991 resultados para Buildings, structures


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Buildings structures and surfaces are explicitly being used to grow plants, and these urban plantings are generally designed for aesthetic value. Urban plantings also have the potential to contribute significant ecological values by increasing urban habitat for animals such as arthropods and by increasing plant productivity. In this study, we evaluated how the provision of these additional ecological values is affected by plant species richness; the availability of essential resources for plants, such as water, light, space; and soil characteristics. We sampled 33 plantings located on the exterior of three buildings in the urban center of Brisbane, Australia (subtropical climatic region) over 2, 6 week sampling periods characterized by different temperature and rainfall conditions. Plant cover was estimated as a surrogate for productivity as destructive sampling of biomass was not possible. We measured weekly light levels (photosynthetically active radiation), plant CO2 assimilation, soil CO2 efflux, and arthropod diversity. Differences in plant cover were best explained by a three-way interaction of plant species richness, management water regime and sampling period. As the richness of plant species increased in a planter, productivity and total arthropod richness also increased significantlylikely due to greater habitat heterogeneity and quality. Overall we found urban plantings can provide additional ecological values if essential resources are maintained within a planter such as water, light and soil temperature. Diverse urban plantings that are managed with these principles in mind can contribute to the attraction of diverse arthropod communities, and lead to increased plant productivity within a dense urban context.


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<p>A companion paper described the partial-interaction localised properties that require the development of pseudo properties. If the quantification through experimental testing of these pseudo properties could be removed by the use of mechanics-based models, which is the subject of this paper, then this would: (a) substantially reduce the cost of developing new reinforced concrete products by reducing the amount of testing; (b) increase the accuracy of designing existing and novel reinforced concrete members and structures, bearing in mind that experimentally derived pseudo properties are only applicable within the range of the testing from which they were derived; and (c) reduce the cost and increase the accuracy of developing reinforced concrete design rules. This paper deals with the development of pseudo properties and behaviours directly through mechanics, as opposed to experimental testing, and their incorporation into member global simulations. It also addresses the need for a fundamental shift to displacement-based analyses as opposed to strain-based analyses.</p>


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This paper presents the results of a full-scale site fire test performed on a cold-formed steel portal frame building with semi-rigid joints. The purpose of the study is to establish a performance-based approach for the design of such structures in fire boundary conditions. In the full-scale site fire test, the building collapsed asymmetrically at a temperature of 714C. A non-linear elasto-plastic finite-element shell model is described and is validated against the results of the full-scale test. A parametric study is presented that highlights the importance of in-plane restraint from the side rails in preventing an outwards sway failure for both a single portal and full building geometry model. The study also demonstrates that the semi-rigidity of the joints should be taken into account in the design. The single portal and full building geometry models display a close match to site test results with failure at 682C and 704C, respectively. A design case is described in accordance with Steel Construction Institute design recommendations. The validated single portal model is tested with pinned bases, columns protected, realistic loading and rafters subject to symmetric uniform heating in accordance with the ISO 834 standard fire curve; failure occurs at 703C.


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Es presenta el gruix dels resultats producte de lencrrec realitzat per lAjuntament de Lleida a la Ctedra de Geografia Humana de la Universitat de Lleida sobre lanlisi de les dades referides a poblaci, activitat econmica i caracterstiques de ledificaci i de la fbrica urbana del centre histric de la ciutat


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El present projecte pretn ampliar i condicionar una nau industrial existent, destinada a processos metallrgics, propietat de lempresa Muntatges Industrials Palafolls, SCP. Lestabliment es troba situat al polgon Industrial de Can Baltasar, en el municipi de Palafolls. Per tal de dur a terme aquestes modificacions, senderrocaran els departaments existents i es dimensionaran en una nova ubicaci dintre del recinte de lestabliment. Es dimensionar una nova estructura per a sustentar un pont grua de 10 tn, situada a linterior de la nau. A ms a ms, es dimensionaran les installacions elctriques i contra incendis de lestabliment. El projecte contindr tota la documentaci necessria per a dur a terme lampliaci i remodelaci de la nau industrial i la installaci del pont grua.


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Defines the geometrical proportion that was used to design the Classical Parthenon of Athens. Through the exploration of Pythagorean theories, the symbolism of the numbers 4, 6, and 9, which make up the temple's geometrical proportion, is unraveled in order to reveal the meaning of the temple's design.


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This research shows something of the historic past of the Chinese in Bendigo and their impact on the built environment. The findings rediscover and preserve the past providing an avenue for future generations to learn and understand the Chinese and their significance to the architecture of Bendigo's past and future.


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Lithographs have the following titles: Agnes River, Corner Inlet, Gipps Land -- West side of Mt Arapiles -- Mitchell River -- Mt. Munda from St. Hubert, Yering -- McAlister Valley, Gipps Land -- Wentworth River


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Buildings structures and surfaces are explicitly being used to grow plants, and these "urban plantings" are generally designed for aesthetic value. Urban plantings also have the potential to contribute significant "ecological values" by increasing urban habitat for animals such as arthropods and by increasing plant productivity. In this study, we evaluated how the provision of these additional ecological values is affected by plant species richness; the availability of essential resources for plants, such as water, light, space; and soil characteristics. We sampled 33 plantings located on the exterior of three buildings in the urban center of Brisbane, Australia (subtropical climatic region) over 2, 6 week sampling periods characterized by different temperature and rainfall conditions. Plant cover was estimated as a surrogate for productivity as destructive sampling of biomass was not possible. We measured weekly light levels (photosynthetically active radiation), plant CO2 assimilation, soil CO2 efflux, and arthropod diversity. Differences in plant cover were best explained by a three-way interaction of plant species richness, management water regime and sampling period. As the richness of plant species increased in a planter, productivity and total arthropod richness also increased significantly likely due to greater habitat heterogeneity and quality. Overall we found urban plantings can provide additional ecological values if essential resources are maintained within a planter such as water, light and soil temperature. Diverse urban plantings that are managed with these principles in mind can contribute to the attraction of diverse arthropod communities, and lead to increased plant productivity within a dense urban context.


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Der Beitrag beschreibt eine doppelte, verfremdete und letztendlich tragische Spiegelung in der Wahrnehmung von Architektur zwischen Europa und Indien: zwischen 1780 und 1856 entstanden in der nordindischen Stadt Lucknow mehrere groe Baukomplexe, die von den indisch-islamischen Herrschern der Stadt in europisch-klassizistischen Formen gestaltet wurden. Nach dem indischen Aufstand, der in den Jahren 1857 und 1858 gegen die britische Herrschaft in Lucknow losbrach, wurden diese Bauten zum Gegenstand einer scharfen europischen Architekturkritik. Der erste Abschnitt "Das Eigene und das Fremde" betrachtet die westliche Rezeption dieser europisch-klassizistischen Bauten, die ber Jahrzehnte durch ein Negativurteil bestimmt war, das sich aus der politischen Interpretation des indischen Aufstands erklrt. Der zweite Abschnitt "Kopie und Synthese" geht auf die Suche nach den Zusammenhngen fr die positive Europarezeption in Lucknow und fr die negative Kritik dieser Bauten in Europa. Es erweist sich, dass die Praxis von Architekturkopie und die Wahrnehmung europischer Stilformen bei der bernahme klassizistischer Motive in Indien deutlich anders war als das exakte und moralisch berhhte Verstndnis von Stilformen im Europa nach 1850.


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Der Beitrag beschreibt eine doppelte, verfremdete und letztendlich tragische Spiegelung in der Wahrnehmung von Architektur zwischen Europa und Indien: zwischen 1780 und 1856 entstanden in der nordindischen Stadt Lucknow mehre-re groe Baukomplexe, die von den indisch-islamischen Herrschern der Stadt in europisch-klassizistischen Formen gestaltet wurden. Nach dem indischen Auf-stand, der in den Jahren 1857 und 1858 gegen die britische Herrschaft in Lucknow losbrach, wurden diese Bauten zum Gegenstand einer scharfen europi-scher Architekturkritik. Der erste Abschnitt "Das Eigene und das Fremde" betrachtet die westliche Rezeption dieser europisch-klassizistischen Bauten, die ber Jahrzehnte durch ein Negativurteil bestimmt war, das sich aus der politischen Interpretation des indischen Aufstands erklrt. Der zweite Abschnitt "Kopie und Synthese" geht auf die Suche nach den Zusammenhngen fr die positive Europarezeption in Lucknow und fr die negative Kritik dieser Bauten in Europa. Es erweist sich, dass die Praxis von Architekturkopie und die Wahrnehmung europischer Stilfor-men bei der bernahme klassizistischer Motive in Indien deutlich anders war als das exakte und moralisch berhhte Verstndnis von Stilformen im Europa nach 1850.


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Localizar objetos ou pessoas no interior de um edifcio de grande interesse. Contudo, diferentemente do que ocorre no exterior de edificaes, no h metodologia consagrada para a determinao da posio desses entes nos edifcios. Para o posicionamento em locais abertos existem tecnologias consolidadas, como GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System), a dificuldade em faz-lo em interiores maior. Nesses casos, o GNSS no pode ser utilizado, pois os sinais de rdio dos satlites no conseguem penetrar atravs das estruturas, enquanto que outras tecnologias so apenas incipientes nesse quesito. Abordagens habituais para a resoluo dessa demanda tm se baseado na utilizao de propagadores das ondas de rdio do GNSS, no uso da potncia de sinais de redes sem fio ou, ainda, no emprego de transmissores infravermelhos. No entanto, uma tcnica diferente pode ser empreendida para essa finalidade. Usando-se a assinatura das potncias de rdio das redes sem fio nas imediaes e no interior da edificao, possvel criar um mapa com base nesses sinais, permitindo a determinao da posio de um objeto. No presente trabalho foram desenvolvidos um sistema para gerao do mapa de sinais, com critrio de parada e um mtodo de clculo de posicionamento. Procedeu-se, tambm, anlise de quatro critrios para o clculo final da posio do objeto, baseados no uso da distncia euclidiana com os conjuntos de roteadores disponveis. Concluiu-se que, quando o mapa de sinais pequeno, o posicionamento fracassou. Entretanto, quando a quantidade de sinais geradores do mapa aumenta, os resultados apresentaram melhora significativa, com resultados prximos a 100% de assertividade. Desse modo foi possvel determinar uma estimativa boa para o nmero mnimo de roteadores presentes na base e estabelecer um critrio de parada para a fase de criao do mapa de sinais.