4 resultados para Bucephalopsis callicotyle


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No presente trabalho os autores criam uma nova espécie para o gênero Lecithochirium Luehe, 1901, ficando no 3º grupo de distribuição de Freitas & Gomes (1971), mais se aproximando de L. manteri Freitas & Gomes, 1971, distinguindo-se principalmente por possuir saco genital aberto, vesícula ejaculadora externa ausente, vesícula seminal trilobada e ovos maiores. Apresentam Promatomus saltatrix (L.) como novohospedador para Parahemiurus merus (Linton, 1910) Yamaguti, 1938 ressaltando as variações encontradas nas medidas. Para Acanthocollaritrema umbilicatum Trav., Freitas e Bührnheim, 1965, acusam a presença do gonotil, e por esta razão acham que provavelmente Acanthocollaritrematinae Trav., Freitas e bührnheim, 1965, deva pertencer à família Cryptogonimidae Ciurea, 1933. Referem ainda a presença de Bucephalopsis callicotyle Kohn, 1962, Microcotyle pomatomi Goto, 1899 (polistomata) e larvas de Trypanorhyncha Diesing, 1863 (Cestoda0, em Pomatomus saltatrix (L.).


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Prosorhynchoides arcuatus (Linton, 1900) from the intestine of Pomatomus saltator (L.) from the Atlantic coast of the State of Rio de Janeiro is studied by scanning electron microscopy, with detailed description of tegumental spines. Comments on the synonymy of this species with Bucephalopsis callicotyle Kohn, 1962 are made. The tegument of adult P. arcuatus presents scale like and serrated spines and uniciliated sensory papillae, distributed over the body surface and is compared with other digenetic trematodes.


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Les Trématodes de 35 espèces de poissons marins, d'importance commerciale, collectés dans le littoral de Rio de Janeiro, ont été étudiés. Dix-sept espèces de Trématodes appartenant à 13 familles ont été recensées. Quatre de ces espèces sont référés pour la première fois au Brésil: Diphtherostomum americanum, Diplomonorchis floridensis, Pancreadium otagoensis et Neomegasolena chaetodipteri, neuf dans de nouveaux hôtes: D. americanum, Diplangus paxillus, Hurleytrema shorti, Lecithochirium microstomum, Morascus filiformis, Neolebouria multilobatus, P. otagoensis, Pleorchis mollis et Opechona bacillaris, une a été recontrée dans un hôte mentionné pour la première fois au Brésil: Vitellibaculum spinosum et cinq autres espècies sont déjà répertoriées: Acanthocollaritrema umbilicatum, Bucephalopsis calliocotyle, Bucephalus varicus, Parahemiurus merus et Tergestia pauca. Tergestia selenei est consideré synonyme de T. pauca. Les principales mesures sont données pour chaque espèce.


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Prosorhynchoides apogonis n. sp. (Digenea: Bucephalidae) is described from the intestine of the apogonid Cheilodipterus macrodon on the southern Great Barrier Reef, Australia. The new species is differentiated from other species of Prosorhynchoides Dollfus, 1929 by the configuration of its digestive system, shape and distribution of its vitelline follicles, and the shape and extent of its uterus. This is the first bucephalid to be described from the teleost family Apogonidae, and our records suggest that this species is strongly host-specific, at least to the genus Cheilodipterus. The host family is consistent with the pattern of Prosorhynchoides being reported from a very wide range of piscivorous fish families. As a result of comparisons made in the description of this species, 18 species formerly included in Bucephaloides Hopkins, 1954, Bucephalopsis Diesing, 1855 and Neobucephalopsis Dayal, 1948 are transferred to Prosorhynchoides, 16 as new combinations and two as replacement names to prevent secondary homonymy.