8 resultados para Bulbectomy


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Primary olfactory axons expressing different odorant receptors are interspersed within the olfactory nerve. However, upon reaching the outer nerve fiber layer of the olfactory bulb they defasciculate, sort out, and refasciculate prior to targeting glomeruli in fixed topographic positions. While odorant receptors are crucial for the final targeting of axons to glomeruli, it is unclear what directs the formation of the nerve fiber and glomerular layers of the olfactory bulb. While the olfactory bulb itself may provide instructive cues for the development of these layers, it is also possible that the incoming axons may simply require the presence of a physical scaffold to establish the outer laminar cytoarchitecture. In order to begin to understand the underlying role of the olfactory bulb in development of the outer layers of the olfactory bulb, we physically ablated the olfactory bulbs in OMP-IRES-LacZ and P2-IRES-tau-LacZ neonatal mice and replaced them with artificial biological scaffolds molded into the shape of an olfactory bulb. Regenerating axons projected around the edge of the cranial cavity at the periphery of the artificial scaffold and were able to form an olfactory nerve fiber layer and, to some extent, a glomerular layer. Our results reveal that olfactory axons are able to form rudimentary cytoarchitectonic layers if they are provided with an appropriately shaped biological scaffold. Thus, the olfactory bulb does not appear to provide any tropic substance that either attracts regenerating olfactory axons into the cranial cavity or induces these axons to form a plexus around its outer surface. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs) play an important role in the continuous regeneration of the primary olfactory nervous system throughout life and for regeneration of olfactory neurons after injury. While it is known that several individual OEC subpopulations with distinct properties exist in different anatomical locations, it remains unclear how these different subpopulations respond to a major injury. We have examined the proliferation of OECs from one distinct location, the peripheral accessory olfactory nervous system, following large-scale injury (bulbectomy) in mice. We used crosses of two transgenic reporter mouse lines, S100ß-DsRed and OMP-ZsGreen, to visualise OECs, and main/accessory olfactory neurons, respectively. We surgically removed one olfactory bulb including the accessory olfactory bulb to induce degeneration, and found that accessory OECs in the nerve bundles that terminate in the accessory olfactory bulb responded by increased proliferation with a peak occurring 2 days after the injury. To label proliferating cells we used the thymidine analogue ethynyl deoxyuridine (EdU) using intranasal delivery instead of intraperitoneal injection. We compared and quantified the number of proliferating cells at different regions at one and four days after EdU labelling by the two different methods and found that intranasal delivery method was as effective as intrapeitoneal injection. We demonstrated that accessory OECs actively respond to widespread degeneration of accessory olfactory axons by proliferating. These results have important implications for selecting the source of OECs for neural regeneration therapies and show that intranasal delivery of EdU is an efficient and reliable method for assessing proliferation of olfactory glia.


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Olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs) migrate with olfactory axons that extend from the nasal epithelium into the olfactory bulb. Unlike other glia, OECs are thought to migrate ahead of growing axons instead of following defined axonal paths. However it remains unknown how the presence of axons and OECs influences the growth and migration of each other during regeneration. We have developed a regeneration model in neonatal mice to examine whether (i) the presence of OECs ahead of olfactory axons affects axonal growth and (ii) the presence of olfactory axons alters the distribution of OECs. We performed unilateral bulbectomy to ablate olfactory axons followed by methimazole administration to further delay neuronal growth. In this model OECs filled the cavity left by the bulbectomy before new axons extended into the cavity. We found that delaying axon growth increased the rate at which OECs filled the cavity. The axons subsequently grew over a significantly larger region and formed more distinct fascicles and glomeruli in comparison with growth in animals that had undergone only bulbectomy. In vitro, we confirmed (i) that olfactory axon growth was more rapid when OECs were more widely distributed than the axons and (ii) that OECs migrated faster in the absence of axons. These results demonstrate that the distribution of OECs can be increased by repressing by growth of olfactory axons and that olfactory axon growth is significantly enhanced if a permissive OEC environment is present prior to axon growth.


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During development of the primary olfactory system, axon targeting is inaccurate and axons inappropriately project within the target layer or overproject into the deeper layers of the olfactory bulb. As a consequence there is considerable apoptosis of primary olfactory neurons during embryonic and postnatal development and axons of the degraded neurons need to be removed. Olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs) are the glia of the primary olfactory nerve and are known to phagocytose axon debris in the adult and postnatal animal. However, it is unclear when phagocytosis by OECs first commences. We investigated the onset of phagocytosis by OECs in the developing mouse olfactory system by utilizing two transgenic reporter lines: OMP-ZsGreen mice which express bright green fluorescent protein in primary olfactory neurons, and S100β-DsRed mice which express red fluorescent protein in OECs. In crosses of these mice, the fate of the degraded axon debris is easily visualized. We found evidence of axon degradation at embryonic day (E)13.5. Phagocytosis of the primary olfactory axon debris by OECs was first detected at E14.5. Phagocytosis of axon debris continued into the postnatal animal during the period when there was extensive mistargeting of olfactory axons. Macrophages were often present in close proximity to OECs but they contributed only a minor role to clearing the axon debris, even after widespread degeneration of olfactory neurons by unilateral bulbectomy and methimazole treatment. These results demonstrate that from early in embryonic development OECs are the primary phagocytic cells of the primary olfactory nerve.


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La dépression est une maladie chronique, récurrente et potentiellement mortelle qui affecte plus de 20 % de la population à travers le monde. Les mécanismes sous-jacents de la dépression demeurent incompris et la pharmacothérapie actuelle, largement basée sur l’hypothèse monoaminergique, fait preuve d’une efficacité sous optimale et d’une latence thérapeutique élevée. Par conséquent, la recherche est amenée à élaborer de nouveaux traitements pharmacologiques. Pour détecter leur action, il est avant tout nécessaire de développer des outils expérimentaux adéquats. Dans cette optique, notre but a été de mesurer l’anhédonie, un symptôme cardinal de la dépression, chez le rat de laboratoire. L’anhédonie a été définie comme une réduction de la récompense et a été mesurée avec le test de consommation de sucrose et la technique d’autostimulation intracérébrale. En vue d’induire l’anhédonie, nous avons effectué une bulbectomie olfactive, une procédure qui entraîne divers changements biochimiques, cellulaires et comportementaux similaires à ceux de l’état dépressif et qui peuvent être renversés par un traitement antidépresseur chronique. Nos résultats montrent que la bulbectomie olfactive produit également l’anhédonie, reflétée par une réduction durable de la consommation de sucrose et par une réduction de l’efficacité de l’amphétamine dans le test d’autostimulation intracérébrale. Ces effets ont été présents jusqu’à trois à quatre semaines suivant la chirurgie. La bulbectomie olfactive a aussi été associée à une augmentation de l’élément de réponse liant l’AMPc dans le striatum, un index moléculaire associé à l’anhédonie. Ces découvertes suggèrent que l’anhédonie peut être produite et étudiée de façon fiable dans le modèle de bulbectomie olfactive et que le circuit de récompense pourrait constituer une cible cohérente pour de nouvelles drogues en vue du traitement de la dépression.


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Aromatherapy uses essential oils (EOs) for several medical purposes, including relaxation. The association between the use of aromas and a decrease in anxiety could be a valuable instrument in managing anxiety in an ever increasing anxiogenic daily life style. Linalool is a monoterpene commonly found as the major volatile component of EOs in several aromatic plant species. Adding to previously reported sedative effects of inhaled linalool, the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of inhaled linalool on anxiety, aggressiveness and social interaction in mice. Additionally, we investigated the effects of inhaled linalool on the acquisition phase of a step-down memory task in mice. Inhaled linalool showed anxiolytic properties in the light/dark test, increased social interaction and decreased aggressive behavior; impaired memory was only seen the higher dose of linalool. These results strengthen the suggestion that inhaling linalool rich essential oils can be useful as a mean to attain relaxation and counteract anxiety. (C) 2009 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Primary sensory neurons in the vertebrate olfactory systems are characterised by the differential expression of distinct cell surface carbohydrates. We show here that the histo-blood groups Sda (or CT1 antigen) and H are expressed by primary sensory neurons in the olfactory system, while the blood group A carbohydrate is expressed by a subset of vomeronasal neurons only in the developing accessory olfactory system. We have used both loss-of-function and gain-of-function approaches to manipulate expression of these carbohydrates in the olfactory system. In null mutant mice lacking the alpha(1,2)fucosyltransferase FUT1, the blood group H and A carbohydrates were not expressed in the olfactory systems which caused delayed development of the nerve fibre and glomerular layers in the main olfactory bulb. In contrast, ubiquitous expression of blood group A on olfactory axons in gain-of-function transgenic mice perturbed the ability of vomeronasal axons to terminate in the accessory olfactory bulb and affected the selective targeting of axons in the main olfactory bulb. During regeneration following bulbectomy, vomeronasal axons were unable to effectively sort out from the main olfactory axons when blood group A was misexpressed. These results provide in vivo evidence for a role of specific cell surface carbohydrates during development and regeneration of the olfactory nerve pathways.


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In order to begin to understand how primary olfactory and vomeronasal organ (VNO) axons target specific regions of the olfactory bulb, we examined the sorting behaviour of these axons following neonatal unilateral olfactory bulbectomy. Bulbectomy induced widespread ipsilateral death of the primary olfactory and VNO neurons. After 4 weeks, many new sensory axons had re-grown into the cranial cavity and established a prominent plexus with evidence of dense tufts that were similar in gross appearance to glomeruli. Axons expressing the cell adhesion molecule OCAM, which normally innervate the ventrolateral and rostral halves of the main and accessory olfactory bulbs, respectively, sorted out and segregated from those axons not expressing this molecule within the plexus. In addition, VNO axons formed large discrete bundles that segregated from main olfactory axons within the plexus. Thus, VNO and primary olfactory axons as well as discrete subpopulations of both are able to sort out and remain segregated in the absence of the olfactory bulb. Sorting and convergence of axons therefore occur independently of the olfactory bulb and are probably attributable either to inherent properties of the axons themselves or to interactions between the axons and accompanying glial ensheathing cells.