946 resultados para CAD-CAM
The application of computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) techniques in the clinic is growing slowly but steadily. The ability to build patient-specific models based on medical imaging data offers major potential. In this work we report on the feasibility of employing laser scanning with CAD/CAM techniques to aid in breast reconstruction. A patient was imaged with laser scanning, an economical and facile method for creating an accurate digital representation of the breasts and surrounding tissues. The obtained model was used to fabricate a customized mould that was employed as an intra-operative aid for the surgeon performing autologous tissue reconstruction of the breast removed due to cancer. Furthermore, a solid breast model was derived from the imaged data and digitally processed for the fabrication of customized scaffolds for breast tissue engineering. To this end, a novel generic algorithm for creating porosity within a solid model was developed, using a finite element model as intermediate.
The primary aim of this multidisciplinary project was to develop a new generation of breast implants. Disrupting the currently prevailing paradigm of silicone implants which permanently introduce a foreign body into mastectomy patients, highly porous implants developed as part of this PhD project are biodegradable by the body and augment the growth of natural tissue. Our technology platform leverages computer-assisted-design which allows us to manufacture fully patient-specific implants based on a personalised medicine approach. Multiple animal studies conducted in this project have shown that the polymeric implant slowly degrades within the body harmlessly while the body's own tissue forms concurrently.
[ES]Este proyecto se basa en la idea de llevar a cabo un código CAM de un diseño anterior (CAD). El modelo CAD consiste en una broca, que está diseñado específicamente para perforar materiales apilados, como el titanio y fibra de carbono que son ampliamente utilizados por la industria de la aviación en la actualidad. Para lograr este objetivo se sería necesario contar con los recursos adecuados, licencias de software, soporte de fábrica y por supuesto el conocimiento de la materia. Este texto tiene como objetivo la ceración del código CAM, así como demostrar la rentabilidad de este método de mecanizado alternativo.
Tämän kirjallisuuskatsauksen aiheena on CAD-CAM –tekniikalla valmistetut kokokeraamiset kruunut hammasimplanttihoidossa. Tarkoituksena on perehtyä implanttihoidossa käytettyjen kokokeraamisten kruunumateriaalien mekaanisiin ominaisuuksiin implanttien päällä, tarkastella niiden soveltuvuutta suun olosuhteisiin sekä kiinnittää huomiota myös ulkonäöllisiin seikkoihin. Toinen kirjallisuuskatsauksen tarkoitus on vertailla kokokeraamisia rakenteita aiemmin ja yhä yleisesti käytössä oleviin metallokeraamisiin kruunuihin. Kokokeraamiset kiinnikejatkeet sekä niiden päälle rakennetut kruunut ovat yleisesti kliinisessä käytössä, vaikka niiden käytöstä on pitkältä ajalta vain vähän tutkittua tietoa. Kirjallisuuskatsaukseen valitut tutkimukset käsittelevät kliinisesti yleisimmin käytettyjä materiaaleja. Kirjallisuuden lähteinä on käytetty Pubmed-tietokantaa. Tarkastelun kohteina ovat kokokeraamiset materiaalit: zirkonia, alumiinioksidi sekä vahvistetut lasikeraamiset materiaalit. Vertailu-materiaaleina ovat siltojen ja kruunujen runkorakenteena usein käytetyt metallit, kuten kromi-koboltti-, titaani- ja kultaseokset, ja tarkasteltavana on etenkin runkomateriaalin vaikutus kruunu-rakenteiden kestävyyksiin. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa lähteinä käytetyissä tutkimuksissa on tarkasteltu materiaalien murtumislujuusarvoja, analysoitu murtumisten luonnetta sekä mitattu proteettisten rakenteiden istuvuuksia implanttien päällä. Kokokeraamiset kiinnikejatkeet eli ns. abutmentit ovat ulkonäöllisesti luonnollisen näköinen ratkaisu etualueilla. Zirkonian mekaaniset ominaisuudet ovat riittävät suurienkin purentavoimien alueilla, kuten molaarialueille asennettujen implanttien päällä. Zirkonian huokoisuus on alhainen ja sen bioyhteensopivuus erinomainen. Litiumdisilikaattilla vahvistettujen lasikeraamisten kruunujen murtumislujuusarvot ovat merkittävästi suuremmat titaanisten kiinnikejatkeiden päällä kuin zirkonia-kiinnikejatkeiden päällä, mutta materiaalin läpikuultavuus voi olla esteenä sen käytölle metallirakenteiden kanssa. Metallokeraamisten kruunujen ja siltojen murtumislujuusarvot implanttien päällä ovat suuremmat kuin kokokeraamisten rakenteiden. Kokokeraamisten kruunujen istuvuudet vaihtelivat tutkimuksesta ja mittaustavasta riippuen, mutta usein arvot vastasivat valumenetelmällä tehtyjen metallokeraamisten rakenteiden arvoja, ja olivat kliinisesti hyväksyttäviä.
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Sistemas produtivos industriais podem combinar, em células de manufatura, diferentes características de automação de processos permitindo interfaceamento e possibilitando a flexibilização e otimização da manufatura. Nos processos de fabricação, as dificuldades para a execução de processos de usinagem convencional ou mesmo através de comando numérico, quando se dispõe de máquinas adequadas para a fabricação de peças de geometrias complexas, podem limitar a criatividade, bem como dificultar o desenvolvimento do processo produtivo de forma otimizada. As dificuldades encontradas vão desde fixação das peças, necessidades de dispositivos especiais, restrições nos volumes de trabalho de máquinas CNC e mesmo a geração de trajetórias complexas para máquinas com limitações de eixos. Este trabalho propõe uma metodologia alternativa para usinagem, especialmente fresamento, com desenvolvimento de um algoritmo capaz de, através da utilização de recursos de sistemas CAD/CAM, traduzir arquivos gráficos para uma linguagem de programação utilizada em robôs. Na aplicação utilizam-se recursos dos sistemas CAD/CAM para gerar, numa primeira etapa, o código de programação para máquinas-ferramenta de comando numérico e posterior adaptação, para aplicação em sistemas robóticos. Informações de caminhos de ferramenta para usinagem em máquinas CNC são convertidos, através de uma interface computacional, em trajetórias a serem seguidas por uma ferramenta guiada por um manipulador de robô industrial. Os parâmetros de processo são também adequados as restrições dos sistemas robotizados. A viabilidade do sistema proposto é confirmada através de testes realizados em modelos de superfícies complexas, onde o objetivo do referido trabalho foi alcançado.
The objective of this research was to evaluate the passivity and strain induced in infrastructures screwed on abutments, made by CAD/CAM technology, and to compare these samples with parts manufactured by conventional casting. Using CAD/CAM technology, 4 samples were made from zirconia (Zircad) and 4 samples were manufactured from cobaltchrome (CoCrcad). The control groups were 4 specimens of cobalt-chrome, made by onepiece casting (CoCrci), for a total of 12 infrastructures. To evaluate the passivity, the infraestructures were installed on the abutments. One end was tightened and the vertical gap between the infrastructure and the prosthetic abutment was measured with scanning electron microscopy (250×). The mean strain in these infrastructures was analyzed via the photoelasticity test. A significant difference (p = 0.000) in passivity was observed between the control (CoCrci) and sample groups (CoCrcad and CoCrci). CoCrcad exhibited the best value of passivity (48.76 ± 13.45 μm) and CoCrci the worst (187.55 ± 103.63 μm), Zircad presented an intermediate value (103.81 ± 43.15 μm). When compared to the other groups, CoCrci showed the highest mean strain around the implants (17.19 ± 7.22 kPa). It was concluded that the zirconia infrastructure made by CAD / CAM showed a higher vertical marginal misfit than those made in cobalt-chromium alloy with the same methodology, however, the tension generated in the implants was similar. The CAD/CAM technology is more accurate for passivity and mean strain of infrastructure screwed on abutments than conventional manufacturing techniques
Computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing images can be taken through either direct or indirect imaging. For the indirect systems, the digitalization is obtained from the impression material or cast, and for the direct ones the image is taken directly from the mouth using intraoral scanners.The direct acquisition systems have been constantly improved because these are less invasive, quicker, and more precise than the conventional method. Besides, the digital images can be easily stored for a long time. Therefore, the aim of this paper was to describe and discuss based on the literature the main direct image acquisition systems available on the market: CEREC Bluecam (Sirona), Lava C.O.S. System (3M ESPE), iTero System (Cadent/Straumann), and E4D System (D4D Technologies).
Objective. To determine the influence of cement thickness and ceramic/cement bonding on stresses and failure of CAD/CAM crowns, using both multi-physics finite element analysis and monotonic testing.Methods. Axially symmetric FEA models were created for stress analysis of a stylized monolithic crown having resin cement thicknesses from 50 to 500 mu m under occlusal loading. Ceramic-cement interface was modeled as bonded or not-bonded (cement-dentin as bonded). Cement polymerization shrinkage was simulated as a thermal contraction. Loads necessary to reach stresses for radial cracking from the intaglio surface were calculated by FEA. Experimentally, feldspathic CAD/CAM crowns based on the FEA model were machined having different occlusal cementation spaces, etched and cemented to dentin analogs. Non-bonding of etched ceramic was achieved using a thin layer of poly(dimethylsiloxane). Crowns were loaded to failure at 5 N/s, with radial cracks detected acoustically.Results. Failure loads depended on the bonding condition and the cement thickness for both FEA and physical testing. Average fracture loads for bonded crowns were: 673.5 N at 50 mu m cement and 300.6 N at 500 mu m. FEA stresses due to polymerization shrinkage increased with the cement thickness overwhelming the protective effect of bonding, as was also seen experimentally. At 50 mu m cement thickness, bonded crowns withstood at least twice the load before failure than non-bonded crowns.Significance. Occlusal "fit" can have structural implications for CAD/CAM crowns; pre-cementation spaces around 50-100 mu m being recommended from this study. Bonding benefits were lost at thickness approaching 450-500 mu m due to polymerization shrinkage stresses. (C) 2012 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Background: This article describes a clinical report with a new system for guided surgical treatment and immediate load prosthesis in the flapless surgical technique. Case report: Based on a computed tomography (CT) of a 64 - year-old edentulous patient, the cross sections were reformatted and used to construct a virtual planning of the implants and a guide template in Dental Slice. Six dental implants were placed in the maxilla and mandible using a Slice Guide System. Following a 30-month in maxilla and 24-month in mandible healing period, the clinical and radiographic evaluation and computed tomography (CT) showed good clinical stability. The Slice Guide System proved satisfactory for the Flapless Surgical Technique in dental implants.