999 resultados para Brycon cephalus (Gunther)


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The present study evaluated the physiological responses of matrinxa, Brycon cephalus (Gunther), submitted to transport stress under the influence of sodium chloride, Different salt concentrations (0.0%, 0.1%, 0.3% and 0.6%) were added to four 200-L plastic tanks. Each tank was stocked with 30 fish (mean weight 1.0 +/- 0.2 kg) and transported for 4 h. Blood was sampled prior to transport and immediately after and 24 and 96 h after transport. Plasma cortisol and glucose and serum sodium and potassium, plasma chloride and ammonia were analysed, Changes in plasma cortisol were observed immediately after transportation, except in fish transported in 0.3% and 0.6% salt. Twenty-four hours later, this hormone had returned to its initial level in all fish. Blood glucose was not changed in fish treated with 0.6% salt immediately after transport, and returned to the initial level within 96 h after the other treatments. All treatments resulted in lower levels of plasma chloride after transport, except for fish treated with 0.6% salt, with fish treated with 0.0% and 0.3% salt recovering 24 h later, Serum sodium decreased immediately after transport only in the control fish, returning to the initial level 24 h later, the results indicate that treatment with 0.6% NaCl reduces most of the physiological responses of matrinxa to the stress of transport.


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This work presents the structure and ultrastructure of the interrenal gland and chromaffin cells, as well as the morphology of the head kidney of Brycon cephalus, the head kidney is composed of fused bilateral lobes located anterior to the swim bladder and ventrolateral to the spinal column, the parenchyma revealed lympho-haematopoietic tissue, melano-macrophage centres, interrenal gland and chromaffin cells. The interrenal gland consisted of cords or strands of cells grouped around the posterior cardinal vein and their branches. Chromaffin cells are found in small groups, closely associated with the interrenal gland and/or under the endothelium of the posterior cardinal vein. So far, the ultrastructural analysis has revealed only one interrenal cell type which contained abundant smooth endoplasmic reticulum and numerous mitochondria with tubulo-vesicular cristae, characteristic of steroid-producing cells. Two types of chromaffin cells were observed. The first type was characterized by the presence of vesicles with round, strongly electron-dense granules, which were eccentrically located, Such cells were interpreted as noradrenaline cells, Meanwhile, cells which contained smaller vesicles and electron-lucent granules, with a small halo separating the granule from the vesicular limiting membrane, were identified as adrenaline cells.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The dynamics of plasma cortisol, blood glucose, plasma chloride and liver glycogen were investigated in matrinxã (Brycon cephalus) submitted to capture and various periods of crowding. A total of 400 fish (700 ± 22 g weight) were distributed in four ponds divided into four 50-m2 squares (25 fish/square, 350 gL-1), where they were acclimated for 30 days. On the sampling day, after 24 h without food, all fish from three squares were transferred to the fourth square. Six fish were sampled before the procedure (control group, zero time) and 1, 3, 6 and 24 h after the capture and crowding. Each sampling was performed in a different pond to prevent additional stress. Fish were anaesthetized and blood and liver collected for biochemical analysis. Water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, alkalinity, ammonia and nitrite levels were within acceptable levels for matrinxã rearing. Slight but not significant increases were verified in plasma cortisol and blood glucose levels, as were decreases in plasma chloride and liver glycogen levels. The results suggest that matrinxã is highly tolerant to the procedures of capture and short-term crowding.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia Animal - FEIS


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The present study evaluated the physiological responses of matrinxa, Brycon cephalus (Gunther), submitted to transport stress under the influence of sodium chloride, Different salt concentrations (0.0%, 0.1%, 0.3% and 0.6%) were added to four 200-L plastic tanks. Each tank was stocked with 30 fish (mean weight 1.0 +/- 0.2 kg) and transported for 4 h. Blood was sampled prior to transport and immediately after and 24 and 96 h after transport. Plasma cortisol and glucose and serum sodium and potassium, plasma chloride and ammonia were analysed, Changes in plasma cortisol were observed immediately after transportation, except in fish transported in 0.3% and 0.6% salt. Twenty-four hours later, this hormone had returned to its initial level in all fish. Blood glucose was not changed in fish treated with 0.6% salt immediately after transport, and returned to the initial level within 96 h after the other treatments. All treatments resulted in lower levels of plasma chloride after transport, except for fish treated with 0.6% salt, with fish treated with 0.0% and 0.3% salt recovering 24 h later, Serum sodium decreased immediately after transport only in the control fish, returning to the initial level 24 h later, the results indicate that treatment with 0.6% NaCl reduces most of the physiological responses of matrinxa to the stress of transport.


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This work presents the structure and ultrastructure of the interrenal gland and chromaffin cells, as well as the morphology of the head kidney of Brycon cephalus, the head kidney is composed of fused bilateral lobes located anterior to the swim bladder and ventrolateral to the spinal column, the parenchyma revealed lympho-haematopoietic tissue, melano-macrophage centres, interrenal gland and chromaffin cells. The interrenal gland consisted of cords or strands of cells grouped around the posterior cardinal vein and their branches. Chromaffin cells are found in small groups, closely associated with the interrenal gland and/or under the endothelium of the posterior cardinal vein. So far, the ultrastructural analysis has revealed only one interrenal cell type which contained abundant smooth endoplasmic reticulum and numerous mitochondria with tubulo-vesicular cristae, characteristic of steroid-producing cells. Two types of chromaffin cells were observed. The first type was characterized by the presence of vesicles with round, strongly electron-dense granules, which were eccentrically located, Such cells were interpreted as noradrenaline cells, Meanwhile, cells which contained smaller vesicles and electron-lucent granules, with a small halo separating the granule from the vesicular limiting membrane, were identified as adrenaline cells.


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Preparo dos viveiros. Recria. Recepção de juvenis. Povoamento das barragens. Manejo alimentar. Biometrias. Monitoramento da qualidade da água dos viveiros. Ciclo de cultivo. Parâmetros zootécnicos do cultivo. Análise de viabilidade econômica e financeira. Parâmetros adotados como suporte à análise de viabilidade econômica e financeira. Custo de produção do sistema de cultivo. Rentabilidade e lucratividade do sistema de cultivo. Retorno ao investimento e tempo de recuperação do capital.


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Instalações físicas, materiais e origem dos animais. Condições climáticas. Preparo, povoamento dos viveiros e manejo geral do cultivo. Resultados alcançados.


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Fish transport is one of the most stressful procedures in aquaculture facilities. The present work evaluated the stress response of matrinxã to transportation procedures, and the use of clove oil as an alternative to reduce the stress response to transport in matrinxã (Brycon cephalus). Clove oil solutions were tested in concentrations of 0, 1, 5 and 10 mg/L during matrinxã transportation in plastic bags, supplied with water and oxygen as the usual field procedures in Brazil. Clove oil reduced some of the physiological stress responses (plasma cortisol, glucose and ions) that we measured. The high energetic cost to matrinxã cope with the transport stress was clear by the decrease of liver glycogen after transport. Our results suggest that clove oil (5 mg/l) can mitigate the stress response in matrinxã subjected to transport.


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Haemoglobins constitute a set of proteins with interesting structural and functional properties, especially when the two large animal groups reptiles and fishes are focused on. Here, the crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of haemoglobin-II from the South American fish matrinxa (Brycon cephalus) is reported. X-ray diffraction data have been collected to 3.0 Angstrom resolution using synchrotron radiation (LNLS). Crystals were determined to belong to space group P2(1) and preliminary structural analysis revealed the presence of two tetramers in the asymmetric unit. The structure was determined using the standard molecular-replacement technique.


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Matrinxa, Brycon cephalus, is a native teleost fish from the Amazon Basin, and is of economic importance for cultivation for food and sport in Brazil. Mortality losses due to handling and transport of this stenohaline freshwater species are common. The effects of transportation at different densities on the biochemical stress responses of matrinxa (mean weight 1 kg) were examined. Fish were subjected to three different transport densities (100, 200, and 300 kg m(-3)) for four h in water with added salt (0.6%). The fish were bled at departure (baseline level), arrival (immediately after transportation) and at 24 and 96 h after arrival (recovery period). Blood glucose, cortisol, sodium, chloride, potassium and ammonia were used as stress bioindicators. No mortality was observed and no alterations in plasma cortisol were registered. However, blood glucose and ammonia levels increased and serum sodium and plasma chloride decreased on arrival for the fish transported at the highest densities. These stress responses were transient and the concentrations returned to baseline levels within 24 h. This study showed that matrinxa can be transported at densities as high as those tested in the present study, at least under the conditions employed in this study. A recovery period of at least 24 h is strongly recommended.


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Neste trabalho, avaliou-se o efeito da restrição de ração alternada com realimentação no crescimento, desenvolvimento gonadal e composição muscular de matrinxãs (Brycon cephalus) adultos, de ambos os sexos, durante um ano (janeiro de 1998 a janeiro de 1999). Foram utilizados 135 peixes, separados em dois grupos: controle, alimentado diariamente até aparente saciação, e experimental, submetido ininterruptamente a ciclos de três dias de alimentação/2 dias de restrição de ração (40% de restrição ao mês). Foram realizadas 7 amostragens, nas quais foram utilizados 8 a 10 peixes por grupo. Após anestesia, os peixes foram pesados e as gônadas foram retiradas para determinação do IGS, sexo e fase do ciclo reprodutivo. Porções dos músculos branco e vermelho foram retiradas para determinação da porcentagem de lipídio total, proteína bruta, matéria seca e umidade. Os resultados mostraram que a estratégia alimentar utilizada não afetou o crescimento, o desenvolvimento gonadal e a composição muscular do matrinxã. A restrição de ração seguida por realimentação parece ter desencadeado mecanismos de ajuste metabólico para melhor utilização do alimento e aporte suficiente de energia para o crescimento, processo de maturação gonadal e composição corporal. É possível estabelecer formas de manejo alimentar mais econômicas para o matrinxã sem que processos fisiológicos importantes sejam afetados.


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The present work evaluated larvae cannibalism of matrinxa, Brycon cephalus, originated from eggs exposed to triiodothyronine, in the period of 36 to 72 hours after hatching. Observed parameters were: weight and length of larvae, stomach content, presence of cannibalism and type of attacks. This study was carried out at Centro de Pesquisa e Gestao de Recursos Pesqueiros Continentais (CEPTA/IBAMA), Pirassununga-SP, in November 2004. Three females were hormonally induced to spawn and pooled oocytes were fertilized and separated into four batches that constituted the treatments: L-1 (control - water); L-2 (0.01 ppm T-3); L-3 (0.05 ppm T-3) and L-4 (0.1 ppm T-3). Eggs were exposed during 15 minutes to water or to solutions containing the different concentrations of T3. Eggs were distributed in 12 conic incubators (60 L), with three replicates per treatment. There was stocked 500 mL of eggs per incubator and hatched larvae were counted. Samples of 30 larvae per treatment were colleted during occurrence of cannibalism (36, 48, 60 and 72 hours post hatching). Predator larvae (with rests of larvae in the stomach) were 50% of the total number of larvae and they presented weight 50% higher compared to that of non predator larvae (without rests of larvae in the stomach) and 9% higher regarding length. Coefficient of variation of weight and length did not differ among treatments, showing similarity in relation to the size. The stomach content revealed that cannibalism occurred in around 50-60 % of larvae, regardless the exposure to the triiodothyronine, and attacks were characterized as head-tail and tail-head attacks.


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O matrinxã, Brycon cephalus, espécie nativa oriunda da Bacia Amazônica, apresenta características adequadas para a piscicultura. Entretanto, trata-se de peixe reofílico, sendo necessário manejo adequado para induzir à reprodução. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar o perfil da triiodotironina (T3) plasmática no matrinxã, durante 16 meses (outubro/97 a janeiro/99), relacionando-o com a maturação sexual, além de testar a ação do T3 associado ao extrato pituitário de carpa na reprodução induzida da espécie. O experimento foi conduzido no Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Peixes Tropicais - CEPTA, Pirassununga, SP, e no Departamento de Morfologia e Fisiologia Animal, da Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias de Jaboticabal - UNESP. Foram amostrados, mensalmente, 8 a 12 peixes, de ambos os sexos, totalizando 173 animais, de onde retirou-se sangue para dosagem do T3 plasmático. As gônadas foram removidas para análise histológica com identificação do sexo e determinação do estádio de maturação. Analisaram-se testículos e ovários de 161 peixes em corte transversal, tendo predominado machos (63,35%) e o estádio sexual imaturo entre ambos. A concentração plasmática de T3 foi maior de dezembro a janeiro, para machos e fêmeas, coincidindo com o período de maior atividade reprodutiva da espécie e maiores temperaturas da água. em janeiro/99, reprodutores de matrinxã foram induzidos com extrato de pituitária de carpa (EPC) associado à administração de T3 (20 mg/kg em 0,1 mL de suspensão oleosa). Os resultados sugeriram que o T3 atuou sinergicamente à gonadotropina do extrato hipofisário e que o tratamento agudo de triiodotironina com o EPC pode estimular o eixo hipotálamo-hipófise-ovário. O tempo de eclosão das larvas provenientes das fêmeas tratadas com o T3 foi menor e o crescimento inicial e a sobrevivência dessas larvas, maiores.