19 resultados para Bupropion
Background We have previously shown that the selective serotonergic re-uptake inhibitor, citalopram, reduces the neural response to reward and aversion in healthy volunteers. We suggest that this inhibitory effect might underlie the emotional blunting reported by patients on these medications. Bupropion is a dopaminergic and noradrenergic re-uptake inhibitor and has been suggested to have more therapeutic effects on reward-related deficits. However, how bupropion affects the neural responses to reward and aversion is unclear. Methods 17 healthy volunteers (9 female, 8 male) received 7 days of bupropion (150 mg/day) and 7 days of placebo treatment, in a double-blind crossover design. Our functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging task consisted of 3 phases; an anticipatory phase (pleasant or unpleasant cue), an effort phase (button presses to achieve a pleasant taste or to avoid an unpleasant taste) and a consummatory phase (pleasant or unpleasant tastes). Volunteers also rated wanting, pleasantness and intensity of the tastes. Results Relative to placebo, bupropion increased activity during the anticipation phase in the ventral medial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) and caudate. During the effort phase, bupropion increased activity in the vmPFC, striatum, dorsal anterior cingulate cortex and primary motor cortex. Bupropion also increased medial orbitofrontal cortex, amygdala and ventral striatum activity during the consummatory phase. Conclusions Our results are the first to show that bupropion can increase neural responses during the anticipation, effort and consummation of rewarding and aversive stimuli. This supports the notion that bupropion might be beneficial for depressed patients with reward-related deficits and blunted affect.
Bupropion is a dopamine (DA) and norepinephrine (NE) reuptake inhibitor used as smoking cessation and antidepressant drug with a lower incidence of male sexual dysfunction. We showed previously that sibutramine, a norepinephrine/serotonine reuptake inhibitor, reduced male rat fertility. As there are no studies evaluating the impact of bupropion treatment on spermatic parameters and male fertility, we evaluated the effects of bupropion treatment (15 and 30 mg kg(-1), 30 days) on sexual behavior, spermatic parameters and fertility of male Wistar rats and on the epididymal duct in vitro contractility. Bupropion 15 mg kg(-1) increased the serum luteinizing hormone level and the epididymal duct contractility, but the sperm quality was not affected. At 30 mg kg(-1) bupropion impaired sperm quality increasing the incidence of non-progressive sperm. The male sexual behavior and fertility were not modified at both bupropion doses. These results, in rats, suggest the importance of studies evaluating the effects of bupropion on the human male sperm quality.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Nicotine addiction remains the leading cause of death and disease in developed and developing nations and a major cause of mortality around the world. Currently, nicotine replacement therapies (NRTs), bupropion, and varenicline are approved by the regulatory agencies as first-line treatments for nicotine addiction. Emerging evidence indicates that varenicline and bupropion have some therapeutic limitations for treating nicotine addiction with oral route of administration. Thus, continued investigation of innovative drug delivery for nicotine addiction remains a critical priority. This review will discuss some novel strategies and future directions for pulmonary drug delivery, an emerging route of administration for smoking cessation. It is anticipated that the advancement of knowledge on pulmonary drug delivery will provide better management for nicotine addiction and other addictive disorders.
21. Smoking cessation 21.1 Epidemiology of cigarette smoking 21.2 Nicotine, addiction and pharmacokinetics 21.3 Nicotine replacement therapy 21.4 Varenicline 21.5 Bupropion
353 págs.
Only a few studies have examined the efficacy and safety of smoking cessation programmes in patients with mental disorders. The aim of this paper is to describe in detail the methodology used in the study as well as the Multi-component Smoking Cessation Support Programme in terms of pharmacological treatments and psychological interventions. An open-label 9-month follow-up study was conducted in Spain. A total of 82 clinically stable outpatients with schizophrenia, schizoaffective or bipolar disorder were enrolled. Treatment consisted of a programme specifically developed by the research team for individuals with severe mental disorders. The programme consisted of two phases: (1) weekly individual motivational therapy for 4-12 weeks, and (2) a 12-week active treatment phase. During this phase, at each study visit patients received a one- or two-week supply of medication (transdermal nicotine patches, varenicline or bupropion) with instructions on how to take it, in addition to group psychotherapy for smoking cessation. Evaluations were performed: (1) at the time of enrolment in the study, (2) during the 12-week active treatment phase of the study (weekly for the first 4 weeks and then biweekly), and (3) after the end of this phase (two follow-up assessments at weeks 12 and 24). Evaluations included: (1) smoking history, (2) substance use, (3) psychopathology, (4) adverse events, and (5) laboratory tests. The importance of this study lies in addressing a topical issue often ignored by psychiatrists: the unacceptably high rates of tobacco use in patients with severe mental disorders.
To assess the preferred methods to quit smoking among current smokers. Cross-sectional, population-based study conducted in Lausanne between 2003 and 2006 including 988 current smokers. Preference was assessed by questionnaire. Evidence-based (EB) methods were nicotine replacement, bupropion, physician or group consultations; non-EB-based methods were acupuncture, hypnosis and autogenic training. EB methods were frequently (physician consultation: 48%, 95% confidence interval (45-51); nicotine replacement therapy: 35% (32-38)) or rarely (bupropion and group consultations: 13% (11-15)) preferred by the participants. Non-EB methods were preferred by a third (acupuncture: 33% (30-36)), a quarter (hypnosis: 26% (23-29)) or a seventh (autogenic training: 13% (11-15)) of responders. On multivariate analysis, women preferred both EB and non-EB methods more frequently than men (odds ratio and 95% confidence interval: 1.46 (1.10-1.93) and 2.26 (1.72-2.96) for any EB and non-EB method, respectively). Preference for non-EB methods was higher among highly educated participants, while no such relationship was found for EB methods. Many smokers are unaware of the full variety of methods to quit smoking. Better information regarding these methods is necessary.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Os otorrinolaringologistas estão diretamente envolvidos no diagnóstico e tratamento de doenças provocadas pelo cigarro, incluindo o câncer das vias aéreas superiores. É importante que os especialistas estejam capacitados a tratar o tabagismo e a dependência da nicotina. Também se sabe que há fumantes entre os próprios médicos. OBJETIVO: Pesquisar as opiniões e condutas de otorrinolaringologistas do Estado de São Paulo frente ao tabagismo e à dependência química da nicotina, e avaliar o hábito tabagístico dos especialistas. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Corte transversal. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Foram selecionados aleatoriamente 600 otorrinolaringologistas do Estado de São Paulo. A esses especialistas foi enviado, em março de 2005, por correio, um questionário padrão. Foram analisadas as respostas recebidas no período de março a maio de 2005. RESULTADOS: Foram recebidas 209 respostas. Nestas, 97 profissionais (46,4%) avaliaram sua familiaridade com os meios de tratamento da dependência de nicotina como regular e 60 (28,7%) como insatisfatória. Dos participantes do estudo, 144 (68,9%) nunca fumaram, 50 (23,9%) são ex-fumantes, nove (4,3%) são fumantes ocasionais e seis (2,9%) são fumantes. CONCLUSÃO: A prevalência de tabagistas na amostra de 209 otorrinolaringologistas do Estado de São Paulo foi de 7,1%.
O tabagismo está relacionado a 30% das mortes por câncer. É fator de risco para desenvolver carcinomas do aparelho respiratório, esôfago, estômago, pâncreas, cérvix uterina, rim e bexiga. A nicotina induz tolerância e dependência pela ação nas vias dopaminérgicas centrais, levando às sensações de prazer e recompensa mediadas pelo sistema límbico. É estimulante do sistema nervoso central (SNC), aumenta o estado de alerta e reduz o apetite. A diminuição de 50% no consumo da nicotina pode desencadear sintomas de abstinência nos indivíduos dependentes: ansiedade, irritabilidade, distúrbios do sono, aumento do apetite, alterações cognitivas e fissura pelo cigarro. O aconselhamento médico é fundamental para o sucesso no abandono do fumo. A farmacoterapia da dependência de nicotina divide-se em: primeira linha (bupropiona e terapia de reposição da nicotina), e segunda linha (clonidina e nortriptilina). A bupropiona é um antidepressivo não-tricíclico que age inibindo a recaptação de dopamina, cujas contra-indicações são: epilepsia, distúrbios alimentares, hipertensão arterial não-controlada, abstinência recente do álcool e uso de inibidores da monoaminoxidase (MAO). A terapia de reposição de nicotina pode ser feita com adesivos e gomas de mascar. Os efeitos da acupuntura no abandono do fumo ainda não estão completamente esclarecidos. As estratégias de interrupção abrupta ou redução gradual do fumo têm a mesma probabilidade de sucesso.
Pós-graduação em Biologia Geral e Aplicada - IBB
Drug abuse is a major global problem which has a strong impact not only on the single individual but also on the entire society. Among the different strategies that can be used to address this issue an important role is played by identification of abusers and proper medical treatment. This kind of therapy should be carefully monitored in order to discourage improper use of the medication and to tailor the dose according to the specific needs of the patient. Hence, reliable analytical methods are needed to reveal drug intake and to support physicians in the pharmacological management of drug dependence. In the present Ph.D. thesis original analytical methods for the determination of drugs with a potential for abuse and of substances used in the pharmacological treatment of drug addiction are presented. In particular, the work has been focused on the analysis of ketamine, naloxone and long-acting opioids (buprenorphine and methadone), oxycodone, disulfiram and bupropion in human plasma and in dried blood spots. The developed methods are based on the use of high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled to various kinds of detectors (mass spectrometer, coulometric detector, diode array detector). For biological sample pre-treatment different techniques have been exploited, namely solid phase extraction and microextraction by packed sorbent. All the presented methods have been validated according to official guidelines with good results and some of these have been successfully applied to the therapeutic drug monitoring of patients under treatment for drug abuse.
Therapeutisches Drug Monitoring (TDM) findet Anwendung in der Therapie mit Immunosuppressiva, Antibiotika, antiretroviraler Medikation, Antikonvulsiva, Antidepressiva und auch Antipsychotika, um die Effizienz zu steigern und das Risiko von Intoxikationen zu reduzieren. Jedoch ist die Anwendung von TDM für Substanzen, die Einsatz finden in der Rückfallprophylaxe, der Substitution oder dem Entzug von Abhängigkeitserkrankungen nicht etabliert. Für diese Arbeit wurde im ersten Schritt eine sensitive Rating-Skala mit 22 Items entwickelt, mit Hilfe derer der theoretische Nutzen von TDM in der Pharmakotherapie von substanzbezogenen Abhängigkeitserkrankungen auf der Basis von pharmakologischen Eigenschaften der Medikamente und von Patientencharakteristika evaluiert wurde. Die vorgenommene Einschätzung zeigte für Bupropion, Buprenorphin, Disulfiram (oder einen Metaboliten), Methadon (chirale Bestimmung wenn möglich) und Naltrexon einen potentiellen Nutzen von TDM.rnFür die meisten Medikamente, die zur Behandlung von Abhängigkeitserkrankungen zugelassen sind, fehlen valide Messverfahren für TDM. Im Alltag werden überwiegend Drogen Screening-Tests in Form immunologischer Schnelltests angewendet. Für die Anwendung von TDM wurden in dieser Arbeit chromatographische Verfahren für die Bestimmung von Naltrexon und 6β-Naltrexol, Bupropion und Hydroxybupropion sowie R,S-Methadon und R,S-2-Ethyliden-1,5-dimethyl-3,3-diphenylpyrrolidin entwickelt, optimiert und validiert. Es handelt sich dabei HPLC-UV-Methoden mit Säulenschaltung sowie zur Bestimmung von Naltrexon und 6β-Naltrexol zusätzlich eine LC-MS/MS-Methode. Voraussetzung für die Interpretation der Plasmaspiegel ist im Wesentlichen die Kenntnis eines therapeutischen Bereichs. Für Naltrexon und seinen aktiven Metaboliten 6β-Naltrexol konnte eine signifikante Korrelation zwischen dem auftretenden Craving und der Summenkonzentration gefunden werden. Mittels Receiver-Operation-Characteristics-Kurven-Analyse wurde ein Schwellenwert von 16,6 ng/ml ermittelt, oberhalb dessen mit einem erhöhten Ansprechen gerechnet werden kann. Für Levomethadon wurde bezüglich der Detoxifikationsbehandlung ein Zusammenhang in der prozentualen Reduktion des Plasmaspiegels und den objektiven und subjektiven Entzugssymptomen gefunden. rnDoch nicht nur die Wirkstoffe, sondern auch das Patientenmerkmal substanzbezogene Abhängigkeit wurde charakterisiert, zum einen bezüglich pharmakokinetischer Besonderheiten, zum anderen in Hinsicht auf die Therapietreue (Adhärenz). Für Patienten mit komorbider Substanzabhängigkeit konnte eine verminderte Adhärenz unabhängig von der Hauptdiagnose gezeigt werden. Die Betrachtung des Einflusses von veränderten Leberwerten zeigt für komorbide Patienten eine hohe Korrelation mit dem Metabolisiererstatus, nicht aber für Patienten ohne Substanzabhängigkeit.rnÜbergeordnetes Ziel von TDM ist die Erhöhung der Therapiesicherheit und die Steigerung der Therapieeffizienz. Dies ist jedoch nur möglich, wenn TDM im klinischen Alltag integriert ist und korrekt eingesetzt wird. Obwohl es klare Evidenz für TDM von psychiatrischer Medikation gibt, ist die Diskrepanz zwischen Laborempfehlung und der klinischen Umsetzung hoch. Durch Intensivierung der interdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit zwischen Ärzten und Labor, der Entwicklung von interaktivem TDM (iTDM), konnte die Qualität der Anwendung von TDM verbessert und das Risiko von unerwünschten Arzneimittelwirkungen vermindert werden. rnInsgesamt konnte durch die eigenen Untersuchungen gezeigt werden, dass TDM für die medikamentöse Einstellung von Patienten mit Abhängigkeitserkrankung sinnvoll ist und dass optimales TDM eine interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit erfordert.rn