939 resultados para C., Ch. O.,


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The new platinum complex [PtCl[C6H2(CH(2)NMe(2))(2) -2,6-(C=CH)-4)] exhibits a polymeric linear -C=CH ... ClPt-hydrogen-bonded structure in the solid state.


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[EN] We carry out quasi-classical trajectory caculations for theC + CH+ → C2+ + H reaction on an ad hoc computed high-level ab initio potential energy surface. Thermal rate coefficients at the temperatures of relevance in cold interstellar clouds are derived and compared with the assumed, temperature-independent estimates publicly available in kinetic databases KIDA and UDfA. For a temperature of 10 K the database value overestimates by a factor of two the one obtained by us (thus improperly enhancing the destruction route of CH+ in astrochemical kinetic models) which is seen to double in the temperature range 5–300 K with a sharp increase in the first 50 K. The computed values are fitted via the popular Arrhenius–Kooij formula and best-fitting parameters α = 1:32 X 10-9 cm3s-1, β = 0:10 and γ = 2:19 K to be included in the online mentioned databases are provided. Further investigation shows that the temperature dependence of the thermal rate coefficient better conforms to the recently proposed so-called ‘deformed Arrhenius’ law by Aquilanti and Mundim.


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A newly implemented G-matrix Fourier transform (GFT) (4,3)D HC(C)CH experiment is presented in conjunction with (4,3)D HCCH to efficiently identify H-1/C-13 sugar spin systems in C-13 labeled nucleic acids. This experiment enables rapid collection of highly resolved relay 4D HC(C)CH spectral information, that is, shift correlations of C-13-H-1 groups separated by two carbon bonds. For RNA, (4,3)D HC(C)CH takes advantage of the comparably favorable 1'- and 3'-CH signal dispersion for complete spin system identification including 5'-CH. The (4,3)D HC(C)CH/HCCH based strategy is exemplified for the 30-nucleotide 3'-untranslated region of the pre-mRNA of human U1A protein.


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Gas-phase ion-molecule reactions of buckminsterfullerene (C-60) with the acetyl cation CH3-C-+=O (m/z 43) and formylmethyl cation (CH2)-C-+-CH=O (m/z 43, or oxiranyl cation), generated from the self-chemical ionization of acetone and vinyl acetate, respectively, were studied in the ion source of a mass spectrometer. Adduct cations [C60C2H3O](+) (m/z 763) and protonated C-60, [C60H](+) (m/z 721), were observed as the major products. AM1 semiempirical molecular orbital calculations on the possible structures, stabilities and charge locations of the isomers of the adducts [C60C2H3O](+) were carried out at the restricted Hartree-Fock level. The results indicated that the sigma-addition product [C-60-COCH3](+) is the most stable adduct for the reaction of C-60 with CH3-C-+=O rather than that resulting from the [2+2] cycloaddition. The [2+3] cycloadduct and the sigma-adduct [C60CH2CHO](+) might be the most possible coexisting products for the reactions of C-60 with (CH2)-C-+-CH=O or oxiranyl cation. Other [C60C2H3O](+) isomers are also discussed. (C) 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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A quantitative approach is used to understand the chain growth mechanism in FT synthesis on the Ru, Fe, Rh, and Re surfaces. The C-C coupling reactions are extensively calculated on the stepped metal surfaces. Combining the coupling barriers and reactant stabilities, we investigate the reaction rates of all possible C, + C-1 coupling pathways on the metal surfaces. It is found that (i) all the transition-state structures are similar on these surfaces, while some coupling barriers are very different; (ii) the dominant chain growth pathways on these surfaces are different: C + CH and CH + CH on Rh and Ru surfaces, C + CH3 on Fe surface, and C + CH on Re surface. The common features of the major coupling reactions together with those on the Co surface are also discussed.


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The ion (C2CHC2)(-) is formed in the gas phase by the process -C=C-CH(OCOR)-C=CD --> (C2CHC2)(-) + ('RDCO2') [R = H, Me or Et]; the ground state structure is a singlet, with C-2 nu symmetry.


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Theoretical calculations of the C3HO potential surface at the CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVDu/B3LYP/6-31G* level indicate that the three radicals HCCCO, CCCHO, and (cyclo-C3H)=O are stable, with HCCCO being the most stable of the three. A fourth isomer, CCHCO, is unstable with respect to cyclization to (cyclo-C3H)=O. Two isomers have been prepared by neutralization of charged precursors, formed as follows: (i) HCCCO, by HC drop C-C(O)-O+(H)(Me) --> HC3O+ + MeOH, and (ii) C2CHO, by (a) Me3SiC drop C-CHO + HO- --> C- drop C-CHO + Me3SiOH and (b) C- drop C-CH(OH)-C drop CH --> C- drop C-CHO + C2H2. A comparison of the CR and -NR+ spectra of -C2CHO indicate that C2CHO is (partially) rearranging to an isomer that shows significant formation of CO.(+) in the -NR+ spectrum of the anion. Ab initio calculations indicate that HCCCO is the product of the isomerism and that a proportion of these isomerized neutrals dissociate to CO and C2H. The neutral HCCCO may be formed by (i) synchronous rearrangement of C2CHO and/or (ii) stepwise rearrangement of C2CHO through (cyclo-C3H)=O. The second of these processes should have the higher rate, as it has the lower barrier in the rate-determining step and the higher Arrhenius pre-exponential A factor.


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Consideration of theoretical calculations \[E3LYP/aug-cc-pVDZ//B3LYP/6-31G(d)\] of the structures of ten C7H2 neutral isomers and the nine corresponding C7H2 radical anions have led us to synthesize four stable C7H2 radical anions in the ion source of our ZAB 2HF mass spectrometer, and to convert these to C7H2 neutrals. The four radical anion isomers prepared were (i) \[(HC equivalent to C)(2)C=C=C\](-.) \[from the reaction between (HC equivalent to C)(3)COCH3 and HO- \], (ii) \[HC=C=C=C=C=C=CH\](-.) \[from the reaction between HC equivalent to C-C equivalent to C-CD(OH)-C equivalent to CH and HO-\], (iii) \[C=C=C=C=C=C=CH2\](-.) \[from the reaction between DC equivalent to C-C equivalent to C-C equivalent to C-CH2OCH2CH3 and HO-\], and (iv) \[C equivalent to C-CH2-C equivalent to C-C equivalent to C\](-.) \[from the bis desilylation reaction of (CH3)(3)Si-C equivalent to C-CH2-C equivalent to C-C equivalent to C-Si (CH3)(3)With SF6-.\]. The four anions were further characterized by their collisional activation (negative ion) and charge reversal (CR, positive ion) mass spectra. The anions were converted into their corresponding neutrals by charge stripping, and the correspondence between the charge reversal (CR) and neutralization reionization (-NR+) mass spectra of each anion is taken as evidence that within the time frame of the -NR+ experiment (some 10(-6) s), each neutral is stable and undergoes no major rearrangement or interconversion to a more stable isomer. Theory and experiment are in accord for these systems.


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Consideration of theoretical calculations [B3LYP/aug-cc-pVDZ//B3LYP/6-31G(d)] of the structures of ten C7H2 neutral isomers and the nine corresponding C7H2 radical anions have led us to synthesize four stable C7H2 radical anions in the ion source of our ZAB 2HF mass spectrometer, and to convert these to C7H2 neutrals. The four radical anion isomers prepared were (i) [(HC≡C)2C=C=C]-̇ [from the reaction between (HC≡C)3COCH3 and HO- ], (ii) [HC=C=C=C=C=C=CH]-̇ [from the reaction between HC≡C-C≡C- CD(OH)-C≡CH and HO-], (iii) [C=C=C=C=C=C=CH2]-̇ [from the reaction between DC≡C-C≡C- C≡C-CH2OCH2CH3 and HO-], and (iv) [C≡C-CH2-C≡C-C≡C]-̇ [from the bis desilylation reaction of (CH3)3Si-C≡C-CH2-C≡C-C≡C-Si (CH3)3 with SF6 -̇]. The four anions were further characterized by their collisional activation (negative ion) and charge reversal (CR, positive ion) mass spectra. The anions were converted into their corresponding neutrals by charge stripping, and the correspondence between the charge reversal (CR) and neutralization reionization (-NR+) mass spectra of each anion is taken as evidence that within the time frame of the -NR+ experiment (some 10-6 s), each neutral is stable and undergoes no major rearrangement or interconversion to a more stable isomer. Theory and experiment are in accord for these systems.


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Varttuminen vietnamilaisena Suomessa: 12 vuoden seurantajakso – Vietnamilaisten hyvinvointi ja sosiokulttuurinen sopeutuminen lapsena/nuorena sekä nuorena aikuisena Tämä tutkimus oli määrällinen pitkittäistutkimus lapsena tai nuorena vuosina 1979-1991 Suomeen saapuneiden vietnamilaisten akkulturaatiosta (kulttuurin muutoksista), psyykkisestä hyvinvoinnista ja sosiokulttuurisesta sopeutumisesta. Tutkimukseen osallistui ensimmäisessä vaiheessa (vuonna 1992) 97 satunnaisesti valittua vietnamilaista peruskoululaista ympäri maata, joita verrattin suomalaisiin luokkatovereihin. Seurantavaiheeseen (vuonna 2004) osallistui 59 ensimmäisessä vaiheessa mukana ollutta vietnamilaista, nyt iältään 20 – 31 -vuotiaita. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää mitkä tekijät ennustivat akkulturaation lopputuloksia, samalla huomioiden iän ja ympäristön (kontekstin) vaikutukset psyykkiseen hyvinvointiin ja sosiokulttuuriseen sopeutumiseen. Yksittäiset akkulturaatiodimensiot (kieli, arvot ja identiteetti) osoittautuivat tärkeämmiksi psyykkiselle hyvinvoinnille ja sosiokulttuuriselle sopeutumiselle kuin etniset, kansalliset tai kaksikulttuuriset profiilit, joissa yhdistyivät ao. kieli, arvot ja identiteetti. Identiteettimuutosta tapahtui (etniseen) vietnamilaiseen suuntaan ajan kuluessa, kun taas arvomuutosta tapahtui (kansalliseen) suomalaiseen suuntaan. Sekä suomen että vietnamin kielen taito lisääntyivät ajan myötä, millä oli myönteisiä vaikutuksia sekä psyykkiseen hyvinvointiin että sosiokulttuuriseen sopeutumiseen. Lähtötilanteen psyykkinen hyvinvointi ennusti hyvinvointia (masennuksen puutetta ja itsetuntoa) aikuisena, mutta sosiokulttuurinen sopeutuminen (koulumenestys) lapsena tai nuorena ei ennustanut kouluttautumista aikuisena. Parempi suomen kielen taito ja vähemmän identifioitumista suomalaiseksi aikuisena sekä masentuneisuuden puute ja vähemmän koettua syrjintää lapsena tai nuorena erottelivat psyykkisesti paremmin voivat aikuiset (ei-masentuneet) heistä, jotka olivat masentuneita. Parempaa kouluttautumista aikuisena ennustivat toisaalta vähemmän koettua syrjintää lapsena tai nuorena ja toisaalta aikuisena parempi suomen kielen taito, suurempi kansallisten (suomalaisten) itsenäisyysarvojen kannattaminen, mutta kuitenkin vähemmän identifioitumista suomalaisiin. Koetun syrjinnän merkitys psyykkiselle hyvinvoinnille, erityisesti lapsena tai nuorena, sekä sen pitkäaikaisvaikutukset psyykkiselle hyvinvoinnille ja sosiokulttuuriselle sopeutumiselle aikuisena osoittavat tarpeen puuttua varhain psyykkisiin ongelmiin sekä parantaa etnisten ryhmien välisiä suhteita. Avainsanat: akkulturaatio, psyykkinen hyvinvointi, sosiokultuurinen sopeutuminen, kieli, arvot, identiteetti, vietnamilainen, Suomi, lapset, nuoret, nuoret aikuiset


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The synthesis and X-ray diffraction study of bis(pentamethylcyclopentadienyl) ethylene titanium (I) are reported. This complex represents the first example of an isolable ethylene adduct of a group IV metal, a key intermediate in Ziegler-Natta olefin polymerization schemes. While treatment of I with ethylene leads to only traces of polymer after months, I participates in a wide range of stoichiometric and catalytic reactions. These include the catalytic conversion of ethylene specifically to butadiene and ethane and the catalytic isomerization of alkenes. Detailed studies have been carried out on the stoichiometric reactions of I with nitriles and alkynes. At low temperatures, nitriles react to form metallacycloimine species which more slowly undergo a formal 1,3-hydrogen shift to generate metallacycloeneamines. The lowest energy pathway for this rearrangement is an intramolecular hydrogen shift which is sensitive to the steric bulk of the R substituent. The reactions of I with alkynes yield metallacyclopentene complexes with high regioisomer selectivity. Carbonylation of the metallacyclopentene (η-C5Me55)2TiC(CH<sub>3)=C(CH<sub>3)CH<sub>2 under relatively mild conditions cleanly produces the corresponding cyclopentenone and [C5(CH<sub>3)5]2Ti(CO)2. Compounds derived from CO2 and acetaldehyde have also been isolated.

The synthesis and characterization of bis-(η-pentamethylcyclopentadienyl) niobium(III) tetrahydroborate (II) are described and a study of its temperature-dependent proton NMR spectroscopic behavior is reported. The complex is observed to undergo a rapid intramolecular averaging process at elevated temperatures. The free energy of activation, ΔG = 16.4 ± 0.4 kcal/mol, is calculated. The reinvestigation of a related compound, bis(η-cyclopentadienyl)niobium(III) tetrahydroborate, established ΔG = 14.6 ± 0.2 kcal/mol for the hydrogen exchange process. The tetrahydroborate complex, II reacts with pyridine and dihydrogen to yield (η-C5Me55)2NbH3 (III). The reactivity of III with CO and ethylene is reported.