™ seguido de FACS e RNA-seq para caracterização deste clone celular. Em conjunto, conseguimos provar com várias linhas de evidência, que o adenocarcinoma pancreático é uma doença heterogénea, definido por um clone de células que expressam SV2A, com características neuroendócrinas. A presença deste clone no tecido de doentes correlaciona-se estatisticamente com o prognostico da doença, incluindo sobrevida livre de doença e sobrevida global. Juntamente com padrões de proliferação e co-expressão de ALDH1A1/2, este clone parece apresentar um comportamento de células estaminais e está associado a resistência a quimioterapia, uma vez que a sua expressão aumenta após agressão química, quer em doentes, quer em linhas de células primárias.----------------------------- ABSTRACT: Currently, the only chance of cure for patients with pancreatic adenocarcinoma is surgical resection, at the beginning of my thesis studies, we asked if the classical clinicopathologic predictors of outcome could be validated in a large cohort of patients with early stage pancreatic cancer and if other clinical predictors could have a role on deciding which patients would benefit from surgery. In chapter 2, we found that up to 30% of patients die within the first year after curative intent surgery for pancreatic adenocarcinoma. We aimed at determining pre-operative factors that would correlate with early mortality following resection for pancreatic cancer using a statistically validated tool, the Charlson-Age Comorbidity Index (CACI). We found that a CACI score greater than 4 was predictive of increased length of stay (p<0.001), post-operative complications (p=0.042), and mortality within 1-year of pancreatic resection (p<0.001). A CACI score of 6 or greater increased 3-fold the odds of death within the first year. Patients with a high CACI score have less than 50% likelihood of being alive 1 year after surgery. In chapter 3 we aimed at identifying a surface protein that correlates with patient’s outcome and distinguishes sub-groups of patients according to their molecular differences and if this protein could be a cancer stem cell marker. The most abundant class of circulating tumor cells identified in our previous work was found to have biphenotypic features of epithelial to mesenchymal transition, enrichment for stem-cell associated genes (ALDH1A1/ALDH1A2 and KLF4), and an overexpression of extracellular matrix genes (Collagens, SPARC, and DCN) normally found in the stromal microenvironment of PDAC primary tumors. Upon evaluation of matched primary tumors with RNA-ISH, many of the genes identified were found to co-localize in a sub-population of cells at the basal region of malignant pancreatic ducts. In addition, these cells expressed the neuroendocrine marker SV2A, and the stem cell marker ALDH1A1/2. Compared to SV2 negative tumors, patients with SV2 positive tumors were more likely to present with lower CA 19-9 (69% vs. 52%, p = 0.012), bigger tumors (size > 4 cm, 23% vs. 10%, p= 0.0430), less nodal involvement (69% vs. 86%, p = 0.005) and lower histologic grade (69% vs. 57%, p = 0.047). The presence of SV2A expressing cells was associated with an improved disease free survival (HR: 0.49 p=0.009) and overall survival (HR: 0.54 p=0.018) and correlated linearly with ALDH1A2. Together, this information points to two different sub-types of pancreatic adenocarcinoma, and these sub-types correlated with patients’ outcome and were defined by the presence of a SV2A/ ALDH1A1/2 expressing clone with neuroendocrine features. In Chapter 4, SV2A expression in cancer was validated in primary cell lines. We were able to demonstrate pancreatic adenocarcinoma heterogeneity according to neuroendocrine clonal features. When comparing SV2 expressing cell lines with SV2 negative cell lines, we found that SV2+ cell lines were more differentiated and differ from SV2 negative cell lines regarding KRAS mutation, proliferation and response to chemotherapy. In Chapter 5 we aimed at determining if this SV2 positive clone could explain chemoresistance observed in patients. We found an absolute increase in SV2A expressing cells, with multiple lines of evidence, in patients, primary cell lines and xenografts. Although, we have been able to show evidence that pancreatic adenocarcinoma is a heterogeneous disease, our findings warrant further investigation. To further characterize SV2A expressing clones after treatment with neoadjuvant chemotherapy in our cohort, we have performed laser capture microdissection of the paraffin embedded tissue in this study and will analyze the tissue for known genetic mutations in pancreatic adenocarcinoma; secondly, we want to know what will happen after knocking down SV2A expression in our cell lines followed by treatment with gemcitabine to determine if SV2A is functionally important; finally, since our previous efforts with a promoter – reporter and SmartFlare™ have failed, we will utilize a novel PrimeFlow™ RNA-ISH assay followed by FACS and RNA sequencing to further characterize this cellular clone. Overall our data proves, with multiple lines of evidence, that pancreatic adenocarcinoma is a heterogeneous disease, defined by a clone of SV2A expressing cells, with neuroendocrine features. The presence of this clone in patients’ tissue correlates with patient’s disease free survival and overall survival. Together with patterns of proliferation and ALDH1A1/2 co-expression, this clone seems to present a stem-cell-like behavior and is associated with chemoresistance, since it increases after chemotherapy, both in patients and primary cell lines.


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Summary : Cancer stem cells (CSC) that display tumor-initiating properties have recently been identified in several distinct types of malignancies, holding promise for more effective therapeutic strategies. However, evidence of such cells in sarcomas, which include some of the most aggressive and therapy-resistant tumors, has not been demonstrated to date. Here, we .identify and characterize cancer stem cells in Ewing's sarcoma family tumors (ESPY), a highly aggressive pediatric malignancy believed to be of mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) origin. Using magnetic bead cell separation of primary ESFT, we have isolated a subpopulation of CD133+ tumor cells that display the capacity to initiate and sustain tumor growth through serial transplantation in NOD/SCID mice, re-establishing at each in vivo passage the parental tumor phenotype and hierarchical cell organization. Consistent with the plasticity of MSCs, in vitro differentiation assays showed that the CD133+ cell population retained the ability to differentiate along adipogenic, osteogenic and chondrogenic lineages. Quantitative Real-Time PCR analysis of genes implicated in stem cell maintenance revealed that CD133+ ESFT cells express significantly higher levels of OCT4 and NANOG than their CD133- counterparts. Taken together, our observations provide the first identification of ESFT cancer stem cells (ET-CSC) and demonstration of their mesenchymal stem cell properties, a critical step toward a better biological understanding and rational therapeutic targeting of these tumors. Résumé : Des cellules souches tumorales avec des propriétés exclusives d'initiation tumorale ont récemment été identifiées dans différents types de cancers, permettant ainsi d'espérer le développement de thérapies plus efficaces. Cependant, l'existence de telles cellules dans les sarcomes, un sous-groupe de cancers d'origine mésenchymateuse très agressifs, n'a pas encore été démontrée. Dans ce travail de recherche, nous identifions et caractérisons des cellules souches tumorales dans le sarcome d'Ewing, une tumeur pédiatrique très agressive vraisemblablement dérivée de cellules souches mésenchymateuses (MSC). Afin de séparer des populations cellulaires dans des échantillons primaires de sarcome d'Ewing, nous avons utilisé des billes magnétiques couplées à des anticorps monoclonaux. Ceci nous a permis d'isoler une sous-population de cellules tumorales CD133+ qui ont la capacité d'initier et de maintenir la croissance tumorale dans des xénotransplantations en série effectuées dans des souris immunodéficientes NOD/SCID. Ces cellules reétablissent à chaque passage in vivo le phénotype de la tumeur d'origine ainsi que son organisation hiérarchique. En accord avec la plasticité des MSC, des tests de différentiation in vitro ont montré que les cellules CD133+ maintiennent la capacité de se différentier en adipocytes, ostéocytes et chondrocytes. Une analyse par PCR quantitative de gènes impliqués dans le maintien des cellules souches a montré que les cellules CD133+ expriment un niveau beaucoup plus élevé de OCT4 and NANOG que les cellules CD133-. En résumé, nos observations constituent la première identification de cellules souches tumorales dans le sarcome d'Ewing et démontrent leur propriété de cellules souches mésenchymateuses. Ceci constitue une étape clé vers une meilleure compréhension biologique et une meilleure approche thérapeutique de ces tumeurs.


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A growing body of evidence indicates that a subpopulation of tumor cells, the so-called cancer stem cells (CSCs), drive tumor growth and metastasis and preclude therapy efficiency. CSCs have been isolated in virtually all type of tumors. These findings may have important consequences for clinical prognostic. Current cancer research aims to unravel the CSCs' unique biological mechanisms. The development of new CSCs-targeted treatments shed therefore new hopes in improving cancer therapy.


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Le cancer est défini comme la croissance incontrôlée des cellules dans le corps. Il est responsable de 20 % des décès en Europe. Plusieurs expériences montrent que les tumeurs sont issues et se développent grâce à un petit nombre de cellules, que l'on appelle cellules souches cancéreuses (CSC). Ces CSC sont également responsables de l'apparition de métastases et de la résistance aux médicaments anticancéreux. De ce fait, l'identification des gènes qui contribuent aux propriétés de ces CSC (comme la survie des tumeurs, les métastases et la résistance aux médicaments) est nécessaire pour mieux comprendre la biologie des cancers et d'améliorer la qualité des soins des patients avec un cancer. A ce jour, de nombreux marqueurs ont été proposés ainsi que de nouvelles thérapies ciblées contre les CSC. Toutefois, et malgré les énormes efforts de la recherche dans ce domaine, la quasi-totalité des marqueurs de CSC connus à ce jour sont aussi exprimés dans les cellules saines. Ce projet de recherche visait à trouver un nouveau candidat spécifique des CSC. Le gène BORIS (pour Brother of Regulator of Imprinted Sites), nommé aussi CTCFL (CTCF-like), semble avoir certaines caractéristiques de CSC et pourrait donc devenir une cible prometteuse pour le traitement du cancer. BORIS/CTCFL est une protéine nucléaire qui se lie à l'ADN, qui est exprimée dans les tissus normaux uniquement dans les cellules germinales et qui est réactivée dans un grand nombre de tumeurs. BORIS est impliqué dans la reprogrammation épigénétique au cours du développement et dans la tumorigenèse. En outre, des études récentes ont montré une association entre l'expression de BORIS et un mauvais pronostic chez des patients atteints de différents types de cancers. Nous avons développé une nouvelle technologie basée sur les Molecular Beacon pour cibler l'ARNm de BORIS et cela dans les cellules vivantes. Grâce à ce système expérimental, nous avons montré que seule une toute petite sous-population (0,02 à 5%) de cellules tumorales exprimait fortement BORIS. Les cellules exprimant BORIS ont pu être isolées et elles présentaient les caractéristiques de CSC, telles qu'une forte expression de hTERT et des gènes spécifiques des cellules souches (NANOG, SOX2 et OCT4). En outre, une expression élevée de BORIS a été mise en évidence dans des populations enrichies en CSC ('side population' et sphères). Ces résultats suggèrent que BORIS pourrait devenir un nouveau et important marqueur de CSC. Dans des études fonctionnelles sur des cellules de cancer du côlon et du sein, nous avons montré que le blocage de l'expression de BORIS altère largement la capacité de ces cellules à former des sphères, démontrant ainsi un rôle essentiel de BORIS dans l'auto- renouvellement des tumeurs. Nos expériences montrent aussi que BORIS est un facteur important qui régule l'expression de gènes jouant un rôle clé dans le développement et la progression tumorale, tels le gène hTERT et ceux impliqués dans les cellules souches, les CSC et la transition épithélio-mésenchymateuse (EMT). BORIS pourrait affecter la régulation de la transcription de ces gènes par des modifications épigénétiques et de manière différente en fonction du type cellulaire. En résumé, nos résultats fournissent la preuve que BORIS peut être classé comme un gène marqueur de cellules souches cancéreuse et révèlent un nouveau mécanisme dans lequel BORIS jouerait un rôle important dans la carcinogénèse. Cette étude ouvre de nouvelles voies pour mieux comprendre la biologie de la progression tumorale et offre la possibilité de développement de nouvelles thérapies anti-tumorales et anti-CSC avec BORIS comme molécule cible. - Cancer is defined as the uncontrolled growth of cells in the body. It causes 20% of deaths in the European region. Current evidences suggest that tumors originate and are maintained thanks to a small subset of cells, named cancer stems cells (CSCs). These CSCs are also responsible for the appearance of metastasis and therapeutic resistance. Consequently, the identification of genes that contribute to the CSC properties (tumor survival, metastasis and therapeutic resistance) is necessary to better understand the biology of malignant diseases and to improve care management. To date, numerous markers have been proposed to use as new CSC- targeted therapies. Despite the enormous efforts in research, almost all of the known CSCs markers are also expressed in normal cells. This project aimed to find a new CSC-specific candidate. BORIS (Brother of Regulator of Imprinted Sites) or CTCFL (CTCF-like) is a DNA binding protein involves in epigenetic reprogramming in normal development and in tumorigenesis. Recent studies have shown an association of BORIS expression with a poor prognosis in different types of cancer patients. Therefore, BORIS seems to have the same characteristics of CSCs markers and it could be a promising target for cancer therapy. BORIS is normally expressed only in germinal cells and it is re-expressed in a wide variety of tumors. We developed a new molecular beacon-based technology to target BORIS mRNA expressing cells. Using this system, we showed that the BORIS expressing cells are only a small subpopulation (0.02-5%) of tumor cells. The isolated BORIS expressing cells exhibited the characteristics of CSCs, with high expression of hTERT and stem cell genes (NANOG, SOX2 and OCT4). Furthermore, high BORIS expression was observed in the CSC-enriched populations (side population and spheres). These results suggest that BORIS might be a novel and powerful CSCs marker. In functional studies, we observed that BORIS knockdown significantly impairs the capacity to form spheres in colon and breast cancer cells, thus demonstrating a critical role of BORIS in the self-renewal of tumors. The results showed in the functional analysis indicate that BORIS is an important factor that regulates the expression of key-target genes for tumor development and progression, such as hTERT, stem cells, CSCs markers and EMT (epithelial mesenchymal transition)-related marker genes. BORIS could affect the transcriptional regulation of these genes by epigenetic modification and in a cell type dependent manner. In summary, our results support the evidence that BORIS can be classified as a cancer stem cell marker gene and reveal a novel mechanism in which BORIS would play a critical role in tumorigenesis. This study opens new prospective to understand the biology of tumor development and provides opportunities for potential anti-tumor drugs.


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Cancer stem cells that display tumor-initiating properties have recently been identified in several distinct types of malignancies, holding promise for more effective therapeutic strategies. However, evidence of such cells in sarcomas, which include some of the most aggressive and therapy-resistant tumors, has not been shown to date. Here, we identify and characterize cancer stem cells in Ewing's sarcoma family tumors (ESFT), a highly aggressive pediatric malignancy believed to be of mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) origin. Using magnetic bead cell separation of primary ESFT, we have isolated a subpopulation of CD133+ tumor cells that display the capacity to initiate and sustain tumor growth through serial transplantation in nonobese diabetic/severe combined immunodeficiency mice, re-establishing at each in vivo passage the parental tumor phenotype and hierarchical cell organization. Consistent with the plasticity of MSCs, in vitro differentiation assays showed that the CD133+ cell population retained the ability to differentiate along adipogenic, osteogenic, and chondrogenic lineages. Quantitative real-time PCR analysis of genes implicated in stem cell maintenance revealed that CD133+ ESFT cells express significantly higher levels of OCT4 and NANOG than their CD133- counterparts. Taken together, our observations provide the first identification of ESFT cancer stem cells and demonstration of their MSC properties, a critical step towards a better biological understanding and rational therapeutic targeting of these tumors.


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Cancer stem cells (CSCs) display plasticity and self-renewal properties reminiscent of normal tissue stem cells, but the events responsible for their emergence remain obscure. We recently identified CSCs in Ewing sarcoma family tumors (ESFTs) and showed that they retain mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) plasticity. In the present study, we addressed the mechanisms that underlie ESFT CSC development. We show that the EWS-FLI-1 fusion gene, associated with 85%-90% of ESFTs and believed to initiate their pathogenesis, induces expression of the embryonic stem cell (ESC) genes OCT4, SOX2, and NANOG in human pediatric MSCs (hpMSCs) but not in their adult counterparts. Moreover, under appropriate culture conditions, hpMSCs expressing EWS-FLI-1 generate a cell subpopulation displaying ESFT CSC features in vitro. We further demonstrate that induction of the ESFT CSC phenotype is the result of the combined effect of EWS-FLI-1 on its target gene expression and repression of microRNA-145 (miRNA145) promoter activity. Finally, we provide evidence that EWS-FLI-1 and miRNA-145 function in a mutually repressive feedback loop and identify their common target gene, SOX2, in addition to miRNA145 itself, as key players in ESFT cell differentiation and tumorigenicity. Our observations provide insight for the first time into the mechanisms whereby a single oncogene can reprogram primary cells to display a CSC phenotype.


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Growth of numerous cancer types is believed to be driven by a subpopulation of poorly differentiated cells, often referred to as cancer stem cells (CSCs), that have the capacity for self-renewal, tumor initiation, and generation of nontumorigenic progeny. Despite their potentially key role in tumor establishment and maintenance, the energy requirements of these cells and the mechanisms that regulate their energy production are unknown. Here, we show that the oncofetal insulin-like growth factor 2 mRNA-binding protein 2 (IMP2, IGF2BP2) regulates oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) in primary glioblastoma (GBM) sphere cultures (gliomaspheres), an established in vitro model for CSC expansion. We demonstrate that IMP2 binds several mRNAs that encode mitochondrial respiratory chain complex subunits and that it interacts with complex I (NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase) proteins. Depletion of IMP2 in gliomaspheres decreases their oxygen consumption rate and both complex I and complex IV activity that results in impaired clonogenicity in vitro and tumorigenicity in vivo. Importantly, inhibition of OXPHOS but not of glycolysis abolishes GBM cell clonogenicity. Our observations suggest that gliomaspheres depend on OXPHOS for their energy production and survival and that IMP2 expression provides a key mechanism to ensure OXPHOS maintenance by delivering respiratory chain subunit-encoding mRNAs to mitochondria and contributing to complex I and complex IV assembly.


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SummaryCancer stem cells (CSC) are poorly differentiated, slowly proliferating cells, with high tumorigenic potential. Some of these cells, as it has been shown in leukemia, evade chemo- and radiotherapy and recapitulate the tumor composed of CSC and their highly proliferative progeny. Therefore, understanding the molecular biology of those cells is crucial for improvement of currently used anti-cancer therapies.This work is composed of two CSC-related projects. The first deals with CD44, a frequently used marker of CSC; the second involves Imp2 and its role in CSC bioenergetics. PART 1. CD44 is a multifunctional transmembrane protein involved in migration, homing, adhesion, proliferation and survival. It is overexpressed in many cancers and its levels are correlated with poor prognosis. CD44 is also highly expressed by CSC and in many malignancies it is used for CSC isolation.In the present work full-lenght CD44 nuclear localization was studied, including the mechanism of nuclear translocation and its functional role in the nucleus. Full-length CD44 can be found in nuclei of various cell types, regardless of their tumorigenic potential. For nuclear localization, CD44 needs to be first inserted into the cell membrane, from which it is transported via the endocytic pathway. Upon binding to transportinl it is translocated to the nucleus. The nuclear localization signal recognized by transportinl has been determined as the first 20 amino acids of the membrane proximal intracellular domain. Nuclear export of CD44 is facilitated by exportin Crml. Investigation of the function of nuclear CD44 revealed its implication in de novo RNA synthesis.PART 2. Glioblastoma multiforme is the most aggressive and most frequent brain malignancy. It was one of the first solid tumors from which CSC have been isolated. Based on the similarity between GBM CSC and normal stem cells expression of an oncofetal mRNA binding protein Imp2 has been investigated.Imp2 is absent in normal brain as well as in low grade gliomas, but is expressed in over 75% GBM cases and its expression is higher in CSC compared to their more differentiated counterparts. Analysis of mRNA transcripts bound by Imp2 and its protein interactors revealed that in GBM CSC Imp2 may be implicated in mitochondrial metabolism. Indeed, shRNA mediated silencing of protein expression led to decreased mitochondrial activity, decreased oxygen consumption and decreased activity of respiratory chain protein complex I. Moreover, lack of Imp2 severely affected self-renewal and tumorigenicity of GBM CSC. Experimental evidence suggest that GBM CSC depend on mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation as an energy producing pathway and that Imp2 is a novel regulator of this pathway.RésuméLes cellules cancéreuses souches sont des cellules peu différentiées, à proliferation lente et hautement tumorigénique. Ces cellules sont radio-chimio résistantes et sont capable reformer la tumeur dans sont intégralité, reproduisant l'hétérogénéité cellulaire présent dans la tumeur d'origine. Pour améliorer les therapies antitumorales actuelles il est crucial de comprendre les mécanismes moléculaires qui caractérisent cette sous-population de cellules hautement malignes.Ce travail de thèse se compose de deux projets s'articulant autour du même axe :Le CD44 est une protéine multifonctionnelle et transmembranaire très souvent utilisée comme marqueur de cellules souches tumorales dans différents cancers. Elle est impliquée dans la migration, l'adhésion, la prolifération et la survie des cellules. Lors de ce travail de recherche, nous nous sommes intéressés à la localisation cellulaire du CD44, ainsi qu'aux mécanismes permettant sa translocation nucléaire. En effet, bien que principalement décrit comme un récepteur de surface transmembranaire, le CD44 sous sa forme entière, non clivée en peptides, peut également être observé à l'intérieur du noyau de diverses cellules, quel que soit leur potentiel tumorigénique. Pour passer ainsi d'un compartiment cellulaire à un autre, le CD44 doit d'abord être inséré dans la membrane plasmique, d'où il est transporté par endocytose jusqu'à l'intérieur du cytoplasme. La transportai permet ensuite la translocation nucléaire du CD44 via une « séquence signal » contenue dans les 20 acides aminés du domaine cytoplasmique qui bordent la membrane. A l'inverse, le CD44 est exporté du noyau grâce à l'exportin Crml. En plus des mécanismes décrits ci-dessus, cette étude a également mis en évidence l'implication du CD44 dans la synthèse des ARN, d'où sa présence dans le noyau.Le glioblastome est la plus maligne et la plus fréquente des tumeurs cérébrales. Dans ce second projet de recherche, le rôle de IMP2 dans les cellules souches tumorales de glioblastomes a été étudié. La présence de cette protéine oncofoetale a d'abord été mise en évidence dans 75% des cas les plus agressifs des gliomes (grade IV, appelés glioblastomes), tandis qu'elle n'est pas exprimée dans les grades I à III de ces tumeurs, ni dans le cerveau sain. De plus, IMP2 est apparue comme étant davantage exprimée dans les cellules souches tumorales que dans les cellules déjà différenciées. La baisse de l'expression de IMP2 au moyen de shRNA a résulté en une diminution de l'activité mitochondriale, en une réduction de la consommation d'oxygène ainsi qu'en une baisse de l'activité du complexe respiratoire I.L'inhibition de IMP2 a également affecté la capacité de renouvellement de la population des cellules souches tumorales ainsi que leur aptitude à former des tumeurs.Lors de ce travail de thèse, une nouvelle fonction d'un marqueur de cellules souches tumorales a été mise en évidence, ainsi qu'un lien important entre la bioénergétique de ces cellules et l'expression d'une protéine oncofoetale.


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Metastatic growth in distant organs is the major cause of cancer mortality. The development of metastasis is a multistage process with several rate-limiting steps. Although dissemination of tumour cells seems to be an early and frequent event, the successful initiation of metastatic growth, a process termed 'metastatic colonization', is inefficient for many cancer types and is accomplished only by a minority of cancer cells that reach distant sites. Prevalent target sites are characteristic of many tumour entities, suggesting that inadequate support by distant tissues contributes to the inefficiency of the metastatic process. Here we show that a small population of cancer stem cells is critical for metastatic colonization, that is, the initial expansion of cancer cells at the secondary site, and that stromal niche signals are crucial to this expansion process. We find that periostin (POSTN), a component of the extracellular matrix, is expressed by fibroblasts in the normal tissue and in the stroma of the primary tumour. Infiltrating tumour cells need to induce stromal POSTN expression in the secondary target organ (in this case lung) to initiate colonization. POSTN is required to allow cancer stem cell maintenance, and blocking its function prevents metastasis. POSTN recruits Wnt ligands and thereby increases Wnt signalling in cancer stem cells. We suggest that the education of stromal cells by infiltrating tumour cells is an important step in metastatic colonization and that preventing de novo niche formation may be a novel strategy for the treatment of metastatic disease.


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Introduction: Cancer stem cells (CSC) display plasticity and self renewal properties reminiscent of normal tissue stem cells but the events responsible for their emergence remain obscure. We have recently identified CSC in Ewing sarcoma family tumors (ESFT) and shown that they arise from mesenchymal stem cells from the bone marrow. Objective of the study: To analyze the mechanisms underlying cancer stem cell development in ESFT. Methods: Primary human mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) isolation from adult and pediatric bone marrow. Retroviral delivery of fusion protein (EWS-FLI1) to primary MSC, and transcriptional and phenotypical analysis. Results: We show that the EWS-FLI-1 fusion gene, associated wit 85-90% of ESFT and believed to initiate their pathogenesis, induces expression of the embryonic stem cell (ESC) genes OCT4, SOX2 and NANOG in human pediatric MSC (hpMSC) but not in their adult counterparts. Moreover, under appropriate culture conditions, hpMSC expressing EWS-FLI-1 generate a cell subpopulation displaying ESFT CSC features in vitro. We further demonstrate that induction of the ESFT CSC phenotype is the result of the combined effect of EWSFLI- 1 on its target gene expression and repression of microRNA-145 (miRNA145) promoter activity. Finally, we provide evidence that EWS-FLI-1 and miRNA-145 function in a mutually repressive feedback loop and identify their common target gene SOX2, in addition to miRNA145 itself, as key players in ESFT cell differentiation and tumorigenicity. Conclusion: Our observations provide insight for the first time into the mechanisms whereby a single oncogene can reprogram primary cells to display a cancer stem cell phenotype.


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Le sarcome d'Ewing (SE) est la 2ème tumeur des os la plus fréquente chez les enfants, et le pronostic est sombre au stade métastatique. La pathogenèse du SE repose sur une translocation, provocant la fusion du domaine activateur du facteur de transcription EWS, avec la partie liant l'ADN de la protéine FLI-1. Les cellules souches cancéreuses (CSC) sont supposées être les moteurs de la croissance tumorale, et représente de ce fait des cibles thérapeutiques préférentielles. Dans ce travail nous nous sommes efforcés de comprendre, ainsi que de cibler les mécanismes liés à l'émergence des CSC dans le sarcome d'Ewing. La formation des CSC du ES est liée à un défaut de maturation des miRNAs provoqué par une sous-expression d'un gène, TARBP2, dans les CSC. Ce défaut de maturation peut être corrigé par un traitement des cellules avec de l'enoxacine, une fluoroquinolone utilisée pour traiter les infections urinaires. L'enoxacine seule n'étant pas suffisante pour éradiquer les tumeurs in vivo, nous avons testé la combinaison d'une thérapie ciblée sur les CSC avec une chimiothérapie classique, la doxorubicine, ciblant les cellules différentiées. In vitro l'enoxacine induit l'apoptose dans les CCS sans affecter les cellules différentiées, alors que à l'inverse, la doxorubicine n'affecte que les cellules de la « masse » tumorale. In vivo la combinaison de ces deux drogues inhibe la croissance de tumeurs provenant de cellules primaires xenotranplantées et éradique les CSCs. Nos résultats mettent en lumière une nouvelle approche thérapeutique directement applicable pour le sarcome d'Ewing, et pourraient ainsi rapidement déboucher sur des essais cliniques. Dans la deuxième partie de ce travail nous avons essayé de comprendre comment EWS-FLI1, la protéine de fusion issue de la translocation chromosomique du sarcome d'Ewing conduit à la génération des CSC. Pour cela nous avons effectué des ChIPseq (immunoprecipitation de la chromatine suivi de séquençage) pour EWS-FLI1 ainsi que pour certaines modifications histoniques. -- Ewing sarcoma family tumors (ESFT) are the second most frequent bone tumors in children and have a high rate of recurrence when metastatic at presentation. The pathogenesis of Ewing sarcoma is underlayed by a translocation, leading to the fusion of the trans-activating domain of EWS with the FLU DNA binding domain. Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are thought to be the driving force of tumor growth. In this work we focused on understanding the mechanisms underlying ESFT CSC emergence as well as defining targeted therapeutic strategies. Emergence of CSCs in ESFT has been shown to arise from a defect in TARBP2-dependent microRNA maturation, which can be corrected by exposure to the fluoroquinolone enoxacin. As enoxacin alone is not sufficient to reverse tumor growth in vivo, we assessed the effect of combining a drug that abrogates CSC properties with doxorubicin, a standard-of-care therapy in ESFT. Primary ESFT CSCs and bulk tumor cells were treated with different concentration of drugs and displayed divergent responses to doxorubicin and enoxacin. Doxorubicin, which targets the tumor bulk, displayed toxicity toward primary adherent ESFT cells in culture but not to CSC-enriched ESFT spheres. Conversely, enoxacin induced apoptosis but only in ESFT spheres and specifically on the CD133+ population. In combination, the two drugs markedly depleted CSC and strongly reduced primary growth in xenograft assays of two primary ESFT. Our results identify a potentially attractive therapeutic strategy for ESFT that combines mechanism-based targeting of CSC using a low toxicity antibiotic with a standard-of-care cytotoxic drug, offering immediate applications for clinical evaluation. In the second part of this work we performed chromatin immunopercipitation on CSCs and bulk cells for EWS-FLI1 binding as well as some chromatin modifications, and concluded that EWS-FLI1 shows cell context dependent binding.


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Cancer stem cells are cancer cells characterized by stem cell properties and represent a small population of tumor cells that drives tumor development, progression, metastasis and drug resistance. To date, the molecular mechanisms that generate and regulate cancer stem cells are not well defined. BORIS (Brother of Regulator of Imprinted Sites) or CTCFL (CTCF-like) is a DNA-binding protein that is expressed in normal tissues only in germ cells and is re-activated in tumors. Recent evidences have highlighted the correlation of BORIS/CTCFL expression with poor overall survival of different cancer patients. We have previously shown an association of BORIS-expressing cells with stemness gene expression in embryonic cancer cells. Here, we studied the role of BORIS in epithelial tumor cells. Using BORIS-molecular beacon that was already validated, we were able to show the presence of BORIS mRNA in cancer stem cell-enriched populations (side population and spheres) of cervical, colon and breast tumor cells. BORIS silencing studies showed a decrease of sphere formation capacity in breast and colon tumor cells. Importantly, BORIS-silencing led to down-regulation of hTERT, stem cell (NANOG, OCT4, SOX2 and BMI1) and cancer stem cell markers (ABCG2, CD44 and ALDH1) genes. Conversely, BORIS-induction led to up-regulation of the same genes. These phenotypes were observed in cervical, colon and invasive breast tumor cells. However, a completely different behavior was observed in the non-invasive breast tumor cells (MCF7). Indeed, these cells acquired an epithelial mesenchymal transition phenotype after BORIS silencing. Our results demonstrate that BORIS is associated with cancer stem cell-enriched populations of several epithelial tumor cells and the different phenotypes depend on the origin of tumor cells.


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Accumulating evidence has indicated the importance of cancer stem cells in carcinogenesis. The goal of the present study was to determine the effect of low-dose cisplatin on enriched liver cancer stem cells (LCSCs). Human hepatoblastoma HepG2 cells were treated with concentrations of cisplatin ranging from 1 to 5 μg/mL. Cell survival and proliferation were evaluated using a tetrazolium dye (MTT) assay. LCSCs were identified using specific markers, namely aldehyde dehydrogenase-1 (ALDH1) and CD133. The percentage of ALDH1+ or CD133+ cells was examined by flow cytometric analysis. The expression of ALDH1 and/or CD133 in HepG2 cells was determined by immunocytochemical analysis. Low-dose cisplatin treatment significantly decreased cell survival in HepG2 cells after 24 or 72 h. However, the percentage of LCSCs in the surviving cells was greatly increased. The percentage of ALDH1+ or CD133+ cells was increased in a time- and dose-dependent manner after treatment with 1-4 μg/mL cisplatin, whereas 5 μg/mL cisplatin exposure slightly reduced the number of positive cells. These findings indicate that low-dose cisplatin treatment may efficiently enrich the LCSC population in HepG2 cells.