997 resultados para Bulk glass


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The transition from hard to soft magnetic behaviour with increasing quenching rate is shown for Nd60WAl10Fe20Co10 melt-spun ribbons with different thickness. Microstructure and magnetic domain structure of ribbons were studied by magnetic force microscopy (MFM). Particle sizes < 5 nm decreasing gradually with increasing quenching rate were deduced from topographic images which differ from large-scale magnetic domains with a periodicity of about 350 nm in all ribbons irrespective the coercivity. This indicates that the magnetic properties of the alloy are governed by interaction of small magnetic particles. It is concluded that the presence of short-range-ordered structures with a local ordering similar to the Al metastable Nd-Fe binary phase is responsible for the hard magnetic properties in samples subjected to relatively low quenching rate.


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The most important property of a bone cement or a bone substitute in load bearing orthopaedic implants is good integration with host bone with reduced bone resorption and increased bone regeneration at the implant interface. Long term implantation of metal-based joint replacements often results in corrosion and particle release, initiating chronic inflammation leading onto osteoporosis of host bone. An alternative solution is the coating of metal implants with hydroxyapatite (HA) or bioglass or the use of bulk bioglass or HA-based composites. In the above perspective, the present study reports the in vivo biocompatibility and bone healing of the strontium (Sr)-stabilized bulk glass ceramics with the nominal composition of 4.5SiO(2)-3Al(2)O(3)-1.5P(2)O(5)-3SrO-2SrF(2) during short term implantation of up to 12 weeks in rabbit animal model. The progression of healing and bone regeneration was qualitatively and quantitatively assessed using fluorescence microscopy, histological analysis and micro-computed tomography. The overall assessment of the present study establishes that the investigated glass ceramic is biocompatible in vivo with regards to local effects after short term implantation in rabbit animal model. Excellent healing was observed, which is comparable to that seen in response to a commercially available implant of HA-based bioglass alone. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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One of the desired properties for any new biomaterial composition is its long-term stability in a suitable animal model and such property cannot be appropriately assessed by performing short-term implantation studies. While hydroxyapatite (HA) or bioglass coated metallic biomaterials are being investigated for in vivo biocompatibility properties, such study is not extensively being pursued for bulk glass ceramics. In view of their inherent brittle nature, the implant stability as well as impact of long-term release of metallic ions on bone regeneration have been a major concern. In this perspective, the present article reports the results of the in vivo implantation experiments carried out using 100% strontium (Sr)-substituted glass ceramics with the nominal composition of 4.5 SiO2-3Al(2)O(3)-1.5P(2)O(5)-3SrO-2SrF(2) for 26 weeks in cylindrical bone defects in rabbit model. The combination of histological and micro-computed tomography analysis provided a qualitative and quantitative understanding of the bone regeneration around the glass ceramic implants in comparison to the highly bioactive HA bioglass implants (control). The sequential polychrome labeling of bone during in vivo osseointegration using three fluorochromes followed by fluorescence microscopy observation confirmed homogeneous bone formation around the test implants. The results of the present study unequivocally confirm the long-term implant stability as well as osteoconductive property of 100% Sr-substituted glass ceramics, which is comparable to that of a known bioactive implant, that is, HA-based bioglass. (c) 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater, 103B: 1168-1179, 2015.


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Tellurite glass is proposed as a host for broadband erbium-doped fiber amplifiers because of their excellent optical and chemical properties. A new single mode Er3+/Yb3+ codoped tellurite fiber with D-shape cladding geometry is fabricated in this work. When pumped at 980 nm, a broad erbium amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) nearly 100 nm in the wavelength range of 1450-1650 ran around 1.53 mu m is observed. It was found that the emission spectrum from erbium in tellurite glass fibers is almost twice as broad as the corresponding spectrum in tellurite bulk glass. The changes in ASE with regard to fiber lengths and pumping power were measured and discussed. The output of about 2.3 mW from Er3+/Yb3+ codoped tellurite fiber ASE source is obtained under the pump power of 700 mW. The broad 1.53 mu m emission of Er3+ in Er3+/Yb3+ codoped tellurite glass fiber can be used as host material for potential broadband optical amplifier and tunable fiber lasers. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this study we report on surface crystallization phenomena and propose a solution for the fabrication of long and robust tellurite glass fibers. The bulk tellurite glasses of interest were prepared by melting and quenching techniques. Tellurite glass preforms and fibers were fabricated by suction casting and rod-in-tube drawing methods, respectively. The surfaces of the tellurite bulk glass samples and of the drawn fibers prepared under different controlled atmospheres were examined by X-ray diffraction. When the tellurite glass fibers were drawn in ambient air containing water vapor, four primary kinds of small crystals were found to appear on the fiber surface, alpha-TeO(2), gamma-TeO(2), Zn(2)Te(3)O(8) and Na(2)Zn(3)(CO(3))(4)center dot 3H(2)O. A mechanism for this surface crystallization is proposed and a solution described, using an ultra-dry oxygen gas atmosphere to effectively prevent surface crystallization during fiber drawing. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this work, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was used to study the mechanism of crystallization of 5OP(2)O(5-)27.8Na(2)O-16ZnO-6.2Al(2)O(3) glass. DSC measurements were performed on bulk and powdered glasses with different particle size. The curve for bulk glass shows one crystallization peak while powdered glasses presented two distinct crystallization peaks. Based on DSC studies, the activation energies obtained were 336 +/- 6 and 213 +/- 3 U mol(-1), associated with first and second crystallization peaks, respectively. Analyzing the DSC parameters as a function of particle size, the Avrami n parameter suggests that the peak at low temperature may be associated with surface crystallization while the peak at high temperature is associated with bulk crystallization. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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(100 - x)TeO2 - xNb(2)O(5) (x=5-20) mobic tellurite glasses doped with 0.5 mol.% Er2O3 were synthesized, and their thermal, mechanical, and spectroscopic properties were measured and compared to the properties of the typical 75TeO(2)-20ZnO-5Na(2)O (TZN) tellurite glass. The refractive index (n(d)), density (p), and glass transition temperature (T-g) of bulk glasses increase with the Nb2O5 content. The Vickers microhardness (H-v) of bulk glass in niobic tellurite glasses also increases with the Nb2O5 content. The values (2.5-3.2 GPa) of H, in the niobic tellurite glasses are 47-88% larger than that (1.7 GPa) in TZN glass. The effect of Nb2O5 content on absorption spectra, the Judd-Ofelt parameters Omega(t) (t = 2, 4, 6), fluorescence spectra and the lifetimes of Er3+ :I-13/2 level were also investigated, and the stimulated emission crosssection was calculated from McCumber theory. With increasing Nb2O5 content in the glass composition, the Omega(t) (t = 2, 4, 6) parameters, fluorescence full width at half maximum (FWHM) Of I-13/2 of Er3+ increase, while the I-4(13/2) lifetimes of Er3+ decreases. Compared with TZN glass, the gain bandwidth properties of Er3+-doped TeO2-Nb2O5 glass is much larger than in tellurite glass based TeO2-ZnO-Na2O system, bismush-based glass, germanate, and silicate glasses, which indicates that TeO2-Nb2O5 glasses are better choice as a practical available host material for broadband Er3+-doped amplifier. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The upconversion properties of Er3+/Yb3+ codoped tellurite glasses and glass fibers with D-shape cladding under 980 mu excitation were investigated. Intense emission bands centered at 531, 546 and 658 nm corresponding to the transitions Er3+: H-2(11/2) -> I-4(15/2) , S-4(3/2) -> I-4(15/2) and F-4(9/2) -> I-4(15/2), respectively, were observed at room temperature. Compared with that in Er3+/Yb3+ codoped tellurite bulk glass, the upconversion luminescence becomes more efficient in the fiber geometry. The dependence of upconversion intensities on fiber geometry and possible upconversion mechanism are discussed and evaluated. The presented Er3+/Yb3+ codoped tellurite fibers with intense upconversion luminescence can be used as potential host materials for upconversion fiber lasers. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ground state energy, structure, and harmonic vibrational modes of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium triflate ([bmim][Tf]) clusters have been computed using an all-atom empirical potential model. Neutral and charged species have been considered up to a size (30 [bmim][Tf] pairs) well into the nanometric range. Free energy computations and thermodynamic modeling have been used to predict the equilibrium composition of the vapor phase as a function of temperature and density. The results point to a nonnegligible concentration of very small charged species at pressures (P ~ 0.01 Pa) and temperatures (T 600 K) at the boundary of the stability range of [bmim][Tf]. Thermal properties of nanometric neutral droplets have been investigated in the 0 T 700 K range. A near-continuous transition between a liquidlike phase at high T and a solidlike phase at low T takes place at T ~ 190 K in close correspondence with the bulk glass point Tg ~ 200 K. Solidification is accompanied by a transition in the dielectric properties of the droplet, giving rise to a small permanent dipole embedded into the solid cluster. The simulation results highlight the molecular precursors of several macroscopic properties and phenomena and point to the close competition of Coulomb and dispersion forces as their common origin.


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The influence of time exposure, when exposed to above band gap light (3,52 eV) and annealing, on Ga10Ge25S65 glasses has been studied through their effects on the structure and optical properties. To evaluate the photostructural change infrared and Raman spectra for bulk Ga10Ge25S65 glasses have been measured before and after exposure. The Raman spectra are interpreted in terms of models in which the Ge atoms are fourfold coordinated and the S atoms are two fold coordinated. The observed changes in the spectral region of (S-S) stretching vibration (470-490 cm (-1)) is a direct evidence for the occurrence of important structural changes in local bonding configuration caused by optical irradiation. It is shown that the dominant photostrucural changes are chain formation tendency of the chalcogenide atoms under the laser irradiation rather than rings.


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In this work we report our achievements in the elaboration and optical characterizations of low-losses suspended core optical fibers elaborated from As2S3 glass. For preforms elaboration, alternatively to other processes like the stack and draw or extrusion, we use a process based on mechanical drilling. The drawing of these drilled performs into fibers allows reaching a suspended core geometry, in which a 2 μm diameter core is linked to the fiber clad region by three supporting struts. The different fibers that have been drawn show losses close to 0.9 dB/m at 1.55 μm. The suspended core waveguide geometry has also an efficient influence on the chromatic dispersion and allows its management. Indeed, the zero dispersion wavelength, which is around 5 μm in the bulk glass, is calculated to be shifted towards around 2μm in our suspended core fibers. In order to qualify their nonlinearity we have pumped them at 1.995 μm with the help of a fibered ns source. We have observed a strong non linear response with evidence of spontaneous Raman scattering and strong spectral broadening. © 2011 SPIE.


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A series of heavy metal oxide (HMO) glasses with composition 26.66B(2)O(3)-16GeO(2)-4 Bi2O3-(53.33-x)PbO-xPbF2 (0 <= x <= 40) were prepared and characterized with respect to their bulk (glass transition and crystallization temperatures, densities, molar volumes) and spectroscopic properties. Homogeneous glasses are formed up to x = 30, while crystallization of beta-PbF2 takes place at higher contents. Substitution of PbO by PbF2 shifts the optical band gap toward higher energies, thereby extending the UV transmission window significantly toward higher frequencies. Raman and infrared absorption spectra can be interpreted in conjunction with published reference data. Using B-11 and F-19 high-resolution solid state NMR as well as B-11/F-19 double resonance methodologies, we develop a quantitative structural description of this material. The fraction of four-coordinate boron is found to be moderately higher compared to that in glasses with the same PbO/B2O3 ratios, suggesting some participation of PbF2 in the network transformation process. This suggestion is confirmed by the F-19 NMR spectra. While the majority of the fluoride ions is present as ionic fluoride, similar to 20% of the fluorine inventory acts as a network modifier, resulting in the formation of four-coordinate BO3/2F- units. These units can be identified by F-19{B-11} rotational echo double resonance and B-11{F-19} cross-polarization magic angle spinning (CPMAS) data. These results provide the first unambiguous evidence of B-F bonding in a PbF2-modified glass system. The majority of the fluoride ions are found in a lead-dominated environment. F-19-F-19 homonuclear dipolar second moments measured by spin echo decay spectroscopy are quantitatively consistent with a model in which these ions are randomly distributed within the network modifier subdomain consisting of PbO, Bi2O3, and PbF2. This model, which implies both the features of atomic scale mixing with the network former borate species and some degree of fluoride ion clustering is consistent with all of the experimental data obtained on these glasses.


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A novel Zr-based bulk metallic glass composite was fabricated using stainless steel capillaries as the reinforcement. Large plasticity (14%) was achieved in the composite with a reinforcement volume fraction of 38%. The high plasticity observed can be attributed to the formation of small glass fibers encapsulated by the steel capillaries, which promotes multiple shear bands in both metallic glass matrix and the fibers themselves. A new parameter was also proposed to approximately evaluate the reinforcement efficiency.


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Uniaxial compression experiments on 0.3, 1 and 3 mu m diameter micropillars of a Zr-based bulk metallic glass in as-cast, shot-peened and structurally relaxed conditions were conducted. Shear band formation and stable propagation is observed to be the plastic deformation mode in all cases, with no detectable difference in yield strength according to either size or condition. The limitations of uniaxial compression tests in assessing the influence of various material conditions on plasticity, when it is inhomogeneous in nature, are illustrated.


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Electrical resistivity of bulk amorphous Al23T77 samples has been studied as a function of pressure (up to 80 kbar) and temperature (down to 77 K). At atmospheric pressure the temperature dependence of resistivity obeys the relation = π0 exp(δE/RT) with two activation energies. In the temperature range 300 K T > 234 K the activation energy is 0.58 eV and for 234 >T 185 K the value is δE = 0.30 ev. The activation energy has been measured as a function of pressure. The electrical resistivity decreases exponentially with the increase of pressure and at 70 kbar pressure the electrical behaviour of the sample shows a metallic nature with a positive temperature coefficient. The high pressure phase of the sample is found to be a crystalline hexagonal phase.