12 resultados para Busbars


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In recent years, multilevel converters are becoming more popular and attractive than traditional converters in high voltage and high power applications. Multilevel converters are particularly suitable for harmonic reduction in high power applications where semiconductor devices are not able to operate at high switching frequencies or in high voltage applications where multilevel converters reduce the need to connect devices in series to achieve high switch voltage ratings. This thesis investigated two aspects of multilevel converters: structure and control. The first part of this thesis focuses on inductance between a DC supply and inverter components in order to minimise loop inductance, which causes overvoltages and stored energy losses during switching. Three dimensional finite element simulations and experimental tests have been carried out for all sections to verify theoretical developments. The major contributions of this section of the thesis are as follows: The use of a large area thin conductor sheet with a rectangular cross section separated by dielectric sheets (planar busbar) instead of circular cross section wires, contributes to a reduction of the stray inductance. A number of approximate equations exist for calculating the inductance of a rectangular conductor but an assumption was made that the current density was uniform throughout the conductors. This assumption is not valid for an inverter with a point injection of current. A mathematical analysis of a planar bus bar has been performed at low and high frequencies and the inductance and the resistance values between the two points of the planar busbar have been determined. A new physical structure for a voltage source inverter with symmetrical planar bus bar structure called Reduced Layer Planar Bus bar, is proposed in this thesis based on the current point injection theory. This new type of planar busbar minimises the variation in stray inductance for different switching states. The reduced layer planar busbar is a new innovation in planar busbars for high power inverters with minimum separation between busbars, optimum stray inductance and improved thermal performances. This type of the planar busbar is suitable for high power inverters, where the voltage source is supported by several capacitors in parallel in order to provide a low ripple DC voltage during operation. A two layer planar busbar with different materials has been analysed theoretically in order to determine the resistance of bus bars during switching. Increasing the resistance of the planar busbar can gain a damping ratio between stray inductance and capacitance and affects the performance of current loop during switching. The aim of this section is to increase the resistance of the planar bus bar at high frequencies (during switching) and without significantly increasing the planar busbar resistance at low frequency (50 Hz) using the skin effect. This contribution shows a novel structure of busbar suitable for high power applications where high resistance is required at switching times. In multilevel converters there are different loop inductances between busbars and power switches associated with different switching states. The aim of this research is to consider all combinations of the switching states for each multilevel converter topology and identify the loop inductance for each switching state. Results show that the physical layout of the busbars is very important for minimisation of the loop inductance at each switch state. Novel symmetrical busbar structures are proposed for multilevel converters with diode-clamp and flying-capacitor topologies which minimise the worst case in stray inductance for different switching states. Overshoot voltages and thermal problems are considered for each topology to optimise the planar busbar structure. In the second part of the thesis, closed loop current techniques have been investigated for single and three phase multilevel converters. The aims of this section are to investigate and propose suitable current controllers such as hysteresis and predictive techniques for multilevel converters with low harmonic distortion and switching losses. This section of the thesis can be classified into three parts as follows: An optimum space vector modulation technique for a three-phase voltage source inverter based on a minimum-loss strategy is proposed. One of the degrees of freedom for optimisation of the space vector modulation is the selection of the zero vectors in the switching sequence. This new method improves switching transitions per cycle for a given level of distortion as the zero vector does not alternate between each sector. The harmonic spectrum and weighted total harmonic distortion for these strategies are compared and results show up to 7% weighted total harmonic distortion improvement over the previous minimum-loss strategy. The concept of SVM technique is a very convenient representation of a set of three-phase voltages or currents used for current control techniques. A new hysteresis current control technique for a single-phase multilevel converter with flying-capacitor topology is developed. This technique is based on magnitude and time errors to optimise the level change of converter output voltage. This method also considers how to improve unbalanced voltages of capacitors using voltage vectors in order to minimise switching losses. Logic controls require handling a large number of switches and a Programmable Logic Device (PLD) is a natural implementation for state transition description. The simulation and experimental results describe and verify the current control technique for the converter. A novel predictive current control technique is proposed for a three-phase multilevel converter, which controls the capacitors' voltage and load current with minimum current ripple and switching losses. The advantage of this contribution is that the technique can be applied to more voltage levels without significantly changing the control circuit. The three-phase five-level inverter with a pure inductive load has been implemented to track three-phase reference currents using analogue circuits and a programmable logic device.


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The main goal of a cell stability MHD model like MHD-Valdis is to help locate the busbars around the cell in a way which leads to the generation of a magnetic field inside the cell that itself leads to a stable cell operation. Yet as far as the cell stability is concerned, the uniformity of the current density in the metal pad is also extremely important and can only be achieved with a correct busbar network sizing. This work compares the usage of a detailed ANSYS based 3D thermo-electric model with the one of the versatile 1D part of MHD-Valdis to help design a well balanced busbar network.


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The waves in commercial cells for electrolytic aluminium production originate at the interface between the liquid aluminium and electrolyte, but their effect can spread into the surrounding busbar network as electric current perturbation, and the total magnetic field acquires a time dependent component. The presented model for the wave development accounts for the nonuniform electric current distribution at the cathode and the whole network of the surrounding busbars. The magnetic field is computed for the continuous current in the fluid zones, all busbars and the ferromagnetic construction elements. When the electric current and the associated magnetic field are computed according to the actual electrical circuit and updated for all times, the instability growth rate is significantly affected. The presented numerical model for the wave and electromagnetic interaction demonstrates how different physical coupling factors are affecting the wave development in the electrolysis cells. These small amplitude self-sustained interface oscillations are damped in the presence of intense turbulent viscosity created by the horizontal circulation velocity field. Additionally, the horizontal circulation vortices create a pressure gradient contributing to the deformation of the interface. Instructive examples for the 500 kA demonstration cell are presented.


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The capacitor-commutated converter (CCC) has frequently been used in the conception of HVDC systems connected to busbars with low short circuit level. This alternative arrangement, in substitution to the conventional ones, guarantees less sensitive operational conditions to problems related with the commutation failure in the inverters besides supplying part of the reactive energy to be compensated. Studies related with its performance in steady and transient states have been presented in several works, however its behavior as harmonic source is still little explored. This work presents preliminary studies focusing the generation of characteristic harmonics by this type of converter. Subjects related with the amplification of the harmonic magnitudes are investigated and compared considering similar arrangements of conventional static converters (LCC) and CCC schemes. It is also analyzed the harmonic generation on the dc side of the installation and its influence on the ac side harmonics. The results are obtained from simulations in the time domain in PSpice environment and they clearly illustrate the operational differences between the L CC and the CCC schemes with regard to characteristic harmonic generation.


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The distribution of short-circuit current is investigated by means of two methods, one direct and the other analytic; both methods consider uniform probability distribution of line faults. In the direct method, the procedure consists of calculating fault currents at equidistant points along the line, starting from one of the end points and considering the other end open. The magnitude of the current is classified according to Brazilian standards (regulation NBR-7118). The analytic method assumes that the distribution of short-circuit currents through the busbar and the distribution of the line length connected to it are known, as well as the independence of values. The method is designed to determine the probability that fault currents through a line will surpass the pre-established magnitude, thus generating frequency distribution curves of short-circuit currents along the lines.


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A combined methodology consisting of successive linear programming (SLP) and a simple genetic algorithm (SGA) solves the reactive planning problem. The problem is divided into operating and planning subproblems; the operating subproblem, which is a nonlinear, ill-conditioned and nonconvex problem, consists of determining the voltage control and the adjustment of reactive sources. The planning subproblem consists of obtaining the optimal reactive source expansion considering operational, economical and physical characteristics of the system. SLP solves the optimal reactive dispatch problem related to real variables, while SGA is used to determine the necessary adjustments of both the binary and discrete variables existing in the modelling problem. Once the set of candidate busbars has been defined, the program implemented gives the location and size of the reactive sources needed, if any, to maintain the operating and security constraints.


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This letter presents an approach for a geometrical solution of an optimal power flow (OPF) problem for a two-bus system (slack and PV busses). The algebraic equations for the calculation of the Lagrange multipliers and for the minimum losses value are obtained. These equations are used to validate the results obtained using an OPF program.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The main objective of this work is to adapt the Laser Induced Forward Techniques (LIFT), a well- known laser direct writing technique for material transfer, to define metallic contacts (fingers and busbars) onto c-Si cells. The silver paste (with viscosity around 30-50 kcPs) is applied over a glass substrate using a coater. The thickness of the paste can be control changing the deposit parameters. The glass with the silver paste is set at a controlled gap over the c-Si cell. A solid state pulsed laser (532 nm) is focused at the glass/silver interface producing a droplet of silver that it is transferred to the c-Si cell. A scanner is used to print lines. The process parameters (silver paste thickness, gap and laser parameters -spot size, pulse energy and overlapping of pulses) are modified and the morphology of the lines is studied using confocal microscopy. Long lines are printed and the uniformity (in thickness and height) is studied. Some examples of metallization of larger areas (up to 10 cm x 10 cm) are presented.


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I. GENERALIDADES 1.1. Introducción Entre los diversos tipos de perturbaciones eléctricas, los huecos de tensión son considerados el problema de calidad de suministro más frecuente en los sistemas eléctricos. Este fenómeno es originado por un aumento extremo de la corriente en el sistema, causado principalmente por cortocircuitos o maniobras inadecuadas en la red. Este tipo de perturbación eléctrica está caracterizado básicamente por dos parámetros: tensión residual y duración. Típicamente, se considera que el hueco se produce cuando la tensión residual alcanza en alguna de las fases un valor entre 0.01 a 0.9 pu y tiene una duración de hasta 60 segundos. Para un usuario final, el efecto más relevante de un hueco de tensión es la interrupción o alteración de la operación de sus equipos, siendo los dispositivos de naturaleza electrónica los principalmente afectados (p. ej. ordenador, variador de velocidad, autómata programable, relé, etc.). Debido al auge tecnológico de las últimas décadas y a la búsqueda constante de automatización de los procesos productivos, el uso de componentes electrónicos resulta indispensable en la actualidad. Este hecho, lleva a que los efectos de los huecos de tensión sean más evidentes para el usuario final, provocando que su nivel de exigencia de la calidad de energía suministrada sea cada vez mayor. De forma general, el estudio de los huecos de tensión suele ser abordado bajo dos enfoques: en la carga o en la red. Desde el punto de vista de la carga, se requiere conocer las características de sensibilidad de los equipos para modelar su respuesta ante variaciones súbitas de la tensión del suministro eléctrico. Desde la perspectiva de la red, se busca estimar u obtener información adecuada que permita caracterizar su comportamiento en términos de huecos de tensión. En esta tesis, el trabajo presentado se encuadra en el segundo aspecto, es decir, en el modelado y estimación de la respuesta de un sistema eléctrico de potencia ante los huecos de tensión. 1.2. Planteamiento del problema A pesar de que los huecos de tensión son el problema de calidad de suministro más frecuente en las redes, hasta la actualidad resulta complejo poder analizar de forma adecuada este tipo de perturbación para muchas compañías del sector eléctrico. Entre las razones más comunes se tienen: - El tiempo de monitorización puede llegar a ser de varios años para conseguir una muestra de registros de huecos estadísticamente válida. - La limitación de recursos económicos para la adquisición e instalación de equipos de monitorización de huecos. - El elevado coste operativo que implica el análisis de los datos de los medidores de huecos de tensión instalados. - La restricción que tienen los datos de calidad de energía de las compañías eléctricas. Es decir, ante la carencia de datos que permitan analizar con mayor detalle los huecos de tensión, es de interés de las compañías eléctricas y la academia poder crear métodos fiables que permitan profundizar en el estudio, estimación y supervisión de este fenómeno electromagnético. Los huecos de tensión, al ser principalmente originados por eventos fortuitos como los cortocircuitos, son el resultado de diversas variables exógenas como: (i) la ubicación de la falta, (ii) la impedancia del material de contacto, (iii) el tipo de fallo, (iv) la localización del fallo en la red, (v) la duración del evento, etc. Es decir, para plantear de forma adecuada cualquier modelo teórico sobre los huecos de tensión, se requeriría representar esta incertidumbre combinada de las variables para proveer métodos realistas y, por ende, fiables para los usuarios. 1.3. Objetivo La presente tesis ha tenido como objetivo el desarrollo diversos métodos estocásticos para el estudio, estimación y supervisión de los huecos de tensión en los sistemas eléctricos de potencia. De forma específica, se ha profundizado en los siguientes ámbitos: - En el modelado realista de las variables que influyen en la caracterización de los huecos. Esto es, en esta Tesis se ha propuesto un método que permite representar de forma verosímil su cuantificación y aleatoriedad en el tiempo empleando distribuciones de probabilidad paramétricas. A partir de ello, se ha creado una herramienta informática que permite estimar la severidad de los huecos de tensión en un sistema eléctrico genérico. - Se ha analizado la influencia la influencia de las variables de entrada en la estimación de los huecos de tensión. En este caso, el estudio se ha enfocado en las variables de mayor divergencia en su caracterización de las propuestas existentes. - Se ha desarrollado un método que permite estima el número de huecos de tensión de una zona sin monitorización a través de la información de un conjunto limitado de medidas de un sistema eléctrico. Para ello, se aplican los principios de la estadística Bayesiana, estimando el número de huecos de tensión más probable de un emplazamiento basándose en los registros de huecos de otros nudos de la red. - Plantear una estrategia para optimizar la monitorización de los huecos de tensión en un sistema eléctrico. Es decir, garantizar una supervisión del sistema a través de un número de medidores menor que el número de nudos de la red. II. ESTRUCTURA DE LA TESIS Para plantear las propuestas anteriormente indicadas, la presente Tesis se ha estructurado en seis capítulos. A continuación, se describen brevemente los mismos. A manera de capítulo introductorio, en el capítulo 1, se realiza una descripción del planteamiento y estructura de la presente tesis. Esto es, se da una visión amplia de la problemática a tratar, además de describir el alcance de cada capítulo de la misma. En el capítulo 2, se presenta una breve descripción de los fundamentos y conceptos generales de los huecos de tensión. Los mismos, buscan brindar al lector de una mejor comprensión de los términos e indicadores más empleados en el análisis de severidad de los huecos de tensión en las redes eléctricas. Asimismo, a manera de antecedente, se presenta un resumen de las principales características de las técnicas o métodos existentes aplicados en la predicción y monitorización óptima de los huecos de tensión. En el capítulo 3, se busca fundamentalmente conocer la importancia de las variables que determinen la frecuencia o severidad de los huecos de tensión. Para ello, se ha implementado una herramienta de estimación de huecos de tensión que, a través de un conjunto predeterminado de experimentos mediante la técnica denominada Diseño de experimentos, analiza la importancia de la parametrización de las variables de entrada del modelo. Su análisis, es realizado mediante la técnica de análisis de la varianza (ANOVA), la cual permite establecer con rigor matemático si la caracterización de una determinada variable afecta o no la respuesta del sistema en términos de los huecos de tensión. En el capítulo 4, se propone una metodología que permite predecir la severidad de los huecos de tensión de todo el sistema a partir de los registros de huecos de un conjunto reducido de nudos de dicha red. Para ello, se emplea el teorema de probabilidad condicional de Bayes, el cual calcula las medidas más probables de todo el sistema a partir de la información proporcionada por los medidores de huecos instalados. Asimismo, en este capítulo se revela una importante propiedad de los huecos de tensión, como es la correlación del número de eventos de huecos de tensión en diversas zonas de las redes eléctricas. En el capítulo 5, se desarrollan dos métodos de localización óptima de medidores de huecos de tensión. El primero, que es una evolución metodológica del criterio de observabilidad; aportando en el realismo de la pseudo-monitorización de los huecos de tensión con la que se calcula el conjunto óptimo de medidores y, por ende, en la fiabilidad del método. Como una propuesta alternativa, se emplea la propiedad de correlación de los eventos de huecos de tensión de una red para plantear un método que permita establecer la severidad de los huecos de todo el sistema a partir de una monitorización parcial de dicha red. Finalmente, en el capítulo 6, se realiza una breve descripción de las principales aportaciones de los estudios realizados en esta tesis. Adicionalmente, se describen diversos temas a desarrollar en futuros trabajos. III. RESULTADOS En base a las pruebas realizadas en las tres redes planteadas; dos redes de prueba IEEE de 24 y 118 nudos (IEEE-24 e IEEE-118), además del sistema eléctrico de la República del Ecuador de 357 nudos (EC-357), se describen los siguientes puntos como las observaciones más relevantes: A. Estimación de huecos de tensión en ausencia de medidas: Se implementa un método estocástico de estimación de huecos de tensión denominado PEHT, el cual representa con mayor realismo la simulación de los eventos de huecos de un sistema a largo plazo. Esta primera propuesta de la tesis, es considerada como un paso clave para el desarrollo de futuros métodos del presente trabajo, ya que permite emular de forma fiable los registros de huecos de tensión a largo plazo en una red genérica. Entre las novedades más relevantes del mencionado Programa de Estimación de Huecos de Tensión (PEHT) se tienen: - Considerar el efecto combinado de cinco variables aleatorias de entrada para simular los eventos de huecos de tensión en una pseudo-monitorización a largo plazo. Las variables de entrada modeladas en la caracterización de los huecos de tensión en el PEHT son: (i) coeficiente de fallo, (ii) impedancia de fallo, (iii) tipo de fallo, (iv) localización del fallo y (v) duración. - El modelado estocástico de las variables de entrada impedancia de fallo y duración en la caracterización de los eventos de huecos de tensión. Para la parametrización de las variables mencionadas, se realizó un estudio detallado del comportamiento real de las mismas en los sistemas eléctricos. Asimismo, se define la función estadística que mejor representa la naturaleza aleatoria de cada variable. - Considerar como variables de salida del PEHT a indicadores de severidad de huecos de uso común en las normativas, como es el caso de los índices: SARFI-X, SARFI-Curve, etc. B. Análisis de sensibilidad de los huecos de tensión: Se presenta un estudio causa-efecto (análisis de sensibilidad) de las variables de entrada de mayor divergencia en su parametrización entre las referencias relacionadas a la estimación de los huecos de tensión en redes eléctricas. De forma específica, se profundiza en el estudio de la influencia de la parametrización de las variables coeficiente de fallo e impedancia de fallo en la predicción de los huecos de tensión. A continuación un resumen de las conclusiones más destacables: - La precisión de la variable de entrada coeficiente de fallo se muestra como un parámetro no influyente en la estimación del número de huecos de tensión (SARFI-90 y SARFI-70) a largo plazo. Es decir, no se requiere de una alta precisión del dato tasa de fallo de los elementos del sistema para obtener una adecuada estimación de los huecos de tensión. - La parametrización de la variable impedancia de fallo se muestra como un factor muy sensible en la estimación de la severidad de los huecos de tensión. Por ejemplo, al aumentar el valor medio de esta variable aleatoria, se disminuye considerablemente la severidad reportada de los huecos en la red. Por otra parte, al evaluar el parámetro desviación típica de la impedancia de fallo, se observa una relación directamente proporcional de este parámetro con la severidad de los huecos de tensión de la red. Esto es, al aumentar la desviación típica de la impedancia de fallo, se evidencia un aumento de la media y de la variación interanual de los eventos SARFI-90 y SARFI-70. - En base al análisis de sensibilidad desarrollado en la variable impedancia de fallo, se considera muy cuestionable la fiabilidad de los métodos de estimación de huecos de tensión que omiten su efecto en el modelo planteado. C. Estimación de huecos de tensión en base a la información de una monitorización parcial de la red: Se desarrolla un método que emplea los registros de una red parcialmente monitorizada para determinar la severidad de los huecos de todo el sistema eléctrico. A partir de los casos de estudio realizados, se observa que el método implementado (PEHT+MP) posee las siguientes características: - La metodología propuesta en el PEHT+MP combina la teoría clásica de cortocircuitos con diversas técnicas estadísticas para estimar, a partir de los datos de los medidores de huecos instalados, las medidas de huecos de los nudos sin monitorización de una red genérica. - El proceso de estimación de los huecos de tensión de la zona no monitorizada de la red se fundamenta en la aplicación del teorema de probabilidad condicional de Bayes. Es decir, en base a los datos observados (los registros de los nudos monitorizados), el PEHT+MP calcula de forma probabilística la severidad de los huecos de los nudos sin monitorización del sistema. Entre las partes claves del procedimiento propuesto se tienen los siguientes puntos: (i) la creación de una base de datos realista de huecos de tensión a través del Programa de Estimación de Huecos de Tensión (PEHT) propuesto en el capítulo anterior; y, (ii) el criterio de máxima verosimilitud empleado para estimar las medidas de huecos de los nudos sin monitorización de la red evaluada. - Las predicciones de medidas de huecos de tensión del PEHT+MP se ven potenciadas por la propiedad de correlación de los huecos de tensión en diversas zonas de un sistema eléctrico. Esta característica intrínseca de las redes eléctricas limita de forma significativa la respuesta de las zonas fuertemente correlacionadas del sistema ante un eventual hueco de tensión. Como el PEHT+MP está basado en principios probabilísticos, la reducción del rango de las posibles medidas de huecos se ve reflejado en una mejor predicción de las medidas de huecos de la zona no monitorizada. - Con los datos de un conjunto de medidores relativamente pequeño del sistema, es posible obtener estimaciones precisas (error nulo) de la severidad de los huecos de la zona sin monitorizar en las tres redes estudiadas. - El PEHT+MP se puede aplicar a diversos tipos de indicadores de severidad de los huecos de tensión, como es el caso de los índices: SARFI-X, SARFI-Curve, SEI, etc. D. Localización óptima de medidores de huecos de tensión: Se plantean dos métodos para ubicar de forma estratégica al sistema de monitorización de huecos en una red genérica. La primera propuesta, que es una evolución metodológica de la localización óptima de medidores de huecos basada en el criterio de observabilidad (LOM+OBS); y, como segunda propuesta, un método que determina la localización de los medidores de huecos según el criterio del área de correlación (LOM+COR). Cada método de localización óptima de medidores propuesto tiene un objetivo concreto. En el caso del LOM+OBS, la finalidad del método es determinar el conjunto óptimo de medidores que permita registrar todos los fallos que originen huecos de tensión en la red. Por otro lado, en el método LOM+COR se persigue definir un sistema óptimo de medidores que, mediante la aplicación del PEHT+MP (implementado en el capítulo anterior), sea posible estimar de forma precisa las medidas de huecos de tensión de todo el sistema evaluado. A partir del desarrollo de los casos de estudio de los citados métodos de localización óptima de medidores en las tres redes planteadas, se describen a continuación las observaciones más relevantes: - Como la generación de pseudo-medidas de huecos de tensión de los métodos de localización óptima de medidores (LOM+OBS y LOM+COR) se obtienen mediante la aplicación del algoritmo PEHT, la formulación del criterio de optimización se realiza en base a una pseudo-monitorización realista, la cual considera la naturaleza aleatoria de los huecos de tensión a través de las cinco variables estocásticas modeladas en el PEHT. Esta característica de la base de datos de pseudo-medidas de huecos de los métodos LOM+OBS y LOM+COR brinda una mayor fiabilidad del conjunto óptimo de medidores calculado respecto a otros métodos similares en la bibliografía. - El conjunto óptimo de medidores se determina según la necesidad del operador de la red. Esto es, si el objetivo es registrar todos los fallos que originen huecos de tensión en el sistema, se emplea el criterio de observabilidad en la localización óptima de medidores de huecos. Por otra parte, si se plantea definir un sistema de monitorización que permita establecer la severidad de los huecos de tensión de todo el sistema en base a los datos de un conjunto reducido de medidores de huecos, el criterio de correlación resultaría el adecuado. De forma específica, en el caso del método LOM+OBS, basado en el criterio de observabilidad, se evidenciaron las siguientes propiedades en los casos de estudio realizados: - Al aumentar el tamaño de la red, se observa la tendencia de disminuir el porcentaje de nudos monitorizados de dicho sistema. Por ejemplo, para monitorizar los fallos que originan huecos en la red IEEE-24, se requiere monitorizar el 100\% de los nudos del sistema. En el caso de las redes IEEE-118 y EC-357, el método LOM+OBS determina que con la monitorización de un 89.5% y 65.3% del sistema, respectivamente, se cumpliría con el criterio de observabilidad del método. - El método LOM+OBS permite calcular la probabilidad de utilización del conjunto óptimo de medidores a largo plazo, estableciendo así un criterio de la relevancia que tiene cada medidor considerado como óptimo en la red. Con ello, se puede determinar el nivel de precisión u observabilidad (100%, 95%, etc.) con el cual se detectarían los fallos que generan huecos en la red estudiada. Esto es, al aumentar el nivel de precisión de detección de los fallos que originan huecos, se espera que aumente el número de medidores requeridos en el conjunto óptimo de medidores calculado. - El método LOM+OBS se evidencia como una técnica aplicable a todo tipo de sistema eléctrico (radial o mallado), el cual garantiza la detección de los fallos que originan huecos de tensión en un sistema según el nivel de observabilidad planteado. En el caso del método de localización óptima de medidores basado en el criterio del área de correlación (LOM+COR), las diversas pruebas realizadas evidenciaron las siguientes conclusiones: - El procedimiento del método LOM+COR combina los métodos de estimación de huecos de tensión de capítulos anteriores (PEHT y PEHT+MP) con técnicas de optimización lineal para definir la localización óptima de los medidores de huecos de tensión de una red. Esto es, se emplea el PEHT para generar los pseudo-registros de huecos de tensión, y, en base al criterio planteado de optimización (área de correlación), el LOM+COR formula y calcula analíticamente el conjunto óptimo de medidores de la red a largo plazo. A partir de la información registrada por este conjunto óptimo de medidores de huecos, se garantizaría una predicción precisa de la severidad de los huecos de tensión de todos los nudos del sistema con el PEHT+MP. - El método LOM+COR requiere un porcentaje relativamente reducido de nudos del sistema para cumplir con las condiciones de optimización establecidas en el criterio del área de correlación. Por ejemplo, en el caso del número total de huecos (SARFI-90) de las redes IEEE-24, IEEE-118 y EC-357, se calculó un conjunto óptimo de 9, 12 y 17 medidores de huecos, respectivamente. Es decir, solamente se requeriría monitorizar el 38\%, 10\% y 5\% de los sistemas indicados para supervisar los eventos SARFI-90 en toda la red. - El método LOM+COR se muestra como un procedimiento de optimización versátil, el cual permite reducir la dimensión del sistema de monitorización de huecos de redes eléctricas tanto radiales como malladas. Por sus características, este método de localización óptima permite emular una monitorización integral del sistema a través de los registros de un conjunto pequeño de monitores. Por ello, este nuevo método de optimización de medidores sería aplicable a operadores de redes que busquen disminuir los costes de instalación y operación del sistema de monitorización de los huecos de tensión. ABSTRACT I. GENERALITIES 1.1. Introduction Among the various types of electrical disturbances, voltage sags are considered the most common quality problem in power systems. This phenomenon is caused by an extreme increase of the current in the network, primarily caused by short-circuits or inadequate maneuvers in the system. This type of electrical disturbance is basically characterized by two parameters: residual voltage and duration. Typically, voltage sags occur when the residual voltage, in some phases, reaches a value between 0.01 to 0.9 pu and lasts up to 60 seconds. To an end user, the most important effect of a voltage sags is the interruption or alteration of their equipment operation, with electronic devices the most affected (e.g. computer, drive controller, PLC, relay, etc.). Due to the technology boom of recent decades and the constant search for automating production processes, the use of electronic components is essential today. This fact makes the effects of voltage sags more noticeable to the end user, causing the level of demand for a quality energy supply to be increased. In general, the study of voltage sags is usually approached from one of two aspects: the load or the network. From the point of view of the load, it is necessary to know the sensitivity characteristics of the equipment to model their response to sudden changes in power supply voltage. From the perspective of the network, the goal is to estimate or obtain adequate information to characterize the network behavior in terms of voltage sags. In this thesis, the work presented fits into the second aspect; that is, in the modeling and estimation of the response of a power system to voltage sag events. 1.2. Problem Statement Although voltage sags are the most frequent quality supply problem in electrical networks, thistype of disturbance remains complex and challenging to analyze properly. Among the most common reasons for this difficulty are: - The sag monitoring time, because it can take up to several years to get a statistically valid sample. - The limitation of funds for the acquisition and installation of sag monitoring equipment. - The high operating costs involved in the analysis of the voltage sag data from the installed monitors. - The restrictions that electrical companies have with the registered power quality data. That is, given the lack of data to further voltage sag analysis, it is of interest to electrical utilities and researchers to create reliable methods to deepen the study, estimation and monitoring of this electromagnetic phenomenon. Voltage sags, being mainly caused by random events such as short-circuits, are the result of various exogenous variables such as: (i) the number of faults of a system element, (ii) the impedance of the contact material, (iii) the fault type, (iv) the fault location, (v) the duration of the event, etc. That is, to properly raise any theoretical model of voltage sags, it is necessary to represent the combined uncertainty of variables to provide realistic methods that are reliable for users. 1.3. Objective This Thesis has been aimed at developing various stochastic methods for the study, estimation and monitoring of voltage sags in electrical power systems. Specifically, it has deepened the research in the following areas: - This research furthers knowledge in the realistic modeling of the variables that influence sag characterization. This thesis proposes a method to credibly represent the quantification and randomness of the sags in time by using parametric probability distributions. From this, a software tool was created to estimate the severity of voltage sags in a generic power system. - This research also analyzes the influence of the input variables in the estimation of voltage sags. In this case, the study has focused on the variables of greatest divergence in their characterization of the existing proposals. - A method was developed to estimate the number of voltage sags of an area without monitoring through the information of a limited set of sag monitors in an electrical system. To this end, the principles of Bayesian statistics are applied, estimating the number of sags most likely to happen in a system busbar based in records of other sag network busbars. - A strategy was developed to optimize the monitorization of voltage sags on a power system. Its purpose is to ensure the monitoring of the system through a number of monitors lower than the number of busbars of the network assessed. II. THESIS STRUCTURE To describe in detail the aforementioned proposals, this Thesis has been structured into six chapters. Below is are brief descriptions of them: As an introductory chapter, Chapter 1, provides a description of the approach and structure of this thesis. It presents a wide view of the problem to be treated, in addition to the description of the scope of each chapter. In Chapter 2, a brief description of the fundamental and general concepts of voltage sags is presented to provide to the reader a better understanding of the terms and indicators used in the severity analysis of voltage sags in power networks. Also, by way of background, a summary of the main features of existing techniques or methods used in the prediction and optimal monitoring of voltage sags is also presented. Chapter 3 essentially seeks to know the importance of the variables that determine the frequency or severity of voltage sags. To do this, a tool to estimate voltage sags is implemented that, through a predetermined set of experiments using the technique called Design of Experiments, discusses the importance of the parameters of the input variables of the model. Its analysis is interpreted by using the technique of analysis of variance (ANOVA), which provides mathematical rigor to establish whether the characterization of a particular variable affects the system response in terms of voltage sags or not. In Chapter 4, a methodology to predict the severity of voltage sags of an entire system through the sag logs of a reduced set of monitored busbars is proposed. For this, the Bayes conditional probability theorem is used, which calculates the most likely sag severity of the entire system from the information provided by the installed monitors. Also, in this chapter an important property of voltage sags is revealed, as is the correlation of the voltage sags events in several zones of a power system. In Chapter 5, two methods of optimal location of voltage sag monitors are developed. The first one is a methodological development of the observability criteria; it contributes to the realism of the sag pseudo-monitoring with which the optimal set of sag monitors is calculated and, therefore, to the reliability of the proposed method. As an alternative proposal, the correlation property of the sag events of a network is used to raise a method that establishes the sag severity of the entire system from a partial monitoring of the network. Finally, in Chapter 6, a brief description of the main contributions of the studies in this Thesis is detailed. Additionally, various themes to be developed in future works are described. III. RESULTS. Based on tests on the three networks presented, two IEEE test networks of 24 and 118 busbars (IEEE-24 and IEEE-118) and the electrical system of the Republic of Ecuador (EC-357), the following points present the most important observations: A. Estimation of voltage sags in the absence of measures: A stochastic estimation method of voltage sags, called PEHT, is implemented to represent with greater realism the long-term simulation of voltage sags events in a system. This first proposal of this thesis is considered a key step for the development of future methods of this work, as it emulates in a reliable manner the voltage sag long-term records in a generic network. Among the main innovations of this voltage sag estimation method are the following: - Consideration of the combined effect of five random input variables to simulate the events of voltage sags in long-term monitoring is included. The input variables modeled in the characterization of voltage sags on the PEHT are as follows: (i) fault coefficient, (ii) fault impedance, (iii) type of fault, (iv) location of the fault, and (v) fault duration. - Also included is the stochastic modeling of the input variables of fault impedance and duration in the characterization of the events of voltage sags. For the parameterization of these variables, a detailed study of the real behavior in power systems is developed. Also, the statistical function best suited to the random nature of each variable is defined. - Consideration of sag severity indicators used in standards as PEHT output variables, including such as indices as SARFI-X, SARFI-Curve, etc. B. Sensitivity analysis of voltage sags: A cause-effect study (sensitivity analysis) of the input variables of greatest divergence between reference parameterization related to the estimation of voltage sags in electrical networks is presented. Specifically, it delves into the study of the influence of the parameterization of the variables fault coefficient and fault impedance in the voltage sag estimation. Below is a summary of the most notable observations: - The accuracy of the input variable fault coefficient is shown as a non-influential parameter in the long-term estimation of the number of voltage sags (SARFI-90 and SARFI-70). That is, it does not require a high accuracy of the fault rate data of system elements for a proper voltage sag estimation. - The parameterization of the variable fault impedance is shown to be a very sensitive factor in the estimation of the voltage sag severity. For example, by increasing the average value of this random variable, the reported sag severity in the network significantly decreases. Moreover, in assessing the standard deviation of the fault impedance parameter, a direct relationship of this parameter with the voltage sag severity of the network is observed. That is, by increasing the fault impedance standard deviation, an increase of the average and the interannual variation of the SARFI-90 and SARFI-70 events is evidenced. - Based on the sensitivity analysis developed in the variable fault impedance, the omission of this variable in the voltage sag estimation would significantly call into question the reliability of the responses obtained. C. Voltage sag estimation from the information of a network partially monitored: A method that uses the voltage sag records of a partially monitored network for the sag estimation of all the power system is developed. From the case studies performed, it is observed that the method implemented (PEHT+MP) has the following characteristics: - The methodology proposed in the PEHT+MP combines the classical short-circuit theory with several statistical techniques to estimate, from data the of the installed sag meters, the sag measurements of unmonitored busbars of a generic power network. - The estimation process of voltage sags of the unmonitored zone of the network is based on the application of the conditional probability theorem of Bayes. That is, based on the observed data (monitored busbars records), the PEHT+MP calculates probabilistically the sag severity at unmonitored system busbars. Among the key parts of the proposed procedure are the following: (i) the creation of a realistic data base of voltage sags through of the sag estimation program (PEHT); and, (ii) the maximum likelihood criterion used to estimate the sag indices of system busbars without monitoring. - The voltage sag measurement estimations of PEHT+MP are potentiated by the correlation property of the sag events in power systems. This inherent characteristic of networks significantly limits the response of strongly correlated system zones to a possible voltage sag. As the PEHT+MP is based on probabilistic principles, a reduction of the range of possible sag measurements is reflected in a better sag estimation of the unmonitored area of the power system. - From the data of a set of monitors representing a relatively small portion of the system, to obtain accurate estimations (null error) of the sag severity zones without monitoring is feasible in the three networks studied. - The PEHT+MP can be applied to several types of sag indices, such as: SARFI-X, SARFI-Curve, SEI, etc. D. Optimal location of voltage sag monitors in power systems: Two methods for strategically locating the sag monitoring system are implemented for a generic network. The first proposal is a methodological development of the optimal location of sag monitors based on the observability criterion (LOM + OBS); the second proposal is a method that determines the sag monitor location according to the correlation area criterion (LOM+COR). Each proposed method of optimal location of sag monitors has a specific goal. In the case of LOM+OBS, the purpose of the method is to determine the optimal set of sag monitors to record all faults that originate voltage sags in the network. On the other hand, the LOM+COR method attempts to define the optimal location of sag monitors to estimate the sag indices in all the assessed network with the PEHT+MP application. From the development of the case studies of these methods of optimal location of sag monitors in the three networks raised, the most relevant observations are described below: - As the generation of voltage sag pseudo-measurements of the optimal location methods (LOM+OBS and LOM+COR) are obtained by applying the algorithm PEHT, the formulation of the optimization criterion is performed based on a realistic sag pseudo-monitoring, which considers the random nature of voltage sags through the five stochastic variables modeled in PEHT. This feature of the database of sag pseudo-measurements of the LOM+OBS and LOM+COR methods provides a greater reliability of the optimal set of monitors calculated when compared to similar methods in the bibliography. - The optimal set of sag monitors is determined by the network operator need. That is, if the goal is to record all faults that originate from voltage sags in the system, the observability criterion is used to determine the optimal location of sag monitors (LOM+OBS). Moreover, if the objective is to define a monitoring system that allows establishing the sag severity of the system from taken from information based on a limited set of sag monitors, the correlation area criterion would be appropriate (LOM+COR). Specifically, in the case of the LOM+OBS method (based on the observability criterion), the following properties were observed in the case studies: - By increasing the size of the network, there was observed a reduction in the percentage of monitored system busbars required. For example, to monitor all the faults which cause sags in the IEEE-24 network, then 100% of the system busbars are required for monitoring. In the case of the IEEE-118 and EC-357 networks, the method LOM+OBS determines that with monitoring 89.5 % and 65.3 % of the system, respectively, the observability criterion of the method would be fulfilled. - The LOM+OBS method calculates the probability of using the optimal set of sag monitors in the long term, establishing a relevance criterion of each sag monitor considered as optimal in the network. With this, the level of accuracy or observability (100%, 95%, etc.) can be determined, with which the faults that caused sags in the studied network are detected. That is, when the accuracy level for detecting faults that cause sags in the system is increased, a larger number of sag monitors is expected when calculating the optimal set of monitors. - The LOM + OBS method is demonstrated to be a technique applicable to any type of electrical system (radial or mesh), ensuring the detection of faults that cause voltage sags in a system according to the observability level raised. In the case of the optimal localization of sag monitors based on the criterion of correlation area (LOM+COR), several tests showed the following conclusions: - The procedure of LOM+COR method combines the implemented algorithms of voltage sag estimation (PEHT and PEHT+MP) with linear optimization techniques to define the optimal location of the sag monitors in a network. That is, the PEHT is used to generate the voltage sag pseudo-records, and, from the proposed optimization criterion (correlation area), the LOM+COR formulates and analytically calculates the optimal set of sag monitors of the network in the long term. From the information recorded by the optimal set of sag monitors, an accurate prediction of the voltage sag severity at all the busbars of the system is guaranteed with the PEHT+MP. - The LOM + COR method is shown to be a versatile optimization procedure, which reduces the size of the sag monitoring system both at radial as meshed grids. Due to its characteristics, this optimal location method allows emulation of complete system sag monitoring through the records of a small optimal set of sag monitors. Therefore, this new optimization method would be applicable to network operators that looks to reduce the installation and operation costs of the voltage sag monitoring system.


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Crossing the Franco-Swiss border, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), designed to collide 7 TeV proton beams, is the world's largest and most powerful particle accelerator the operation of which was originally intended to commence in 2008. Unfortunately, due to an interconnect discontinuity in one of the main dipole circuit's 13 kA superconducting busbars, a catastrophic quench event occurred during initial magnet training, causing significant physical system damage. Furthermore, investigation into the cause found that such discontinuities were not only present in the circuit in question, but throughout the entire LHC. This prevented further magnet training and ultimately resulted in the maximum sustainable beam energy being limited to approximately half that of the design nominal, 3.5-4 TeV, for the first three years of operation (Run 1, 2009-2012) and a major consolidation campaign being scheduled for the first long shutdown (LS 1, 2012-2014). Throughout Run 1, a series of studies attempted to predict the amount of post-installation training quenches still required to qualify each circuit to nominal-energy current levels. With predictions in excess of 80 quenches (each having a recovery time of 8-12+ hours) just to achieve 6.5 TeV and close to 1000 quenches for 7 TeV, it was decided that for Run 2, all systems be at least qualified for 6.5 TeV operation. However, even with all interconnect discontinuities scheduled to be repaired during LS 1, numerous other concerns regarding circuit stability arose. In particular, observations of an erratic behaviour of magnet bypass diodes and the degradation of other potentially weak busbar sections, as well as observations of seemingly random millisecond spikes in beam losses, known as unidentified falling object (UFO) events, which, if persist at 6.5 TeV, may eventually deposit sufficient energy to quench adjacent magnets. In light of the above, the thesis hypothesis states that, even with the observed issues, the LHC main dipole circuits can safely support and sustain near-nominal proton beam energies of at least 6.5 TeV. Research into minimising the risk of magnet training led to the development and implementation of a new qualification method, capable of providing conclusive evidence that all aspects of all circuits, other than the magnets and their internal joints, can safely withstand a quench event at near-nominal current levels, allowing for magnet training to be carried out both systematically and without risk. This method has become known as the Copper Stabiliser Continuity Measurement (CSCM). Results were a success, with all circuits eventually being subject to a full current decay from 6.5 TeV equivalent current levels, with no measurable damage occurring. Research into UFO events led to the development of a numerical model capable of simulating typical UFO events, reproducing entire Run 1 measured event data sets and extrapolating to 6.5 TeV, predicting the likelihood of UFO-induced magnet quenches. Results provided interesting insights into the involved phenomena as well as confirming the possibility of UFO-induced magnet quenches. The model was also capable of predicting that such events, if left unaccounted for, are likely to be commonplace or not, resulting in significant long-term issues for 6.5+ TeV operation. Addressing the thesis hypothesis, the following written works detail the development and results of all CSCM qualification tests and subsequent magnet training as well as the development and simulation results of both 4 TeV and 6.5 TeV UFO event modelling. The thesis concludes, post-LS 1, with the LHC successfully sustaining 6.5 TeV proton beams, but with UFO events, as predicted, resulting in otherwise uninitiated magnet quenches and being at the forefront of system availability issues.


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Tesi hau Solarus AB enpresaren konzentratzailedun eguzki kolektore fotovoltaiko termikoei (C-PVT) buruz doa eta bi helburu nagusi ditu. Lehena Solarus-eko oraingo diseinuaren alderaketak diseinatzea da, MaReCo (Maximum Reflector Collector) diseinuaren eta parabola puruaren alderaketa batzuekin batera. Diseinu hauetan eguzki zelulen ebaketa berriak daude barruan eta 4 busbar-eko eguzki zeluletan oinarritua dago. Honi esker analisi sakon bat egin ahalko da hargailu eta estruktura diseinuak konparatuz. Bigarren helburua Solarus AB-k Gävleko unibertsitatean (HiG) kokaturik dituen kolektoreen errendimendu elektriko eta termikoa aztertzean datza. Datuak simulazio eta software espezifikoen bidez lortu dira eta ondoren Microsoft Excel®-en aztertu. Bi proiektu txikiagoak egin dira ere enpresan, bata eguzki kolektore fotovoltaiko termikoen merkatuaren ikerketan datza eta bestea eguzki kolektoreen produkzio prozesuaren gida batean. Hargailuen eta estrukturaren diseinu berriak preparatuta utzi dira prototipoen hurreneko eraikuntzarako eta proiektuarekin jarraitzeko etorkizuneko lan bat planeatu da. Unibertsitateko instalakuntzaren analisiari dagokionez, errendimendu elektriko eta termikoa estimatuena baino nabarmenki txikiagoak izan dira.