14 resultados para Bryophyllum


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South African citrus thrips (Scirtothrips aurantii) established adventitiously in Australia. Although it is a major horticultural pest in Africa, it is now advocated as a possible biological control agent against Bryophyllum delagoense Eckl. & Zeyh. (Crassulaceae). To evaluate the biocontrol potential of S. aurantii a two year field study was conducted on the western Darling Downs of southern Queensland. Imidacloprid insecticide was applied to two quadrats at each of 18 field sites to assess, in the absence of S. aurantii, the persistence of individual plants and to quantify propagule production and recruitment by this declared weed. A third quadrat was left, as a control, to be infested naturally by S. aurantii. When released from herbivory by thrips in the field, plants grew significantly more, flowered more, and were significantly more fecund than plants in the quadrats with S. aurantii. Increases in growth and fecundity translated into significantly increased plant numbers but not increased recruitment. Recruitment even declined in experimental quadrats, through the indirect effects of releasing plants from herbivory. Field sampling also revealed that S. aurantii may be sensitive to seasonal climatic fluctuations. These and other local climatic influences may limit the biological control potential of the insect.


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Background: Bryophyllum pinnata (B. pinnata) is a common medicinal plant used in traditional medicine of India and of other countries for curing various infections, bowel diseases, healing wounds and other ailments. However, its anticancer properties are poorly defined. In view of broad spectrum therapeutic potential of B. pinnata we designed a study to examine anti-cancer and anti-Human Papillomavirus (HPV) activities in its leaf extracts and tried to isolate its active principle. Methods: A chloroform extract derived from a bulk of botanically well-characterized pulverized B. pinnata leaves was separated using column chromatography with step-gradient of petroleum ether and ethyl acetate. Fractions were characterized for phyto-chemical compounds by TLC, HPTLC and NMR and Biological activity of the fractions were examined by MTT-based cell viability assay, Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay, Northern blotting and assay of apoptosis related proteins by immunoblotting in human cervical cancer cells. Results: Results showed presence of growth inhibitory activity in the crude leaf extracts with IC50 at 552 mu g/ml which resolved to fraction F4 (Petroleum Ether: Ethyl Acetate:: 50: 50) and showed IC50 at 91 mu g/ml. Investigations of anti-viral activity of the extract and its fraction revealed a specific anti-HPV activity on cervical cancer cells as evidenced by downregulation of constitutively active AP1 specific DNA binding activity and suppression of oncogenic c-Fos and c-Jun expression which was accompanied by inhibition of HPV18 transcription. In addition to inhibiting growth, fraction F4 strongly induced apoptosis as evidenced by an increased expression of the pro-apoptotic protein Bax, suppression of the anti-apoptotic molecules Bcl-2, and activation of caspase-3 and cleavage of PARP-1. Phytochemical analysis of fraction F4 by HPTLC and NMR indicated presence of activity that resembled Bryophyllin A. Conclusions: Our study therefore demonstrates presence of anticancer and anti-HPV an activity in B. pinnata leaves that can be further exploited as a potential anticancer, anti-HPV therapeutic for treatment of HPV infection and cervical cancer.


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The use of preparations from Bryophyllum pinnatum (Lamarck) Oken (Kalanchoe pinnata (Lamarck) Persoon) in tocolysis is supported by clinical evidence. We studied here the effect of B. pinnatum leaf press juice and its chemical fractions on the response of human myometrial strips. No data are available if the influence on myometrial strips of the juice differs from that of its components in the chemical fractions, in order to increase the pharmacological effect.


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A broad spectrum of synthetic agents is available for the treatment of overactive bladder. Anti-cholinergic drugs show a poor compliance due to side effects. There is an increasing use of plant extracts in medicine. We have therefore investigated the inhibitory effects of leaf press juice from Bryophyllum pinnatum (Lam.) Oken (Kalanchoe pinnata L.) on bladder strips and compared the effects to that of oxybutynin.


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Bryophyllum pinnatum is a succulent perennial plant native to Madagascar which is used in anthroposophical medicine to treat psychiatric disorders and as a tocolytic agent to prevent premature labour. We performed a metabolite profiling study in order to obtain a comprehensive picture of the constituents in B. pinnatum leaves and to identify chromatographic markers for quality control and safety assessment of medicinal preparations. Preliminary HPLC-PDA-ESIMS analyses revealed that flavonoid glycosides were the main UV-absorbing constituents in the MeOH extract of B. pinnatum. Two phenolic glucosides, syringic acid β-D-glucopyranosyl ester (1) and 4'-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl-cis-p-coumaric acid (2), as well as nine flavonoids (3-11) including kaempferol, quercetin, myricetin, acacetin, and diosmetin glycosides were unambiguously identified by 1H and 2D NMR analysis after isolation from a MeOH extract. The flavonol glycosides quercetin 3-O-α-L-arabinopyranosyl-(1 → 2)-α-L-rhamnopyranoside 7-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (3) and myricetin 3-O-α-L-arabinopyranosyl-(1 → 2)-α-L-rhamnopyranoside (4) were new natural products. With the aid of HPLC-PDA-APCIMS and authentic references isolated from the related species B. daigremontianum, the presence of four bufadienolides, bersaldegenin-1-acetate (12), bryophyllin A (13), bersaldegenin-3-acetate (14), and bersaldegenin-1,3,5-orthoacetate (15) was detected in B. pinnatum.


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Nine microsatellite loci were developed, and are transferable, across the Madagascan succulents Bryophyllum daigremontianum, Bryophyllum delagoense (mother-of-millions) and their horticultural hybrid (Houghton's), from enriched libraries of the later two species. For B. delagoense, a tetraploid, three to 13 alleles per locus were found for native Madagascan (H-O = 0.4-1.0), and one to nine in invasive Australian (H-O = 0.0-1.0) samples. In addition for 91 Australian samples, only five multilocus genotypes were found (95% of individuals were of two genotypes), suggesting extensive clonality in its introduced range. These loci will be used to examine genetic diversity, hybrid origin and mating system in natural and introduced populations.


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We studied the morphology of three rare haptorid ciliates, using live observation and silver impregnation: Apertospathula verruculifera n. sp., Longispatha elegans n. gen., n. sp., and Rhinothrix porculus (Penard, 1922) n. gen., n. comb. Simple ethanol fixation (50-70%, v/v) is recommended to reveal the ciliary pattern of "difficult" ciliates, such as R. porculus, by protargol impregnation. The three genera investigated have a distinct feature in common, viz., a lasso-shaped oral bulge and circumoral kinety, where the right half is slightly to distinctly longer than the left and the circumoral kinety is open ventrally. Thus, they are united in a new spathidiid family, the Apertospathulidae n. fam., which probably evolved from a Bryophyllum-like ancestor by partial reduction of the oral bulge and circumoral kinety. Apertospathula verruculifera has a wart-like process, the palpus dorsalis, at the anterior end of the dorsal brush. The right branch of the circumoral kinety is only slightly longer than the left one. Longispatha elegans has a straight oral bulge and circumoral kinety, the right branch of which extends to the posterior end of the body while the left branch ends in the anterior third of the body. Rhinothrix porculus, a curious ciliate with a snout-like dorsal elongation of the oral bulge, the palpus oralis, has a highly characteristic ciliary pattern: the oral pattern is as in Longispatha, but the bulge and circumoral kinety extend spirally to the posterior end of the body while the somatic kinetics course meridionally. This is achieved by inserting some shortened kinetics in the curves of the oral bulge.


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O estudo de plantas medicinais possibilita a descoberta de novos compostos bioativos na procura de drogas promissoras. O aumento de infecções e o aparecimento da resistência microbiana reforçam essa pesquisa. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a atividade antimicrobiana de extratos de seis espécies de plantas medicinais que ocorrem na Amazônia: Psidium guajava (goiabeira), Bryophyllum calycinum Salisb (pirarucu), Eleutherine plicata Herb (marupazinho), Uncaria guianensis (unha-de-gato), Arrabideae chica (pariri) e Mansoa alliacea (Lam.) A.H. Gentry (cipó d'alho) frente a cepas ATCC de bactérias e fungos. A coleta e a identificação das plantas foram realizadas na EMBRAPA/CPATU e a análise fitoquímica no Laboratório de Fitoquímica da FACFAR/UFPA e CESUPA obedecendo às metodologias estabelecidas nestes laboratórios. Os extratos etanólicos seco das folhas frescas das plantas e bulbo do marupazinho foram submetidos à avaliação da atividade antimicrobiana pelo método de disco difusão em ágar e determinação da Concentração Inibitória Mínima (CIM) através do método de microdiluição em placas e disco difusão em ágar. Os extratos foram utilizados em concentrações de 500, 250, 125, 62,5 e 31,25 mg/mL utilizando como solvente o Dimetil-Sulfóxido (DMSO). O extrato de goiabeira teve atividade frente a S. aureus, P. aeruginosa e C. albicans (CIM125mg\mL), o de pirarucu frente a S. aureus (CIM= 500 mg/mL) e P. aeruginosa (CIM= 250 mg/mL), o de marupazinho para S. aureus (CIM= 500mg/mL) e C. albicans (CIM= 250mg/mL), o de unha-de-gato contra S. aureus (CIM= 62,5 mg/mL) e o de pariri inibiu S. aureus (62,5 mg/mL), E. coli (250 mg/mL) e C. albicans (500 mg/mL). O fracionamento do EEB de U. guianensis através da técnica de dissolução fracionada demonstrou que a fração metanólica teve ação antimicrobiana. Os resultados comprovaram que estas plantas possuem atividade antimicrobiana. Estes extratos abrem uma possibilidade de descobertas de novos compostos antimicrobianos clinicamente efetivos.


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A candidíase é uma doença fúngica oportunista causada pela proliferação de espécies de Candida, principalmente a Candida albicans, sendo a espécie mais patogênica em humanos. Muitos antifúngicos existentes no mercado apresentam efeitos colaterais indesejáveis ou podem induzir a resistência fúngica, principalmente em indivíduos imunodeprimidos. Em odontologia, as pesquisas com produtos naturais têm aumentado nos últimos anos, devido à busca por novos produtos com maior atividade farmacológica, com menor toxicidade e mais acessíveis à população. Dentro dessa perspectiva, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar in vitro a atividade antifúngica de óleos e extratos vegetais presentes na região Amazônica e determinar a concentração inibitória mínima das espécies que apresentaram atividade antifúngica frente à cepa padrão de Candida albicans (ATCC 90028). A atividade antifúngica dos óleos essenciais Copaifera multijuga, Carapa guianenses, Piper aduncum e Piper hispidinervum foi realizada pelo método de difusão em meio sólido utilizando cavidades em placa “in natura” e em diluições de 32 a 2% para determinação da concentração inibitória mínima. Os extratos Annona glabra, Azadiractha indica, Bryophyllum calycinum, Eleutherine plicata, Mammea americana, Psidium guajava e Syzygium aromaticum foram testados nas concentrações de 500mg/mL, 250mg/mL, 125mg/mL e 62,5 mg/mL e a atividade antifúngica foi realizada pelo método de difusão em meio sólido utilizando discos de papel filtro. Os óleos testados, não apresentaram efeito antifúngico sobre a cepa de Candida albicans, e dos extratos testados somente os extratos de Eleutherine plicata, Psidium guajava e Syzygium aromaticum apresentaram atividade antifúngica com concentração inibitória mínima, respectivamente, de 250mg/mL, 125mg/mL e 62,5mg/mL Diante dos resultados apresentados, os extratos de Eleutherine plicata, Psidium guajava e Syzygium aromaticum apresentam potencial efeito inibitório para crescimento de Candida albicans, servindo de guia para a seleção de plantas com atividades antifúngicas para futuros trabalhos toxicológico e farmacológico.


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A mucosite oral é a complicação oral mais freqüente nos pacientes sob quimioterapia e/ou radioterapia. Vários microrganismos podem estar presentes nesta lesão o que dificulta o seu tratamento. A propriedade antimicrobiana de plantas tem sido estudada com o intuito de confirmar cientificamente sua ação, e o possível potencial no controle de doenças infecciosas, principalmente devido ao aumento de microrganismos resistentes aos antimicrobianos conhecidos. O estudo teve por objetivo observar a ação inibidora de extratos das plantas Arrabidaea chica, Bryophyllum calycinum, Mansoa alliacea, Azadirachta indica, Senna alata, Vatairea guianensis, Vismia guianensis, Ananas erectifolius, Psidium guajava, Euterpe oleracea e Symphonia globulifera sobre cepas de microrganismos frequentemente envolvidos em lesões de mucosite oral, tais como, Streptococcus mitis (ATCC 903), Streptococcus sanguis (ATCC 10557), Streptococcus mutans (ATCC 25175), Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC 9027), Candida albicans (ATCC 40175), Candida krusei (ATCC 40147) e Candida parapsilosis (ATCC 40038). A avaliação da atividade antimicrobiana e a determinação da Concentração Inibitória Mínima (CIM) foram realizadas através do método de disco-difusão em meio sólido. Os extratos brutos das plantas foram testados nas concentrações de 500, 250, 125, 62,50, 31,25 e 15,62 mg/ml utilizando como solvente o Dimetil-Sulfóxido (DMSO). Os extratos de anani e de pirarucu foram os que apresentaram maior espectro de ação, inibindo o crescimento de sete microrganismos dentre os oito testados. As menores CIM foram obtidas com os extratos de anani, lacre e mata pasto. O extrato de anani foi o mais ativo tendo demonstrado boa atividade antimicrobiana (CIM abaixo de 100 mg/mL) contra sete microrganismos (S. aureus, C. albicans, C. krusei, C. parapsilosis, S. mitis. S. sanguis e S. mutans, sendo inativo apenas para P. aeruginosa). O extrato de lacre demonstrou boa atividade frente a cinco microrganismos. Mata pasto teve boa atividade contra S. aureus, S. mitis e C. albicans. P. aeruginosa foi o microrganismo mais resistente sendo suscetível apenas para os extratos de pariri e pirarucu. Dentre os extratos avaliados, apenas o curauá não apresentou atividade sobre nenhum dos microrganismos testados. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram a capacidade antimicrobiana dos produtos vegetais testados. Entretanto, estudos futuros são necessários para esclarecer os seus mecanismos de ações e as possíveis interações com as drogas antimicrobianas, visando seu aproveitamento na terapêutica de doenças infecciosas.