985 resultados para C-V curve


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Com o objetivo de determinar a concentração e acúmulo de nutrientes durante as fases de desenvolvimento da alface Grand Rapids, cultura de corte, foi instalado um experimento na área experimental da ESALQ e amostras foram coletadas aos 20, 30, 40 e 50 dias da semeadura, em canteiros com alto teor de matéria orgânica e solo Latossolo Vermelho Escuro Orto série Luiz de Queiroz. Aos 50 dias após a semeadura o teor de nutrientes foi: N-3,35% e 1,76%, P-0,46% e 0,5%, K-4,49% e 5,92% , Ca-0,92% e 0,58%, Mg-0,32% e 0,23%, S-0,23% e 0,25%, B-43ppm e 62ppm , Cu-21ppm e 22 ppm, Mn-71ppm e 39ppm , Zn-98ppm e 103ppm e Fe-513ppm e 1.100ppm, na parte aérea a raiz, respectivamente. Um are dessa cultura extrai: N-1,44kg, P-0,23kg , Ca-0,40kg, Mg-0,15kg, S-0,11kg, B-2,10g, Cu-0,97g, Mn-3,07g, Zn-4,52g.


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In December 2009 the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) heard a case brought by three women in respect of the alleged breach of their rights under the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (the Convention) in regard to abortion in Ireland (the A, B and C v Ireland case).   Click here to download PDF 929kb


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Three applicants, A,B and C, all of whom had crisis pregnancies, brought proceedings against Ireland before the European Court of Human Rights claiming violations of Articles 2, 3, 8, 14 and 13 of the European Convention on Human Rights. 1.In its judgment delivered on 16 December 2010 the Grand Chamber determined that there had been no violation of the Convention in relation to the first and second applicants, Ms. A and Ms. B.2.The Grand Chamber determined that there had been a violation of Article 8 of the Convention in relation to applicant Ms. C . Click here to download PDF 156kb  


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Action Plan A, B, and C v. Ireland As required, Ireland submitted an Action Plan to the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 30th November on the implementation of the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in the A, B and C v Ireland case. The Action Plan can be downloaded at this link: Click here to download PDF 56kb  


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Même ornementation, mêmes armoiries que dans le ms. français 5094. « Noble conte de Ratel, Sr d'Orval, qui d'Albret portés nom... ».