919 resultados para Bulk Diffusion
We present a novel kinetic multi-layer model that explicitly resolves mass transport and chemical reaction at the surface and in the bulk of aerosol particles (KM-SUB). The model is based on the PRA framework of gas-particle interactions (Poschl-Rudich-Ammann, 2007), and it includes reversible adsorption, surface reactions and surface-bulk exchange as well as bulk diffusion and reaction. Unlike earlier models, KM-SUB does not require simplifying assumptions about steady-state conditions and radial mixing. The temporal evolution and concentration profiles of volatile and non-volatile species at the gas-particle interface and in the particle bulk can be modeled along with surface concentrations and gas uptake coefficients. In this study we explore and exemplify the effects of bulk diffusion on the rate of reactive gas uptake for a simple reference system, the ozonolysis of oleic acid particles, in comparison to experimental data and earlier model studies. We demonstrate how KM-SUB can be used to interpret and analyze experimental data from laboratory studies, and how the results can be extrapolated to atmospheric conditions. In particular, we show how interfacial and bulk transport, i.e., surface accommodation, bulk accommodation and bulk diffusion, influence the kinetics of the chemical reaction. Sensitivity studies suggest that in fine air particulate matter oleic acid and compounds with similar reactivity against ozone (carbon-carbon double bonds) can reach chemical lifetimes of many hours only if they are embedded in a (semi-)solid matrix with very low diffusion coefficients (< 10(-10) cm(2) s(-1)). Depending on the complexity of the investigated system, unlimited numbers of volatile and non-volatile species and chemical reactions can be flexibly added and treated with KM-SUB. We propose and intend to pursue the application of KM-SUB as a basis for the development of a detailed master mechanism of aerosol chemistry as well as for the derivation of simplified but realistic parameterizations for large-scale atmospheric and climate models.
We present a novel kinetic multi-layer model that explicitly resolves mass transport and chemical reaction at the surface and in the bulk of aerosol particles (KM-SUB). The model is based on the PRA framework of gas–particle interactions (P¨oschl et al., 5 2007), and it includes reversible adsorption, surface reactions and surface-bulk exchange as well as bulk diffusion and reaction. Unlike earlier models, KM-SUB does not require simplifying assumptions about steady-state conditions and radial mixing. The temporal evolution and concentration profiles of volatile and non-volatile species at the gas-particle interface and in the particle bulk can be modeled along with surface 10 concentrations and gas uptake coefficients. In this study we explore and exemplify the effects of bulk diffusion on the rate of reactive gas uptake for a simple reference system, the ozonolysis of oleic acid particles, in comparison to experimental data and earlier model studies. We demonstrate how KM-SUB can be used to interpret and analyze experimental data from laboratory stud15 ies, and how the results can be extrapolated to atmospheric conditions. In particular, we show how interfacial transport and bulk transport, i.e., surface accommodation, bulk accommodation and bulk diffusion, influence the kinetics of the chemical reaction. Sensitivity studies suggest that in fine air particulate matter oleic acid and compounds with similar reactivity against ozone (C=C double bonds) can reach chemical lifetimes of 20 multiple hours only if they are embedded in a (semi-)solid matrix with very low diffusion coefficients (10−10 cm2 s−1). Depending on the complexity of the investigated system, unlimited numbers of volatile and non-volatile species and chemical reactions can be flexibly added and treated with KM-SUB. We propose and intend to pursue the application of KM-SUB 25 as a basis for the development of a detailed master mechanism of aerosol chemistry as well as for the derivation of simplified but realistic parameterizations for large-scale atmospheric and climate models.
We have studied domain growth during spinodal decomposition at low temperatures. We have performed a numerical integration of the deterministic time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau equation with a variable, concentration-dependent diffusion coefficient. The form of the pair-correlation function and the structure function are independent of temperature but the dynamics is slower at low temperature. A crossover between interfacial diffusion and bulk diffusion mechanisms is observed in the behavior of the characteristic domain size. This effect is explained theoretically in terms of an equation of motion for the interface.
We present a novel kinetic multi-layer model for gas-particle interactions in aerosols and clouds (KM-GAP) that treats explicitly all steps of mass transport and chemical reaction of semi-volatile species partitioning between gas phase, particle surface and particle bulk. KM-GAP is based on the PRA model framework (Pöschl-Rudich-Ammann, 2007), and it includes gas phase diffusion, reversible adsorption, surface reactions, bulk diffusion and reaction, as well as condensation, evaporation and heat transfer. The size change of atmospheric particles and the temporal evolution and spatial profile of the concentration of individual chemical species can be modelled along with gas uptake and accommodation coefficients. Depending on the complexity of the investigated system, unlimited numbers of semi-volatile species, chemical reactions, and physical processes can be treated, and the model shall help to bridge gaps in the understanding and quantification of multiphase chemistry and microphysics in atmo- spheric aerosols and clouds. In this study we demonstrate how KM-GAP can be used to analyze, interpret and design experimental investigations of changes in particle size and chemical composition in response to condensation, evaporation, and chemical reaction. For the condensational growth of water droplets, our kinetic model results provide a direct link between laboratory observations and molecular dynamic simulations, confirming that the accommodation coefficient of water at 270 K is close to unity. Literature data on the evaporation of dioctyl phthalate as a function of particle size and time can be reproduced, and the model results suggest that changes in the experimental conditions like aerosol particle concentration and chamber geometry may influence the evaporation kinetics and can be optimized for eðcient probing of specific physical effects and parameters. With regard to oxidative aging of organic aerosol particles, we illustrate how the formation and evaporation of volatile reaction products like nonanal can cause a decrease in the size of oleic acid particles exposed to ozone.
We present a novel kinetic multi-layer model for gas-particle interactions in aerosols and clouds (KMGAP) that treats explicitly all steps of mass transport and chemical reaction of semi-volatile species partitioning between gas phase, particle surface and particle bulk. KMGAP is based on the PRA model framework (P¨oschl-Rudich- Ammann, 2007), and it includes gas phase diffusion, reversible adsorption, surface reactions, bulk diffusion and reaction, as well as condensation, evaporation and heat transfer. The size change of atmospheric particles and the temporal evolution and spatial profile of the concentration of individual chemical species can be modeled along with gas uptake and accommodation coefficients. Depending on the complexity of the investigated system and the computational constraints, unlimited numbers of semi-volatile species, chemical reactions, and physical processes can be treated, and the model shall help to bridge gaps in the understanding and quantification of multiphase chemistry and microphysics in atmospheric aerosols and clouds. In this study we demonstrate how KM-GAP can be used to analyze, interpret and design experimental investigations of changes in particle size and chemical composition in response to condensation, evaporation, and chemical reaction. For the condensational growth of water droplets, our kinetic model results provide a direct link between laboratory observations and molecular dynamic simulations, confirming that the accommodation coefficient of water at 270K is close to unity (Winkler et al., 2006). Literature data on the evaporation of dioctyl phthalate as a function of particle size and time can be reproduced, and the model results suggest that changes in the experimental conditions like aerosol particle concentration and chamber geometry may influence the evaporation kinetics and can be optimized for efficient probing of specific physical effects and parameters. With regard to oxidative aging of organic aerosol particles, we illustrate how the formation and evaporation of volatile reaction products like nonanal can cause a decrease in the size of oleic acid particles exposed to ozone.
Cellulose fibers obtained from the textile industry (lyocell) were investigated as a potential reinforcement for thermoset phenolic matrices, to improve their mechanical properties. Textile cotton fibers were also considered. The fibers were characterized in terms of their chemical composition and analyzed using TGA, SEM, and X-ray. The thermoset (non-reinforced) and composites (phenolic matrices reinforced with randomly dispersed fibers) were characterized using TG, DSC, SEM, DMTA, the Izod impact strength test, and water absorption capacity analysis. The composites that were reinforced with lyocell fibers exhibited impact strengths of nearly 240 Jm(-1), whereas those reinforced with cotton fibers exhibited impact strengths of up to 773 Jm(-1). In addition to the aspect ratio, the higher crystallinity of cotton fibers compared to lyocell likely plays a role in the impact strength of the composite reinforced by the fibers. The SEM images showed that the porosity of the textile fibers allowed good bulk diffusion of the phenolic resin, which, in turn, led to both good adhesion of fiber to matrix and fewer microvoids at the interface.
Aerosolpartikel beeinflussen das Klima durch Streuung und Absorption von Strahlung sowie als Nukleations-Kerne für Wolkentröpfchen und Eiskristalle. Darüber hinaus haben Aerosole einen starken Einfluss auf die Luftverschmutzung und die öffentliche Gesundheit. Gas-Partikel-Wechselwirkunge sind wichtige Prozesse, weil sie die physikalischen und chemischen Eigenschaften von Aerosolen wie Toxizität, Reaktivität, Hygroskopizität und optische Eigenschaften beeinflussen. Durch einen Mangel an experimentellen Daten und universellen Modellformalismen sind jedoch die Mechanismen und die Kinetik der Gasaufnahme und der chemischen Transformation organischer Aerosolpartikel unzureichend erfasst. Sowohl die chemische Transformation als auch die negativen gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen von toxischen und allergenen Aerosolpartikeln, wie Ruß, polyzyklische aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe (PAK) und Proteine, sind bislang nicht gut verstanden.rn Kinetische Fluss-Modelle für Aerosoloberflächen- und Partikelbulk-Chemie wurden auf Basis des Pöschl-Rudich-Ammann-Formalismus für Gas-Partikel-Wechselwirkungen entwickelt. Zunächst wurde das kinetische Doppelschicht-Oberflächenmodell K2-SURF entwickelt, welches den Abbau von PAK auf Aerosolpartikeln in Gegenwart von Ozon, Stickstoffdioxid, Wasserdampf, Hydroxyl- und Nitrat-Radikalen beschreibt. Kompetitive Adsorption und chemische Transformation der Oberfläche führen zu einer stark nicht-linearen Abhängigkeit der Ozon-Aufnahme bezüglich Gaszusammensetzung. Unter atmosphärischen Bedingungen reicht die chemische Lebensdauer von PAK von wenigen Minuten auf Ruß, über mehrere Stunden auf organischen und anorganischen Feststoffen bis hin zu Tagen auf flüssigen Partikeln. rn Anschließend wurde das kinetische Mehrschichtenmodell KM-SUB entwickelt um die chemische Transformation organischer Aerosolpartikel zu beschreiben. KM-SUB ist in der Lage, Transportprozesse und chemische Reaktionen an der Oberfläche und im Bulk von Aerosol-partikeln explizit aufzulösen. Es erforder im Gegensatz zu früheren Modellen keine vereinfachenden Annahmen über stationäre Zustände und radiale Durchmischung. In Kombination mit Literaturdaten und neuen experimentellen Ergebnissen wurde KM-SUB eingesetzt, um die Effekte von Grenzflächen- und Bulk-Transportprozessen auf die Ozonolyse und Nitrierung von Protein-Makromolekülen, Ölsäure, und verwandten organischen Ver¬bin-dungen aufzuklären. Die in dieser Studie entwickelten kinetischen Modelle sollen als Basis für die Entwicklung eines detaillierten Mechanismus für Aerosolchemie dienen sowie für das Herleiten von vereinfachten, jedoch realistischen Parametrisierungen für großskalige globale Atmosphären- und Klima-Modelle. rn Die in dieser Studie durchgeführten Experimente und Modellrechnungen liefern Beweise für die Bildung langlebiger reaktiver Sauerstoff-Intermediate (ROI) in der heterogenen Reaktion von Ozon mit Aerosolpartikeln. Die chemische Lebensdauer dieser Zwischenformen beträgt mehr als 100 s, deutlich länger als die Oberflächen-Verweilzeit von molekularem O3 (~10-9 s). Die ROIs erklären scheinbare Diskrepanzen zwischen früheren quantenmechanischen Berechnungen und kinetischen Experimenten. Sie spielen eine Schlüsselrolle in der chemischen Transformation sowie in den negativen Gesundheitseffekten von toxischen und allergenen Feinstaubkomponenten, wie Ruß, PAK und Proteine. ROIs sind vermutlich auch an der Zersetzung von Ozon auf mineralischem Staub und an der Bildung sowie am Wachstum von sekundären organischen Aerosolen beteiligt. Darüber hinaus bilden ROIs eine Verbindung zwischen atmosphärischen und biosphärischen Mehrphasenprozessen (chemische und biologische Alterung).rn Organische Verbindungen können als amorpher Feststoff oder in einem halbfesten Zustand vorliegen, der die Geschwindigkeit von heterogenen Reaktionenen und Mehrphasenprozessen in Aerosolen beeinflusst. Strömungsrohr-Experimente zeigen, dass die Ozonaufnahme und die oxidative Alterung von amorphen Proteinen durch Bulk-Diffusion kinetisch limitiert sind. Die reaktive Gasaufnahme zeigt eine deutliche Zunahme mit zunehmender Luftfeuchte, was durch eine Verringerung der Viskosität zu erklären ist, bedingt durch einen Phasenübergang der amorphen organischen Matrix von einem glasartigen zu einem halbfesten Zustand (feuchtigkeitsinduzierter Phasenübergang). Die chemische Lebensdauer reaktiver Verbindungen in organischen Partikeln kann von Sekunden bis zu Tagen ansteigen, da die Diffusionsrate in der halbfesten Phase bei niedriger Temperatur oder geringer Luftfeuchte um Größenordnungen absinken kann. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie zeigen wie halbfeste Phasen die Auswirkung organischeer Aerosole auf Luftqualität, Gesundheit und Klima beeinflussen können. rn
In liquid-liquid dispersion systems, the dynamic change of the interfacial properties between the two immiscible liquids plays an important role in both the emulsification process and emulsion stabilization. In this paper, experimentally measured dynamic interfacial tensions of 1-chlorobutane in the aqueous solutions of various random copolymers of polyvinyl acetate and polyvinyl alcohol (PVAA) are presented. Theoretical analyses on these results suggest that the adsorption of the polymer molecules is controlled neither by the bulk diffusion process nor the activation energy barrier for the adsorption but the conformation of polymer molecules. Based on the concept of critical concentration of condensation for polymer adsorption, as well as the observation that the rate at which the dynamic interfacial tension changes does not correlate to the PVAA's ability to stabilize a single drop, it is postulated that the main stabilization mechanism for the PVAAs is by steric hindrance, not the Gibbs-Marangoni effect offered by the small molecule surfactants.
The design, construction and optimization of a low power-high temperature heated ceramic sensor to detect leaking of halogen gases in refrigeration systems are presented. The manufacturing process was done with microelectronic assembly and the Low Temperature Cofire Ceramic (LTCC) technique. Four basic sensor materials were fabricated and tested: Li2SiO3, Na2SiO3, K2SiO3, and CaSiO 3. The evaluation of the sensor material, sensor size, operating temperature, bias voltage, electrodes size, firing temperature, gas flow, and sensor life was done. All sensors responded to the gas showing stability and reproducibility. Before exposing the sensor to the gas, the sensor was modeled like a resistor in series and the calculations obtained were in agreement with the experimental values. The sensor response to the gas was divided in surface diffusion and bulk diffusion; both were analyzed showing agreement between the calculations and the experimental values. The sensor with 51.5%CaSiO3 + 48.5%Li 2SiO3 shows the best results, including a stable current and response to the gas. ^
The design, construction and optimization of a low power-high temperature heated ceramic sensor to detect leaking of halogen gases in refrigeration systems are presented. The manufacturing process was done with microelectronic assembly and the Low Temperature Cofire Ceramic (LTCC) technique. Four basic sensor materials were fabricated and tested: Li2SiO3, Na2SiO3, K2SiO3, and CaSiO3. The evaluation of the sensor material, sensor size, operating temperature, bias voltage, electrodes size, firing temperature, gas flow, and sensor life was done. All sensors responded to the gas showing stability and reproducibility. Before exposing the sensor to the gas, the sensor was modeled like a resistor in series and the calculations obtained were in agreement with the experimental values. The sensor response to the gas was divided in surface diffusion and bulk diffusion; both were analyzed showing agreement between the calculations and the experimental values. The sensor with 51.5%CaSiO3 + 48.5%Li2SiO3 shows the best results, including a stable current and response to the gas.
Pack aluminide coating is a useful method for conferring oxidation resistance on nickel-base superalloys. Nominally, these coatings have a matrix composed of a Ni-Al based B2-type phase (commonly denoted as Β). However, following high-temperature exposure in oxidative envi-ronments, aluminum is depleted from the coating. Aluminum depletion in turn, leads to de-stabilization of the Β phase, resulting in the formation of a characteristic lathlike Β-derivative microstructure. This article presents a transmission electron microscopy study of the formation of the lathlike Β-derivative microstructure using bulk nickel aluminides as model alloys. In the bulk nickel aluminides, the lathlike microstructure has been found to correspond to two distinct components: L10-type martensite and a new Β derivative. The new Β derivative is characterized and the conditions associated with the presence of this feature are identified and compared with those leading to the formation of the L10 martensitic phase. © 1995 The Minerals, Metals & Material Society.
Diffusion-weighting in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) increases the sensitivity to molecular Brownian motion, providing insight in the micro-environment of the underlying tissue types and structures. At the same time, the diffusion weighting renders the scans sensitive to other motion, including bulk patient motion. Typically, several image volumes are needed to extract diffusion information, inducing also inter-volume motion susceptibility. Bulk motion is more likely during long acquisitions, as they appear in diffusion tensor, diffusion spectrum and q-ball imaging. Image registration methods are successfully used to correct for bulk motion in other MRI time series, but their performance in diffusion-weighted MRI is limited since diffusion weighting introduces strong signal and contrast changes between serial image volumes. In this work, we combine the capability of free induction decay (FID) navigators, providing information on object motion, with image registration methodology to prospectively--or optionally retrospectively--correct for motion in diffusion imaging of the human brain. Eight healthy subjects were instructed to perform small-scale voluntary head motion during clinical diffusion tensor imaging acquisitions. The implemented motion detection based on FID navigator signals is processed in real-time and provided an excellent detection performance of voluntary motion patterns even at a sub-millimetre scale (sensitivity≥92%, specificity>98%). Motion detection triggered an additional image volume acquisition with b=0 s/mm2 which was subsequently co-registered to a reference volume. In the prospective correction scenario, the calculated motion-parameters were applied to perform a real-time update of the gradient coordinate system to correct for the head movement. Quantitative analysis revealed that the motion correction implementation is capable to correct head motion in diffusion-weighted MRI to a level comparable to scans without voluntary head motion. The results indicate the potential of this method to improve image quality in diffusion-weighted MRI, a concept that can also be applied when highest diffusion weightings are performed.
The aim of this master's thesis is to develop a two-dimensional drift-di usion model, which describes charge transport in organic solar cells. The main bene t of a two-dimensional model compared to a one-dimensional one is the inclusion of the nanoscale morphology of the active layer of a bulk heterojunction solar cell. The developed model was used to study recombination dynamics at the donor-acceptor interface. In some cases, it was possible to determine e ective parameters, which reproduce the results of the two-dimensional model in the one-dimensional case. A summary of the theory of charge transport in semiconductors was presented and discussed in the context of organic materials. Additionally, the normalization and discretization procedures required to nd a numerical solution to the charge transport problem were outlined. The charge transport problem was solved by implementing an iterative scheme called successive over-relaxation. The obtained solution is given as position-dependent electric potential, free charge carrier concentrations and current densities in the active layer. An interfacial layer, separating the pure phases, was introduced in order to describe charge dynamics occurring at the interface between the donor and acceptor. For simplicity, an e ective generation of free charge carriers in the interfacial layer was implemented. The pure phases simply act as transport layers for the photogenerated charges. Langevin recombination was assumed in the two-dimensional model and an analysis of the apparent recombination rate in the one-dimensional case is presented. The recombination rate in a two-dimensional model is seen to e ectively look like reduced Langevin recombination at open circuit. Replicating the J-U curves obtained in the two-dimensional model is, however, not possible by introducing a constant reduction factor in the Langevin recombination rate. The impact of an acceptor domain in the pure donor phase was investigated. Two cases were considered, one where the acceptor domain is isolated and another where it is connected to the bulk of the acceptor. A comparison to the case where no isolated domains exist was done in order to quantify the observed reduction in the photocurrent. The results show that all charges generated at the isolated domain are lost to recombination, but the domain does not have a major impact on charge transport. Trap-assisted recombination at interfacial trap states was investigated, as well as the surface dipole caused by the trapped charges. A theoretical expression for the ideality factor n_id as a function of generation was derived and shown to agree with simulation data. When the theoretical expression was fitted to simulation data, no interface dipole was observed.
Les biofilms sont des communautés de microorganismes incorporés dans une matrice exo-polymérique complexe. Ils sont reconnus pour jouer un rôle important comme barrière de diffusion dans les systèmes environnementaux et la santé humaine, donnant lieu à une résistance accrue aux antibiotiques et aux désinfectants. Comme le transfert de masse dans un biofilm est principalement dû à la diffusion moléculaire, il est primordial de comprendre les principaux paramètres influençant les flux de diffusion. Dans ce travail, nous avons étudié un biofilm de Pseudomonas fluorescens et deux hydrogels modèles (agarose et alginate) pour lesquels l’autodiffusion (mouvement Brownien) et les coefficients de diffusion mutuels ont été quantifiés. La spectroscopie par corrélation de fluorescence a été utilisée pour mesurer les coefficients d'autodiffusion dans une volume confocal de ca. 1 m3 dans les gels ou les biofilms, tandis que les mesures de diffusion mutuelle ont été faites par cellule de diffusion. En outre, la voltamétrie sur microélectrode a été utilisée pour évaluer le potentiel de Donnan des gels afin de déterminer son impact sur la diffusion. Pour l'hydrogel d'agarose, les observations combinées d'une diminution du coefficient d’autodiffusion et de l’augmentation de la diffusion mutuelle pour une force ionique décroissante ont été attribuées au potentiel de Donnan du gel. Des mesures de l'effet Donnan (différence de -30 mV entre des forces ioniques de 10-4 et 10-1 M) et l'accumulation correspondante d’ions dans l'hydrogel (augmentation d’un facteur de 13 par rapport à la solution) ont indiqué que les interactions électrostatiques peuvent fortement influencer le flux de diffusion de cations, même dans un hydrogel faiblement chargé tel que l'agarose. Curieusement, pour un gel plus chargé comme l'alginate de calcium, la variation de la force ionique et du pH n'a donné lieu qu'à de légères variations de la diffusion de sondes chargées dans l'hydrogel. Ces résultats suggèrent qu’en influençant la diffusion du soluté, l'effet direct des cations sur la structure du gel (compression et/ou gonflement induits) était beaucoup plus efficace que l'effet Donnan. De même, pour un biofilm bactérien, les coefficients d'autodiffusion étaient pratiquement constants sur toute une gamme de force ionique (10-4-10-1 M), aussi bien pour des petits solutés chargés négativement ou positivement (le rapport du coefficient d’autodiffusion dans biofilm sur celui dans la solution, Db/Dw ≈ 85 %) que pour des nanoparticules (Db/Dw≈ 50 %), suggérant que l'effet d'obstruction des biofilms l’emporte sur l'effet de charge. Les résultats de cette étude ont montré que parmi les divers facteurs majeurs qui affectent la diffusion dans un biofilm environnemental oligotrophe (exclusion stérique, interactions électrostatiques et hydrophobes), les effets d'obstruction semblent être les plus importants lorsque l'on tente de comprendre la diffusion du soluté. Alors que les effets de charge ne semblaient pas être importants pour l'autodiffusion de substrats chargés dans l'hydrogel d'alginate ou dans le biofilm bactérien, ils ont joué un rôle clé dans la compréhension de la diffusion à travers l’agarose. L’ensemble de ces résultats devraient être très utiles pour l'évaluation de la biodisponibilité des contaminants traces et des nanoparticules dans l'environnement.