859 resultados para Bronchial responsiveness
We have used a pharmacological approach to study the mechanisms underlying the rat lung injury and the airway reactivity changes induced by inhalation of formaldehyde (FA) (1% formalin solution, 90 min once a day, 4 days). The reactivity of isolated tracheae and intrapulmonary bronchi were assessed in dose-response curves to methacholine (MCh). Local and systemic inflammatory phenomena were evaluated in terms of leukocyte countings in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid, blood, bone marrow lavage and spleen. Whereas the tracheal reactivity to MCh did not change, a significant bronchial hyporesponsiveness (BHR) was found after FA inhalation as compared with naive rats. Also, FA exposure significantly increased the total cell numbers in BAL, in peripheral blood and in the spleen, but did not modify the counts in bone marrow. Capsaicin hindered the increase of leukocyte number recovered in BAL fluid after FA exposure. Both compound 48/80 and indomethacin were able to prevent the lung neutrophil influx after FA, but indomethacin had no effect on that of mononuclear cells. Following FA inhalation, the treatment with sodium cromoglycate (SCG), but not with the nitric oxide (NO) synthase inhibitor L-NAME, significantly reduced the total cell number in BAL. Compound 48/80, L-NAME and SCG significantly prevented BHR to MCh after FA inhalation, whereas capsaicin was inactive in this regard. on the other hand, indomethacin exacerbated BHR. These data suggest that after FA inhalation, the resulting lung leukocyte influx and BHR may involve nitric oxide, airway sensory fibers and mast cell-derived mediators. The effect of NO seemed to be largely restricted to the bronchial tonus, whereas neuropeptides appeared to be linked to the inflammatory response, therefore indicating that the mechanisms responsible for the changes of airway responsiveness caused by FA may be separate from those underlying its inflammatory lung effects. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Background Despite the commonality of cough and its burden, there are no published data on the relationship between atopy or sex on objectively measured cough frequency or subjective cough scores in children. In 202 children with and without cough, we determined the effect of sex and atopy on validated cough outcome measurements (cough receptor sensitivity [CRS], objective cough counts, and cough scores). We hypothesized that in contrast to adult data, sex does not influence cough outcome measures, and atopy is not a determinant of these cough measurements. Methods We combined data from four previous studies. Atopy (skin prick test), the concentration of capsaicin causing two and five or more coughs (C2 and C5, respectively), objectively measured cough frequency, and cough scores were determined and their relationship explored. The children’s (93 girls, 109 boys) mean age was 10.6 years (SD 2.9), and 56% had atopy. Results In multivariate analysis, CRS was influenced by age (C2 coefficient, 5.9; P = .034; C5 coefficient, 29.1; P = .0001). Atopy and sex did not significantly influence any of the cough outcomes (cough counts, C2, C5, cough score) in control subjects and children with cough. Conclusions Atopy does not influence important cough outcome measures in children with and without chronic cough. However, age, but not sex, influences CRS in children. Unlike adult data, sex does not affect objective counts or cough score in children with and without chronic cough. Studies on cough in children should be age matched, but matching for atopic status and sex is less important.
En la minería de carbón se presenta exposición prolongada a polvo de carbón y a polvo de sílice en diferentes porcentajes, encontrándose una asociación con las alteraciones obstructivas, bronquitis crónica, Neumoconiosis de los trabajadores de carbón y Silicosis. Se han establecido varias formas de estimar el riesgo de desarrollar dichas enfermedades respiratorias no malignas secundarias a la exposición a estos polvos (carbón y sílice) en el ámbito ocupacional, siendo el cálculo de la exposición acumulada, la que ha demostrado mayor utilidad. Con el fin de establecer el riesgo de desarrollar alteraciones funcionales, a partir de la exposición acumulada de polvo respirable - y en los trabajadores de una empresa de minería a cielo abierto en Colombia, se estructuró este estudio de cohorte. Se contó con el registro de 566 trabajadores distribuidos en 29 Grupos de Exposición Similar (GES). El cálculo de la dosis acumulada se realizó considerando las medianas de exposición para cada GES y el tiempo de exposición de cada trabajador. Y posteriormente se estimó el riesgo empleando una regresión de poisson con varianza robusta. Los resultados más importantes del estudio muestran la exposición acumulada en niveles inferiores a los reportados en la literatura, sin embargo se encuentra un riesgo ligeramente elevado, IRR 1.000124 (IC95% 1 - 1.000248) en los expuestos, estimando que por cada unidad de medición de la exposición acumulada que se incremente, el riesgo de que aparezca una alteración respiratoria funcional se incrementa en 1.000124 veces entre los trabajadores expuestos y los no expuestos.
Abstract Background Bronchial challenge tests are used to evaluate bronchial responsiveness in diagnosis and follow-up of asthmatic patients. Challenge induced cough has increasingly been recognized as a valuable diagnostic tool. Various stimuli and protocols have been employed. The aim of this study was to compare cough and dyspnea intensity induced by different stimuli. Methods Twenty asthmatic patients underwent challenge tests with methacholine, bradykinin and exercise. Cough was counted during challenge tests. Dyspnea was assessed by modified Borg scale and visual analogue scale. Statistical comparisons were performed by linear mixed-effects model. Results For cough evaluation, bradykinin was the most potent trigger (p < 0.01). In terms of dyspnea measured by Borg scale, there were no differences among stimuli (p > 0.05). By visual analogue scale, bradykinin induced more dyspnea than other stimuli (p ≤ 0.04). Conclusion Bradykinin seems to be the most suitable stimulus for bronchial challenge tests intended for measuring cough in association with bronchoconstriction.
Bronchial hyperresponsiveness is a hallmark of asthma and many factors modulate bronchoconstriction episodes. A potential correlation of formaldehyde (FA) inhalation and asthma has been observed; however, the exact role of FA remains controversial. We investigated the effects of FA inhalation on Ovalbumin (OVA) sensitisation using a parameter of respiratory mechanics. The involvement of nitric oxide (NO) and cyclooxygenase-derived products were also evaluated. The rats were submitted, or not, to FA inhalation (1%, 90 min/day, 3 days) and were OVA-sensitised and challenged 14 days later. Our data showed that previous FA exposure in allergic rats reduced bronchial responsiveness, respiratory resistance (Rrs) and elastance (Ers) to methacholine. FA exposure in allergic rats also increased the iNOS gene expression and reduced COX-1. L-NAME treatment exacerbated the bronchial hyporesponsiveness and did not modify the Ers and Rrs, while Indomethacin partially reversed all of the parameters studied. The L-NAME and Indomethacin treatments reduced leukotriene B4 levels while they increased thromboxane B2 and prostaglandin E2. In conclusion, FA exposure prior to OVA sensitisation reduces the respiratory mechanics and the interaction of NO and PGE2 may be representing a compensatory mechanism in order to protect the lung from bronchoconstriction effects.
Die unspezifische Provokation mit Methacholin ist die am weitesten verbreitete und akzeptierte Methode zur Diagnose bzw. zum Ausschluss der bronchialen Hyperreagibilität bei Patienten mit Verdacht auf ein Asthma bronchiale und zu dessen Therapiekontrolle. Um die Sicherheit und die Genauigkeit der Methode weiter zu verbessern, wurde daher ein Dosimeterprotokoll entwickelt, das die inhalierte Methacholin-Dosis anstatt durch die Erhöhung, d.h. in der Regel Verdoppelung, der Methacholinkonzentrationen nur durch Erhöhung der Anzahl der Inhalationen bei konstanter, niedriger Konzentration der Methacholinlösung steigert. Dieses neue Protokoll wurde verglichen mit anderen weit verbreiteten Methacholin-Provokationsprotokollen. Die Methacholinchlorid-Lösung (1,75 mg/ml) wurde mit Hilfe des Dosimetersystems ZAN 200 ProvAir II sowie des Verneblertopfes DeVilbiss 646 vernebelt. 15 Asthmapatienten mit einer vor der Provokation normalen Lungenfunktion (FEV1 98 +/- 9 % PN) und 18 Lungengesunde (FEV1 110 +/- 12 % PN) nahmen an der Testreihe teil. Begonnen wurde mit einer Dosis von 20 μg Methacholinchlorid (= eine Inhalation); beendet wurde der Versuch bei einer Kumulativdosis von 2000 μg Methacholinchlorid, wenn nicht vorher ein Kriterium für einen positiven Test und damit für einen Versuchsabbruch erfüllt wurde. Abbruchkriterien waren entweder ein Abfall der FEV1 um 20 % des Ausgangswertes oder ein Anstieg des totalen Atemwegswiderstandes auf ≥ 0,5 kPa*s/l. Mittels linearer Regression wurden die Provokationsdosen PD 20 FEV1 und PD Rtot ≥ 0,5 berechnet. Im Vergleich mit anderen Protokollen zeigte sich, dass auch das neue Protokoll zuverlässig und sicher zwischen gesund und krank unterscheidet. Der Median der PD 20 FEV1 liegt in der Gruppe der Asthmatiker bei 222 μg, bei den Lungengesunden bei 2000 μg; daraus ergibt sich ein p-Wert von < 0,001. In Bezug auf die PD Rtot ≥ 0,5 liegt der Median bei den Asthmatikern bei 122 μg, in der Gruppe der Lungengesunden bei 2000 μg; hieraus errechnet sich ebenfalls ein p-Wert von < 0,001. Sensitivität und Spezifität der Methode wurden mittels ROC-Kurven untersucht. Basierend auf der PD 20 FEV1 liefert die Methode für die Diagnose einer bronchialen Hyperreagibilität bei einer Enddosis von 1000 μg Methacholinchlorid eine Sensitivität von über 93 % und eine Spezifität von 83 %; basierend auf der PD Rtot ≥ 0,5 liegt die Sensitivität bei einer Dosis von 1000 μg bei 90 %, die Spezifität bei 89 %. Für die gemeinsame Betrachtung der parameterspezifischen Provokationsdosen PD 20 FEV1 und PD Rtot ≥ 0,5, der PD Minimal, bei 1000 μg liegt die Sensitivität bei über 93 % und die Spezifität bei 83 %. Daher können 1000 μg als Schwellendosis für den Ausschluss einer bronchialen Hyperreagibilität zum Untersuchungszeitpunkt angesehen werden, und der Test darf an diesem Punkt abgebrochen werden. Grundsätzlich ist festzustellen, dass die Diagnostik der bronchialen Hyperreagibilität sicher und genau mit Hilfe eines Dosimeterprotokolls erfolgen kann, das die Methacholin-Dosis nur durch die Steigerung der Inhalationen bei gleichbleibender Konzentration der Methacholinlösung erhöht. Die Schwellendosis zwischen normaler und pathologischer bronchialer Reaktion, Sensitivität und Spezifität sowie die Trennschärfe der Methode sind sehr gut vergleichbar mit anderen bisher etablierten Protokollen.
It has been suggested that there are several distinct phenotypes of childhood asthma or childhood wheezing. Here, we review the research relating to these phenotypes, with a focus on the methods used to define and validate them. Childhood wheezing disorders manifest themselves in a range of observable (phenotypic) features such as lung function, bronchial responsiveness, atopy and a highly variable time course (prognosis). The underlying causes are not sufficiently understood to define disease entities based on aetiology. Nevertheless, there is a need for a classification that would (i) facilitate research into aetiology and pathophysiology, (ii) allow targeted treatment and preventive measures and (iii) improve the prediction of long-term outcome. Classical attempts to define phenotypes have been one-dimensional, relying on few or single features such as triggers (exclusive viral wheeze vs. multiple trigger wheeze) or time course (early transient wheeze, persistent and late onset wheeze). These definitions are simple but essentially subjective. Recently, a multi-dimensional approach has been adopted. This approach is based on a wide range of features and relies on multivariate methods such as cluster or latent class analysis. Phenotypes identified in this manner are more complex but arguably more objective. Although phenotypes have an undisputed standing in current research on childhood asthma and wheezing, there is confusion about the meaning of the term 'phenotype' causing much circular debate. If phenotypes are meant to represent 'real' underlying disease entities rather than superficial features, there is a need for validation and harmonization of definitions. The multi-dimensional approach allows validation by replication across different populations and may contribute to a more reliable classification of childhood wheezing disorders and to improved precision of research relying on phenotype recognition, particularly in genetics. Ultimately, the underlying pathophysiology and aetiology will need to be understood to properly characterize the diseases causing recurrent wheeze in children.
Properdin, a serum glycoprotein, is an important component of innate immunity, the only known positive regulator of complement, acting as an initiation point for alternative pathway activation. As an X-linked protein, we hypothesized that properdin may play a modulatory role in the pathogenesis of viral wheeze in children, which tends to be more common and more severe in boys. We aimed to determine properdin levels in a community-based paediatric sample, and to assess whether levels of properdin were associated with childhood wheeze phenotypes and atopy. We studied 137 school-children aged 8-12 yrs, a nested sample from a cohort study. Properdin was measured by a commercial enzyme-linked immunoabsorbant assay. We assessed wheeze by questionnaire, validated it by a nurse-led interview and performed skin prick tests and a methacholine challenge in all children. Forty children (29%) reported current wheeze. Serum properdin levels ranged between 18 and 40 microg/ml. Properdin was not associated with age, gender, atopy, bronchial responsiveness, current wheeze (neither the viral wheeze nor multiple-trigger wheeze phenotype) or severity of wheeze, but was slightly lower in south Asian (median 21.8 microg/ml) compared with white children (23.3 microg/ml; p = 0.006). Our data make it unlikely that properdin deficiency is common in healthy children or that levels of properdin are a major risk factor for wheeze or atopy.
BACKGROUND Fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FENO), a non-invasive marker of eosinophilic airway inflammation, is increasingly used for diagnostic and therapeutic decisions in adult and paediatric asthma. Standardized guidelines for the measurement of FENO recommend performing FENO measurements before rather than after bronchial provocation tests. OBJECTIVE To investigate whether FENO levels decrease after a Mannitol dry powder (MDP) challenge in a clinical setting, and whether the extent of the decrease is influenced by number of MDP manoeuvres, baseline FENO, atopy and doctor diagnosed asthma. METHODS Children aged 6-16 years, referred for possible reactive airway disease to a respiratory outpatient clinic, performed an MDP challenge (Aridol®, Pharmaxis, Australia). FENO was measured in doublets immediately before and after the challenge test using the portable NIOX MINO® device (Aerocrine, Stockholm, Sweden). We analysed the data using Kruskal-Wallis rank tests, Wilcoxon signed rank tests and multivariable linear regressions. RESULTS One hundred and seven children completed both tests (mean±SD age 11.5±2.8 years). Overall, median (interquartile range) FENO decreased slightly by -2.5 ppb (-7.0, -0.5), from 18.5 ppb (10.5, 45.5) before the MDP challenge to 16.5 ppb thereafter (8.5, 40.5; p<0.001). In all participants, the change in FENO was smaller than one standard deviation of the baseline mean. The % fall in FENO was smaller in children with less MDP manoeuvres (e.g. higher bronchial responsiveness; p = 0.08) but was not influenced by levels of baseline FENO (p = 0.68), atopy (p = 0.84) or doctor diagnosed asthma (p = 0.93). CONCLUSION MDP challenge test influences FENO values but differences are small and clinically barely relevant.
The goal of asthma treatment is to obtain clinical control and reduce future risks to the patient. To reach this goal in children with asthma, ongoing monitoring is essential. While all components of asthma, such as symptoms, lung function, bronchial hyperresponsiveness and inflammation, may exist in various combinations in different individuals, to date there is limited evidence on how to integrate these for optimal monitoring of children with asthma. The aims of this ERS Task Force were to describe the current practise and give an overview of the best available evidence on how to monitor children with asthma. 22 clinical and research experts reviewed the literature. A modified Delphi method and four Task Force meetings were used to reach a consensus. This statement summarises the literature on monitoring children with asthma. Available tools for monitoring children with asthma, such as clinical tools, lung function, bronchial responsiveness and inflammatory markers, are described as are the ways in which they may be used in children with asthma. Management-related issues, comorbidities and environmental factors are summarised. Despite considerable interest in monitoring asthma in children, for many aspects of monitoring asthma in children there is a substantial lack of evidence.
Asthma is a complex heritable inflammatory disorder of the airways associated with clinical signs of atopy and bronchial hyperresponsiveness. Recent studies localized a major gene for asthma to chromosome 5q31-q33 in humans. Thus, this segment of the genome represents a candidate region for genes that determine susceptibility to bronchial hyperresponsiveness and atopy in animal models. Homologs of candidate genes on human chromosome 5q31-q33 are found in four regions in the mouse genome, two on chromosome 18, and one each on chromosomes 11 and 13. We assessed bronchial responsiveness as a quantitative trait in mice and found it linked to chromosome 13. Interleukin 9 (IL-9) is located in the linked region and was analyzed as a gene candidate. The expression of IL-9 was markedly reduced in bronchial hyporesponsive mice, and the level of expression was determined by sequences within the qualitative trait locus (QTL). These data suggest a role for IL-9 in the complex pathogenesis of bronchial hyperresponsiveness as a risk factor for asthma.
Regulation of inspiratory flow alters the outcomes of the methacholine (MHC) challenge in adults and cough receptor sensitivity in children. The effect of inspiratory flow on the reproducibility of the MHC challenge in children is unknown. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of inspiratory flow alteration on the repeatabilty of the MHC challenge in children with and without asthma. Twenty-five children undertook the MHC challenge on three different days by using a dosimeter connected to a setup that allowed regulation of inspiratory flow and pattern. Children were randomized to commence the challenges at 20 or 60 L/min, and the last challenge was performed at 20 L/min. The within-subject standard deviation, 95% range for change, and doubling dose for the differing inspiratory flow (20 vs. 60 L/min) was more than twice that of when inspiratory flow was maintained at 20 L/min for both occasions. The range of the limits of agreement of the Bland and Altman plot was smaller when inspiratory flow was constant. For short-term comparative individual studies in children, inspiratory flow should be regulated. Laboratories and research measuring change in airway hyperrepsonsiveness to MHC should determine and report reproducibility indices of the challenge so airway hyperresponsiveness changes can be interpreted meaningfully.
Abstract Aberrant dopaminergic signaling is a critical determinant in multiple psychiatric disorders, and in many disease states, dopamine receptor number is altered. Here we identify a molecular mechanism that selectively targets D2 receptors for degradation after their activation by dopamine. The degradative fate of D2 receptors is determined by an interaction with G protein coupled receptor-associated sorting protein (GASP). As a consequence of this GASP interaction, D2 responses in rat brain fail to resensitize after agonist treatment. Disruption of the D2-GASP interaction facilitates recovery of D2 responses, suggesting that modulation of the D2-GASP interaction is important for the functional down-regulation of D2 receptors.