997 resultados para CADMIUM CONTENT


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The concentrations of total cadmium were determined in 448 samples of processed fishery products comprising crustaceans, molluscs, marine fish and brackish water fish. Shrimp product, the major export item, contained on average 0.122 ppm cadmium and 20% of crustaceans analysed did not contain cadmium on detectable level. Average content of cadmium in 68 marine fish of 9 species was 0.153 ppm and 35% of the samples did not contain the element. Of the total number of crustaceans analysed only 2% showed a level > 0.5 ppm. All the 174 samples of molluscan products, except 3 canned oysters, showed cadmium concentration far below the limit allowed. The average cadmium content in molluscan products was 0.552 ppm.


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Ilmenite-type (Zn1-xCdx)TiO3 (0 <= x <= 0.15 and 0.8 <= x <= 1.0) was synthesized by a modified sol-gel route including the Pechini process via two-step heat treatments. The thermal stability of (Zn1-xCdx)TiO3 depended on the amount of cadmium content. The as-synthesized (Zn1-xCdx)TiO3 (0 <= x <= 0.15 and 0.8 <= x <= 1.0) showed higher thermal stability than that of ZnTiO3. The variation of the dielectric constant of all synthesized (Zn1-xCdx)TiO3 samples for all measurement frequencies showed a similar tendency.


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Lead (Pb) poisoning is preventable but continues to be a public health problem in several countries. Measuring Pb in the surface dental enamel (SDE) using microbiopsies is a rapid, safe, and painless procedure. There are different protocols to perform these microbiopsies, but the reliability of dental enamel lead levels (DELL) determination is dependent upon biopsy depth (BD). It is established that DELL decrease from the outermost superficial layer to the inner layer of dental enamel. The aim of this study was to determine DELL obtained by two different microbiopsy techniques on SDE termed protocol I and protocol II. Two consecutive enamel layers were removed from the same subject group (n = 138) for both protocols. Protocol I consisted of a biopsied site with a diameter of 4 mm after the application of 10 l HCl for 35 s. Protocol II involved a biopsied site of 1.6 mm diameter after application of 5 l HCl for 20 s. The results demonstrated that there were no significant differences for BD and DELL between homologous teeth using protocol I. However, there was a significant difference between DELL in the first and second layers using both protocols. Further, the BD in protocol II overestimated DELL values. In conclusion, SDE analyzed by microbiopsy is a reliable biomarker in protocol I, but the chemical method to calculate BD in protocol II appeared to be inadequate for measurement of DELL. Thus, DELL could not be compared among studies that used different methodologies for SDE microbiopsies.


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The carbon isotope ratio (delta13C) and cadmium content (Cd/Ca) of benthic foraminifera shells have been used to reconstruct deep-water circulation patterns of the glacial oceans. These tracers co-vary with phosphorus in the modern ocean because they are nearly quantitatively regenerated from sinking biological debris in the upper water column. Hence they can be used to reconstruct the distribution of labile nutrients in glacial water masses. Independent constraints on glacial deep-ocean circulation patterns could be provided by a tracer of the distribution of silica and alkalinity, the deeply regenerated constituents of planktonic hard parts. Barium shares key aspects of its behaviour with these refractory nutrients because it is removed from solution in surface waters and incorporated into sinking particles which slowly dissolve deep in the water column and in the sediments. The fractionation of Ba between deep-water masses of the major ocean basins is largely controlled by thermohaline circulation patterns, so Ba conforms to different boundary conditions from Cd and 13C. As Ba substitutes into trigonal carbonates, it is a potential palaeoceano-graphic tracer if the Ba content of foraminifera shells reflects ambient dissolved Ba concentrations. Here we present data from Recent core-top benthic foraminifera which indicate that the Ba content of some recent calcitic benthic foraminifera does co-vary with bottom-water Ba.


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The research concerned the assessment of the pathways utilized by heavy metal pollutants in urban stormwater runoff. A separately sewered urban residential catchment of approximately 107 hectares in Chelmsley Wood, north-east Birmingham was the subject of the field investigation. The catchment area, almost entirely residential, had no immediate industrial heavy metal input, however, industry was situated to the north of the catchment. The perimeter of the catchment was bounded by the M6 motorway on the northern and eastern sides and was believed to contribute to aerial deposition. Metal inputs to the ground surface were assumed to be confined to normal suburban activities, namely, aerial deposition, vehicular activity and anthropological activities. A programme of field work was undertaken over a 12 month period, from July 1983 to July 1984. Monthly deposition rates were monitored using a network of deposit cannisters and roadside sediment and soil samples were taken. Stormwater samples were obtained for 19 separate events. All samples were analysed for iron, lead, zinc, copper, chromium, nickel and cadmium content. Rainfall was recorded on site with additional meteorological data obtained from local Meteorological Offices. Use was made of a simple conceptual model designed for the catchment to substantiate hypotheses derived from site investigations and literature, to investigate the pathways utilized for the transportation of heavy metals throughout the catchment.


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Contents of mercury and zinc in reduced sediments and interstitial waters of the Gdansk Bay in the Baltic Sea were investigated. It was found that sediments contain 0.7 ppm Hg, of which 0.008 ppm.(0.4% of total) is dissolved in interstitial water, and 91 ppm Zn, of which 0.15 ppm (0.45% of total) is dissolved in interstitial water. Differences in contents in different layers (0-5 and 25-30 cm) can be attributed to anthropogenic influence. Aderage concentration of mercury in the upper sediment layer is 27% higher and one of zinc is 40% higher than those found in the lower sediment layer. In addition, distribution of zinc in grain size fractions of the sediments was investigated, and some data on cadmium content were obtained.


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This study document effects of short-term (96h) sublethal levels of copper, cadmium and their mixture on the amino acid composition of postlarvae of the penaeid shrimp, P.monodon and P.penicillatus . All experimental conditions were kept constant, temperature between 25-27•C and salinity 21-22 ppt. The estimated LD50 for Cu was 200 ug/L, for Cd 177.5 ug/L and for Cu.Cd mixture 250ug/L. In P. penicillatus at the same concentration of each metal, there was significant reduction in amino acid content, which was 8.01% higher than the control. Almost similar reduction in some amino acids was observed in P.monodon. At the maximum concentration of 400 ug/L, cadmium caused higher reduction in amino acid composition than did copper. Thus, amino acid composition may be regarded as a sensitive biochemical indicator of Cu and Cd toxicity because of the effect of these metals on protein synthesis, a signal of physiological stress in marine organisms subjected to heavy metal pollution.


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The effects of cadmium (Cd2+) on growth status, chlorophyll (Chl) content, photochemical efficiency, and photosynthetic intensity were studied on Canna indica Linn. Plant specimens that were produced from a constructed wetland and precultivated hydroponically in 20 L of 1/10 Hoagland solution under greenhouse conditions for I week were exposed to cadmium in concentrations of 0, 0.4, 0.8, 1.6 and 3.2 mg L- Cd2+, respectively. The results show that leaves were injured in the Cd2+ solution by the third day of exposure and the injury became more serious with an increase in the applied heavy metal. Under 3.2 mg L-1 Cd2+ treatment, growth retardation, the decrease of chlorophyll content from 0.70 to 0.43 mg g(-1) FW, and a decrease in Chl a/b ratio from 2.0 to 1.2 were observed. Chl a was more sensitive than Chl b to Cd2+ stress. The decrease was the same with photochemical efficiency. Photosynthetic intensity decreased by 13.3% from 1.5X10(4) mumol m(-2)s(-1) CO2 in control to 1.3x10(4) mumol m(2)s(-1) CO2 in the treatment of 3.2 mg L-1. Because Canna species are used in heavy metal phytoremediation, these results show that C. indica can tolerate 0.4 to 0.8 mg L-1 Cd2+. Therefore, it is a potential species for phytoremediation of cadmium with some limitations only at higher concentrations.


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The grain size dependencies of the yield and fracture stresses in hot rolled Mg-12.7 at % Cd alloy have been measured in the temperature range 77 to 420 K and are found to be in accordance with HalI-Petch type of equations. In hot rolled Mg-12.7 Cd alloy, the HalI-Petch intercept a w is higher than that in hot rolled magnesium, while the slope ky is comparable. The fracture is intercrystalline at 77 K, mixed mode at 300 K and ductile at 420 K. The above flow and fracture behaviours are interpreted in terms of the complimentary effects of texture hardening and solid solution strengthening.


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The variation in the tensile properties at 77 K and 300 K in warm-rolled (300 K) Cd-1% Ag alloy with deformation has been studied in longitudinal as well as transverse specimens. The low-temperature yield strength increases with warm rolling without much loss in ductility. The strength at 300 K, however, decreases with heavy warm deformation. From microstructural studies and X-ray investigations, it was observed that changes in grain size and texture occur during warm rolling. Both these changes are found to be important in deciding the tensile properties. The longitudinal and transverse strengths at 77 K vary linearly with l-frac12, where l is the average grain diameter, and thus they obey the Hall-Petch relation. The Hall-Petch slope, k, is lower in specimens with favourable lcub1013rcub texture while the intercept σo is higher when the lcub0002rcub texture is less favourable.


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The variation in the tensile properties at 77 K and 300 K in warm-rolled (300 K) Cd-1% Ag alloy with deformation has been studied in longitudinal as well as transverse specimens. The low-temperature yield strength increases with warm rolling without much loss in ductility. The strength at 300 K, however, decreases with heavy warm deformation. From microstructural studies and X-ray investigations, it was observed that changes in grain size and texture occur during warm rolling. Both these changes are found to be important in deciding the tensile properties. The longitudinal and transverse strengths at 77 K vary linearly with l-frac12, where l is the average grain diameter, and thus they obey the Hall-Petch relation. The Hall-Petch slope, k, is lower in specimens with favourable lcub1013rcub texture while the intercept σo is higher when the lcub0002rcub texture is less favourable.


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Macfadyena unguis-cati (L.) Gentry (Bignoniaceae) is a major environmental weed in coastal Queensland, Australia. There is a lack of quantitative data on its leaf chemistry and its impact on soil properties. Soils from infested vs uninfested areas, and leaves of M. unguis-cati and three co-occurring vine species (one exotic, two native) were collected at six sites (riparian and non-riparian) in south-eastern Queensland. Effects of invasion status, species, site and habitat type were examined using univariate and multivariate analyses. Habitat type had a greater effect on soil nutrients than on leaf chemistry. Invasion effect of M. unguis-cati on soil chemistry was more pronounced in non-riparian than in riparian habitat. Significantly higher values were obtained in M. unguis-cati infested (vs. uninfested) soils for ~50% of traits. Leaf ion concentrations differed significantly between exotic and native vines. Observed higher leaf-nutrient load (especially nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) in exotic plants aligns with the preference of invasive plant species for disturbed habitats with higher nutrient input. Higher load of trace elements (aluminium, boron, cadmium and iron) in its leaves suggests that cycling of heavy-metal ions, many of which are potentially toxic at excess level, could be accelerated in soils of M. unguis-cati-invaded landscape. Although inferences from the present study are based on correlative data, the consistency of the patterns across many sites suggests that M. unguis-cati may improve soil fertility and influence nutrient cycling, perhaps through legacy effects of its own litter input.


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The authors are grateful to Professor K. P. Abraham for the provision of facilities and encouragement. One of us (PRR) acknowledges the award of a National Associateship by the UGC which facilitated a short-time visit to the Indian Institute of Science.


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The Raman spectrum of a single crystal of cadmium acetate dihydrate has been recorded for the first time using λ 2537 excitation. Twenty-three lines have been observed out of which ten have been attributed to the internal oscillations of the acetate ion, nine to the lattice modes, two to low-frequency hydrogen bond vibrations. A line at 308 cm.−1 and the continuum 3250–3560 cm.−1 have been assigned to the Cd-O6 and internal vibrations of the water molecules.