847 resultados para Building information modelling (BIM)


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The scope of this project is to study the effectiveness of building information modelling (BIM) in performing life cycle assessment in a building. For the purposes of the study will be used “Revit” which is a BIM software and Tally which is an LCA tool integrated in Revit. The project is divided in six chapters. The first chapter consists of a theoretical introduction into building information modelling and its connection to life cycle assessment. The second chapter describes the characteristics of building information modelling (BIM). In addition, a comparison has been made with the traditional architectural, engineering and construction business model and the benefits to shift into BIM. In the third chapter it will be a review of the most well-known and available BIM software in the market. In chapter four life cycle assessment (LCA) will be described in general and later on specifically for the purpose of the case study that will be used in the following chapter. Moreover, the tools that are available to perform an LCA will be reviewed. Chapter five will present the case study that consists of a model in a BIM software (Revit) and the LCA performed by Tally, an LCA tool integrated into Revit. In the last chapter will be a discussion of the results that were obtained, the limitation and the possible future improvement in performing life cycle assessment (LCA) in a BIM model.


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Facility management (FM), from a service oriented approach, addresses the functions and requirements of different services such as energy management, space planning and security service. Different service requires different information to meet the needs arising from the service. Object-based Building Information Modelling (BIM) is limited to support FM services; though this technology is able to generate 3D models that semantically represent facility’s information dynamically over the lifecycle of a building. This paper presents a semiotics-inspired framework to extend BIM from a service-oriented perspective. The extended BIM, which specifies FM services and required information, will be able to express building service information in the right format for the right purposes. The service oriented approach concerns pragmatic aspect of building’s information beyond semantic level. The pragmatics defines and provides context for utilisation of building’s information. Semiotics theory adopted in this paper is to address pragmatic issues of utilisation of BIM for FM services.


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The UK government aims at achieving 80% CO2 emission reduction by 2050 which requires collective efforts across all the UK industry sectors. In particular, the housing sector has a large potential to contribute to achieving the aim because the housing sector alone accounts for 27% of the total UK CO2 emission, and furthermore, 87% of the housing which is responsible for current 27% CO2 emission will still stand in 2050. Therefore, it is essential to improve energy efficiency of existing housing stock built with low energy efficiency standard. In order for this, a whole‐house needs to be refurbished in a sustainable way by considering the life time financial and environmental impacts of a refurbished house. However, the current refurbishment process seems to be challenging to generate a financially and environmentally affordable refurbishment solution due to the highly fragmented nature of refurbishment practice and a lack of knowledge and skills about whole‐house refurbishment in the construction industry. In order to generate an affordable refurbishment solution, diverse information regarding costs and environmental impacts of refurbishment measures and materials should be collected and integrated in right sequences throughout the refurbishment project life cycle among key project stakeholders. Consequently, various researchers increasingly study a way of utilizing Building Information Modelling (BIM) to tackle current problems in the construction industry because BIM can support construction professionals to manage construction projects in a collaborative manner by integrating diverse information, and to determine the best refurbishment solution among various alternatives by calculating the life cycle costs and lifetime CO2 performance of a refurbishment solution. Despite the capability of BIM, the BIM adoption rate is low with 25% in the housing sector and it has been rarely studied about a way of using BIM for housing refurbishment projects. Therefore, this research aims to develop a BIM framework to formulate a financially and environmentally affordable whole‐house refurbishment solution based on the Life Cycle Costing (LCC) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methods simultaneously. In order to achieve the aim, a BIM feasibility study was conducted as a pilot study to examine whether BIM is suitable for housing refurbishment, and a BIM framework was developed based on the grounded theory because there was no precedent research. After the development of a BIM framework, this framework was examined by a hypothetical case study using BIM input data collected from questionnaire survey regarding homeowners’ preferences for housing refurbishment. Finally, validation of the BIM framework was conducted among academics and professionals by providing the BIM framework and a formulated refurbishment solution based on the LCC and LCA studies through the framework. As a result, BIM was identified as suitable for housing refurbishment as a management tool, and it is timely for developing the BIM framework. The BIM framework with seven project stages was developed to formulate an affordable refurbishment solution. Through the case study, the Building Regulation is identified as the most affordable energy efficiency standard which renders the best LCC and LCA results when it is applied for whole‐house refurbishment solution. In addition, the Fabric Energy Efficiency Standard (FEES) is recommended when customers are willing to adopt high energy standard, and the maximum 60% of CO2 emissions can be reduced through whole‐house fabric refurbishment with the FEES. Furthermore, limitations and challenges to fully utilize BIM framework for housing refurbishment were revealed such as a lack of BIM objects with proper cost and environmental information, limited interoperability between different BIM software and limited information of LCC and LCA datasets in BIM system. Finally, the BIM framework was validated as suitable for housing refurbishment projects, and reviewers commented that the framework can be more practical if a specific BIM library for housing refurbishment with proper LCC and LCA datasets is developed. This research is expected to provide a systematic way of formulating a refurbishment solution using BIM, and to become a basis for further research on BIM for the housing sector to resolve the current limitations and challenges. Future research should enhance the BIM framework by developing more detailed process map and develop BIM objects with proper LCC and LCA Information.


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This paper aims to present a state-of-the-art review of the scope and practical implications of the Building Information Modelling (BIM) platform in the UK construction practice. Theoretical developments suggest that BIM is an integration of both product and process innovation, not just a disparate set of software tools. BIM provides effective collaboration, visual representation and data management, which enable the smooth flow of information throughout the project’s lifecycle. The most frequently reported benefits are related to Capital Cost (capex) and Operational costs (opex) and time savings. Key challenges, however, focus on the interoperability of software, capital installation costs, in-house experience, client preference and cultural issues within design teams and within the organisation. The paper concludes with a critical commentary on the changing roles and a process required to implement BIM in UK construction projects, and suggests areas for further research.


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(ITA) L’industria mondiale odierna nel campo dell’architettura e dell’ingegneria si esprime quasi esclusivamente mediante l’approccio BIM, Building Information Modeling. Anche se sviluppato pensando alle nuove costruzioni ed ancora in via di perfezionamento, è entrato prepotentemente nei capitoli normativi di molti stati all’urlo dell“interoperability”. Su questo tema è recente l’interesse e la possibilità di adozione per l’intervento sul costruito, ovvero di Existing Building Information Modelling, eBIM. Gli studi applicativi-sperimentali in questo ambito sono sempre più numerosi e convergono, purtroppo, sulla delicata correlazione tra la gestione del contenuto semantico e la perdita di interoperabilità. Questa tesi si incentra sull’analisi di tale correlazione valutando in particolare l’aspetto metodologico-applicativo dell’arricchimento semantico adottando come caso studio la Torre Nord della Rocca Estense di San Felice sul Panaro. (ENG)Today's global industry in architecture and engineering fields, expresses itself almost entirely focusing on BIM, Building Information Modeling. Even though it was developed taking in consideration new buildings and the ones that are in the process of improvement, it has entered the regulatory chapters of many states in the hymn of "interoperability". Concerning this topic is recent the interest and possibility of adopting a process to intervene on the already built constructions, Existing Building Information Modeling, eBIM. Application-experimental studies in this area are increasingly numerous and unfortunately converge, on the delicate correlation between the management of the semantic content and the loss of interoperability. This thesis focuses on the analysis of this correlation by evaluating in particular the methodological-applicative aspect of semantic enrichment by adopting the North Tower of the Rocca Estense in San Felice sul Panaro as a case study.


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Civil


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Il Building Information Modelling nasce da un processo di integrazione sostenibile, basato sull'interoperabilità dei processi. La caratteristica vincente è la circolarietà delle informazioni: ogni informazione è gestita come parametro di un ricco e complesso modello parametrico dell'edificio; la geometria, i materiali, i costi ed i tempi sono gestiti come parametri internamente collegati e quindi variabili di uno stesso sistema. Nel caso di beni storici, la maggior parte degli edifici possiede vincoli intrinseci che influenzano tali parametri. I materiali non possono essere scelti liberamente, in quanto parte di un organismo esistente, la geometria dell'edificio è definita e difficilmente sarà variata negli interventi di recupero. Nella presente tesi si applica il metodo CLOUD2FEM al mondo dell'Historic Building Information Modelling (HBIM) concentrandosi sullo studio della Rocca Estense di San Felice sul Panaro, colpita dal sisma dell'Emilia e attualmente inagibile. La procedura CLOUD2FEM permette di trasformare le informazioni ricavate dal laser scanner in mesh chiuse e regolari, generando in modo semi-automatico un modello FEM 3D. Nel caso di costruzioni complesse, la cui geometria non può essere ricondotta a modelli semplificati, è necessario valutare l'attendibilità del modello strutturale. Nel caso in esame, la validazione è stata condotta mediante il confronto del danno rilevato con il danno simulato. La flessibilità del modello permette di aggiungere dettagli inizialmente non rilevati: ogni informazione è inserita nel modello attraverso un parametro differente, al fine di eseguire analisi sullo stato di fatto e su futuri stati di progetto con semplice aggiornamento dei parametri.


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Los procesos de diseño y construcción tradicionales de la industria de la construcción que se han conservado inalterados durante años, han impedido vislumbrar los impactos positivos que se pueden dar al trabajar en conjunto con las tecnologías de información -- El miedo al cambio hace que las empresas del sector denominen “normal” a la fragmentación del proceso constructivo, y presupuesten desde el inicio de la obra atrasos por incompatibilidades en los diseños causados principalmente por la falta de comunicación y coordinación entre los diferentes participantes del proyecto -- La implementación de tecnologías de información busca no sólo ayudar como una herramienta a los diseños del proyecto, sino que también ofrece elementos para integrar a los participantes y contratistas del proyecto en un equipo de trabajo donde exista mayor interoperabilidad entre las áreas implicadas en el planteamiento, diseño y ejecución del proyecto, y se pueda disminuir de sobremanera la fragmentación que vuelve tan poco competitiva esta industria a nivel mundial -- En el presente trabajo de grado se realizó un estado del arte de la tecnología de información BIM con el fin de sintetizar las enormes cantidades de información disponibles y de posibilitar una mejor comprensión de este -- Con la teoría y los manuales estudiados a profundidad de los software que componen esta tecnología, se procedió a desarrollar un ejercicio exploratorio confrontando los conocimientos adquiridos teóricos con la parte práctica, parte en donde se pudieron vislumbrar las ventajas y desventajas al implementar este software en la industria de la construcción de nuestro país -- Finalmente se exponen los requerimientos y limitaciones que trae consigo la aplicación de esta tecnología a los proyectos de construcción


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Il lavoro svolto in questa tesi vuole proporsi come un’analisi critica ed economica di ciò che il Building Information Modeling (BIM) rappresenta. La tesi si articola in una prima introduzione sul panorama attuale, identificando il problema che costituisce la sfida ingegneristica: l’ottimizzazione dei processi tecnici e realizzativi dell’industria delle costruzioni, migliorandone l’interoperabilità. Di seguito, dopo un’attenta valutazione della letteratura disponibile, si desumeranno quanti più dati validi per dare compiutezza alle analisi che verranno svolte dopo, in merito agli aspetti tecnici, pratici, e ai risvolti economici annessi. Si è scelto come oggetto di studio un esperimento di collaborazione con l’Università di Ferrara. Per dimostrare le potenzialità del BIM, si è voluto riproporre in ambito accademico un’anteprima della realtà professionale, affinché la simulazione possa essere quanto più fedele alle problematiche discusse. Il lavoro svolto ha previsto la creazione del modello architettonico e strutturale del Co-Housing San Rocco, un complesso di edifici di nuova realizzazione proposto nella tesi di Bulletti. Il compito di ogni tesista è ben definito: Bulletti Simone, studente di Architettura dell’Università di Ferrara, ha trattato gli aspetti architettonici del progetto. L’autore della presente tesi ha invece sviluppato il modello strutturale, svolgendo in seguito un’analisi dei vantaggi economici e gestionali che questa metodologia ha offerto.


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado in Civil Engineering


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As the building industry proceeds in the direction of low impact buildings, research attention is being drawn towards the reduction of carbon dioxide emission and waste. Starting from design and construction to operation and demolition, various building materials are used throughout the whole building lifecycle involving significant energy consumption and waste generation. Building Information Modelling (BIM) is emerging as a tool that can support holistic design-decision making for reducing embodied carbon and waste production in the building lifecycle. This study aims to establish a framework for assessing embodied carbon and waste underpinned by BIM technology. On the basis of current research review, the framework is considered to include functional modules for embodied carbon computation. There are a module for waste estimation, a knowledge-base of construction and demolition methods, a repository of building components information, and an inventory of construction materials’ energy and carbon. Through both static 3D model visualisation and dynamic modelling supported by the framework, embodied energy (carbon), waste and associated costs can be analysed in the boundary of cradle-to-gate, construction, operation, and demolition. The proposed holistic modelling framework provides a possibility to analyse embodied carbon and waste from different building lifecycle perspectives including associated costs. It brings together existing segmented embodied carbon and waste estimation into a unified model, so that interactions between various parameters through the different building lifecycle phases can be better understood. Thus, it can improve design-decision support for optimal low impact building development. The applicability of this framework is anticipated being developed and tested on industrial projects in the near future.