944 resultados para Business potential


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Programmes supporting micro and small enterprises in developing countries have been showing that capital is not enough to allow business success: survival and growth. Literature does not provide comprehensive and practical tool to support business development in this context, but allowed the collection of forty-nine success variables that were studied in a sample of successful and unsuccessful businesses in the Island of Mozambique to discover what were the key factors affecting those businesses’ performance. Empirical data gave the insights for the development of a model to screen and improve business potential of micro and small enterprises in this context.


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Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli tunnistaa nykyiset sekä potentiaaliset avainasiakkaat case yritykselle. Avainasiakkaat tunnistettiin Chevertonin tunnistamis- ja valintamatriisin avulla, jossa asiakkaan sijoittumista matriisiin arvioidaan asiakkaan houkuttelevuuden sekä toimittajan suhteellisten vahvuuksien avulla. Kriteereiksi avainasiakkaiden tunnistamiseen valittiin asiakkaan vuotuinen ostovolyymi, asiakkaan business-potentiaali sekä case-yrityksen toimittajaosuus. Asiakkaat luokiteltiin avainasiakkaisiin, kehitettäviin avainasiakkaisiin, ylläpidettäviin asiakkaisiin sekä satunnaisiin asiakkaisiin. Tutkimus tarjosi lähtökohdan case-yrityksen uusille avainasiakaspäälliköille sekä osoitti suunnan tulevaisuuden tutkimustarpeille. Aktiivisen tiedonvaihdannan kautta eri myyntikonttoreiden johtohenkilöstön sekä myös yrityksen eri funktionaalisten divisioonien välillä voidaan saavuttaa kilpailuetua kun lähestytään asiakasta toimintojaan järkiperäisesti koordinoineena toimittajana samalla kun asiakkaat keskittävät ostojaan. Jotta yrityksen tavoitteet, markkinamahdollisuudet sekä resurssit olisivat hyvin tasapainossa, tulisi myös asiakaskannattavuutta sekä asiakkaiden strategista merkittävyyttä arvioida ja mitata säännöllisesti tässä tutkimuksessa käytettyjen tunnistuskriteereiden lisäksi.


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Esta pesquisa desenvolveu e aplicou um procedimento para a avaliação da efetividade de investimentos em Sistemas e Tecnologia da Informação, no nível das organizações, baseado no Modelo de Análise da efetividade de investimentos em sistemas e Tecnologia da Informação no nível da Firma - MATIF, conforme proposto inicialmente em artigo publicado nos Proceedings of the Tenth Americas Conference on Information Systems - AMCIS, New York (SANCHEZ e ALBERTIN, 2004). A contribuição fundamental do MATIF consiste de oferecer uma sistematização dos elementos econômicos envolvidos na análise de potencial de geração de valor para os negócios de investimentos em sistemas e tecnologia da informação, partindo da tese da Ex-ante Inneficiency Economic Hipotesis – EEIH. A EEIH indica que haverá valor econômico potencialmente gerado pelo investimento em TI se houver, previamente, uma situação econômica de ineficiência a ser resolvida pelo sistema conseqüente a esse investimento. A pesquisa tratou de verificar a hipótese do EEIH em um estudo de caso incorporado conduzido em três destacadas instituições financeiras do Brasil. Apresentou, como resultado, o desenvolvimento conceitual sobre os principais aspectos que podem permitir às organizações avaliarem se seus investimentos em sistemas de informação terão potencial de apresentar resultados. A pesquisa contribui para o campo de administração e para a prática gerencial por meio da apresentação do modelo MATIF desenvolvido e pela verificação de sua aplicabilidade no que se refere à capacidade de produção de uma análise ex-ante de efetividade de investimentos em sistemas de informação.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This paper analyzes the small and medium armored combat vehicle industry, in order to understand its modus operandi. We investigate the former largest Brazilian producer of small and medium armored combat vehicles, Engesa, and concluded that its world success was a result both of its privileged perception to occupy a market niche and of the special relationship among its CEO and the Brazilian Army. A combination of negative factors conduced the firm to its bankruptcy, in the beginning of the 1990s, but we also identified a huge business potential, which could be either occupied by Engesa, if it had not disappeared, or by a follower in this market.


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The commercialization of inventions is very complex and challenging therefore it requires the collaboration of several actors in an economy. Even when an invention possesses significant added value, its successful commercialization could only be executed in a stable macroeconomic and innovation environment and also if proper innovation management expertise is provided. ValDeal Innovations Zrt. was established to foster the commercialization of Hungarian, high business potential inventions by providing its business expertise. The company used an – already in various markets and countries probed – US innovation management method consisting of the tasks of technology evaluation as well as the commercialization of inventions. There were major changes necessary while probing the US method residing in the different macroeconomic circumstances and the attitudes for innovation in Hungary. The article details the above mentioned issues together with the conclusions the members of ValDeal have drawn during the innovation management process.


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Yritysten välisen yhteistyön toimittajavalinta perustuu asiakasarvon määrittämiseen ja vertailuun. Tämä tutkimus tehtiin yritys A:lle asiakasarvon ymmärtämiseksi, kehittämiseksi ja asiakaspääoman kasvattamiseksi. Teoreettisesti keskeisiä käsiteltäviä teemoja ovat asiakasarvon luonti, toimittaminen ja kasvattaminen. Tutkimus on toteutettu pääasiassa kvalitatiivisesti teemahaastattelun kautta, jossa haastateltiin viittä yritys A:n asiakasyritystä. Tutkimus suunniteltiin yhdessä työn tilanneen yrityksen kanssa suhteessa aiempiin tutkimuksiin ja tavoitteisiin. Tutkimuksen tuloksissa havaittiin selviä vahvuuksia liittyen yritys A:n asiakasyritysten asiakasarvon teemoihin. Vahvuudet liittyivät muun muassa suoriin kustannuksiin, erillisiin lisäpalveluihin ja asiakaspalveluun. Kehitettävät teemat liittyivät pääasiassa työn suorittamiseen ja markkinointiin. Tulokset ovat käsitelty niin numeerisesti kuin tärkeimpinä teemoina. Asiakasarvoon ja –pääomaan liittyvistä teemoista esitetään lopuksi ratkaisuehdotus työn tilanneelle yritykselle, jota voidaan hyödyntää jatkossa ko. johtamisessa. Asiakasarvosta tulisi tehdä niin yrityskohtaisesti kuin tieteen kannalta lisää tutkimusta, sillä siinä on onnistuessaan merkittävä liiketoiminnallinen potentiaali.


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Though web services offer unique opportunities for the design of new business processes, the assessment of the potential impact of Web services on existing business information systems is often reduced to technical aspects. This paper proposes a four-phase methodology which facilitates the evaluation of the potential use of Web services on business information systems both from a technical and from a strategic viewpoint. It is based on business process models, which are used to frame the adoption and deployment of Web services and to assess their impact on existing business processes. The application of this methodology is described using a procurement scenario.


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In the corporate regulation landscape, 'meta-regulation' is a comparatively new legal approach. The sketchy role of state promulgated authoritative laws in pluralized society and scepticism in corporate self-regulation's role have resulted in the development of this legal approach. It has opened up possibilities to synthesize corporate governance to add social values in corporate self-regulation. The core of this approach is the fusion of responsive and reflexive legal strategies to combine regulators and regulatees for reaching a particular goal. This paper argues that it is a potential strategy that can be successfully deployed to develop a socially responsible corporate culture for the business enterprises, so that they will be able to acquire social, environmental and ethical values in their self-regulation sustainably. Taking Bangladeshi corporate laws as an instance, this paper also evaluates the scope of incorporating this approach in laws of the least developed common law countries in general.