975 resultados para C-60 FILMS
Electron spin transient nutation (ESTN) experiments show that the spin multiplicity of the ground state of C-60(3-) in frozen solution is a doublet with S = 1/2. In purified samples, there is no evidence for excited states or other species with higher multiplicity. In the anions Of C120On- (n = 2, 3, 4), where the CW EPR experiments have shown that a mixture of species is present, ESTN experiments confirm that a doublet with S = 1/2 is associated with the 3- anion and triplets with S = 1 are associated with the 2- and 4- anions. A weak nutation peak attributable to m(s) = -1/2 1/2 transitions within a quartet state may arise from association of anions with spins of 1/2 and 1 in solute aggregates.
In this work, we report on the magnetic properties of nickel nanoparticles (NP) in a SiO(2)-C thin film matrix, prepared by a polymeric precursor method, with Ni content x in the 0-10 wt% range. Microstructural analyses of the films showed that the Ni NP are homogenously distributed in the SiO(2)-C matrix and have spherical shape with average diameter of similar to 10 nm. The magnetic properties reveal features of superparamagnetism with blocking temperatures T (B) similar to 10 K. The average diameter of the Ni NP, estimated from magnetization measurements, was found to be similar to 4 nm for the x = 3 wt% Ni sample, in excellent agreement with X-ray diffraction data. M versus H hysteresis loops indicated that the Ni NP are free from a surrounding oxide layer. We have also observed that coercivity (H (C)) develops appreciably below T (B), and follows the H (C) ae [1 - (T/T (B))(0.5)] relationship, a feature expected for randomly oriented and non-interacting nanoparticles. The extrapolation of H (C) to 0 K indicates that coercivity decreases with increasing x, suggesting that dipolar interactions may be relevant in films with x > 3 wt% Ni.
Silicon-based polymers and oxides may be formed when vapours of oxygen-containing organosilicone compounds are exposed to energetic electrons drawn from a hot filament by a bias potential applied to a second electrode in a controlled atmosphere in a vacuum chamber. As little deposition occurs in the absence of the bias potential, electron impact fragmentation is the key mechanism in film fabrication using electron-emission enhanced chemical vapour deposition (EEECVD). The feasibility of depositing amorphous hydrogenated carbon films also containing silicon from plasmas of tetramethylsilane or hexamethyldisiloxane has already been shown. In this work, we report the deposition of diverse films from plasmas of tetraethoxysilane (TEOS)-argon mixtures and the characterization of the materials obtained. The effects of changes in the substrate holder bias (Vs) and of the proportion of TEOS in the mixture (XT) on the chemical structure of the films are examined by infrared-reflection absorption spectroscopy (IRRAS) at near-normal and oblique incidence using unpolarised and p-polarised, light, respectively. The latter is particularly useful in detecting vibrational modes not observed when using conventional near-normal incidence. Elemental analyses of the film were carried out by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), which was also useful in complementary structural investigations. In addition, the dependencies of the deposition rate on Vs and XT are presented. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
An a-C:H thin film deposited by plasma immersion ion implantation and deposition on alloy steel (16MnCr5) was analyzed using a self-consistent ion beam analysis technique.In the self-consistent analysis, the results of each individual technique are combined in a unique model, increasing confidence and reducing simulation errors.Self-consistent analysis, then, is able to improve the regular ion beam analysis since several analyses commonly used to process ion beam data still rely on handling each spectrum independently.The sample was analyzed by particle-induced x-ray emission (for trace elements), elastic backscattering spectrometry (for carbon), forward recoil spectrometry (for hydrogen) and Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (for film morphology).The self-consistent analysis provided reliable chemical information about the film, despite its heavy substrate.As a result, we could determine precisely the H/C ratio, contaminant concentration and some morphological characteristics of the film, such as roughness and discontinuities.© 2013 Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.
Variable angle of incidence spectroscopic ellipsometry was used to determine the optical constants near the band edge of boron carbide (B5C) thin films deposited on glass and n-type Si(111) via plasma-enhanced chemical-vapor deposition. The index of refraction n, the extinction coefficient k, and the absorption coefficient are reported in the photon energy spectrum between 1.24 and 4 eV. Ellipsometry analysis of B5C films on silicon indicates a graded material, while the optical constants of B5C on glass are homogeneous. Line shape analyses of absorption data for the films on glass indicate an indirect transition at approximately 0.75 eV and a direct transition at about 1.5 eV. ©1996 American Institute of Physics.
Rigid electron donor-acceptor conjugates (1-3) that combine -extended benzodifurans as electron donors and C-60 molecules as electron acceptors with different linkers have been synthesized and investigated with respect to intramolecular charge-transfer events. Electrochemistry, fluorescence, and transient absorption measurements revealed tunable and structure-dependent charge-transfer processes in the ground and excited states. Our experimental findings are underpinned by density-functional theory calculations.
El objetivo de este PFG es aplicar las herramientas de planificación a un proyecto existente y hacer un estudio del análisis de riesgos. El PFC al que se va a aplicar la gestión de riesgos es: “ Remodelación del vial existente que une el municipio de Cañaveruelas (Cuenca) con el embalse de Buendía, mediante una vía de doble sentido tipo C-60 que incluye un carril bici y otro peatonal. Ordenación territorial en las proximidades al embalse”. Fue realizado por Laura Gallego Salagre y por mí, para la defensa del PFC de Ingeniero Técnico en Topografía en junio de 2013. - Descripción breve del proyecto al que se va a aplicar la herramienta de gestión. - Estudio de los métodos y de las herramientas de gestión de análisis de los riesgos - Diseño de una planificación adecuada y eficiente. - Identificación de los riesgos que puedan afectar al proyecto - Realizar un análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo de Riesgos - Planificar las respuestas a los Riesgos - Analizar las diferentes respuestas - Comparar la planificación determinista con la realizada tras el análisis de riesgos. Para hacer un estudio del análisis de riesgos, hay que empezar por una planificación detallada del proyecto e identificar los posibles riesgos que puedan aparecer. Después haremos una estimación de los recursos y los asignaremos a las diferentes actividades. Posteriormente se realizará una red de procedencias, se calculará el camino crítico y se establecerá un plan de hitos para realizar un análisis de riesgos mediante el método Monte Carlo, que nos indicará la incertidumbre de las actividades. Posteriormente identificaremos los posibles riesgos que puedan afectar a nuestra planificación, los analizaremos cualitativa y cuantitativamente y se evaluarán las acciones de mitigación de los riesgos. Por último, se creará el impacto de estos en las actividades y a partir de ellos, se harán los calendarios pre y post mitigados para su posterior análisis.
Graphene, with its unique electronic and structural qualities, has become an important playground for studying adsorption and assembly of various materials including organic molecules. Moreover, organic/graphene vertical structures assembled by van der Waals interaction have potential for multifunctional device applications. Here, we investigate structural and electrical properties of vertical heterostructures composed of C60 thin film on graphene. The assembled film structure of C60 on graphene is investigated using transmission electron microscopy, which reveals a uniform morphology of C60 film on graphene with a grain size as large as 500 nm. The strong epitaxial relations between C60 crystal and graphene lattice directions are found, and van der Waals ab initio calculations support the observed phenomena. Moreover, using C60-graphene heterostructures, we fabricate vertical graphene transistors incorporating n-type organic semiconducting materials with an on/off ratio above 3 × 10(3). Our work demonstrates that graphene can serve as an excellent substrate for assembly of molecules, and attained organic/graphene heterostructures have great potential for electronics applications.
Neste trabalho estuda-se a formação de novas fases de carbono amorfo através da irradiação iônica de filmes de fulereno, a-C e a-C:H polimérico. Os efeitos da irradiação iônica na modificação das propriedades ópticas e mecânicas dos filmes de carbono irradiados são analisados de forma correlacionada com as alterações estruturais a nivel atômico. O estudo envolve tanto a análise dos danos induzidos no fulereno pela irradiação iônica a baixas fluências, correspondendo a baixas densidades de energia depositada, quanto a investigação das propriedades físico-químicas das fases amorfas obtidas após irradiações dos filmes de fulereno, a-C e a-C:H com altas densidades de energia depositada. As propriedades ópticas, mecânicas e estruturais das amostras são analisadas através de técnicas de espectroscopia Raman e infravermelho, espectrofotometria UV-VIS-NIR, microscopias ópticas e de força atômica, nanoindentação e técnicas de análise por feixe de íons, tais como retroespalhamento Rutherford e análises por reação nuclear. As irradiações produzem profundas modificações nas amostras de fulereno, a-C e a-C:H, e por conseqüência significativas alterações em suas propriedades ópticas e mecânicas. Após máximas fluências de irradiação fases amorfas rígidas (com dureza de 14 e 17 GPa) e com baixos gaps ópticos (0,2 e 0,5 eV) são formadas. Estas estruturas não usuais correspondem a arranjos atômicos com 90 a 100% de estados sp2. Em geral fases sp2 são planares e apresentam baixa dureza, como predito pelo modelo de “cluster”. Entretanto, os resultados experimentais mostram que as propriedades elásticas das novas fases formadas são alcançadas através da criação de uma estrutura sp2 tridimensional. A indução de altas distorções angulares, através da irradiação iônica, possibilita a formação de anéis de carbono não hexagonais, tais como pentágonos e heptágonos, permitindo assim a curvatura da estrutura. Utilizando um modelo de contagem de vínculos é feita uma análise comparativa entre a topologia (estrutura geométrica) de ligações C-sp2 e as propriedades nanomecânicas. São comparados os efeitos de estruturas sp2 planares e tridimensionais (aleatórias) no processo de contagem de vínculos e, conseqüentemente, nas propriedades elásticas de cada sistema. Os resultados mostram que as boas propriedades mecânicas das novas fases de carbono formadas seguem as predições do modelo de vínculos para uma rede atômica sp2 tridimensional. A formação de uma fase amorfa dura e 100% sp2 representa uma importante conquista na procura de novas estruturas rígidas de carbono. A síntese da estrutura desordenada sp2 tridimensional e vinculada aqui apresentada é bastante incomum na literatura. O presente trabalho mostra que o processo de não-equilíbrio de deposição de energia durante a irradiação iônica permite a formação de distorções angulares nas ligações sp2-C, possibilitando a criação de estruturas grafíticas tridimensionais.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Thin films of Cu2SnS3 and Cu3SnS4 were grown by sulfurization of dc magnetron sputtered Sn–Cu metallic precursors in a S2 atmosphere. Different maximum sulfurization temperatures were tested which allowed the study of the Cu2SnS3 phase changes. For a temperature of 350 ◦C the films were composed of tetragonal (I -42m) Cu2SnS3. The films sulfurized at a maximum temperature of 400 ◦C presented a cubic (F-43m) Cu2SnS3 phase. On increasing the temperature up to 520 ◦C, the Sn content of the layer decreased and orthorhombic (Pmn21) Cu3SnS4 was formed. The phase identification and structural analysis were performed using x-ray diffraction (XRD) and electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) analysis. Raman scattering analysis was also performed and a comparison with XRD and EBSD data allowed the assignment of peaks at 336 and 351 cm−1 for tetragonal Cu2SnS3, 303 and 355 cm−1 for cubic Cu2SnS3, and 318, 348 and 295 cm−1 for the Cu3SnS4 phase. Compositional analysis was done using energy dispersive spectroscopy and induced coupled plasma analysis. Scanning electron microscopy was used to study the morphology of the layers. Transmittance and reflectance measurements permitted the estimation of absorbance and band gap. These ternary compounds present a high absorbance value close to 104 cm−1. The estimated band gap energy was 1.35 eV for tetragonal (I -42m) Cu2SnS3, 0.96 eV for cubic (F-43m) Cu2SnS3 and 1.60 eV for orthorhombic (Pmn21) Cu3SnS4. A hot point probe was used for the determination of semiconductor conductivity type. The results show that all the samples are p-type semiconductors. A four-point probe was used to obtain the resistivity of these samples. The resistivities for tetragonal Cu2SnS3, cubic Cu2SnS3 and orthorhombic (Pmn21) Cu3SnS4 are 4.59 × 10−2 cm, 1.26 × 10−2 cm, 7.40 × 10−4 cm, respectively.
a-C:H films were grown by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition in atmospheres composed by 30 % of acetylene and 70 % of argon. Radiofrequency signal (RF) was supplied to the sample holder to generate the depositing plasmas. Deposition time and pressure were chosen 300 s and 9.5 Pa, respectively, while the excitation power changed from 5 to 125 W. The films were exposed to a post-deposition treatment during 300 s in RF-plasmas (13.56 MHz, 70 W) excited from 13.33 Pa of SF6. Raman and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy were used to evaluate the microstructure and chemical composition of the films. The thickness was measured by perfilometry. Hardness and friction coefficient were determined from nanoindentation and risk tests, respectively. With increasing power, the film thickness reduced, but a further shrinkage occurred upon the fluorination process. After that, the molecular structure was observed to vary with deposition power. Fluorine was detected in all samples replacing H atoms. Consistently with the elevation in the proportion of C atoms with sp3 hybridization, hardness increased from 2 to 18 GPa. Friction coefficient also increased with power due to the generation of dangling bonds during the fluorination process. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.