987 resultados para Bullying at work


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Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Politécnico do Porto para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Gestão das Organizações, Ramo de Gestão de Empresas. Orientada por Prof. Doutor Manuel Salvador Gomes de Araújo


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Este trabajo debe ser tomado en cuenta solamente como una iniciativa individual por mi gran preocupación sobre el tema, y mi interés en combatir el fenómeno del Bullying, esperando con ello, que sea un aporte para llegar a motivar a otras personas en la búsqueda del conocimiento y las razones necesarias, con el fin de que se emprendan nuevas acciones en la investigación, para combatir el problema. Quiero dar las gracias a todas las instituciones, y a las personas mencionadas en este documento, quienes de alguna manera contribuyeron con sus aportes e ideas sobre el tema, y que llevaron a un buen término la elaboración de este trabajo, para combatir el Bullying.


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This research studied the prevalence and impact of workplace cyberbullying as perceived by public servants working in government organisations across Australia. Using Social Information Processing theory, this research found employees reported task- and person-related cyberbullying that was associated with increased workplace stress, diminished job satisfaction and performance, and reduced confidence in their organisations' anti-bullying intervention and protection strategies. Furthermore, workplace cyberbullying can create a concealed, online work culture that undermines employee and organisational productivity. These results are significant for employers' duty-of-care obligations, and represent a cogent argument for improved workplace cultures in support to Australia's future organisational and economic performance.


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JUSTIFICATIVA: Embora a problemática do assédio moral no trabalho venha sendo estudada há mais de três décadas, aspectos de gerenciamento e prevenção ainda necessitam de maior estudo e sistematização. OBJETIVO: Identificar e sistematizar os métodos de intervenção em assédio moral. MÉTODO: Pesquisa bibliográfica sobre o tema em bases de dados (Medline, Psychinfo, SciELO e Lilacs), livros, teses e sites especializados (1980 a 2010). RESULTADOS E DISCUSSÃO: O conceito de assédio moral no trabalho é inicialmente delimitado, explicitando os elementos caracterizadores básicos. As intervenções são organizadas em níveis de prevenção (primária, secundária e terciária) e alvos das ações: indivíduos diretamente envolvidos, testemunhas, grupo de trabalho e organização. Os aspectos que levam ao sucesso das intervenções e às boas práticas são elencados. CONCLUSÃO: Dada a natureza complexa do assédio moral no trabalho, intervenções isoladas e pontuais não funcionam. A abordagem precisa ser abrangente e o acompanhamento das ações, sistemático. Cada caso é singular e o desenho da intervenção deve considerar o contexto organizacional e envolver os vários atores sociais.


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Introducción: Desde los años 80 se viene haciendo énfasis en el acoso laboral, conocido en otros países como Mobbing, describiéndose como una forma de abuso y violencia psicológica en el lugar de trabajo, realizado ya sea por una sola persona o por un grupo de personas y que por sus implicaciones se estima de alto impacto para los trabajadores, y las organizaciones. Considerando la importancia y prevalencia del mobbing en la sociedad actual, se convierte en un tema relevante para el área de salud ocupacional. Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar los efectos del acoso laboral generados en la salud del trabajador. Metodología: Se realizó una revisión sistemática utilizando el método PRISMA, de las publicaciones vigentes entre los años 2006 a 2016 sobre los efectos del acoso laboral en la salud del trabajador. En la búsqueda se obtuvieron 778 artículos de los cuales 27 cumplían con los criterios de inclusión. Resultados: se encontró que la prevalencia del acoso laboral puede ser diferente de acuerdo a la definición utilizada, instrumento de medida y población estudiada, la cual fluctúa entre el 7% al 88% según el estudio analizado. Además se evidenció que la prevalencia también difiere dependiendo de quién sea el perpetrador del acoso, si el líder o jefe es el acosador es mayor (60,3%) que cuando es causado por colegas o por clientes (41,5%). El impacto del acoso laboral, según la mayoría de los estudios, es que provoca efectos negativos en la salud emocional del trabajador siendo la depresión una de las principales consecuencias con una relación estadísticamente significativa (p<0,001). Las enfermedades del aparato respiratorio y del sistema musculo esquelético y del tejido conectivo fueron las que se presentaron con mayor frecuencia en los trabajadores que sufren de acoso con un 43,5% y un 37.8% respectivamente. Conclusiones: éstos resultados demuestran que el acoso laboral no solamente es un problema desde el punto de vista organizacional, sino que conlleva consecuencias en la salud mental y física de los trabajadores que lo sufren. Palabras clave: Mobbing, workplace, acoso laboral, acoso psicológico, bullying, harassment, salud ocupacional, occupational health.


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This paper summarizes literature explaining workplace bullying and focuses on organisational antecedents of bullying. In order to better understand the logic behind bullying, a model discussing different types of explanations is put forward. Thus, explanations for and factors associated with bullying are classified into three groups, i.e. enabling structures or necessary antecedents (e.g. perceived power imbalances, low perceived costs, and dissatisfaction and frustration), motivating structures or incentives (e.g. internal competition, reward systems, and expected benefits), and precipitating processes or triggering circumstances (e.g. downsizing and restructuring, organisational changes, changes in the composition of the workgroup). The paper concludes that bullying is often an interaction between structures and processes from all three groupings.


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This paper argues that workplace bullying can in some cases be a form of organisational politics, that is, a deliberate, competitive strategy from the perspective of the individual perpetrator. A cross-sectional study conducted among business professionals revealed that there was a correlation between a politicised and competitive climate and bullying. This finding implies that globalisation, increased pressures for efficiency, and restructuring, which limits the number of management positions and thereby contributes to increased internal competition, may lead to more bullying. The findings have important implications for management, since the possible political aspects of bullying must be taken into account in order to be able to undertake successful prevention and intervention measures.


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While the subject of cyberbullying of children and adolescents has begun to be addressed, there has been less attention or research on cyberbullying in the workplace. Whilst male-dominated workplaces such as manufacturing settings have been found to have an increased risk of workplace bullying, the prevalence of cyberbullying in this sector is not known. This exploratory study investigated the prevalence and methods of face-to-face bullying and cyberbullying of males at work. One hundred and three surveys (a modified version of the NAQ-R1), were returned from randomly selected members of the Australian Manufacturing Worker’s Union (AMWU). The results showed that 34% of the respondents were bullied face-to-face, and 10.7% were cyberbullied. All victims of cyberbullying also experienced face-to-face bullying. The implications for organisations of their “duty of care” in regards to this new form of bullying are indicated.


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This special issue came about following an international symposium on bullying held in December 2008 at the Department of Child Studies, Linko¨ping University, Sweden, led by Jakob Cromdal and Paul Horton. The articles represent a diverse body of theoretical and empirical work that emphasises children and young people’s views of and participation in everyday experiences. The articles, as a collection, aim to be provocative in terms of challenging some existing dominant understandings about bullying to propose alternate ways to understand this phenomenon.


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The field of cyberbullying is relatively new and there is no universal consensus on its definition, measurement and intervention. Authors agree that bullying has entered into the digital domain and professionals require the skills to help identify and prevent these behaviours. Ninety two students were surveyed to determine their experience with different types of bullying behaviors (face-to-face, cyberbullying or both), as bully, victim or witness. Our objective was to explore the association between those types of bullying and anxiety. The results suggest a significant association between face-to-face bullying and anxiety. Similarly, there was significant association between experiencing both types of bullying and anxiety. Further studies are required with larger and more diverse samples in order to verify current findings and to test for additional associations.


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It is a serious concern to health practitioners and policymakers that, in spite of substantial investment, there has been no meaningful decline in the prevalence of mental illness in Australia (Slade et al., 2009). It is now understood that a complex array of biopsychosocial factors confer varying degrees of risk of mental illness. Genetic predisposition, obstetric complications, environmental toxins, poverty, developmental delay, substance abuse, exposure to loss and trauma, chaotic family environments with accompanying abuse and neglect, chronic physical illness and maladaptive interpersonal interactions all contribute to an increased risk of developing mental disorders (Kieling et al., 2011). Bullying in childhood and adolescence is an identified risk factor for mental disorders, suicide attempts and drug and alcohol problems (Copeland et al., 2013; Moore et al., 2013)...


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The aim of this study has been to analyze measures adopted to counteract workplace bullying from the perspective of human resource management. First, the kind of measures that are adopted to prevent bullying were examined. Second, factors affecting the extent of such measures were explored. The introduction of written anti-bullying policies and the provision of information were found to be the most common measures adopted. The policies strongly emphasized the role of supervisors and the immediate superior. Measures to counteract bullying were positively related to the adoption of ‘sophisticated’ human resource practices, previous negative publicity concerning bullying and the presence of a young human resource manager. The results, however, also indicated that imitation seemed to provide an important impetus behind anti-bullying efforts.