146 resultados para C125A-10G


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Precise protein quantification is essential in clinical dietetics, particularly in the management of renal, burn and malnourished patients. The EP-10 was developed to expedite the estimation of dietary protein for nutritional assessment and recommendation. The main objective of this study was to compare the validity and efficacy of the EP-10 with the American Dietetic Association’s “Exchange List for Meal Planning” (ADA-7g) in quantifying dietary protein intake, against computerised nutrient analysis (CNA). Protein intake of 197 food records kept by healthy adult subjects in Singapore was determined thrice using three different methods – (1) EP-10, (2) ADA-7g and (3) CNA using SERVE program (Version 4.0). Assessments using the EP-10 and ADA-7g were performed by two assessors in a blind crossover manner while a third assessor performed the CNA. All assessors were blind to each other’s results. Time taken to assess a subsample (n=165) using the EP-10 and ADA-7g was also recorded. Mean difference in protein intake quantification when compared to the CNA was statistically non-significant for the EP-10 (1.4 ± 16.3 g, P = .239) and statistically significant for the ADA-7g (-2.2 ± 15.6 g, P = .046). Both the EP-10 and ADA-7g had clinically acceptable agreement with the CNA as determined via Bland-Altman plots, although it was found that EP-10 had a tendency to overestimate with protein intakes above 150 g. The EP-10 required significantly less time for protein intake quantification than the ADA-7g (mean time of 65 ± 36 seconds vs. 111 ± 40 seconds, P < .001). The EP-10 and ADA-7g are valid clinical tools for protein intake quantification in an Asian context, with EP-10 being more time efficient. However, a dietician’s discretion is needed when the EP-10 is used on protein intakes above 150g.


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Precise protein quantification and recommendation is essential in clinical dietetics, particularly in the management of individuals with chronic kidney disease, malnutrition, burns, wounds, pressure ulcers, and those in active sports. The Expedited 10g Protein Counter (EP-10) was developed to simplify the quantification of dietary protein for assessment and recommendation of protein intake.1 Instead of using separate protein exchanges for different food groups to quantify the dietary protein intake of an individual, every exchange in the EP-10 accounts for an exchange each of 3g non-protein-rich food and 7g protein-rich food (Table 1). The EP-10 was recently validated and published in the Journal of Renal Nutrition recently.1 This study demonstrated that using the EP-10 for dietary protein intake quantification had clinically acceptable validity and reliability when compared with the conventional 7g protein exchange while requiring less time.2 In clinical practice, the use of efficient, accurate and practical methods to facilitate assessment and treatment plans is important. The EP-10 can be easily implemented in the nutrition assessment and recommendation for a patient in the clinical setting. This patient education tool was adapted from materials printed in the Journal of Renal Nutrition.1 The tool may be used as presented or adapted to assist patients to achieve their recommended daily protein intake.


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Objective: The expedited 10g protein counter (EP-10) is a quick and valid clinical tool for dietary protein quantification. This study aims to assess the clinical effectiveness of the EP-10 in improving serum albumin and transferrin in chronic hemodialysis patients. Methods: Forty-five patients with low serum albumin (< 38 g /L) were enrolled in this study. Parameters measured included dry weight, height, dietary intake, and levels of serum albumin, transferrin, potassium, phosphate and kinetic modeling (Kt/v). The nutritional intervention incorporated the EP-10 in two ways (1)lto quantify protein intake of patients and (2)ito educate patients to meet their protein requirements. Mean values of the nutritional parameters before and after intervention were compared using paired t-test. Results: Three months after nutritional intervention, mean albumin levels increased significantly from 32.2+4.8g/L to 37.0+3.2g/L (p<0.001). Thirty-eight (84%) patients showed an increase in albumin levels while two (4%) maintained their levels. Of the thirty-six (80%) patients with low transferrin levels (<200 mg/dL), 28 (78%) had an increase and two maintained their levels post-intervention. Mean transferrin levels increased significantly from 169.4+39.9mg/dL to 180.9+38.1mg/dL (p< 0.05). Conclusion: Nutritional intervention incorporating the EP-10 method is able to make significant improvements to albumin and transferrin levels of chronic hemodialysis patients.


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[Ni(NCS)2(CHsN3S)2], Mr = 356.7, monoclinic, P21/c , a = 5-297 (1), b = 7.869 (1), c - 16-078 (2) A,/3 = 91.53 (1) °, V-= 669.9 A 3, Z= 2, Om = 1"76, Dx = 1"771 g cm -3, A(Mo Ka) = 0-71069 ]k, /.~ = 19"9 cm-l, F(000) = 364, T = 295 K, final R = 0.026 for 1576 significant [F > 10g(F)] reflections. The complex lies on a crystallographic centre of symmetry. The Ni atom is octahedrally coordinated by two thiocyanates (through N atoms) and by two thiosemicarbazide molecules (through hydrazinic N and S atoms). The crystal structure is stabilized by N--H...S hydrogen bonds. Early work on this structure [Garaj & Dunaj-Jurco (1968). Chem. Commun. p. 518] used photographic data and was refined to R = 0-13 for 512 reflections.


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A waste fungal biomass containing killed cells of Aspergillus niger was efficiently used in the removal of toxic metal ions such as nickel, calcium, iron and chromium from aqueous solutions. The role of different parameters such as initial metal ion concentration, solution pH and biomass concentration on biosorption capacity was established. The maximum metal uptake was found to be dependent on solution pH and increased with biomass loading upto 10g/L. The adsorption densities for various metal ions could be arranged as Ca>Cr (III)>Ni>Fe>Cr (VI). The effect of the presence of various metal ions in binary, ternary and quaternary combinations on biosorption was also assessed. Ni uptake was significantly affected, while that of Cr (VI) the least, in the presence of other metal ions. Uptake of base metals from an industrial cyanide effluent was studied using different species of fungi such as Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus terreus and Penicillium funiculosum and yeast such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae which were isolated from a gold mine. Traces of gold present in the cyanide effluent could be efficiently recovered. Among the four base metal contaminants present in the cyanide effluent, zinc was found to be most efficiently biosorbed, followed by iron, copper and lead. The role of both living and dead biomass on biosorption was distinguished and probable mechanisms illustrated.


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Este experimento fue conducido en la Universidad Nacional Agraria (U.N.A.) a nivel de Invernadero, durante los meses de julio a octubre de 1991, con el objetivo de conocer a través de la evaluación el efecto de neem (Azadirachta indica J.) como nematicida en relación a la aplicación de curater 10G. Se utilizó un Diseño de Parcelas Divididas con dos factores: factor tratamiento con 4 niveles y el factor tiempo con 6 diferentes fechas, esto se realizó para la variable nematodos de suelo. Para el variable número de nematodos de raíz y número de nódulos se utilizó un Diseño de Bloques Completamente Aleatorizado (B. C.A.) Con 4 niveles del factor tratamiento y 6 diferentes fechas. Se realizaron muestreos semanales de suelo y raiz para evaluar las poblaciones de Rotylenchulus y Meloidogyne spp por un periodo de seis semanas. En los resultados neem mostró un índice de efectividad de un 60 a 75% y curater 10G mostró un índice de un 30 a 40%.


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La mancha de hierro (MH) causada por el hongo cercospora coffeicola (BERK & COOK) es la principal enfermedad de café que provoca de foliación y afecta el desarrollo de la planta en el vivero. Existe una estrecha relación entre el estado nutricional de la planta y la intensidad de la enfermedad de mancha de hierro. La pulpa de café es un subproducto del beneficio del grano, abundante y rico en macro- y micro elemento esenciales. En la zona de san ramón región Vl se estableció en un experimento durante los meses de marzo agosto1988 donde se sembraron plantas cotiledóneas de café en bolsa de polietileno usando como sustrato suelo sin fertilizante, suelo con fertilizante (completo 15-15-15 10g/bolsa de 2.3 kg) y suelo mezclado con pulpa descompuesta en dos porciones (60 pulpa.40 suelo 80pulpa:250 de suelo vol/vol) sin uso de fungicida. Las plantas que se desarrollaron en el sustrato de pulpa más suelo en la proporción (60:40) presentaron menor índice de infección de mancha de hierro y mayor vigor que los demás tratamiento. Además se observó que las plantas desarrollada en el sustrato suelo con fertilizante presentaron mayor índice de infección de esta enfermedad. En las planta sembrada en pulpas más suelo (60:40 y 80:20) la tasa de desarrollo y el valor final de índice de infección de mancha de hierro fueron menor que las plantas sembradas en suelo más fertilizante. Los resultado indica factibilidad en el uso de pulpa como abono y controlador de mancha de hierro en el vivero de café.


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El presente estudio se realizó con el objetivo de e valuar dos dietas para terneros de destete bajo el sistema de estabulación en la finca Santa Rosa del municipio de Camoapa, durante el periodo de febrero a mayo del 2014. Se utilizó diseño de muestras pareadas, compuesto por un lote de 18 animales, divididos en 2 grupos de 9 terneros. Cada grupo se seleccionó al azar y se sometió a diferentes tratamientos: Grupo I, King grass (Pennisetum purpureun) + miel-urea al 5%, y Grupo II, King grass (Pennisetum purpureun)+ Pollinaza + caña de azúcar (Saccharum officinarum),a cada uno se les adicionó minerales, sal y semolina en iguales proporciones. Todos los terneros fueron sometidos durante el experimento a las mismas condiciones ambientales de galera, comedero, saladero, pilas de agua y corral. Así como también se les dio el mismo manejo zoosanitario; es decir todos fueron vitaminados, desparasitados (interno y externo) e implantados. Los terneros del grupo I con un peso promedio de 180.88 kg, necesitaron una ganancia de peso de 13 kg para aumentar un grado de condición corporal (CC), iniciaron el ensayo con 2 grados y finalizaron en 3; por otra parte los terneros del tratamiento II con 183.27 kg de peso promedio, requirieron ganar 19.61 kg de peso para pasar de 2 a 4 grados de condición corporal (CC). Al someter los datos a la prueba t de muestras pareadas, presentaron diferencias significativas al nivel de significación de 0.05, obteniendo mejores resultados productivos la dieta Santa Rosa (tratamiento II) con 676. 21g de GMD (ganancia media diaria) con respecto al tratamiento I (dieta UNA), que presento una GMD (ganancia media diaria) de 448.10g. El tratamiento II (dieta Santa Rosa) presento la mejor relación beneficio/costo que por cada córdoba invertido generó 1.18 córdobas en comparación al tratamiento I (dieta UNA) que generó 0.28 córdobas. Por tanto la dieta santa rosa es la opción con mayores beneficios económicos.


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A common bivalve: Freshwater mussel, Aspatharia sinuate was evaluated as a dietary protein supplement in the production diet for Heterobranchus longifilis fingerlings with mean body weight 8.34 plus or minus 10g reared in aquaria tanks. Four diets containing fishmeal protein at a rate of 25%, 50% and 75% along with the freshwater mussel flesh were formulated. The diet without the freshwater mussel served as the control. The fish fingerlings were fed at 5% body weight per day for 56 days. It was revealed at the end of the experiment that freshwater mussel was most suitable as a protein supplement when incorporated at 25% replacement. The body weight gain, specific growth rate and feed conversion ration values of 6.83g, 1.06% day and 0.62 respectively were highest in diet with 25% replacement closely followed by diet with 50% replacement. Beyond 75% inclusion level there was no significant growth (P>0.05). However, complete replacement of fishmeal by freshwater mussel decreases growth rates and should not be used in Heterobranchus longifilis diets


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O cálcio tem se mostrado útil na regulação do metabolismo energético, favorecendo a perda de peso. Visto que tanto o desmame precoce como a exposição materna à nicotina na lactação são fatores condicionantes para o desenvolvimento de obesidade, hiperleptinemia e resistência à insulina, além de outras alterações endócrinas na idade adulta, decidimos avaliar os possíveis efeitos da suplementação dietética com cálcio sobre as disfunções apresentadas pelos seguintes modelos experimentais: 1) Desmame precoce (DP): ratas lactantes foram envolvidas com atadura para interromper o acesso da prole ao leite nos 3 últimos dias da lactação. As proles das ratas controles tiveram livre acesso ao leite materno durante todo o período da lactação (21 dias). 2) Exposição materna à nicotina (N): Dois dias após o nascimento, ratas lactantes receberam implantes de minibombas osmóticas contendo solução de nicotina (6 mg/kg/dia, 14 dias) ou salina (C), nas mesmas condições. Aos 120 dias de idade, as proles de ambos os modelos de obesidade experimental receberam dieta padrão ou dieta suplementada com cálcio (10g de carbonato de cálcio/kg de ração). O sacrifício ocorreu aos 180 dias de idade. Os dados foram considerados significativos quando p<0,05. Corroborando dados anteriores do nosso grupo, as proles de ambos os modelos de programação (N e DP) apresentaram maior gordura corporal total e visceral, hiperleptinemia, resistência hipotalâmica a leptina e distúrbios na homeostase glicêmica. Além disto, verificamos que as proles N e DP também exibiram aumento dos níveis séricos de 25-hidroxivitamina D3. Todos essas alterações endócrino-metabólicas foram corrigidas pelo tratamento com suplementação com cálcio. Além disso, a prole DP aos 180 dias mostrou hiperfagia e hipertrigliceridemia, que também foram normalizados pela suplementação dietética com cálcio. A prole N apresentou hipotireoidismo, maior conteúdo de catecolaminas e maior expressão de tirosina hidroxilase (TH). A terapia com cálcio reverteu a disfunção adrenal, embora não tenha sido eficaz para normalizar a hipofunção tireoideana. Assim, a suplementação dietética com cálcio normalizou a maioria dos parâmetros da síndrome metabólica observadas nos dois modelos de plasticidade ontogenética. É possível que a redução da adiposidade central induzida pela terapia com cálcio, por si, tenha sido o principal mecanismo que resultou na melhora dos parâmetros estudados. Uma vez que a suplentação de cálcio reverteu as concentrações séricas de 25-hidroxivitamina D3 dos animais obesos, é possível que o efeito anti-obesidade do cálcio também ocorra via ação do calcitriol sobre o adipócito.


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Ce3+:( Lu0.7Y0.25La0.05)(2)O-3 transparent ceramics were fabricated with nanopowders and sintered in H-2 atmosphere. The spectral properties of Ce3+:( Lu0.7Y0.25La0.05)(2)O-3 transparent ceramics were investigated and the luminescence of Ce3+ in the solid solution of Lu2O3, Y2O3 and La2O3 has been found. The ceramics has high density of 8.10g/cm(3) and short fluorescence lifetimes of 7.15 ns and 26.92 ns. It is expected to be a good fast response high temperature inorganic scintillating materials. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America.